# shulker > Connects [Discord](https://discordapp.com/) and [Minecraft](https://minecraft.net) Servers by sending messages back and forth without any mods or plugins. ## In Action ![discord-mc](http://i.thedestruc7i0n.ca/I5anbg.gif) ## Features - Sends message to and from Vanilla Minecraft servers with no plugins or mods - Can send messages regarding - Advancements - Players joining and leaving - Player deaths - Webhooks for sending messages - Allows members with specific roles to send commands to Minecraft through Discord - Can be run on a remote machine or locally on the same machine (see `IS_LOCAL_FILE` in the options below) ## Installation Ensure you have Node v16.6+ installed. You can check the version you have installed with `node -v` in your terminal or command prompt. Create a Discord bot here: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me Then, add the bot to your Discord server using the following link, replace the Client ID with that of your bot. ``` https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=&scope=bot ``` In your Minecraft server.properties, make sure you have the following and restart the server: ``` enable-rcon=true rcon.password= rcon.port=<1-65535> ``` Clone this repository onto a server, copy ```config.example.json``` to ```config.json```. And edit the following config fields: Set `DISCORD_TOKEN` to the Discord Bot token that you created. Set `MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_IP`, `MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PORT`, and `MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PASSWORD` to the ip, rcon port, and rcon password respectively for your server. ( can be used if Shulker is running on the same server as your Minecraft server) If you are running Shulker on the same server as your Minecraft server, set `IS_LOCAL_FILE` to `true` and update `LOCAL_FILE_PATH` to the full path to your Minecraft server's latest log file. (ex: `minecraft_server/logs/latest.log`) If you want to have Shulker running on a remote server, see [Remote](#remote-setup) below. With developer mode (Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode) enabled, right click the channel you wish to have Shulker send messages to and click "Copy ID". Set `DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID` to this value. Create a webhook in the channel (Right click on channel > Edit Channel > Integrations > Create Webhook or New Webhook), copy it, and set `WEBHOOK_URL` to this value. Finally, start Shulker. ```sh npm install npm run build npm run start ``` ### Configuration Details on the `config.json` file. ```js { "DEBUG": false, /* Dev debugging */ "USE_WEBHOOKS": true, /* If you want to use webhooks rather than the Discord bot sending the messages (recommended) */ "WEBHOOK_URL": "DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_HERE", /* Be sure to create a webhook in the channel settings and place it here! */ "IGNORE_WEBHOOKS": true, /* Ignore any messages that are sent by webhooks. If disabled, then all webhooks but those sent from the configured webhook will be handled as well */ "DISCORD_TOKEN": "<12345>", /* Discord bot token. [Click here](https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me) to create you application and add a bot to it. */ "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "", /* Discord channel ID for for the discord bot. Enable developer mode in your Discord client, then right click channel and select "Copy ID". */ "DISCORD_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE": "`%username%`:%message%", /* Message template to display in Discord */ "MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_IP": "", /* Minecraft server IP (make sure you have enabled rcon) */ "MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PORT": <1-65535>, /* Minecraft server rcon port */ "MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PASSWORD": "", /* Minecraft server rcon password */ "MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_TEMPLATE": "[{\"color\": \"white\", \"text\": \"<%username%> %message%\"}]", /* Tellraw template to display in Minecraft */ "MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST": false, /* Minecraft doesn't have the tellraw command (<1.7.2), use say instead. !this may be dangerous! */ "MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST_SAY_TEMPLATE": "<%username%> %message%", /* used when MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST is set to true. say template to display on minecraft, same as MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_TEMPLATE. */ "IS_LOCAL_FILE": true, /* tail the local file specified at `LOCAL_FILE_PATH` */ "LOCAL_FILE_PATH": "/usr/home/minecraft_server/logs/latest.log", /* the path to the local file if `IS_LOCAL_FILE` is set */ "FS_WATCH_FILE": false, /* use node's watchFile rather than watch. see FAQ for more details */ "PORT": 8000, /* Port you want to run the webserver