set nocompatible " Backspace past beginning of line in insert mode. set backspace=indent,eol,start " Allow switching buffers without saving. set hidden " Show cursor position and incomplete commands, always show status line. set ruler showcmd laststatus=2 " Search incrementally with smart case sensitivity, highlight all matches. set incsearch ignorecase smartcase hlsearch " Automatic indentation and adjust with tab and backspace. set autoindent smartindent smarttab " Show line numbers, highlight current line and fixed columns. set number cursorline colorcolumn=80,100,120 " Set window title. set title " Shorten messages and disable intro screen set shortmess=atI " Disable audible bell. set visualbell t_vb= " Prevent delay when returning to norml mode in terminal vim. set ttimeoutlen=0 " Show hard tabs and trailing whitespace set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:· " Show hard tabs as 4 side, use 2 space indentation rounded to multiples. set tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=2 shiftround " Syntax highlighting, filetype indentation rules. syntax on filetype plugin indent on " Show tab-complete suggestions and complete longest substring. set wildmenu wildmode=list:longest " Swap , and \ for leader. noremap \ , let mapleader = ',' " Clear search results. nmap n :nohlsearch " Set GUI font and disable GUI features. set guifont=ProFont:h11 guioptions=c " Configure gruvbox colorscheme. set background=dark let g:gruvbox_termcolors = 16 let g:gruvbox_italic = 0 let g:gruvbox_invert_selection = 0 let g:gruvbox_sign_column = 'dark0' let g:gruvbox_vert_split = 'dark0' colorscheme gruvbox