/* Copyright (C) 2019 C. McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "database.h" static struct { sqlite3_stmt *motd; sqlite3_stmt *context; sqlite3_stmt *topic; sqlite3_stmt *event; sqlite3_stmt *events; } insert; static void prepare(void) { const char *InsertMOTD = SQL( INSERT OR IGNORE INTO motds (time, network, motd) VALUES (coalesce(datetime(:time), datetime('now')), :network, :motd); ); dbPersist(&insert.motd, InsertMOTD); const char *InsertContext = SQL( INSERT OR IGNORE INTO contexts (network, name, query) VALUES (:network, :context, :query); ); dbPersist(&insert.context, InsertContext); const char *InsertTopic = SQL( INSERT INTO topics (context, time, topic) SELECT context, coalesce(datetime(:time), datetime('now')), :topic FROM contexts WHERE network = :network AND name = :context; ); dbPersist(&insert.topic, InsertTopic); const char *InsertEvent = SQL( INSERT INTO events (time, type, context, name, target, message) SELECT coalesce(datetime(:time), datetime('now')), :type, context, names.name, :target, :message FROM contexts, names WHERE contexts.network = :network AND contexts.name = :context AND names.nick = :nick AND names.user = :user AND names.host = :host; ); dbPersist(&insert.event, InsertEvent); const char *CreateJoins = SQL( CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE joins ( nick TEXT NOT NULL, channel TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (nick, channel) ); ); dbExec(CreateJoins); const char *InsertEvents = SQL( INSERT INTO events (time, type, context, name, target, message) SELECT coalesce(datetime(:time), datetime('now')), :type, context, names.name, :target, :message FROM joins, contexts, names WHERE joins.nick = :nick AND contexts.name = joins.channel AND contexts.network = :network AND names.nick = :nick AND names.user = :user AND names.host = :host; ); dbPersist(&insert.events, InsertEvents); } static void bindNetwork(const char *network) { dbBindTextCopy(insert.motd, ":network", network); dbBindTextCopy(insert.context, ":network", network); dbBindTextCopy(insert.topic, ":network", network); dbBindTextCopy(insert.event, ":network", network); dbBindTextCopy(insert.events, ":network", network); } static void insertMOTD(const char *time, const char *motd) { dbBindText(insert.motd, ":time", time); dbBindText(insert.motd, ":motd", motd); dbRun(insert.motd); } static void insertContext(const char *context, bool query) { dbBindText(insert.context, ":context", context); dbBindInt(insert.context, ":query", query); dbRun(insert.context); } static void insertTopic( const char *context, const char *time, const char *topic ) { dbBindText(insert.topic, ":context", context); dbBindText(insert.topic, ":time", time); dbBindText(insert.topic, ":topic", topic); dbRun(insert.topic); } static void insertEvent( const char *time, enum Type type, const char *context, const char *nick, const char *user, const char *host, const char *target, const char *message ) { dbBindText(insert.event, ":time", time); dbBindInt(insert.event, ":type", type); dbBindText(insert.event, ":context", context); dbBindText(insert.event, ":nick", nick); dbBindText(insert.event, ":user", user); dbBindText(insert.event, ":host", host); dbBindText(insert.event, ":target", target); dbBindText(insert.event, ":message", message); dbRun(insert.event); } static void insertEvents( const char *time, enum Type type, const char *nick, const char *user, const char *host, const char *target, const char *message ) { dbBindText(insert.events, ":time", time); dbBindInt(insert.events, ":type", type); dbBindText(insert.events, ":nick", nick); dbBindText(insert.events, ":user", user); dbBindText(insert.events, ":host", host); dbBindText(insert.events, ":target", target); dbBindText(insert.events, ":message", message); dbRun(insert.events); } static void insertName(const char *nick, const char *user, const char *host) { static sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const char *sql = SQL( INSERT OR IGNORE INTO names (nick, user, host) VALUES (:nick, :user, :host); ); dbPersist(&stmt, sql); dbBindText(stmt, ":nick", nick); dbBindText(stmt, ":user", user); dbBindText(stmt, ":host", host); dbRun(stmt); } static