/* Copyright (C) 2019, 2021 C. McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef unsigned uint; typedef unsigned char byte; typedef byte Card; enum { A = 1, J = 11, Q = 12, K = 13, Rank = 0x0F, Suit = 0x30, Color = 0x10, Club = 0x00, Diamond = 0x10, Spade = 0x20, Heart = 0x30, }; enum { StackCap = 52 }; struct Stack { byte len; Card cards[StackCap]; }; static void push(struct Stack *stack, Card card) { assert(stack->len < StackCap); stack->cards[stack->len++] = card; } static Card pop(struct Stack *stack) { if (!stack->len) return 0; return stack->cards[--stack->len]; } static Card peek(struct Stack *stack) { if (!stack->len) return 0; return stack->cards[stack->len-1]; } enum { Foundation, Cell = Foundation + 4, Tableau = Cell + 4, Stacks = Tableau + 8, }; static struct Stack stacks[Stacks]; struct Move { byte dst; byte src; }; enum { QCap = 16 }; static struct { struct Move moves[QCap]; uint r, w, u; } q; static void enq(byte dst, byte src) { q.moves[q.w % QCap].dst = dst; q.moves[q.w % QCap].src = src; q.w++; } static void deq(void) { struct Move move = q.moves[q.r++ % QCap]; push(&stacks[move.dst], pop(&stacks[move.src])); } static void undo(void) { uint len = q.w - q.u; if (!len || len > QCap) return; for (uint i = len-1; i < len; --i) { struct Move move = q.moves[(q.u+i) % QCap]; push(&stacks[move.src], pop(&stacks[move.dst])); } q.r = q.w = q.u; } // https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Deal_cards_for_FreeCell static uint lcgState; static uint lcg(void) { lcgState = (214013 * lcgState + 2531011) % (1 << 31); return lcgState >> 16; } static void deal(uint game) { lcgState = game; struct Stack deck = {0}; for (Card i = A; i <= K; ++i) { push(&deck, Club | i); push(&deck, Diamond | i); push(&deck, Heart | i); push(&deck, Spade | i); } for (uint stack = 0; deck.len; ++stack) { uint i = lcg() % deck.len; Card card = deck.cards[i]; deck.cards[i] = deck.cards[--deck.len]; push(&stacks[Tableau + stack%8], card); } } static bool win(void) { for (uint i = Foundation; i < Cell; ++i) { if (stacks[i].len != 13) return false; } return true; } static bool valid(uint dst, Card card) { Card top = peek(&stacks[dst]); if (dst < Cell) { if (!top) return (card & Rank) == A; return (card & Suit) == (top & Suit) && (card & Rank) == (top & Rank) + 1; } if (!top) return true; if (dst >= Tableau) { return (card & Color) != (top & Color) && (card & Rank) == (top & Rank) - 1; } return false; } static void autoEnq(void) { Card min[] = { K, K }; for (uint i = Cell; i < Stacks; ++i) { for (uint j = 0; j < stacks[i].len; ++j) { Card card = stacks[i].cards[j]; if ((card & Rank) < min[!!(card & Color)]) { min[!!(card & Color)] = card & Rank; } } } for (uint src = Cell; src < Stacks; ++src) { Card card = peek(&stacks[src]); if (!card) continue; if (min[!(card & Color)] < (card & Rank)-1) continue; for (uint dst = Foundation; dst < Cell; ++dst) { if (valid(dst, card)) { enq(dst, src); return; } } } } static void moveSingle(uint dst, uint src) { if (!valid(dst, peek(&stacks[src]))) return; q.u = q.w; enq(dst, src); } static uint freeCells(uint cells[static Stacks], uint dst) { uint len = 0; for (uint i = Cell; i < Stacks; ++i) { if (i == dst) continue; if (!stacks[i].len) cells[len++] = i; } return len; } static uint moveDepth(uint src) { struct Stack stack = stacks[src]; if (stack.len < 2) return stack.len; uint n = 1; for (uint i = stack.len-2; i < stack.len; --i, ++n) { if ((stack.cards[i] & Color) == (stack.cards[i+1] & Color)) break; if ((stack.cards[i] & Rank) != (stack.cards[i+1] & Rank) + 1) break; } return n; } static void moveColumn(uint dst, uint src) { uint depth; uint cells[Stacks]; uint free = freeCells(cells, dst); for (depth = moveDepth(src); depth; --depth) { if (free < depth-1) continue; if (valid(dst, stacks[src].cards[stacks[src].len-depth])) break; } if (depth < 2 || dst < Tableau) { moveSingle(dst, src); return; } q.u = q.w; for (uint i = 0; i < depth-1; ++i) { enq(cells[i], src); } enq(dst, src); for (uint i = depth-2; i < depth-1; --i) { enq(dst, cells[i]); } } static void curse(void) { initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, false); struct termios term; tcgetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, &term); term.c_iflag &= ~IXON; tcsetattr(STDOUT_FILENO, TCSANOW, &term); curs_set(0); start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, -1); } static void drawCard(bool hi, int y, int x, Card card) { if (!card) return; move(y, x); attr_set(hi ? A_REVERSE : A_NORMAL, (card & Color) ? 