/* Copyright (C) 2019 C. McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ARRAY_LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) enum Class { Normal, Keyword, Macro, String, Escape, Format, Interp, Comment, Todo, ClassCount, }; struct Syntax { enum Class class; enum Class parent; const char *pattern; const char *pattend; size_t subexp; }; #define WB "(^|[^[:alnum:]_]|\n)" #define SQ_PATTERN "'([^']|\\\\')*'" #define DQ_PATTERN "\"([^\"]|\\\\\")*\"" #define TODO_PATTERN "FIXME|TODO|XXX" static const struct Syntax CSyntax[] = { { Keyword, .subexp = 2, .pattern = WB "(" "(_A|a)lignas|_Atomic|(_N|n)oreturn|(_T|t)hread_local|auto|break|case" "|const|continue|default|do|else|enum|extern|for|goto|if|inline" "|register|restrict|return|static|struct|switch|typedef|union|volatile" "|while" ")" WB }, { Macro, .pattern = "^#(.|\\\\\n)*" }, { String, .subexp = 1, .pattern = "^#include (<[^>]*>)" }, { String, .pattern = "[LUu]?" SQ_PATTERN }, { String, .pattern = "([LU]|u8?)?" DQ_PATTERN }, { Escape, .parent = String, .pattern = "\\\\([\"'?\\abfnrtv]|[0-7]{1,3}|x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)" }, { Escape, .parent = String, .pattern = "\\\\(U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})" }, { Format, .parent = String, .pattern = "%%|%[ #+-0]*" // flags "(\\*|[0-9]+)?" // field width "(\\.(\\*|[0-9]+))?" // precision "([Lhjltz]|hh|ll)?" // length modifier "[AEFGXacdefginopsux]" // format specifier }, { Comment, .pattern = "//.*" }, { Comment, .pattern = "/\\*", .pattend = "\\*/" }, { Comment, .pattern = "^#if 0", .pattend = "^#endif" }, { Todo, .parent = Comment, .pattern = TODO_PATTERN }, }; static const struct Syntax MakeSyntax[] = { { Keyword, .subexp = 2, .pattern = WB "(\\.(PHONY|PRECIOUS|SUFFIXES))" WB }, { Macro, .pattern = "^ *-?include" }, { String, .subexp = 1, .pattern = "[[:alnum:]._]+[[:blank:]]*[!+:?]?=[[:blank:]]*(.*)" }, { Normal, .pattern = "^\t.*" }, { String, .pattern = SQ_PATTERN }, { String, .pattern = DQ_PATTERN }, { Interp, .pattern = "\\$[^$]" }, // These Interp patterns handle one level of nesting with the same // delimiter. { Interp, .pattern = "\\$\\((" "[^$)]" "|" "\\$\\([^)]*\\)" ")*\\)" }, { Interp, .pattern = "\\$\\{(" "[^$}]" "|" "\\$\\{[^}]*\\}" ")*\\}" }, { Escape, .pattern = "\\$\\$" }, { Comment, .pattern = "#.*" }, { Todo, .parent = Comment, .pattern = TODO_PATTERN }, }; static const struct Syntax MdocSyntax[] = { { Keyword, .subexp = 2, .pattern = WB "(" "%[ABCDIJNOPQRTUV]|A[cdnopqrt]|B[cdfkloqtx]|Br[coq]|Bsx|C[dm]" "|D[1bcdloqtvx]|E[cdfklmnorsvx]|F[acdlnortx]|Hf|I[cnt]|L[bikp]|M[st]" "|N[dmosx]|O[copstx]|P[acfopq]|Q[cloq]|R[esv]|S[chmoqstxy]|T[an]|U[dx]" "|V[at]|X[cor]" ")" WB }, { String, .pattern = DQ_PATTERN }, { Normal, .pattern = "^[^.].*" }, { String, .pattern = "\\\\(.|\\(.{2}|\\[[^]]*\\])" }, { Comment, .pattern = "^\\.\\\\\".*" }, { Todo, .parent = Comment, .pattern = TODO_PATTERN }, }; static const struct Language { const char *name; const char *pattern; const struct Syntax *syntax; size_t len; } Languages[] = { { "c", "\\.[ch]$", CSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(CSyntax) }, { "make", "^Makefile$|\\.mk$", MakeSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(MakeSyntax) }, { "mdoc", "\\.