/* Copyright (C) 2020 C. McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "server.h" int eventsGap = 3600; int eventsOverlap = 30; int eventsLimit = 50; static const char *timestamp(time_t time) { static char stamp[sizeof("0000-00-00T00:00:00")]; strftime(stamp, sizeof(stamp), "%FT%T", gmtime(&time)); return stamp; } static enum kcgi_err dateForm(struct khtmlreq *html, struct kreq *req, const char *current) { if (req->fieldmap[Export]) return KCGI_OK; struct tm tm = {0}; if (!strptime(current, "%F", &tm)) { tm = *gmtime(&(time_t) { time(NULL) }); } char date[sizeof("0000-00-00")]; strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%F", &tm); return 0 || khtml_attr( html, KELEM_FORM, KATTR_METHOD, "get", KATTR_ACTION, Pages[Events], KATTR__MAX ) || htmlHidden(html, req, Network) || htmlHidden(html, req, Context) || khtml_attr( html, KELEM_INPUT, KATTR_TYPE, "date", KATTR_NAME, Keys[After].name, KATTR_VALUE, date, KATTR__MAX ) || htmlHidden(html, req, Tidy) || khtml_elem(html, KELEM_BUTTON) || khtml_puts(html, "Jump") || khtml_closeelem(html, 2); } static enum kcgi_err displayForm(struct khtmlreq *html, struct kreq *req, bool tidy) { if (req->fieldmap[Export]) return KCGI_OK; return 0 || khtml_attr( html, KELEM_FORM, KATTR_METHOD, "get", KATTR_ACTION, Pages[Events], KATTR__MAX ) || htmlHidden(html, req, Network) || htmlHidden(html, req, Context) || htmlHidden(html, req, After) || htmlHidden(html, req, Before) || khtml_elem(html, KELEM_LABEL) || khtml_attr( html, KELEM_INPUT, KATTR_TYPE, "checkbox", KATTR_NAME, Keys[Tidy].name, KATTR_VALUE, "1", (tidy ? KATTR_CHECKED : KATTR__MAX), "checked", KATTR__MAX ) || khtml_puts(html, "Hide general events") || khtml_closeelem(html, 1) || khtml_elem(html, KELEM_BUTTON) || khtml_puts(html, "Apply") || khtml_closeelem(html, 2); } static char *pageURL( const char *network, const char *context, enum Key key, time_t time, bool tidy ) { char *url = khttp_urlpart( NULL, NULL, Pages[Events], Keys[Network].name, network, Keys[Context].name, context, Keys[key].name, timestamp(time), (tidy ? Keys[Tidy].name : NULL), "1", NULL ); if (!url) err(EX_OSERR, "khttp_urlpart"); return url; } const char *EventsTopicQuery = SQL( SELECT topics.topic FROM topics JOIN contexts USING (context) WHERE contexts.network = :network AND contexts.name = :context AND contexts.query <= NOT :public AND topics.time <= strftime('%s', :time) ORDER BY topics.time DESC LIMIT 1; ); const char *EventsAfterQuery = SQL( SELECT events.event, events.time, events.type, names.nick, names.user, names.host, events.target, events.message FROM events JOIN contexts USING (context) JOIN names USING (name) WHERE contexts.network = :network AND contexts.name = :context AND contexts.query <= NOT :public AND events.type < :tidy AND events.time >= strftime('%s', :time) ORDER BY events.time, events.event LIMIT :limit; ); const char *EventsBeforeQuery = SQL( WITH before AS ( SELECT events.event, events.time, events.type, names.nick, names.user, names.host, events.target, events.message FROM events JOIN contexts USING (context) JOIN names USING (name) WHERE contexts.network = :network AND contexts.name = :context AND contexts.query <= NOT :public AND events.type < :tidy AND events.time < strftime('%s', :time) ORDER BY events.time DESC LIMIT :limit ) SELECT * FROM before ORDER BY time, event; ); enum kcgi_err eventsPage(struct kreq *req) { if (!req->fieldmap[Network] || !req->fieldmap[Context]) { return httpFail(req, KHTTP_400); } const char *network = req->fieldmap[Network]->parsed.s; const char *context = req->fieldmap[Context]->parsed.s; if (!req->fieldmap[After] && !req->fieldmap[Before]) { char *url = khttp_urlpart( NULL, NULL, Pages[Events], Keys[Network].name, network, Keys[Context].name, context, Keys[Before].name, timestamp(time(NULL)), NULL ); if (!url) err(EX_OSERR, "khttp_urlpart"); enum kcgi_err error = httpRedirect(req, url); free(url); return error; } const char *time = req->fieldmap[Before] ? req->fieldmap[Before]->parsed.s : req->fieldmap[After]->parsed.s; bool