/* Copyright (C) 2021 June McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include #endif enum { BufferCap = 8192 + 512 }; static bool verbose; static struct tls *client; static void clientWrite(const char *ptr, size_t len) { if (verbose) printf("%.*s", (int)len, ptr); while (len) { ssize_t ret = tls_write(client, ptr, len); if (ret == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || ret == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT) continue; if (ret < 0) errx(1, "tls_write: %s", tls_error(client)); ptr += ret; len -= ret; } } static void format(const char *format, ...) { char buf[BufferCap]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); int len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap); va_end(ap); assert((size_t)len < sizeof(buf)); clientWrite(buf, len); } static bool invite; static const char *join; enum { Cap = 1024 }; static struct Message { char *id; char *nick; char *chan; char *mesg; } msgs[Cap]; static size_t m; static void push(struct Message msg) { struct Message *dst = &msgs[m++ % Cap]; free(dst->id); free(dst->nick); free(dst->chan); free(dst->mesg); dst->id = strdup(msg.id); dst->nick = strdup(msg.nick); dst->chan = strdup(msg.chan); if (!dst->id || !dst->nick || !dst->chan) err(1, "strdup"); dst->mesg = NULL; if (msg.mesg) { dst->mesg = strdup(msg.mesg); if (!dst->mesg) err(1, "strdup"); } } static struct Message *find(const char *id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Cap; ++i) { if (!msgs[i].id) return NULL; if (!strcmp(msgs[i].id, id)) return &msgs[i]; } return NULL; } static void handle(char *ptr) { char *tags = NULL; char *origin = NULL; if (ptr && *ptr == '@') tags = 1 + strsep(&ptr, " "); if (ptr && *ptr == ':') origin = 1 + strsep(&ptr, " "); char *cmd = strsep(&ptr, " "); if (!cmd) return; if (!strcmp(cmd, "CAP")) { strsep(&ptr, " "); char *sub = strsep(&ptr, " "); if (!sub) errx(1, "CAP without subcommand"); if (!strcmp(sub, "NAK")) { errx(1, "server does not support %s", ptr); } else if (!strcmp(sub, "ACK")) { if (!ptr) errx(1, "CAP ACK without caps"); if (*ptr == ':') ptr++; if (!strcmp(ptr, "sasl")) format("AUTHENTICATE EXTERNAL\r\n"); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "AUTHENTICATE")) { format("AUTHENTICATE +\r\nCAP END\r\n"); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "433")) { strsep(&ptr, " "); char *nick = strsep(&ptr, " "); if (!nick) errx(1, "ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE missing nick"); format("NICK %s_\r\n", nick); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "001")) { if (join) format("JOIN %s\r\n", join); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "005")) { char *self = strsep(&ptr, " "); if (!self) errx(1, "RPL_ISUPPORT missing nick"); while (ptr && *ptr != ':') { char *tok = strsep(&ptr, " "); char *key = strsep(&tok, "="); if (!strcmp(key, "BOT") && tok) { format("MODE %s +%s\r\n", self, tok); } } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "INVITE") && invite) { strsep(&ptr, " "); if (!ptr) errx(1, "INVITE missing channel"); if (*ptr == ':') ptr++; format("JOIN %s\r\n", ptr); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "PING")) { if (!ptr) errx(1, "PING missing parameter"); format("PONG %s\r\n", ptr); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "ERROR")) { if (!ptr) errx(1, "ERROR missing parameter"); if (*ptr == ':') ptr++; errx(1, "%s", ptr); } if ( strcmp(cmd, "PRIVMSG") && strcmp(cmd, "NOTICE") && strcmp(cmd, "TAGMSG") ) return; if (!origin) errx(1, "%s missing origin", cmd); struct Message msg = { .nick = strsep(&origin, "!"), .chan = strsep(&ptr, " "), }; if (!msg.chan) errx(1, "%s missing target", cmd); if (msg.chan[0] == ':') msg.chan++; if (msg.chan[0] != '#') return; if (strcmp(cmd, "TAGMSG")) msg.mesg = (*ptr == ':' ? &ptr[1] : ptr); if (msg.mesg) { if (!strncmp(msg.mesg, "\1ACTION ", 8)) msg.mesg += 8; size_t len = strlen(msg.mesg); if (msg.mesg[len-1] == '\1') msg.mesg[len-1] = '\0'; } char *reply = NULL; char *react = NULL; char *typing = NULL; if (!tags) return; while (tags) { char *tag = strsep(&tags, ";"); char *key = strsep(&tag, "="); if (!strcmp(key, "msgid")) { if (tag) msg.id = tag; } else if (!strcmp(key, "+draft/reply")) { if (tag) reply = tag; } else if (!strcmp(key, "+draft/react")) { if (!tag) continue; for (char *ptr = tag; (ptr = strchr(ptr, '\\')); ptr += !!