import { Client, Intents, Message, TextChannel, User } from 'discord.js' import emojiStrip from 'emoji-strip' import type { Config } from './Config' import Rcon from './Rcon' import DiscordWebhooks from './DiscordWebhooks' import { escapeUnicode } from './lib/util' class Discord { config: Config client: Client webhookClient: DiscordWebhooks | null channel: TextChannel | null rcon: Rcon mentionCache: Map constructor (config: Config, onReady?: () => void) { this.config = config this.client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] }) if (onReady) this.client.once('ready', () => onReady()) this.client.on('messageCreate', (message: Message) => this.onMessage(message)) this.webhookClient = null = null this.rcon = new Rcon(this.config.MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_IP, this.config.MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PORT, this.config.DEBUG) this.mentionCache = new Map() } public async init () { try { await this.client.login(this.config.DISCORD_TOKEN) } catch (e) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not authenticate with Discord: ' + e) if (this.config.DEBUG) console.error(e) process.exit(1) } if (this.config.USE_WEBHOOKS) { this.webhookClient = new DiscordWebhooks(this.config) this.webhookClient.init() } if (this.config.DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID) { const channel = await this.client.channels.fetch(this.config.DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID) as TextChannel if (!channel) { console.log(`[INFO] Could not find channel with ID ${this.config.DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID}. Please check that the ID is correct and that the bot has access to it.`) process.exit(1) } = channel } if ( { console.log(`[INFO] Using channel #${} (id: ${}) in the server "${}"`) } try { await this.rcon.auth(this.config.MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PASSWORD) } catch (e) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not auth with the server!') if (this.config.DEBUG) console.error(e) process.exit(1) } } private async onMessage (message: Message) { // no channel, done if (! return // don't want to check other channels if ( !== || !== 'GUILD_TEXT') return // if using webhooks, ignore this! if (message.webhookId) { // backwards compatability with older config if (this.config.USE_WEBHOOKS && this.config.IGNORE_WEBHOOKS === undefined) return // if ignoring all webhooks, ignore if (this.config.IGNORE_WEBHOOKS) { return } else if (this.config.USE_WEBHOOKS) { // otherwise, ignore all webhooks that are not the same as this one if (this.webhookClient!.id === message.webhookId) { if (this.config.DEBUG) console.log('[DEBUG] Ignoring webhook from self') return } } } // ensure that the message has a sender if (! return // ensure that the message is a text message if (message.type !== 'DEFAULT' && message.type !== 'REPLY') return // if the same user as the bot, ignore if ( === this.client.user?.id) return // ignore any attachments if (message.attachments.size) return const command = this.buildMinecraftCommand(message) if (command) { if (this.config.DEBUG) console.log(`[DEBUG] Sending command "${command}" to the server`) let response: string | undefined; try { response = await this.rcon.command(command) } catch (e) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not send command!') if (this.config.DEBUG) console.error(e) } if (response?.startsWith('Unknown command') || response?.startsWith('Unknown or incomplete command')) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not send command! (Unknown command)') if (command.startsWith('tellraw')) { console.log('[INFO] Your Minecraft version may not support tellraw, please check MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST in the README') } } } } private buildMinecraftCommand (message: Message) { if (this.config.ALLOW_SLASH_COMMANDS && this.config.SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS && message.cleanContent.startsWith('/') && message.member) { const hasSlashCommandRole = this.config.SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS.some(id => message.member?.roles.cache.get(id)) if (hasSlashCommandRole) { // send the raw command, can be dangerous... return message.cleanContent } else { const { username, discriminator } = console.log(`[INFO] User ${username}#${discriminator} attempted to send a slash command without a role`) return } } const username = emojiStrip( let messageContent = message.cleanContent messageContent = messageContent.replace('@\u200b', '@') messageContent = emojiStrip(messageContent) const variables: {[index: string]: string} = { username, nickname: !!message.member?.nickname ? emojiStrip(message.member.nickname) : username, discriminator:, text: messageContent, } if (this.config.MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST) { const sayMessage = this.config.MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST_SAY_TEMPLATE .replace(/%username%/g, variables.username) .replace(/%nickname%/g, variables.nickname) .replace(/%discriminator%/g, variables.discriminator) .replace(/%message%/g, variables.text) return `say ${sayMessage}` } for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(variables)) { // use JSON to encode the strings for tellraw const stringified = JSON.stringify(v).slice(1, -1) // encode unicode characters for all fields variables[k] = escapeUnicode(stringified) } const tellrawComponent = this.config.MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_TEMPLATE .replace(/%username%/g, variables.username) .replace(/%nickname%/g, variables.nickname) .replace(/%discriminator%/g, variables.discriminator) .replace(/%message%/g, variables.text) return `tellraw @a ${tellrawComponent}` } private async replaceDiscordMentions(message: string): Promise { const possibleMentions = message.match(/@[^#\s]*[#]?[0-9]{4}/gim) if (possibleMentions) { for (let mention of possibleMentions) { const mentionParts = mention.split('#') let username = mentionParts[0].replace('@', '') if (mentionParts.length > 1) { if (this.config.ALLOW_USER_MENTIONS) { let user = this.mentionCache.get(mention) if (!user) { // try fetching members by username to update cache await!.guild.members.fetch({ query: username }) user = this.client.users.cache.find(user => user.username === username && user.discriminator === mentionParts[1]) } if (user) { message = message.replace(mention, '<@' + + '>') if (!this.mentionCache.has(mention)) this.mentionCache.set(mention, user) } else { console.log(`[ERROR] Could not find user by mention: "${mention}"`) } } } } } if (!this.config.ALLOW_HERE_EVERYONE_MENTIONS) { message = message .replace('@everyone', '@ everyone') .replace('@here', '@ here') } return message } private makeDiscordMessage(username: string, message: string) { return this.config.DISCORD_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE .replace('%username%', username) .replace('%message%', message) } public async sendMessage (username: string, message: string) { message = await this.replaceDiscordMentions(message) if (this.config.USE_WEBHOOKS) { const sentMessage = await this.webhookClient!.sendMessage(username, message) if (sentMessage) return } const messageContent = this.makeDiscordMessage(username, message) try { await!.send(messageContent) } catch (e) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not send Discord message through bot!') process.exit(1) } } } export default Discord