2 : 1, NULL); switch (card & Suit) { break; case Club: addstr("\u2663"); break; case Diamond: addstr("\u2666"); break; case Spade: addstr("\u2660"); break; case Heart: addstr("\u2665"); break; default:; } switch (card & Rank) { break; case A: addstr(" A"); break; case 10: addstr("10"); break; case J: addstr(" J"); break; case Q: addstr(" Q"); break; case K: addstr(" K"); break; default: { addch(' '); addch('0' + (card & Rank)); } } attr_set(A_NORMAL, 0, NULL); } static void drawStack(bool hi, int y, int x, const struct Stack *stack) { for (uint i = 0; i < stack->len; ++i) { drawCard(hi && i == stack->len-1, y++, x, stack->cards[i]); } } enum { Padding = 1, CardWidth = 3, CardHeight = 1, CellX = Padding, CellY = 2*CardHeight, FoundationX = CellX + 4*(CardWidth+Padding), FoundationY = CellY, TableauX = CellX, TableauY = CellY + 2*CardHeight, }; static uint game; static uint srcStack = Stacks; static void draw(void) { erase(); static char buf[256]; if (!buf[0]) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Game #%u", game); if (win()) { snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Game #%u win! Press any key to view the scoreboard.", game ); } attr_set(A_NORMAL, 3, NULL); mvaddstr(0, Padding, buf); for (uint i = 0; i < Stacks; ++i) { int y, x; char key; if (i < Cell) { y = FoundationY; x = FoundationX + (i-Foundation) * (CardWidth+Padding); key = '_'; } else if (i < Tableau) { y = CellY; x = CellX + (i-Cell) * (CardWidth+Padding); key = '1' + i-Cell; } else { y = TableauY; x = TableauX + (i-Tableau) * (CardWidth+Padding); key = "QWERASDF"[i-Tableau]; } if (i < Tableau) { mvaddch(y, x+1, COLOR_PAIR(3) | key); } else { mvaddch(y + 8*CardHeight, x+1, COLOR_PAIR(3) | key); } if (i < Cell) { drawCard(false, y, x, peek(&stacks[i])); } else { drawStack(i == srcStack, y, x, &stacks[i]); } } } static bool quit; static void input(void) { char ch = getch(); uint stack = Stacks; switch (tolower(ch)) { break; case 'Q'^'@': quit = true; break; case '\33': srcStack = Stacks; break; case 'u': case '\b': case '\177': undo(); break; case '1': case '!': stack = Cell+0; break; case '2': case '@': stack = Cell+1; break; case '3': case '#': stack = Cell+2; break; case '4': case '$': stack = Cell+3; break; case '_': case ' ': stack = Foundation; break; case 'q': stack = Tableau+0; break; case 'w': stack = Tableau+1; break; case 'e': stack = Tableau+2; break; case 'r': stack = Tableau+3; break; case 'a': stack = Tableau+4; break; case 's': stack = Tableau+5; break; case 'd': stack = Tableau+6; break; case 'f': stack = Tableau+7; break; case '\n': stack = srcStack; break; case ERR: exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (stack == Stacks) return; if (srcStack < Stacks) { Card card = peek(&stacks[srcStack]); if (stack == Foundation) { for (; stack < Cell; ++stack) { if (valid(stack, card)) break; } if (stack == Cell) return; } if (stack == srcStack) { for (stack = Cell; stack < Stacks; ++stack) { if (!stacks[stack].len) break; } if (stack == Stacks) return; } if (isupper(ch)) { moveSingle(stack, srcStack); } else { moveColumn(stack, srcStack); } srcStack = Stacks; } else if (stack >= Cell && stacks[stack].len) { srcStack = stack; } } uint playFreeCell(void) { game = 1 + arc4random_uniform(32000); curse(); deal(game); while (!quit && !win()) { while (q.r < q.w) { deq(); draw(); refresh(); usleep(50000); if (q.r == q.w) autoEnq(); } draw(); input(); } return win(); }