.Dd December 15, 2019 .Dt CGIT-SETUP 7 .Os "Causal Agency" . .Sh NAME .Nm cgit setup .Nd configuration notes . .Sh DESCRIPTION I just set up cgit on .Lk https://git.causal.agency to replace an instance of gitea. After 30 days of uptime, gitea had accumulated over 11 hours of CPU time and was using hundreds of megabytes of memory. cgit is much more lightweight and much more in line with my aesthetic. I'm documenting how I set it up here mostly to remind myself in the future. . .Ss slowcgi cgit is CGI software, but .Xr nginx 8 only supports FastCGI. I used .Xr slowcgi 8 as a compatibility layer by adding the following to .Pa /etc/rc.conf : .Bd -literal -offset indent slowcgi_enable="YES" slowcgi_flags="-p / -s /var/run/slowcgi.sock" .Ed . .Ss nginx I added the following in a new .Cm server block to .Pa /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf : .Bd -literal -offset indent root /usr/local/www/cgit; location / { try_files $uri @cgit; } location @cgit { fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/slowcgi.sock; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/cgit.cgi; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $uri; fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method; fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type; fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length; fastcgi_param HTTPS $https if_not_empty; fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port; fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name; } .Ed . .Pp The .Cm try_files directive causes .Xr nginx 8 to first try to serve static files from .Pa /usr/local/www/cgit before passing anything else on to FastCGI. . .Pp The .Va SCRIPT_FILENAME parameter tells .Xr slowcgi 8 the path of the CGI binary to run. Setting .Va SCRIPT_NAME to .Pa / tells cgit its root URL and avoids it using query strings for everything. . .Ss cgit cgit doesn't provide any configuration to start from, so you have to just read .Xr cgitrc 5 . I added the following to .Pa /usr/local/etc/cgitrc : .Bd -literal -offset indent cache-size=1024 clone-url=https://$HTTP_HOST/$CGIT_REPO_URL snapshots=tar.gz zip remove-suffix=1 enable-git-config=1 scan-path=/home/june/pub .Ed . .Pp The .Cm cache-size option enables caching, which by default is stored in .Pa /var/cache/cgit , so I made sure that directory exists and is writable by the .Sy www user. The .Cm clone-url option sets the clone URL to advertise. cgit will automatically serve git over HTTP. The .Cm snapshots option makes tarballs available for tags and commits. . .Pp The .Cm scan-path option causes cgit to scan the given path for git repositories. I'm putting mine in .Pa ~/pub . The .Cm remove-suffix option causes cgit to remove the .Pa .git suffix from the URLs it uses for the repositories it finds, so that .Pa ~/pub/pounce.git is served at .Pa /pounce . The .Cm enable-git-config option allows controlling some cgit options from the .Xr git-config 1 of each repository. See .Sx git below. . .Pp I also set up a filter to render .Xr mdoc 7 files and do syntax highlighting by adding the following to .Pa cgitrc : .Bd -literal -offset indent readme=:README.7 readme=:README about-filter=/usr/local/libexec/cgit-filter source-filter=/usr/local/libexec/cgit-filter .Ed . .Pp The .Cm readme options tell cgit which files to look for to render the .Dq about page. The colon prefix causes it to look for them in the git tree. The .Pa /usr/local/libexec/cgit-filter script contains the following: .Bd -literal -offset indent #!/bin/sh case "$1" in (*.[1-9]) /usr/bin/mandoc -T utf8 | /usr/local/libexec/ttpre ;; (*) exec /usr/local/libexec/hi -t -n "$1" -f html -o anchor ;; esac .Ed . .Pp Filter scripts are run with the filename as their first argument and the contents of the file on standard input. The .Xr ttpre 1 command is my own utility to convert .Xr man 1 output to HTML. The .Xr hi 1 command is my own .Lk https://causal.agency/bin/hi.html "syntax highlighter" . . .Ss git I create my repositories in .Pa ~/pub with .Ql git init --bare and use .Pa git.causal.agency:pub/example.git locally as the remote. Descriptions are set by editing the .Pa description file in each repository. The section and homepage can be set with .Xr git-config 1 through the keys .Cm cgit.section and .Cm cgit.homepage , respectively, thanks to the .Cm enable-git-config option above. . .Ss Redirects I added the following to the .Cm server block that used to serve gitea in .Pa nginx.conf : .Bd -literal -offset indent location ~* /june/([^.]+)[.]git(.*) { return 301 https://git.causal.agency/$1$2?$query_string; } location ~* /june/([^/]+) { return 301 https://git.causal.agency/$1; } location / { return 301 https://git.causal.agency; } .Ed . .Pp This redirects any links to my gitea repos to the corresponding repo in cgit. The first .Sy location block also redirects gitea HTTP clone URLs to cgit so that .Xr git-pull 1 continues to work on existing clones. . .Sh AUTHORS .An June Bug Aq Mt june@causal.agency