/* Copyright (C) 2020 C. McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ %option prefix="c11" %option noyywrap %{ #include "hilex.h" %} %s MacroLine MacroInclude MacroDefine %s TypeDecl %x CharLiteral StringLiteral ident [_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]* width "*"|[0-9]+ %% static int pop = INITIAL; static int braces = 0; [[:blank:]]+ { return Normal; } ^"#"[[:blank:]]*("include"|"import") { BEGIN(pop = MacroInclude); return Macro; } ^"#"[[:blank:]]*"define" { BEGIN(pop = MacroDefine); return Macro; } ^[#%][[:blank:]]*{ident} { BEGIN(pop = MacroLine); return Macro; } "<"[^>]+">" { return String; } { {ident}/"(" { BEGIN(pop = MacroLine); return IdentifierTag; } {ident} { BEGIN(pop = MacroLine); return Macro; } } { "\n" { BEGIN(pop = INITIAL); return Normal; } "\\\n" { return Macro; } } ([-+*/%&|^=!<>]|"<<"|">>")"="? | [=~.?:]|"++"|"--"|"&&"|"||"|"->" | sizeof|(_A|alignof) { return Operator; } ([1-9][0-9]*|"0"[0-7]*|"0x"[[:xdigit:]]+)([ulUL]{0,3}) | [0-9]*("."[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[flFL]? | "0x"[[:xdigit:]]*("."[[:xdigit:]]*)?([pP][+-]?[0-9]+)[flFL]? { return Number; } enum|struct|typedef|union { BEGIN(TypeDecl); return Keyword; } {ident}/[[:space:]]*("{"|"(") { BEGIN(pop); return IdentifierTag; } . { BEGIN(pop); REJECT; } auto|break|case|const|continue|default|do|else|enum|extern|for|goto|if|inline | register|restrict|return|static|struct|switch|typedef|union|volatile|while | (_A|a)lignas|_Atomic|_Generic|(_N|n)oreturn|(_S|s)tatic_assert | (_T|t)hread_local { return Keyword; } {ident} { return Macro; } {ident} { return Identifier; } {ident}/("["[^]]*"]")*[[:space:]]*"=" | {ident}/"("[^)]*")"[[:space:]]*"{" { return (!braces ? IdentifierTag : Identifier); } "//"([^\n]|"\\\n")* | "/*"([^*]|"*"[^/])*"*"+"/" { return Comment; } [LUu]?"'" { BEGIN(CharLiteral); return String; } ([LU]|u8?)?"\"" { BEGIN(StringLiteral); return String; } { "\\"[''""?\\abfnrtv] | "\\"([0-7]{1,3}) | "\\x"([[:xdigit:]]{2}) | "\\u"([[:xdigit:]]{4}) | "\\U"([[:xdigit:]]{8}) { return StringEscape; } } { "%%" | "%"[ #+-0]*{width}?("."{width})?([Lhjltz]|hh|ll)?[AEFGXacdefginopsux] { return StringFormat; } } { "'" { BEGIN(pop); return String; } [^\\'']+|. { return String; } } { "\"" { BEGIN(pop); return String; } [^%\\""]+|. { return String; } } "{" { braces++; REJECT; } "}" { braces--; REJECT; } . { return Macro; } .|\n { return Normal; } %{ (void)yyunput; (void)input; %} %% const struct Lexer LexC = { yylex, &yyin, &yytext };