/* Copyright (C) 2018 Curtis McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define SOURCE_URL "https://code.causal.agency/june/catgirl" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define err(...) do { uiHide(); err(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define errx(...) do { uiHide(); errx(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) typedef unsigned uint; typedef unsigned char byte; struct { char *host; char *port; char *auth; char *pass; char *webp; char *nick; char *user; char *real; char *join; char *keys; bool raw; bool notify; bool quit; } self; void eventWait(const char *argv[static 2]); void eventPipe(const char *argv[static 2]); noreturn void eventLoop(void); struct Tag { size_t id; const char *name; }; enum { TagsLen = 256 }; const struct Tag TagNone; const struct Tag TagStatus; const struct Tag TagRaw; struct Tag tagFind(const char *name); struct Tag tagFor(const char *name); enum IRCColor { IRCWhite, IRCBlack, IRCBlue, IRCGreen, IRCRed, IRCBrown, IRCMagenta, IRCOrange, IRCYellow, IRCLightGreen, IRCCyan, IRCLightCyan, IRCLightBlue, IRCPink, IRCGray, IRCLightGray, IRCDefault = 99, }; enum { IRCBold = 002, IRCColor = 003, IRCReverse = 026, IRCReset = 017, IRCItalic = 035, IRCUnderline = 037, }; struct Format { const wchar_t *str; size_t len; bool split; bool bold, italic, underline, reverse; enum IRCColor fg, bg; }; void formatReset(struct Format *format); bool formatParse(struct Format *format, const wchar_t *split); enum IRCColor colorGen(const char *str); struct Tag colorTag(struct Tag tag, const char *gen); enum IRCColor colorFor(struct Tag tag); void handle(char *line); void input(struct Tag tag, char *line); void inputTab(void); int ircConnect(void); void ircRead(void); void ircWrite(const char *ptr, size_t len); void ircFmt(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); void ircQuit(const char *mesg); void uiInit(void); void uiShow(void); void uiHide(void); void uiDraw(void); void uiRead(void); void uiExit(int status); void uiPrompt(bool nickChanged); void uiShowTag(struct Tag tag); void uiShowNum(int num, bool relative); void uiMoveTag(struct Tag tag, int num, bool relative); void uiCloseTag(struct Tag tag); enum UIHeat { UICold, UIWarm, UIHot, }; void uiLog(struct Tag tag, enum UIHeat heat, const wchar_t *str); void uiFmt(struct Tag tag, enum UIHeat heat, const wchar_t *format, ...); enum TermMode { TermFocus, TermPaste, }; enum TermEvent { TermNone, TermFocusIn, TermFocusOut, TermPasteStart, TermPasteEnd, }; void termInit(void); void termNoFlow(void); void termTitle(const char *title); void termMode(enum TermMode mode, bool set); enum TermEvent termEvent(char ch); enum Edit { EditLeft, EditRight, EditHome, EditEnd, EditBackWord, EditForeWord, EditInsert, EditBackspace, EditDelete, EditKillBackWord, EditKillForeWord, EditKillLine, EditComplete, EditEnter, }; void edit(struct Tag tag, enum Edit op, wchar_t ch); const wchar_t *editHead(void); const wchar_t *editTail(void); void tabTouch(struct Tag tag, const char *word); void tabAdd(struct Tag tag, const char *word); void tabRemove(struct Tag tag, const char *word); void tabReplace(struct Tag tag, const char *prev, const char *next); void tabClear(struct Tag tag); struct Tag tabTag(const char *word); const char *tabNext(struct Tag tag, const char *prefix); void tabAccept(void); void tabReject(void); void urlScan(struct Tag tag, const char *str); void urlList(struct Tag tag); void urlOpenMatch(struct Tag tag, const char *substr); void urlOpenRange(struct Tag tag, size_t at, size_t to); void logOpen(const char *path); void logFmt( struct Tag tag, const time_t *ts, const char *format, ... ) __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))); void logList(struct Tag tag); void logReplay(struct Tag tag); wchar_t *wcsnchr(const wchar_t *wcs, size_t len, wchar_t chr); wchar_t *wcsnrchr(const wchar_t *wcs, size_t len, wchar_t chr); wchar_t *ambstowcs(const char *src); char *awcstombs(const wchar_t *src); char *awcsntombs(const wchar_t *src, size_t nwc); int vaswprintf(wchar_t **ret, const wchar_t *format, va_list ap); int aswprintf(wchar_t **ret, const wchar_t *format, ...); size_t base64Size(size_t len); void base64(char *dst, const byte *src, size_t len); // HACK: clang won't check wchar_t *format strings. #ifdef NDEBUG #define uiFmt(tag, heat, format, ...) uiFmt(tag, heat, L##format, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define uiFmt(tag, heat, format, ...) do { \ snprintf(NULL, 0, format, __VA_ARGS__); \ uiFmt(tag, heat, L##format, __VA_ARGS__); \ } while(0) #endif