import fs from 'fs' import DiscordClient from './Discord' import Handler, { LogLine } from './MinecraftHandler' import type { Config } from './Config' interface OutdatedConfigMessages { [key: string]: string } class Shulker { config: Config discordClient: DiscordClient handler: Handler readonly deprecatedConfigs: OutdatedConfigMessages = { 'DEATH_KEY_WORDS': '`DEATH_KEY_WORDS` has been replaced with `REGEX_DEATH_MESSAGE`. Please update this from the latest example config.' } readonly removedConfigs: OutdatedConfigMessages = { 'DISCORD_CHANNEL_NAME': 'Please remove this config line. Use the channel ID with `DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID` rather than the channel name.', 'SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES': 'Please use the slash command role IDs with `SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS` instead.' } loadConfig () { const configFile = process.argv.length > 2 ? process.argv[2] : './config.json' if (!fs.existsSync(configFile)) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not find config file!') return false } console.log('[INFO] Using configuration file:', configFile) try { this.config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configFile, 'utf8')) } catch (e) { console.log('[ERROR] Could not load config file!') return false } for (const configKey of Object.keys(this.deprecatedConfigs)) { if (this.config.hasOwnProperty(configKey)) { console.log('[WARN] Using deprecated config option ' + configKey + '. Check for current options. These options will be removed in a future release.') console.log(' ' + this.deprecatedConfigs[configKey]) } } const hasRemovedConfig = Object.keys(this.config).some(key => Object.keys(this.removedConfigs).includes(key)) if (hasRemovedConfig) { for (const configKey of Object.keys(this.removedConfigs)) { if (this.config.hasOwnProperty(configKey)) { console.log('[ERROR] Using removed config option ' + configKey + '. Check for current options.') console.log(' ' + this.removedConfigs[configKey]) } } process.exit(1) } if (this.config.USE_WEBHOOKS) { console.log('[INFO] Using Discord WebHooks to send messages') } else { console.log('[INFO] Using the Discord bot to send messages') } return true } onDiscordReady () { this.handler.init(async (data: LogLine) => { if (data) { const { username, message } = data await this.discordClient.sendMessage(username, message) } }) } async init () { const loaded = this.loadConfig() if (!loaded) return this.discordClient = new DiscordClient(this.config, () => this.onDiscordReady()) this.handler = new Handler(this.config) await this.discordClient.init() } } export default Shulker