/* Copyright (C) 2019, 2021 June McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ %option noyywrap %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define Q(...) #__VA_ARGS__ #define BIT(x) x##Bit, x = 1 << x##Bit, x##Bit_ = x##Bit #define ENUM_CODE \ X(BS) \ X(CHA) \ X(CNL) \ X(CPL) \ X(CR) \ X(CUB) \ X(CUD) \ X(CUF) \ X(CUP) \ X(CUU) \ X(DCH) \ X(DECRC) \ X(DECRST) \ X(DECSC) \ X(DECSET) \ X(DECSTBM) \ X(DL) \ X(ECH) \ X(ED) \ X(EL) \ X(HT) \ X(ICH) \ X(IL) \ X(MC) \ X(NL) \ X(RI) \ X(RM) \ X(SD) \ X(SGR) \ X(SM) \ X(SU) \ X(VPA) enum Code { Data = 1, #define X(code) code, ENUM_CODE #undef X }; static enum { USASCII, DECSpecial, } g0; static const wchar_t AltCharset[128] = { ['`'] = L'\u25C6', ['a'] = L'\u2592', ['f'] = L'\u00B0', ['g'] = L'\u00B1', ['i'] = L'\u240B', ['j'] = L'\u2518', ['k'] = L'\u2510', ['l'] = L'\u250C', ['m'] = L'\u2514', ['n'] = L'\u253C', ['o'] = L'\u23BA', ['p'] = L'\u23BB', ['q'] = L'\u2500', ['r'] = L'\u23BC', ['s'] = L'\u23BD', ['t'] = L'\u251C', ['u'] = L'\u2524', ['v'] = L'\u2534', ['w'] = L'\u252C', ['x'] = L'\u2502', ['y'] = L'\u2264', ['z'] = L'\u2265', ['{'] = L'\u03C0', ['|'] = L'\u2260', ['}'] = L'\u00A3', ['~'] = L'\u00B7', }; static int pn; static int ps[16]; static wchar_t ch; %} ESC \x1B %x CSI CSI_LT CSI_EQ CSI_GT CSI_QM %x OSC %% (void)input; (void)yyunput; pn = 0; {ESC}"[" BEGIN(CSI); {ESC}"[<" BEGIN(CSI_LT); {ESC}"[=" BEGIN(CSI_EQ); {ESC}"[>" BEGIN(CSI_GT); {ESC}"[?" BEGIN(CSI_QM); {ESC}"]" BEGIN(OSC); { [0-9]+;? if (pn < 16) ps[pn++] = atoi(yytext); ; if (pn < 16) ps[pn++] = 0; } { \x07 BEGIN(0); {ESC}\\ BEGIN(0); .|\n ; } \b return BS; \t return HT; \n return NL; \r return CR; {ESC}7 return DECSC; {ESC}8 return DECRC; {ESC}= // DECKPAM {ESC}> // DECKPNM {ESC}M return RI; {ESC}"(0" g0 = DECSpecial; {ESC}"(B" g0 = USASCII; @ BEGIN(0); return ICH; A BEGIN(0); return CUU; B BEGIN(0); return CUD; C BEGIN(0); return CUF; D BEGIN(0); return CUB; E BEGIN(0); return CNL; F BEGIN(0); return CPL; G BEGIN(0); return CHA; H BEGIN(0); return CUP; J BEGIN(0); return ED; K BEGIN(0); return EL; L BEGIN(0); return IL; M BEGIN(0); return DL; P BEGIN(0); return DCH; S BEGIN(0); return SU; T BEGIN(0); return SD; X BEGIN(0); return ECH; d BEGIN(0); return VPA; h BEGIN(0); return SM; i BEGIN(0); return MC; l BEGIN(0); return RM; m BEGIN(0); return SGR; r BEGIN(0); return DECSTBM; h BEGIN(0); return DECSET; l BEGIN(0); return DECRST; [ -/]*. BEGIN(0); warnx("unhandled CSI %s", yytext); [ -/]*. BEGIN(0); warnx("unhandled CSI < %s", yytext); [ -/]*. BEGIN(0); warnx("unhandled CSI = %s", yytext); [ -/]*. BEGIN(0); warnx("unhandled CSI > %s", yytext); [ -/]*. BEGIN(0); warnx("unhandled CSI ? %s", yytext); [\x00-\x7F] { ch = yytext[0]; if (g0 == DECSpecial && AltCharset[ch]) { ch = AltCharset[ch]; } return Data; } [\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] { ch = (wchar_t)(yytext[0] & 0x1F) << 6 | (wchar_t)(yytext[1] & 0x3F); return Data; } [\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} { ch = (wchar_t)(yytext[0] & 0x0F) << 12 | (wchar_t)(yytext[1] & 0x3F) << 6 | (wchar_t)(yytext[2] & 0x3F); return Data; } [\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3} { ch = (wchar_t)(yytext[0] & 0x07) << 18 | (wchar_t)(yytext[1] & 0x3F) << 12 | (wchar_t)(yytext[2] & 0x3F) << 6 | (wchar_t)(yytext[3] & 0x3F); return Data; } . ch = yytext[0]; return Data; %% static int rows = 24; static int cols = 80; static struct Cell { enum { BIT(Bold), BIT(Italic), BIT(Underline), BIT(Reverse), } attr; int bg, fg; wchar_t ch; } *cells; static int y, x; static struct { int y, x; } sc; static struct { int top, bot; } scr; static enum Mode { BIT(Insert), BIT(Wrap), BIT(Cursor), } mode = Wrap | Cursor; static struct Cell sgr = { .bg = -1, .fg = -1, .ch = L' ', }; static struct Cell *cell(int