import Discord from '../src/Discord' import { defaultConfig } from './constants' describe('Discord', () => { describe('replace mentions', () => { it('does not replace mentions if config is disabled', async () => { const discord = new Discord(defaultConfig) const replacedMessage = await discord['replaceDiscordMentions']('hey @destruc7i0n#7070') expect(replacedMessage).toBe('hey @destruc7i0n#7070') }) // test('does replace mentions if config is enabled', async () => { // const discord = new Discord({...defaultConfig, ALLOW_USER_MENTIONS: true}) // await discord.init() // const replacedMessage = await discord['replaceDiscordMentions']('hey @destruc7i0n#7070') // expect(replacedMessage).toBe('hey <@129277271843274752>') // }) it('removes @everyone and @here if disabled', async () => { const discord = new Discord({...defaultConfig, ALLOW_HERE_EVERYONE_MENTIONS: false}) const everyone = await discord['replaceDiscordMentions']('hey @everyone') const here = await discord['replaceDiscordMentions']('hey @here') expect(everyone).toBe('hey @ everyone') expect(here).toBe('hey @ here') }) it('keeps @everyone and @here if enabled', async () => { const discord = new Discord({...defaultConfig, ALLOW_HERE_EVERYONE_MENTIONS: true}) const everyone = await discord['replaceDiscordMentions']('hey @everyone') const here = await discord['replaceDiscordMentions']('hey @here') expect(everyone).toBe('hey @everyone') expect(here).toBe('hey @here') }) }) describe('minecraft messages', () => { it('correctly generates a tellraw string in messages', async () => { const discord = new Discord(defaultConfig) const message = discord['buildMinecraftCommand']({ author: { username: 'destruc7i0n', discriminator: '7070' }, member: { nickname: 't70' }, cleanContent: 'test' } as any) expect(message).toBe('tellraw @a [{"color": "white", "text": "<@destruc7i0n> test"}]') }) it('correctly generates a tellraw string with unicode characters in message', async () => { const discord = new Discord(defaultConfig) const message = discord['buildMinecraftCommand']({ author: { username: 'destruc7i0n', discriminator: '7070' }, member: { nickname: 't70' }, cleanContent: 'æ, ø, å (Æ, Ø, Å) 건희' } as any) expect(message).toBe('tellraw @a [{"color": "white", "text": "<@destruc7i0n> \\u00e6, \\u00f8, \\u00e5 (\\u00c6, \\u00d8, \\u00c5) \\uac74\\ud76c"}]') }) it('correctly generates a tellraw string with unicode characters in username ', async () => { const discord = new Discord(defaultConfig) const message = discord['buildMinecraftCommand']({ author: { username: '건희destruc7i0n건희', discriminator: '7070' }, member: { nickname: 't70' }, cleanContent: 'huh' } as any) expect(message).toBe('tellraw @a [{"color": "white", "text": "<@\\uac74\\ud76cdestruc7i0n\\uac74\\ud76c> huh"}]') }) it('correctly replaces all parts of a message string', () => { const discord = new Discord({ ...defaultConfig, MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_TEMPLATE: '[{\"color\": \"white\", \"text\": \"<@%username%#%discriminator% (%nickname%)> %message%\"}]' }) const message = discord['buildMinecraftCommand']({ author: { username: 'destruc7i0n', discriminator: '7070' }, member: { nickname: 't70' }, cleanContent: 'test' } as any) expect(message).toBe('tellraw @a [{\"color\": \"white\", \"text\": \"<@destruc7i0n#7070 (t70)> test\"}]') }) it('correctly replaces all parts of a message string with unicode everywhere', () => { const discord = new Discord({ ...defaultConfig, MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_TEMPLATE: '[{\"color\": \"white\", \"text\": \"<@%username%#%discriminator% (%nickname%)> %message%\"}]' }) const message = discord['buildMinecraftCommand']({ author: { username: '건희destruc7i0n건희', discriminator: '7070' }, member: { nickname: '건희t70건희' }, cleanContent: 'æ, ø, å (Æ, Ø, Å) 건희' } as any) expect(message).toBe('tellraw @a [{\"color\": \"white\", \"text\": \"<@\\uac74\\ud76cdestruc7i0n\\uac74\\ud76c#7070 (\\uac74\\ud76ct70\\uac74\\ud76c)> \\u00e6, \\u00f8, \\u00e5 (\\u00c6, \\u00d8, \\u00c5) \\uac74\\ud76c\"}]') }) it('does not return command when sending slash command and user does not have role', async () => { const discord = new Discord({ ...defaultConfig, ALLOW_SLASH_COMMANDS: true, SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS: ['123'] }) const message = discord['buildMinecraftCommand']({ author: { username: 'destruc7i0n', discriminator: '7070' }, member: { nickname: 't70', roles: { cache: new Map([]) } }, cleanContent: '/say destruc7i0n' } as any) expect(message).toBeUndefined() }) it('returns command when sending slash command and user has role', async () => { const discord = new Discord({ ...defaultConfig, ALLOW_SLASH_COMMANDS: true, SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS: ['123'] }) const message = discord['buildMinecraftCommand']({ author: { username: 'destruc7i0n', discriminator: '7070' }, member: { nickname: 't70', roles: { cache: new Map([['123', true]]) } }, cleanContent: '/say destruc7i0n' } as any) expect(message).toBe('/say destruc7i0n') }) }) })