*ptr) { switch (ptr[1]) { break; case ':': ptr[1] = ';'; break; case 's': ptr[1] = ' '; //break; case 'r': ptr[1] = '\r'; //break; case 'n': ptr[1] = '\n'; } memmove(ptr, &ptr[1], strlen(&ptr[1]) + 1); } react = tag; } else if (!strcmp(key, "+typing") || !strcmp(key, "+draft/typing")) { if (tag) typing = tag; } } if (msg.id) push(msg); if (typing) { if (!strcmp(typing, "active")) { format("NOTICE %s :* %s is typing...\r\n", msg.chan, msg.nick); } else if (!strcmp(typing, "paused")) { format( "NOTICE %s :* %s is thinking hard...\r\n", msg.chan, msg.nick ); } else if (!strcmp(typing, "done")) { format("NOTICE %s :* %s has given up :(\r\n", msg.chan, msg.nick); } else { format( "NOTICE %s :* %s is doing some wacky %s typing!\r\n", msg.chan, msg.nick, typing ); } } else if (react && reply) { struct Message *to = find(reply); format("NOTICE %s :* %s reacted to ", msg.chan, msg.nick); if (to && strcmp(to->chan, msg.chan)) { format("a message in another channel"); } else if (to && to->mesg) { size_t len = 0; for (size_t n; to->mesg[len]; len += n) { n = 1 + strcspn(&to->mesg[len+1], " "); if (len + n > 50) break; } format( "%s's message (\"%.*s\"%s)", to->nick, (int)len, to->mesg, (to->mesg[len] ? "..." : "") ); } else if (to) { format("%s's reaction", to->nick); } else { format("an unknown message"); } format(" with \"%s\"\r\n", react); } else if (react) { format( "NOTICE %s :* %s reacted to nothing with \"%s\"\r\n", msg.chan, msg.nick, react ); } else if (reply) { struct Message *to = find(reply); format("NOTICE %s :* %s was replying to ", msg.chan, msg.nick); if (to && strcmp(to->chan, msg.chan)) { format("a message in another channel!\r\n"); } else if (to && to->mesg) { size_t len = 0; for (size_t n; to->mesg[len]; len += n) { n = 1 + strcspn(&to->mesg[len+1], " "); if (len + n > 50) break; } format( "%s's message (\"%.*s\"%s)\r\n", to->nick, (int)len, to->mesg, (to->mesg[len] ? "..." : "") ); } else if (to) { format("%s's reaction\r\n", to->nick); } else { format("an unknown message!\r\n"); } } } static void quit(int sig) { (void)sig; format("QUIT\r\n"); tls_close(client); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *host = NULL; const char *port = "6697"; const char *nick = "downgrade"; const char *cert = NULL; const char *priv = NULL; for (int opt; 0 < (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "c:ij:k:n:p:v"));) { switch (opt) { break; case 'c': cert = optarg; break; case 'i': invite = true; break; case 'j': join = optarg; break; case 'k': priv = optarg; break; case 'n': nick = optarg; break; case 'p': port = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; default: return 1; } } if (optind == argc) errx(1, "host required"); host = argv[optind]; client = tls_client(); if (!client) errx(1, "tls_client"); struct tls_config *config = tls_config_new(); if (!config) errx(1, "tls_config_new"); if (cert) { if (!priv) priv = cert; int error = tls_config_set_keypair_file(config, cert, priv); if (error) errx(1, "%s: %s", cert, tls_config_error(config)); } int error = tls_configure(client, config); if (error) errx(1, "tls_configure: %s", tls_error(client)); error = tls_connect(client, host, port); if (error) errx(1, "tls_connect: %s", tls_error(client)); do { error = tls_handshake(client); } while (error == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || error == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT); if (error) errx(1, "tls_handshake: %s", tls_error(client)); tls_config_clear_keys(config); #ifdef __OpenBSD__ error = pledge("stdio", NULL); if (error) err(1, "pledge"); #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ error = caph_enter() || caph_limit_stdio(); if (error) err(1, "caph_enter"); #endif signal(SIGHUP, quit); signal(SIGINT, quit); signal(SIGTERM, quit); format( "CAP REQ :echo-message message-tags\r\n" "NICK %s\r\n" "USER %s 0 * :https://causal.agency/bin/downgrade.html\r\n", nick, nick ); if (cert) { format("CAP REQ sasl\r\n"); } else { format("CAP END\r\n"); } size_t len = 0; char buf[BufferCap]; for (;;) { ssize_t n = tls_read(client, &buf[len], sizeof(buf) - len); if (n == TLS_WANT_POLLIN || n == TLS_WANT_POLLOUT) continue; if (n < 0) errx(1, "tls_read: %s", tls_error(client)); if (!n) errx(1, "disconnected"); len += n; char *ptr = buf; for ( char *crlf; (crlf = memmem(ptr, &buf[len] - ptr, "\r\n", 2)); ptr = crlf + 2 ) { *crlf = '\0'; if (verbose) printf("%s\n", ptr); handle(ptr); } len -= ptr - buf; memmove(buf, ptr, len); } }