y, int x) { assert(y <= rows); assert(x <= cols); assert(y * cols + x <= rows * cols); return &cells[y * cols + x]; } static int p(int i, int d) { return (i < pn ? ps[i] : d); } static int bound(int a, int x, int b) { if (x < a) return a; if (x > b) return b; return x; } static void move(struct Cell *dst, struct Cell *src, size_t len) { memmove(dst, src, sizeof(*dst) * len); } static void erase(struct Cell *at, struct Cell *to) { for (; at < to; ++at) { *at = sgr; } } static void scrup(int top, int n) { n = bound(0, n, scr.bot - top); move(cell(top, 0), cell(top+n, 0), cols * (scr.bot-top-n)); erase(cell(scr.bot-n, 0), cell(scr.bot, 0)); } static void scrdn(int top, int n) { n = bound(0, n, scr.bot - top); move(cell(top+n, 0), cell(top, 0), cols * (scr.bot-top-n)); erase(cell(top, 0), cell(top+n, 0)); } static enum Mode pmode(void) { enum Mode mode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pn; ++i) { switch (ps[i]) { break; case 4: mode |= Insert; break; default: warnx("unhandled SM/RM %d", ps[i]); } } return mode; } static enum Mode pdmode(void) { enum Mode mode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pn; ++i) { switch (ps[i]) { break; case 1: // DECCKM break; case 7: mode |= Wrap; break; case 12: // "Start Blinking Cursor" break; case 25: mode |= Cursor; break; default: { if (ps[i] < 1000) warnx("unhandled DECSET/DECRST %d", ps[i]); } } } return mode; } static void update(enum Code cc) { switch (cc) { break; case BS: x--; break; case HT: x = x - x % 8 + 8; break; case CR: x = 0; break; case CUU: y -= p(0, 1); break; case CUD: y += p(0, 1); break; case CUF: x += p(0, 1); break; case CUB: x -= p(0, 1); break; case CNL: x = 0; y += p(0, 1); break; case CPL: x = 0; y -= p(0, 1); break; case CHA: x = p(0, 1) - 1; break; case VPA: y = p(0, 1) - 1; break; case CUP: y = p(0, 1) - 1; x = p(1, 1) - 1; break; case DECSC: sc.y = y; sc.x = x; break; case DECRC: y = sc.y; x = sc.x; break; case ED: erase( (p(0, 0) == 0 ? cell(y, x) : cell(0, 0)), (p(0, 0) == 1 ? cell(y, x) : cell(rows-1, cols)) ); break; case EL: erase( (p(0, 0) == 0 ? cell(y, x) : cell(y, 0)), (p(0, 0) == 1 ? cell(y, x) : cell(y, cols)) ); break; case ECH: erase( cell(y, x), cell(y, bound(0, x + p(0, 1), cols)) ); break; case DCH: { int n = bound(0, p(0, 1), cols-x); move(cell(y, x), cell(y, x+n), cols-x-n); erase(cell(y, cols-n), cell(y, cols)); } break; case ICH: { int n = bound(0, p(0, 1), cols-x); move(cell(y, x+n), cell(y, x), cols-x-n); erase(cell(y, x), cell(y, x+n)); } break; case DECSTBM: { scr.bot = bound(0, p(1, rows), rows); scr.top = bound(0, p(0, 1) - 1, scr.bot); } break; case SU: scrup(scr.top, p(0, 1)); break; case SD: scrdn(scr.top, p(0, 1)); break; case DL: scrup(bound(0, y, scr.bot), p(0, 1)); break; case IL: scrdn(bound(0, y, scr.bot), p(0, 1)); break; case NL: { if (y+1 == scr.bot) { scrup(scr.top, 1); } else { y++; } } break; case RI: { if (y == scr.top) { scrdn(scr.top, 1); } else { y--; } } break; case SM: mode |= pmode(); break; case RM: mode &= ~pmode(); break; case DECSET: mode |= pdmode(); break; case DECRST: mode &= ~pdmode(); break; case SGR: { if (!pn) ps[pn++] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pn; ++i) { switch (ps[i]) { break; case 0: sgr.attr = 0; sgr.bg = -1; sgr.fg = -1; break; case 1: sgr.attr |= Bold; break; case 3: sgr.attr |= Italic; break; case 4: sgr.attr |= Underline; break; case 7: sgr.attr |= Reverse; break; case 22: sgr.attr &= ~Bold; break; case 23: sgr.attr &= ~Italic; break; case 24: sgr.attr &= ~Underline; break; case 27: sgr.attr &= ~Reverse; break; case 30 ... 37: sgr.fg = ps[i] - 30; break; case 38: { if (++i < pn && ps[i] == 5) { if (++i < pn) sgr.fg = ps[i]; } } break; case 39: sgr.fg = -1; break; case 40 ... 