[1-9]$", MdocSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(MdocSyntax) }, }; static regex_t compile(const char *pattern, int flags) { regex_t regex; int error = regcomp(®ex, pattern, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE | flags); if (!error) return regex; char buf[256]; regerror(error, ®ex, buf, sizeof(buf)); errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "regcomp: %s: %s", buf, pattern); } enum { SubsLen = 8 }; static void highlight(struct Language lang, enum Class *hi, const char *str) { for (size_t i = 0; i < lang.len; ++i) { struct Syntax syn = lang.syntax[i]; regex_t regex = compile(syn.pattern, 0); regex_t regend = {0}; if (syn.pattend) regend = compile(syn.pattend, 0); assert(syn.subexp < SubsLen); assert(syn.subexp <= regex.re_nsub); regmatch_t subs[SubsLen] = {{0}}; for (size_t offset = 0; str[offset]; offset += subs[syn.subexp].rm_eo) { int error = regexec( ®ex, &str[offset], SubsLen, subs, offset ? REG_NOTBOL : 0 ); if (error == REG_NOMATCH) break; if (error) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "regexec: %d", error); if (lang.syntax[i].pattend) { regmatch_t end; error = regexec( ®end, &str[offset + subs[syn.subexp].rm_eo], 1, &end, REG_NOTBOL ); if (error == REG_NOMATCH) break; if (error) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "regexec: %d", error); subs[syn.subexp].rm_eo += end.rm_eo; } regmatch_t sub = subs[syn.subexp]; for (regoff_t j = sub.rm_so; j < sub.rm_eo; ++j) { if (syn.parent && hi[offset + j] != syn.parent) continue; hi[offset + j] = lang.syntax[i].class; } } regfree(®ex); if (lang.syntax[i].pattend) regfree(®end); } } static void check(void) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Languages); ++i) { regex_t regex = compile(Languages[i].pattern, REG_NOSUB); regfree(®ex); for (size_t j = 0; j < Languages[i].len; ++j) { struct Syntax syn = Languages[i].syntax[j]; regex = compile(syn.pattern, 0); if (syn.subexp >= SubsLen || syn.subexp > regex.re_nsub) { errx( EX_SOFTWARE, "subexpression %zu out of bounds: %s", syn.subexp, syn.pattern ); } regfree(®ex); if (syn.pattend) { regex = compile(syn.pattend, REG_NOSUB); regfree(®ex); } } } } typedef void HeaderFn(const char *name); typedef void OutputFn(enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len); enum SGR { ANSIReset, ANSIBold, ANSIBlack = 30, ANSIRed, ANSIGreen, ANSIYellow, ANSIBlue, ANSIMagenta, ANSICyan, ANSIWhite, ANSIDefault, }; static const enum SGR ansiStyle[ClassCount][2] = { [Normal] = { ANSIDefault }, [Keyword] = { ANSIWhite }, [Macro] = { ANSIGreen }, [String] = { ANSICyan }, [Escape] = { ANSIDefault }, [Format] = { ANSICyan, ANSIBold }, [Interp] = { ANSIGreen }, [Comment] = { ANSIBlue }, [Todo] = { ANSIBlue, ANSIBold }, }; static void ansiOutput(enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len) { // Style each line separately, otherwise less -R won't look right. while (len) { size_t line = strcspn(str, "\n") + 1; if (line > len) line = len; printf( "\x1B[%d;%dm%.*s\x1B[%dm", ansiStyle[class][1], ansiStyle[class][0], (int)line, str, ANSIReset ); str += line; len -= line; } } enum IRC { IRCWhite, IRCBlack, IRCBlue, IRCGreen, IRCRed, IRCBrown, IRCMagenta, IRCOrange, IRCYellow, IRCLightGreen, IRCCyan, IRCLightCyan, IRCLightBlue, IRCPink, IRCGray, IRCLightGray, IRCDefault = 99, IRCBold = 0x02, IRCColor = 0x03, IRCReset = 0x0F, }; static const enum IRC ircStyle[ClassCount][2] = { [Normal] = { IRCDefault }, [Keyword] = { IRCGray }, [Macro] = { IRCGreen }, [String] = { IRCCyan }, [Escape] = { IRCDefault }, [Format] = { IRCCyan, IRCBold }, [Interp] = { IRCGreen }, [Comment] = { IRCBlue }, [Todo] = { IRCBlue, IRCBold }, }; static void ircOutput(enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len) { // Style each line separately, for multiple IRC messages. while (len) { size_t line = strcspn(str, "\n"); if (line > len) line = len; printf( "%c%c%02d,%02d%.*s%c", ircStyle[class][1] ? ircStyle[class][1] : IRCReset, IRCColor, ircStyle[class][0], IRCDefault, (int)line, str, IRCReset ); // Print newline after all formatting to prevent excess messages. if (line < len) { printf("\n"); line++; } str += line; len -= line; } } static void htmlHeader(const char *name) { (void)name; printf("
