import DiscordWebhooks from '../src/DiscordWebhooks' import { defaultConfig } from './constants' describe('DiscordWebhooks', () => { it('parses discord webhooks', () => { const dw = new DiscordWebhooks(defaultConfig) expect(dw['parseDiscordWebhook']('')).toStrictEqual({ id: 'id', token: 'token' }) expect(dw['parseDiscordWebhook']('')).toStrictEqual({ id: 'id', token: 'token' }) expect(dw['parseDiscordWebhook']('')).toStrictEqual({ id: 'id', token: 'token' }) expect(dw['parseDiscordWebhook']('')).toStrictEqual({ id: 'id', token: 'token' }) expect(dw['parseDiscordWebhook']('')).toStrictEqual({ id: null, token: null }) }) it('gets uuid from username and caches', async () => { const dw = new DiscordWebhooks(defaultConfig) expect(await dw['getUUIDFromUsername']('destruc7i0n')).toBe('2d8cf844fa3441c38d4e597b32697909') expect(await dw['getUUIDFromUsername']('hypixel')).toBe('f7c77d999f154a66a87dc4a51ef30d19') expect(dw['uuidCache'].get('destruc7i0n')).toBe('2d8cf844fa3441c38d4e597b32697909') // this should be cached expect(await dw['getUUIDFromUsername']('destruc7i0n')).toBe('2d8cf844fa3441c38d4e597b32697909') }) describe('webhook generation', () => { it('creates for valid players', async () => { const dw = new DiscordWebhooks(defaultConfig) expect(await dw['makeDiscordWebhook']('destruc7i0n', 'hey')).toStrictEqual( { username: 'destruc7i0n', content: 'hey', avatarURL: '', } ) expect(await dw['makeDiscordWebhook']('hypixel', 'hey')).toStrictEqual( { username: 'hypixel', content: 'hey', avatarURL: '', } ) }) it('creates with default player head for invalid players', async () => { const dw = new DiscordWebhooks(defaultConfig) // inb4 someone makes `fakedestruc7i0n` expect(await dw['makeDiscordWebhook']('fakedestruc7i0n', 'hey')).toStrictEqual( { username: 'fakedestruc7i0n', content: 'hey', // default player head avatarURL: '', } ) const dw2 = new DiscordWebhooks({...defaultConfig, DEFAULT_PLAYER_HEAD: '2d8cf844fa3441c38d4e597b32697909'}) // inb4 someone makes `fakedestruc7i0n` expect(await dw2['makeDiscordWebhook']('fakedestruc7i0n', 'hey')).toStrictEqual( { username: 'fakedestruc7i0n', content: 'hey', avatarURL: '', } ) }) it('creates for server message', async () => { const dw = new DiscordWebhooks(defaultConfig) expect(await dw['makeDiscordWebhook']('Shulker - Server', 'hey')).toStrictEqual( { username: 'Shulker - Server', content: 'hey', } ) const dw2 = new DiscordWebhooks({...defaultConfig, SERVER_IMAGE: ''}) expect(await dw2['makeDiscordWebhook']('Shulker - Server', 'hey')).toStrictEqual( { username: 'Shulker - Server', content: 'hey', avatarURL: '', } ) }) }) })