for the hook on */ "SHOW_INIT_MESSAGE": true, /* Sends the message on boot if not a local file of what command to run */ "ALLOW_USER_MENTIONS": false, /* should replace @mentions with the mention in discord (format: @username#discriminator) */ "ALLOW_HERE_EVERYONE_MENTIONS": false, /* replaces @everyone and @here with "@ everyone" and "@ here" respectively */ "ALLOW_SLASH_COMMANDS": false, /* whether to allow users to run slash commands from discord */ "SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS": [], /* if the above is enabled, the IDs of the roles which can run slash commands. With developer mode enabled, right click each role and "Copy ID". */. "WEBHOOK": "/minecraft/hook", /* Web hook, where to send the log to */ "REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX": "\\[Server thread/INFO\\]:", /* What the lines of the log should start with */ "REGEX_MATCH_CHAT_MC": "^<([^>]*)> (.*)", /* What to match for chat (best to leave as default) */ "REGEX_DEATH_MESSAGE": "^[\w_]+ (died|...)", /* What to match for death messages (best leave this default too) */ "REGEX_IGNORED_CHAT": "packets too frequently", /* What to ignore, you can put any regex for swear words for example and it will be ignored */ "SERVER_NAME": "Shulker", /* The username used when displaying any server information in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : Server message here*/ "SERVER_IMAGE": "", /* Image for the server when sending such messages (if enabled below). Only for WebHooks. */ "HEAD_IMAGE_URL": "https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%uuid%/256", /* Url to get the heads for the webhook, %uuid% is replaced with the uuid of the player */ "UUID_API_URL": "https://api.mojang.com/users/profiles/minecraft/%username%", /* Url to fetch the uuids from. %username% is replaced with the username of the player. expects uuid at top level key `id` (like the mojang api) */ "DEFAULT_PLAYER_HEAD": "c06f89064c8a49119c29ea1dbd1aab82", /* UUID of player with the default head to use (currently is MHF_Steve) */ "SHOW_SERVER_STATUS": false, /* Shows when the server turns on and off e.g., Server - Shulker : Server is online */ "SHOW_PLAYER_CONN_STAT": false, /* Shows player connection status in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : TheMachine joined the game */ "SHOW_PLAYER_ADVANCEMENT": false, /* Shows when players earn advancements in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : TheMachine has made the advacement [MEME - Machine] */ "SHOW_PLAYER_DEATH": false, /* Shows when players die in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : TheMachine was blown up by creeper */ "SHOW_PLAYER_ME": false /* Shows when players use the /me command, e.g. **destruc7i0n** says hello */ } ``` ## FAQ * How do I make this work on a modded server? - Try replacing `REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX` with `"\\[Server thread/INFO\\] \\[.*\\]:"` * Why can't I send commands even if I have the option enabled? - Make sure that you have a role on the server which is put in the array `SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS`. - e.g. `"SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS": [""]` * I am using a local file and no messages are being sent! - Enable `DEBUG` in the config to check for any errors. - If you are on Windows, try enabling `FS_WATCH_FILE`. ## Remote Setup Perform the following command on the server hosting the Minecraft server (in a screen/tmux session or background process, make sure to replace your `YOUR_URL` with whatever URL you're using (`localhost:8000` if running on the same server and default config) and `PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL` with the path to the Minecraft server installation, such as `/usr/home/minecraft_server/`): ```sh tail -F /PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL/logs/latest.log | grep --line-buffered ": <" | while read x ; do echo -ne $x | curl -X POST -d @- http://YOUR_URL/minecraft/hook ; done ``` (The above command will also be given to you if you are not using a local file when you first start up Shulker) ## Upgrade Instructions From version 2 to version 3: - The main change is that you need to split your `REGEX_MATCH_CHAT_MC` to both `REGEX_MATCH_CHAT_MC` and `REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX`. See the [configuration](#configuration) above for details. ## Upcoming None ## Suggestions If you have any suggestions or feature requests, feel free to add an issue and I will take a look. ## Thanks * [hydrabolt](https://github.com/hydrabolt) for discord.js * [qrush](https://github.com/qrush) for the idea of this ([wither](https://github.com/qrush/wither)) * [SecretOnline](https://github.com/secretonline) for Rcon reconnecting and for making it only send messages in specified channel * [TheZackCodec](https://github.com/TheZackCodec/) for the updates in server based messages ## License ISC. See `LICENSE`.