static void htmlFooter(const char *name) {
\n"); } static void htmlEscape(const char *str, size_t len) { while (len) { size_t run = strcspn(str, "&<>"); if (run > len) run = len; switch (str[0]) { break; case '&': run = 1; printf("&"); break; case '<': run = 1; printf("<"); break; case '>': run = 1; printf(">"); break; default: printf("%.*s", (int)run, str); } str += run; len -= run; } } static const char *ClassName[ClassCount] = { [Normal] = "Normal", [Keyword] = "Keyword", [Macro] = "Macro", [String] = "String", [Escape] = "Escape", [Format] = "Format", [Interp] = "Interp", [Comment] = "Comment", [Todo] = "Todo", }; static void htmlOutput(enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len) { printf("", ClassName[class]); htmlEscape(str, len); printf(""); } static void htmlDocumentHeader(const char *name) { printf("\n"); htmlEscape(name, strlen(name)); printf( "\n" "\n" ); htmlHeader(name); } static const struct Format { const char *name; OutputFn *output; HeaderFn *header; HeaderFn *footer; } Formats[] = { { "ansi", ansiOutput, NULL, NULL }, { "irc", ircOutput, NULL, NULL }, { "html", htmlOutput, htmlHeader, htmlFooter }, { "html-document", htmlOutput, htmlDocumentHeader, htmlFooter }, }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct Language *lang = NULL; const struct Format *format = NULL; int opt; while (0 < (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "cf:l:"))) { switch (opt) { break; case 'c': { check(); return EX_OK; } break; case 'f': { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Formats); ++i) { if (strcmp(optarg, Formats[i].name)) continue; format = &Formats[i]; break; } if (!format) errx(EX_USAGE, "no such format %s", optarg); } break; case 'l': { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Languages); ++i) { if (strcmp(optarg, Languages[i].name)) continue; lang = &Languages[i]; break; } if (!lang) errx(EX_USAGE, "no such language %s", optarg); } break; default: return EX_USAGE; } } const char *path = "(stdin)"; FILE *file = stdin; if (optind < argc) { path = argv[optind]; file = fopen(path, "r"); if (!file) err(EX_NOINPUT, "%s", path); } const char *name = strrchr(path, '/'); name = (name ? &name[1] : path); if (!lang) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Languages); ++i) { regex_t regex = compile(Languages[i].pattern, REG_NOSUB); bool match = !regexec(®ex, name, 0, NULL, 0); regfree(®ex); if (match) { lang = &Languages[i]; break; } } if (!lang) errx(EX_USAGE, "cannot infer language for %s", name); } if (!format) format = &Formats[0]; size_t len = 32 * 1024; if (file != stdin) { struct stat stat; int error = fstat(fileno(file), &stat); if (error) err(EX_IOERR, "fstat"); len = stat.st_size; } char *str = malloc(len + 1); if (!str) err(EX_OSERR, "malloc"); len = fread(str, 1, len, file); if (ferror(file)) err(EX_IOERR, "fread"); str[len] = '\0'; enum Class *hi = calloc(len, sizeof(*hi)); if (!hi) err(EX_OSERR, "calloc"); highlight(*lang, hi, str); if (format->header) format->header(name); size_t run = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += run) { for (run = 0; i + run < len; ++run) { if (hi[i + run] != hi[i]) break; } format->output(hi[i], &str[i], run); } if (format->footer) format->footer(name); }