import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { Tail } from 'tail' import express from 'express' import { Config } from './Config' export type LogLine = { username: string message: string } | null type Callback = (data: LogLine) => void class MinecraftHandler { config: Config app: express.Application tail: Tail constructor(config: Config) { this.config = config } private static fixMinecraftUsername (username: string) { return username.replace(/(ยง[A-Z-a-z0-9])/g, '') } private parseLogLine (data: string): LogLine { const ignored = new RegExp(this.config.REGEX_IGNORED_CHAT) if (ignored.test(data) || data.includes('Rcon connection')) { if (this.config.DEBUG) console.log('[DEBUG] Line ignored') return null } if (this.config.DEBUG) console.log('[DEBUG] Received ' + data) const logLineDataRegex = new RegExp( `${(this.config.REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX || "\\[Server thread/INFO\\]:")} (.*)` ) // get the part after the log prefix, so all the actual data is here const logLineData = data.match(logLineDataRegex) if (!logLineDataRegex.test(data) || !logLineData) { if (this.config.DEBUG) { console.log('[DEBUG] Regex could not match the string:') console.log('Received: "' + data + '", Regex matches lines that start with: "' + this.config.REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX + '"') } return null } const logLine = logLineData[1] // the username used for server messages const serverUsername = `${this.config.SERVER_NAME} - Server` if (logLine.startsWith('<')) { if (this.config.DEBUG){ console.log('[DEBUG]: A player sent a chat message') } const re = new RegExp(this.config.REGEX_MATCH_CHAT_MC) const matches = logLine.match(re) if (!matches) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not parse message: ' + logLine) return null } const username = MinecraftHandler.fixMinecraftUsername(matches[1]) const message = matches[2] if (this.config.DEBUG) { console.log('[DEBUG] Username: ' + matches[1]) console.log('[DEBUG] Text: ' + matches[2]) } return { username, message } } else if ( this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_CONN_STAT && ( logLine.includes('left the game') || logLine.includes('joined the game') ) ) { // handle disconnection etc. if (this.config.DEBUG){ console.log(`[DEBUG]: A player's connection status changed`) } return { username: serverUsername, message: logLine } } else if (this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_ADVANCEMENT && logLine.includes('made the advancement')) { // handle advancements if (this.config.DEBUG){ console.log('[DEBUG] A player has made an advancement') } return { username: `${this.config.SERVER_NAME} - Server`, message: logLine } } else if (this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_ME && logLine.startsWith('* ')) { // /me commands have the bolded name and the action they did const usernameMatch = data.match(/: \* ([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,16}) (.*)/) if (usernameMatch) { const username = usernameMatch[1] const rest = usernameMatch[2] return { username: serverUsername, message: `**${username}** ${rest}` } } } else if (this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_DEATH) { for (let word of this.config.DEATH_KEY_WORDS){ if (data.includes(word)){ if (this.config.DEBUG) { console.log( `[DEBUG] A player died. Matched key word "${word}"` ) } return { username: serverUsername, message: logLine } } } } return null } private initWebServer (callback: Callback) { // init the webserver = express(), response, next) => { request.rawBody = '' request.setEncoding('utf8') request.on('data', (chunk: string) => { request.rawBody += chunk }) request.on('end', function () { next() }) }), (req, res) => { if (req.rawBody) { const logLine = this.parseLogLine(req.rawBody) callback(logLine) } res.json({ received: true }) }) const port: number = Number(process.env.PORT) || this.config.PORT, () => { console.log('[INFO] Bot listening on *:' + port) if (!this.config.IS_LOCAL_FILE && this.config.SHOW_INIT_MESSAGE) { // in case someone inputs the actual path and url in the config here... let mcPath: string = this.config.PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL || 'PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL' const url: string = this.config.YOUR_URL || 'YOUR_URL' const defaultPath = mcPath === 'PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL' const defaultUrl = url === 'YOUR_URL' console.log('[INFO] Please enter the following command on your server running the Minecraft server:') if (defaultPath) { console.log(' Replace "PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL" with the path to your Minecraft server install' + (defaultUrl ? ' and "YOUR_URL" with the URL/IP of the server running Shulker.' : '')) } else { if (defaultUrl) console.log(' Replace "YOUR_URL" with the URL/IP of the server running Shulker') } mcPath = (defaultPath ? '/' : '') + path.join(mcPath, '/logs/latest.log') let grepMatch = ': <' if (this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_DEATH || this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_ME || this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_ADVANCEMENT || this.config.SHOW_PLAYER_CONN_STAT) { grepMatch = this.config.REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX } console.log(` \`tail -F ${mcPath} | grep --line-buffered "${grepMatch}" | while read x ; do echo -ne $x | curl -X POST -d @- http://${url}:${port}${this.config.WEBHOOK} ; done\``) if (grepMatch !== ': <') { console.log(' Please note that the above command can send a lot of requests to the server. Disable the non-text messages (such as "SHOW_PLAYER_CONN_STAT") to reduce this if necessary.') } } }) } private initTail (callback: Callback) { if (fs.existsSync(this.config.LOCAL_FILE_PATH)) { console.log(`[INFO] Using configuration for local log file at "${this.config.LOCAL_FILE_PATH}"`) this.tail = new Tail(this.config.LOCAL_FILE_PATH, {useWatchFile: true}) } else { throw new Error(`[ERROR] Local log file not found at "${this.config.LOCAL_FILE_PATH}"`) } this.tail.on('line', (data: string) => { // Parse the line to see if we care about it let logLine = this.parseLogLine(data) if (data) { callback(logLine) } }) this.tail.on('error', (error: any) => { console.log('[ERROR] Error tailing log file: ' + error) }) } public init (callback: Callback) { if (this.config.IS_LOCAL_FILE) { this.initTail(callback) } else { this.initWebServer(callback) } } } export default MinecraftHandler