/* Copyright (C) 2021 June McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ %option prefix="sh" %option noyywrap %{ #include #include #include "hilex.h" enum { Cap = 64 }; static int len = 1; static int stack[Cap]; static int push(int val) { if (len < Cap) stack[len++] = val; return val; } static int pop(void) { if (len > 1) len--; return stack[len-1]; } %} %s First %s Param Command Arith Backtick %x DQuote HereDocDel HereDoc HereDocLit word [[:alnum:]_.-]+ param [^:=?+%#{}-]+ reserved [!{}]|else|do|elif|for|done|fi|then|until|while|if|case|esac %% static char *delimiter; [[:blank:]]+ { return Normal; } "\\". { return Escape; } { "$"[*@#?$!0-9-] | "$"[_[:alpha:][_[:alnum:]]* | "${"[#]?{param}"}" { return Subst; } "${"{param} { BEGIN(push(Param)); return Subst; } "$(" { BEGIN(push(Command)); return Subst; } "$((" { BEGIN(push(Arith)); return Subst; } "`" { BEGIN(push(Backtick)); return Subst; } } "}" | ")" | "))" | "`" { BEGIN(pop()); return Subst; } [&();|]|"&&"|";;"|"||" { BEGIN(push(First)); return Operator; } [0-9]?([<>]"&"?|">|"|">>"|"<>") { return Operator; } ^{reserved} { return Keyword; } { [[:blank:]]+ { return Normal; } {reserved} { BEGIN(pop()); return Keyword; } {word} { BEGIN(pop()); return Normal; } } {word}/[[:blank:]]*"()" { return Ident; } [0-9]?("<<"|"<<-") { BEGIN(push(HereDocDel)); return Operator; } { [[:blank:]]+ { return Normal; } {word} { delimiter = strdup(yytext); assert(delimiter); BEGIN(pop(), push(HereDoc)); return Ident; } "'"{word}"'" { delimiter = strndup(&yytext[1], strlen(yytext)-2); assert(delimiter); BEGIN(pop(), push(HereDocLit)); return Ident; } } { ^"\t"*{word} { if (strcmp(&yytext[strspn(yytext, "\t")], delimiter)) REJECT; free(delimiter); BEGIN(pop()); return Ident; } } { [^$`\n]+ { return String; } .|\n { return String; } } { .*\n { return String; } } "'"[^'']*"'" { return String; } "\""/[^$`\\] { BEGIN(push(DQuote)); yymore(); } "\"" { BEGIN(push(DQuote)); return String; } { [^\\$`""]*"\"" { BEGIN(pop()); return String; } "\\"[$`""\\\n] { return Escape; } [^\\$`""]+|. { return String; } } "#".* { return Comment; } {word} { return Normal; } .|\n { return Normal; } %{ (void)yyunput; (void)input; %} %% const struct Lexer LexSh = { yylex, &yyin, &yytext };