.Dd July 26, 2023 .Dt LEVELER 7 .Os "Causal Agency" . .Sh NAME .Nm Leveler .Nd A Magic: The Gathering\(tm Game Format . .Sh DECK CONSTRUCTION A full deck of 100 cards consists of 3 sub-decks: .Pp .Bl -enum -offset indent -compact .It 50 cards .It 30 cards .It 20 cards .El . .Pp A full deck may contain only one of each card other than basic lands. . .Pp Cards from all Magic sets are legal, except those .Lk https://magic.wizards.com/en/banned-restricted-list#legacy-banned "banned in the Legacy format" , as well as: .Pp .Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact .It .Lk https://scryfall.com/card/thb/73/thassas-oracle "Thassa's Oracle" .It .Lk https://scryfall.com/card/uma/61/laboratory-maniac "Laboratory Maniac" .It .Lk https://scryfall.com/card/war/54/jace-wielder-of-mysteries "Jace, Wielder of Mysteries" .It .Lk https://scryfall.com/card/40k/46/out-of-the-tombs "Out of the Tombs" .It .Lk https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/13/ormos-archive-keeper "Ormos, Archive Keeper" .El . .Sh PLAY RULES Each player starts the game with 30 life. . .Pp Each player starts the game with their first sub-deck in their library. The two other sub-decks are outside of the game. . .Pp When a player's library is empty, if one of their sub-decks is still outside the game, their next sub-deck enters the game and is shuffled into their library. This is a state-based action. . .Pp When a player has taken 10 total damage over the course of the game, if their second sub-deck is outside the game, they exile their library. This is a state-based action. . .Pp When a player has taken 20 total damage over the course of the game, if their third sub-deck is outside the game, they exile their library. This is a state-based action. . .Sh AUTHORS .An June McEnroe Aq Mt june@causal.agency