.Dd September 7, 2018 .Dt PBD 1 .Os "Causal Agency" .Sh NAME .Nm pbd , .Nm pbcopy , .Nm pbpaste , .Nm open .Nd macOS pasteboard daemon .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm pbd .Nm pbcopy .Nm pbpaste .Nm open Ar .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm pbd is a daemon which pipes into macOS .Xr pbcopy 1 , from .Xr pbpaste 1 and invokes .Xr open 1 in response to messages sent over TCP port 7062. .Pp The socket can be forwarded through .Xr ssh 1 and the stub implementations of .Nm pbcopy , .Nm pbpaste and .Nm open can be used remotely to access the local pasteboard and open URLs. .Pp Forwarding can be configured with: .Bd -literal -offset indent RemoteForward 7062 .Ed .Sh EXAMPLES .Dl pbd & .Dl ssh -R 7062: tux.local .Dl pbpaste .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr open 1 , .Xr pbcopy 1 , .Xr pbpaste 1 , .Xr ssh 1 , .Xr ssh_config 5