.Dd January 13, 2021 .Dt BIN 7 .Os "Causal Agency" . .Sh NAME .Nm bin .Nd various utilities . .Sh DESCRIPTION Various tools primarily targeting Darwin, .Fx and .Nx . Some tools target Linux. . .Pp .Bl -tag -width "fbclock(1)" -compact .It Xr beef 1 Befunge-93 interpreter .It Xr bibsort 1 reformat bibliography .It Xr bit 1 calculator .It Xr bri 1 backlight brightness control .It Xr c 1 run C statements .It Xr dtch 1 detached sessions .It Xr ever 1 watch files .It Xr fbatt 1 framebuffer battery indicator .It Xr fbclock 1 framebuffer clock .It Xr glitch 1 PNG glitcher .It Xr hilex 1 syntax highlighter .It Xr hnel 1 PTY input remapper .It Xr htagml 1 tags HTMLizer .It Xr modem 1 fixed baud rate wrapper .It Xr nudge 1 terminal vibrator .It Xr order 1 operator precedence .It Xr pbd 1 macOS pasteboard daemon .It Xr pngo 1 PNG optimizer .It Xr psf2png 1 PSF2 to PNG renderer .It Xr psfed 1 PSF2 font editor .It Xr ptee 1 tee for PTYs .It Xr relay 1 IRC relay bot .It Xr scheme 1 color scheme .It Xr shotty 1 terminal capture .It Xr title 1 page titles .It Xr ttpre 1 man output to HTML .It Xr up 1 upload file .It Xr when 1 date calculator .It Xr xx 1 hexdump .El . .Pp One piece of reused code. .Pp .Bl -tag -width "png(3)" -compact .It Xr png 3 basic PNG output .El