void insertJoin(const char *nick, const char *channel) { static sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const char *sql = SQL( INSERT OR IGNORE INTO joins (nick, channel) VALUES (:nick, :channel); ); dbPersist(&stmt, sql); dbBindText(stmt, ":nick", nick); dbBindText(stmt, ":channel", channel); dbRun(stmt); } static void deleteJoin(const char *nick, const char *channel) { static sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const char *sql = SQL( DELETE FROM joins WHERE nick = :nick AND channel = :channel; ); dbPersist(&stmt, sql); dbBindText(stmt, ":nick", nick); dbBindText(stmt, ":channel", channel); dbRun(stmt); } static void updateJoin(const char *old, const char *new) { static sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const char *sql = SQL( UPDATE joins SET nick = :new WHERE nick = :old; ); dbPersist(&stmt, sql); dbBindText(stmt, ":old", old); dbBindText(stmt, ":new", new); dbRun(stmt); } static void clearJoins(const char *nick, const char *channel) { static sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const char *sql = SQL( DELETE FROM joins WHERE nick = :nick OR channel = :channel; ); dbPersist(&stmt, sql); dbBindText(stmt, ":nick", nick); dbBindText(stmt, ":channel", channel); dbRun(stmt); } static struct tls *client; static void clientWrite(const char *ptr, size_t len) { while (len) { ssize_t ret = tls_write(client, ptr, len); if (ret == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || ret == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT) continue; if (ret < 0) errx(EX_IOERR, "tls_write: %s", tls_error(client)); ptr += ret; len -= ret; } } static void format(const char *format, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); int len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap); va_end(ap); assert((size_t)len < sizeof(buf)); if (verbose) printf("%s", buf); clientWrite(buf, len); } enum { ParamCap = 15 }; struct Message { char *time; char *nick; char *user; char *host; char *cmd; char *params[ParamCap]; }; static struct Message parse(char *line) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", line); struct Message msg = {0}; if (line[0] == '@') { char *tags = 1 + strsep(&line, " "); while (tags) { char *tag = strsep(&tags, ";"); char *key = strsep(&tag, "="); if (!strcmp(key, "time")) msg.time = tag; } } if (line[0] == ':') { char *origin = 1 + strsep(&line, " "); msg.nick = strsep(&origin, "!"); msg.user = strsep(&origin, "@"); msg.host = origin; if (!msg.user) msg.user = msg.nick; if (!msg.host) msg.host = msg.user; } msg.cmd = strsep(&line, " "); for (size_t i = 0; line && i < ParamCap; ++i) { if (line[0] == ':') { msg.params[i] = &line[1]; break; } msg.params[i] = strsep(&line, " "); } return msg; } static void require(const struct Message *msg, bool nick, size_t len) { if (nick && !msg->nick) errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "%s missing origin", msg->cmd); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (msg->params[i]) continue; errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "%s missing parameter %zu", msg->cmd, 1 + i); } } static const char *join; static char *self; static char *chanTypes; static char *prefixes; static void set(char **field, const char *value) { free(*field); *field = strdup(value); if (!*field) err(EX_OSERR, "strdup"); } typedef void Handler(struct Message *msg); static void handleCap(struct Message *msg) { (void)msg; format("CAP END\r\n"); } static void handleReplyWelcome(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, false, 1); set(&self, msg->params[0]); if (join) format("JOIN :%s\r\n", join); } static void handleReplyISupport(struct Message *msg) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ParamCap; ++i) { if (!msg->params[i]) break; char *key = strsep(&msg->params[i], "="); if (!msg->params[i]) continue; if (!strcmp(key, "NETWORK")) { bindNetwork(msg->params[i]); } else if (!strcmp(key, "CHANTYPES")) { set(&chanTypes, msg->params[i]); } else if (!strcmp(key, "PREFIX")) { strsep(&msg->params[i], ")"); if (!msg->params[i]) continue; set(&prefixes, msg->params[i]); } } } static