.Dd August 22, 2019 .Dt CARDS 3 .Os . .Sh NAME .Nm Cards_LoadCards , .Nm Cards_LoadFreeCell , .Nm Cards_InvertSurface .Nd bitmap resource loader . .Sh SYNOPSIS .In cards.h . .Ft int .Fo Cards_LoadCards .Fa "SDL_Surface *surfaces[]" .Fa "size_t count" .Fa "SDL_RWops *rw" .Fa "enum Cards_Flag flags" .Fc . .Ft int .Fo Cards_LoadFreeCell .Fa "SDL_Surface *surfaces[]" .Fa "size_t count" .Fa "SDL_RWops *rw" .Fa "enum Cards_Flag flags" .Fc . .Ft int .Fn Cards_InvertSurface "SDL_Surface *surface" . .Sh DESCRIPTION .Fn Cards_LoadCards and .Fn Cards_LoadFreeCell load bitmap resources into an array of .Fa count surfaces. Resources can be loaded from 16-bit NE executables or from 32-bit PE executables. . .Pp .Fn Cards_LoadCards loads card bitmaps from a .Pa CARDS.DLL or Windows 3.0 .Pa SOL.EXE file .Fa rw . . .Pp Indices of loaded surfaces are defined by the following: .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent .It Suit .Dv Cards_Club , .Dv Cards_Diamond , .Dv Cards_Heart , .Dv Cards_Spade . .It Rank .Dv Cards_A , .Dv Cards_2 , .Dv Cards_3 , .Dv Cards_4 , .Dv Cards_5 , .Dv Cards_6 , .Dv Cards_7 , .Dv Cards_8 , .Dv Cards_9 , .Dv Cards_10 , .Dv Cards_J , .Dv Cards_Q , .Dv Cards_K . .It Back .Dv Cards_Back1 , .Dv Cards_Back2 , .Dv Cards_Back3 , .Dv Cards_Back4 , .Dv Cards_Back5 , .Dv Cards_Back6 , .Dv Cards_Back7 , .Dv Cards_Back8 , .Dv Cards_Back9 , .Dv Cards_Back10 , .Dv Cards_Back11 , .Dv Cards_Back12 . .It Other .Dv Cards_Empty , .Dv Cards_X , .Dv Cards_O . .El . .Pp Where suit and rank constants are added together to form an index. Note that there are gaps in the indices and some surface pointers will be set to .Dv NULL . The maximum number of surfaces is defined by .Dv Cards_CardCount . . .Pp The dimensions of the loaded surfaces are defined by .Dv Cards_CardWidth and .Dv Cards_CardHeight . . .Pp .Fn Cards_LoadCards accepts the following flags: .Bl -tag -width "Cards_BlackBorders" -offset indent .It Dv Cards_ColorKey Use color key transparency for the .Dv Cards_Empty , .Dv Cards_X and .Dv Cards_O surfaces. .It Dv Cards_AlphaCorners Make the rounded card corners transparent. .It Dv Cards_BlackBorders Make all card borders black. .El . .Pp .Fn Cards_LoadFreeCell loads bitmaps from a .Pa FREECELL.EXE file .Fa rw . . .Pp Indices of loaded surfaces are defined by .Dv Cards_KingRight , .Dv Cards_KingLeft and .Dv Cards_KingWin . Note that there are gaps in the indices and some surface pointers will be set to .Dv NULL . The maximum number of surfaces is defined by .Dv Cards_FreeCellCount . . .Pp The dimensions of the loaded surfaces are defined by .Dv Cards_KingWidth and .Dv Cards_KingHeight . . .Pp .Fn Cards_LoadFreeCell accepts the following flags: .Bl -tag -width "Cards_ColorKey" -offset indent .It Dv Cards_ColorKey Use color key transparency. .El . .Pp .Fn Cards_InvertSurface inverts the colors of a surface loaded by .Fn Cards_LoadCards . . .Sh RETURN VALUES Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned; otherwise the value -1 is returned. . .Sh FILES The .Lk https://code.causal.agency/june/cards.dll "cards.dll repository" contains various versions of the files .Pa CARDS.DLL , .Pa FREECELL.EXE and .Pa SOL.EXE . . .Sh ERRORS Error messages are set with .Fn SDL_SetError and can be retrieved with .Fn SDL_GetError . . .Pp .Fn Cards_LoadCards and .Fn Cards_LoadFreeCell may fail for the following reasons: any .Vt SDL_RWops or .Vt SDL_Surface error; invalid MZ, NE or PE signatures; missing resource table; invalid resource hierarchy; missing resource. . .Pp .Fn Cards_InvertSurface may fail for any .Vt SDL_Surface error or if the surface format is not supported. . .Sh STANDARDS .Bl -item .It The New Executable format, documented in .Pa exefmt.txt . .It The Portable Executable format, documented at .Lk https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/Debug/pe-format . .El . .Sh AUTHORS .An C. McEnroe Aq Mt june@causal.agency