zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored _correct _approximate zstyle ':completion:*' max-errors 2 zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/home/.zshrc' autoload -Uz compinit compinit HISTFILE=~/.histfile HISTSIZE=5000 SAVEHIST=5000 setopt appendhistory autocd nomatch notify autopushd interactive_comments setopt prompt_subst unsetopt beep extendedglob bindkey -e bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line bindkey "\e[5~" beginning-of-history bindkey "\e[6~" end-of-history bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char bindkey "\e[2~" quoted-insert bindkey "\e[5C" forward-word bindkey "\eOc" emacs-forward-word bindkey "\e[5D" backward-word bindkey "\eOd" emacs-backward-word bindkey "\e\e[C" forward-word bindkey "\e\e[D" backward-word bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line bindkey "\eOH" beginning-of-line bindkey "\eOF" end-of-line bindkey "\e[H" beginning-of-line bindkey "\e[F" end-of-line autoload colors zsh/terminfo colors PROMPT="%{$terminfo[bold]$fg[green]%}[%{$fg[blue]%}%30<..<%~%{$fg[green]%}]%(!.#.$)%{$terminfo[sgr0]$reset_color%} " RPROMPT="%(?..%{$terminfo[bold]$fg[green]%}[%{$fg[red]%}%?%{$fg[green]%}]%{$terminfo[sgr0]%})" source ~/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[command]='bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[builtin]='none' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[alias]='fg=magenta,bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[function]='fg=magenta,bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-quoted-argument]='fg=yellow,bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[single-hyphen-option]='bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-hyphen-option]='bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[globbing]='fg=blue,bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]='none' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[history-expansion]='fg=blue,bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[dollar-double-quoted-argument]='fg=yellow,bold' ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-double-quoted-argument]='fg=yellow,bold' source ~/.zsh/z/z.sh # Environment export EDITOR=vim export PATH=$PATH:~/bin [ "$TERM" = "xterm" ] && export TERM=xterm-256color # Functions and aliases PACMAN=pacman-color function pacman { case $1 in -S | -S[^si]* | -R* | -U*) sudo $PACMAN "$@" ;; *) $PACMAN "$@" ;; esac } function mkcd { mkdir $@ if [ "$1" = "-p" ]; then cd $2 else cd $1 fi } function reload { source ~/.zshrc reset } alias sprunge='curl -F "sprunge=<-" http://sprunge.us' alias killlall='killall' alias irb='ripl' alias l='ls' alias ll='ls' alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias rm='rm -vI' alias S='pacman -S' alias Syu='pacman -Syu' alias Ss='pacman -Ss' alias p='pacman' compdef hub=git alias git=hub alias g=hub alias ga='git add' alias gb='git branch' alias gc='git commit' alias gcl='git clone' alias gco='git checkout' alias gd='git diff' alias gi='git init' alias gl='git log' alias glg="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --color" alias gm='git merge' alias gmv='git mv' alias gp='git push' alias gpom='git pull origin master' alias gr='git remote' alias grm='git rm' alias gs='git status -sb' alias gsh='git show' alias gt='git tag' alias gu='git pull' # RVM insists on being last export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin [ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Update all the time! /usr/bin/pacman -Qu > /dev/null && [ ! -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck ] && sudo $PACMAN -Syu true