
537f6&follow=1'>Clean up hilex code somewhatJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Match lex/yacc %% %{ %} lines as MacroJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Match top-level C definitions as IdentifierTagJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Match C type declarations as IdentifierTagJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Match function-like macro definitions as IdentifierTagJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Reconfigure C macro start conditionsJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Document HTML class namesJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Rename Tag class to IdentifierTagJune McEnroe 2020-12-29Change HTML class from hi to hilexJune McEnroe You can tell I was just copying the HTML code huh. 2020-12-29Add hilex HTML outputJune McEnroe