47: sgr.bg = ps[i] - 40; break; case 48: { if (++i < pn && ps[i] == 5) { if (++i < pn) sgr.bg = ps[i]; } } break; case 49: sgr.bg = -1; break; case 90 ... 97: sgr.fg = 8 + ps[i] - 90; break; case 100 ... 107: sgr.bg = 8 + ps[i] - 100; break; default: warnx("unhandled SGR %d", ps[i]); } } } break; case Data: { int w = wcwidth(ch); if (w < 0) { warnx("unhandled \\u%04X", ch); return; } if (mode & Insert) { int n = bound(0, w, cols-x); move(cell(y, x+n), cell(y, x), cols-x-n); } if (mode & Wrap && x+w > cols) { update(CR); update(NL); } *cell(y, x) = sgr; cell(y, x)->ch = ch; for (int i = 1; i < w && x+i < cols; ++i) { *cell(y, x+i) = sgr; cell(y, x+i)->ch = L'\0'; } x = bound(0, x+w, (mode & Wrap ? cols : cols-1)); return; } break; case MC:; } x = bound(0, x, cols-1); y = bound(0, y, rows-1); } static bool bright; static bool colors; static int defaultBg = 0; static int defaultFg = 7; static const char *Inline[16] = { "#000000;", "#CD0000;", "#00CD00;", "#CDCD00;", "#0000EE;", "#CD00CD;", "#00CDCD;", "#E5E5E5;", "#7F7F7F;", "#FF0000;", "#00FF00;", "#FFFF00;", "#5C5CFF;", "#FF00FF;", "#00FFFF;", "#FFFFFF;", }; static void span(const struct Cell *prev, const struct Cell *cell) { if ( !prev || cell->attr != prev->attr || cell->bg != prev->bg || cell->fg != prev->fg ) { if (prev) printf(""); int attr = cell->attr; int bg = (attr & Reverse ? cell->fg : cell->bg); int fg = (attr & Reverse ? cell->bg : cell->fg); if (bg < 0) bg = defaultBg; if (fg < 0) fg = defaultFg; if (bright && cell->attr & Bold) { if (fg < 8) fg += 8; attr &= ~Bold; } printf( Q(), bg, fg, (attr & Bold ? "font-weight:bold;" : ""), (attr & Italic ? "font-style:italic;" : ""), (attr & Underline ? "text-decoration:underline;" : ""), (colors ? "background-color:" : ""), (colors ? Inline[bg] : ""), (colors ? "color:" : ""), (colors ? Inline[fg] : "") ); } switch (cell->ch) { break; case L'&': printf("&"); break; case L'<': printf("<"); break; case L'>': printf(">"); break; case L'"': printf("""); break; default: printf("%lc", (wint_t)cell->ch); } } static void html(void) { if (mode & Cursor) cell(y, x)->attr ^= Reverse; printf( Q(
		cols, defaultBg, defaultFg
	for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
		for (int x = 0; x < cols; ++x) {
			if (!cell(y, x)->ch) continue;
			span((x ? cell(y, x-1) : NULL), cell(y, x));
\n"); if (mode & Cursor) cell(y, x)->attr ^= Reverse; } static const char *Debug[] = { #define X(code) [code] = #code, ENUM_CODE #undef X }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); bool debug = false; bool size = false; bool hide = false; for (int opt; 0 < (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "Bb:df:h:insw:"));) { switch (opt) { break; case 'B': bright = true; break; case 'b': defaultBg = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': debug = true; break; case 'f': defaultFg = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': rows = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': colors = true; break; case 'n': hide = true; break; case 's': size = true; break; case 'w': cols = atoi(optarg); break; default: return EX_USAGE; } } if (optind < argc) { yyin = fopen(argv[optind], "r"); if (!yyin) err(EX_NOINPUT, "%s", argv[optind]); } if (size) { struct winsize win; int error = ioctl(STDERR_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win); if (error) err(EX_IOERR, "ioctl"); cols = win.ws_col; rows = win.ws_row; } scr.bot = rows; cells = calloc(cols * rows, sizeof(*cells)); if (!cells) err(EX_OSERR, "calloc"); erase(cell(0, 0), cell(rows-1, cols)); bool mc = false; for (int cc; (cc = yylex());) { if (cc == MC) { mc = true; html(); } else { update(cc); } if (debug && cc != Data) { printf("%s", Debug[cc]); for (int i = 0; i < pn; ++i) { printf("%s%d", (i ? ", " : " "), ps[i]); } printf("\n"); html(); } } if (hide) mode &= ~Cursor; if (!mc) html(); }