struct { char *buf; size_t cap, len; } motd; static void handleReplyMOTDStart(struct Message *msg) { (void)msg; motd.len = 0; motd.cap = 80; motd.buf = malloc(motd.cap); if (!motd.buf) err(EX_OSERR, "malloc"); } static void handleReplyMOTD(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, false, 2); char *line = msg->params[1]; if (!strncmp(line, "- ", 2)) line += 2; size_t len = strlen(line); if (motd.len + len + 1 > motd.cap) { motd.cap *= 2; motd.buf = realloc(motd.buf, motd.cap); if (!motd.buf) err(EX_OSERR, "realloc"); } memcpy(&motd.buf[motd.len], line, len); motd.len += len; motd.buf[motd.len++] = '\n'; } static void handleReplyEndOfMOTD(struct Message *msg) { motd.buf[motd.len - 1] = '\0'; insertMOTD(msg->time, motd.buf); free(motd.buf); memset(&motd, 0, sizeof(motd)); } static void handlePrivmsg(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, true, 2); bool query = true; const char *context = msg->params[0]; if (strchr(chanTypes, context[0])) query = false; if (!strcmp(context, self)) context = msg->nick; enum Type type = (!strcmp(msg->cmd, "NOTICE") ? Notice : Privmsg); char *message = msg->params[1]; if (!strncmp(message, "\1ACTION ", 8)) { message += 8; message[strcspn(message, "\1")] = '\0'; type = Action; } insertContext(context, query); insertName(msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host); insertEvent( msg->time, type, context, msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host, NULL, message ); } static void handleReplyTopic(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, false, 2); if (!strcmp(msg->cmd, "331")) msg->params[2] = NULL; insertTopic(msg->params[1], msg->time, msg->params[2]); } static void handleReplyNames(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, false, 3); char *names = msg->params[3]; while (names) { char *nick = strsep(&names, " "); nick += strspn(nick, prefixes); insertJoin(nick, msg->params[2]); } } static void handleJoin(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, true, 1); insertContext(msg->params[0], false); insertName(msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host); insertEvent( msg->time, Join, msg->params[0], msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host, NULL, NULL ); insertJoin(msg->nick, msg->params[0]); } static void handlePart(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, true, 1); insertContext(msg->params[0], false); insertName(msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host); insertEvent( msg->time, Part, msg->params[0], msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host, NULL, msg->params[1] ); if (!strcmp(msg->nick, self)) { clearJoins(NULL, msg->params[0]); } else { deleteJoin(msg->nick, msg->params[0]); } } static void handleKick(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, true, 2); insertContext(msg->params[0], false); insertName(msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host); insertEvent( msg->time, Kick, msg->params[0], msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host, msg->params[1], msg->params[2] ); if (!strcmp(msg->params[1], self)) { clearJoins(NULL, msg->params[0]); } else { deleteJoin(msg->params[1], msg->params[0]); } } static void handleNick(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, true, 1); if (!strcmp(msg->nick, self)) set(&self, msg->params[0]); insertName(msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host); insertEvents( msg->time, Nick, msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host, msg->params[0], NULL ); updateJoin(msg->nick, msg->params[0]); } static void handleQuit(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, true, 0); insertName(msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host); insertEvents( msg->time, Quit, msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host, NULL, msg->params[0] ); clearJoins(msg->nick, NULL); } static void handleTopic(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, true, 1); insertContext(msg->params[0], false); insertName(msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host); insertEvent( msg->time, Topic, msg->params[0], msg->nick, msg->user, msg->host, NULL, msg->params[1] ); } static