tidy = (req->fieldmap[Tidy] ? req->fieldmap[Tidy]->parsed.i : false); enum kcgi_err error = 0 || httpHead(req, KHTTP_200, KMIME_TEXT_HTML) || khttp_body(req); if (req->method == KMETHOD_HEAD) return error; struct khtmlreq html; error = error || khtml_open(&html, req, 0) || htmlHead(&html, req, context) || htmlNav(&html, req) || khtml_elem(&html, KELEM_DIV) || dateForm(&html, req, time) || displayForm(&html, req, tidy) || khtml_closeelem(&html, 1) || khtml_elem(&html, KELEM_TABLE); if (error) return error; sqlite3_reset(stmt.topic); dbBindText(stmt.topic, ":network", network); dbBindText(stmt.topic, ":context", context); dbBindText(stmt.topic, ":time", time); dbBindInt(stmt.topic, ":public", contextsPublic); int result = sqlite3_step(stmt.topic); if (result == SQLITE_ROW) { error = 0 || khtml_elem(&html, KELEM_THEAD) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TR, KATTR_CLASS, "topic", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TH, KATTR_COLSPAN, "3", KATTR__MAX) || htmlIRC(&html, sqlite3_column_text(stmt.topic, 0)) || khtml_closeelem(&html, 3); if (error) return error; result = sqlite3_step(stmt.topic); } if (result != SQLITE_DONE) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); sqlite3_stmt *events = stmt.eventsAfter; if (req->fieldmap[Before]) events = stmt.eventsBefore; sqlite3_reset(events); dbBindText(events, ":network", network); dbBindText(events, ":context", context); dbBindText(events, ":time", time); dbBindInt(events, ":tidy", (tidy ? Join : TypesLen)); dbBindInt(events, ":public", contextsPublic); dbBindInt(events, ":limit", eventsLimit); int rows; time_t prevTime = 0; for (rows = 0; SQLITE_ROW == (result = sqlite3_step(events)); ++rows) { int i = 0; struct Event event = {0}; event.event = sqlite3_column_int64(events, i++); event.time = sqlite3_column_int64(events, i++); event.type = sqlite3_column_int(events, i++); event.nick = sqlite3_column_text(events, i++); event.user = sqlite3_column_text(events, i++); event.host = sqlite3_column_text(events, i++); event.target = sqlite3_column_text(events, i++); event.message = sqlite3_column_text(events, i++); if (!rows && !req->fieldmap[Export]) { char *href = NULL; char *page = pageURL( network, context, Before, event.time + eventsOverlap, tidy ); asprintf(&href, "%s#%" PRId64, page, event.event); if (!href) err(EX_OSERR, "asprintf"); error = 0 || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TR, KATTR_CLASS, "page", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TH, KATTR_COLSPAN, "3", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_A, KATTR_HREF, href, KATTR__MAX) || khtml_puts(&html, "Earlier messages") || khtml_closeelem(&html, 3); free(href); free(page); if (error) return error; } if (prevTime && event.time - prevTime >= eventsGap) { error = 0 || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TR, KATTR_CLASS, "gap", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TH, KATTR_COLSPAN, "3", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_puts(&html, "...") || khtml_closeelem(&html, 2); if (error) return error; } prevTime = event.time; error = htmlEvent(&html, req, &event); if (error) return error; } if (result != SQLITE_DONE) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); if ((rows == eventsLimit || req->fieldmap[Before]) && !req->fieldmap[Export]) { char *href = pageURL( network, context, After, prevTime - eventsOverlap, tidy ); error = 0 || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TR, KATTR_CLASS, "page", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TH, KATTR_COLSPAN, "3", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_A, KATTR_HREF, href, KATTR__MAX) || khtml_puts(&html, "Later messages") || khtml_closeelem(&html, 3); free(href); if (error) return error; } if (!rows) { error = 0 || khtml_elem(&html, KELEM_TR) || khtml_attr(&html, KELEM_TH, KATTR_COLSPAN, "3", KATTR__MAX) || khtml_puts(&html, "No matching messages"); if (error) return error; } return htmlFooter(&html, req) || khtml_close(&html); }