
_config?id=e1061e5db5231e8bdb11e1943caebf11e7f312b6&follow=1'>Collapse)Author 2011-12-09I have no ideaJune McEnroe 2011-11-29Highlight column 80 in vimJune McEnroe 2011-11-29Changed terminal colors to use Tomorrow paletteJune McEnroe 2011-11-29Removed broken ZSH thingyJune McEnroe 2011-11-29Switched vim colorscheme to Tomorrow-NightJune McEnroe 2011-11-23Update updates to update updates more oftenJune McEnroe 2011-11-14Removed $machine to make room for larger kernel nameJune McEnroe 2011-11-13Added whitespace highlighting to Vim and fixed the first line of ConkyJune McEnroe 2011-09-24Refactored xinitrcJune McEnroe 2011-09-23Fixed user mounting permissions and stuffJune McEnroe 2011-09-19Use da.gd for external IP in conky and always on top using mousewheelJune McEnroe 2011-09-13Lock after 30 minutes instead of 10June McEnroe