void handlePing(struct Message *msg) { require(msg, false, 1); format("PONG :%s\r\n", msg->params[0]); } static const struct { const char *cmd; bool transaction; Handler *fn; } Handlers[] = { { "001", false, handleReplyWelcome }, { "005", false, handleReplyISupport }, { "331", true, handleReplyTopic }, { "332", true, handleReplyTopic }, { "353", true, handleReplyNames }, { "372", false, handleReplyMOTD }, { "375", false, handleReplyMOTDStart }, { "376", true, handleReplyEndOfMOTD }, { "CAP", false, handleCap }, { "JOIN", true, handleJoin }, { "KICK", true, handleKick }, { "NICK", true, handleNick }, { "NOTICE", true, handlePrivmsg }, { "PART", true, handlePart }, { "PING", false, handlePing }, { "PRIVMSG", true, handlePrivmsg }, { "QUIT", true, handleQuit }, { "TOPIC", true, handleTopic }, }; static void handle(struct Message msg) { if (!msg.cmd) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Handlers); ++i) { if (strcmp(msg.cmd, Handlers[i].cmd)) continue; if (Handlers[i].transaction) { dbExec(SQL(BEGIN TRANSACTION;)); Handlers[i].fn(&msg); dbExec(SQL(COMMIT TRANSACTION;)); } else { Handlers[i].fn(&msg); } break; } } static void quit(int sig) { (void)sig; format("QUIT\r\n"); tls_close(client); dbClose(); _exit(EX_OK); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *path = NULL; bool init = false; bool migrate = false; bool insecure = false; const char *host = NULL; const char *port = "6697"; const char *nick = "litterbox"; const char *user = NULL; const char *pass = NULL; int opt; while (0 < (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "!d:h:ij:mn:p:u:vw:"))) { switch (opt) { break; case '!': insecure = true; break; case 'd': path = optarg; break; case 'h': host = optarg; break; case 'i': init = true; break; case 'j': join = optarg; break; case 'm': migrate = true; break; case 'n': nick = optarg; break; case 'p': port = optarg; break; case 'u': user = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'w': pass = optarg; break; default: return EX_USAGE; } } if (!user) user = nick; int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE; if (init) flags |= SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE; dbFind(path, flags); if (init) { dbInit(); return EX_OK; } if (migrate) { dbMigrate(); return EX_OK; } if (dbVersion() != DatabaseVersion) { errx(EX_CONFIG, "database out of date; migrate with -m"); } if (!host) errx(EX_USAGE, "host required"); set(&self, "*"); set(&chanTypes, "#&"); set(&prefixes, "@+"); prepare(); bindNetwork(host); client = tls_client(); if (!client) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "tls_client"); struct tls_config *config = tls_config_new(); if (!config) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "tls_config_new"); int error = tls_config_set_ciphers(config, "compat"); if (error) { errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "tls_config_set_ciphers: %s", tls_config_error(config)); } if (insecure) { tls_config_insecure_noverifycert(config); tls_config_insecure_noverifyname(config); } error = tls_configure(client, config); if (error) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "tls_configure: %s", tls_error(client)); tls_config_free(config); error = tls_connect(client, host, port); if (error) errx(EX_UNAVAILABLE, "tls_connect: %s", tls_error(client)); if (pass) format("PASS :%s\r\n", pass); format("CAP REQ :server-time\r\n"); format("NICK :%s\r\nUSER %s 0 * :Litterbox\r\n", nick, user); signal(SIGINT, quit); signal(SIGTERM, quit); char buf[8191 + 512]; size_t len = 0; for (;;) { ssize_t ret = tls_read(client, &buf[len], sizeof(buf) - len); if (ret == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || ret == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT) continue; if (ret < 0) errx(EX_IOERR, "tls_read: %s", tls_error(client)); if (!ret) errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "server closed connection"); len += ret; char *line = buf; for (;;) { char *crlf = memmem(line, &buf[len] - line, "\r\n", 2); if (!crlf) break; crlf[0] = '\0'; handle(parse(line)); line = crlf + 2; } len -= line - buf; memmove(buf, line, len); } }