/* Copyright (C) 2018 June McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "torus.h" #include "help.h" #define err(...) do { endwin(); err(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #define errx(...) do { endwin(); errx(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define DIV_ROUND(a, b) (((a) + (b) / 2) / (b)) #define CTRL(ch) ((ch) ^ 0x40) enum { ESC = 0x1B, DEL = 0x7F, }; static void curse(void) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); initscr(); start_color(); if (!has_colors() || COLOR_PAIRS < 64) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, your terminal doesn't support colors!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If you think it should, check TERM.\n"); exit(EX_CONFIG); } if (LINES < CELL_ROWS || COLS < CELL_COLS) { endwin(); fprintf( stderr, "Sorry, your terminal is too small!\n" "It must be at least %ux%u characters.\n", CELL_COLS, CELL_ROWS ); exit(EX_CONFIG); } assume_default_colors(0, 0); if (COLORS >= 16) { for (short pair = 1; pair < 0x80; ++pair) { init_pair(pair, pair & 0x0F, (pair & 0xF0) >> 4); } } else { for (short pair = 1; pair < 0100; ++pair) { init_pair(pair, pair & 007, (pair & 070) >> 3); } } color_set(COLOR_WHITE, NULL); bool hline = (LINES > CELL_ROWS); bool vline = (COLS > CELL_COLS); if (hline) mvhline(CELL_ROWS, 0, 0, CELL_COLS); if (vline) mvvline(0, CELL_COLS, 0, CELL_ROWS); if (hline && vline) mvaddch(CELL_ROWS, CELL_COLS, ACS_LRCORNER); color_set(0, NULL); cbreak(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, true); set_escdelay(100); } static attr_t colorAttr(uint8_t color) { if (COLORS >= 16) return A_NORMAL; return (color & COLOR_BRIGHT) ? A_BOLD : A_NORMAL; } static short colorPair(uint8_t color) { if (COLORS >= 16) return color; return (color & 0x70) >> 1 | (color & 0x07); } static void drawCell( const struct Tile *tile, uint8_t cellX, uint8_t cellY, attr_t attr ) { uint8_t color = tile->colors[cellY][cellX]; uint8_t cell = tile->cells[cellY][cellX]; cchar_t cch; wchar_t wch[] = { CP437[cell], L'\0' }; setcchar(&cch, wch, attr | colorAttr(color), colorPair(color), NULL); mvadd_wch(cellY, cellX, &cch); } static void drawTile(const struct Tile *tile) { for (uint8_t cellY = 0; cellY < CELL_ROWS; ++cellY) { for (uint8_t cellX = 0; cellX < CELL_COLS; ++cellX) { drawCell(tile, cellX, cellY, A_NORMAL); } } } static int client; static uint8_t cellX; static uint8_t cellY; static struct Tile tile; static void serverTile(void) { ssize_t size = recv(client, &tile, sizeof(tile), 0); if (size < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "recv"); if ((size_t)size < sizeof(tile)) errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "truncated tile"); drawTile(&tile); } static void serverMove(struct ServerMessage msg) { cellX = msg.move.cellX; cellY = msg.move.cellY; } static void serverPut(struct ServerMessage msg) { tile.colors[msg.put.cellY][msg.put.cellX] = msg.put.color; tile.cells[msg.put.cellY][msg.put.cellX] = msg.put.cell; drawCell(&tile, msg.put.cellX, msg.put.cellY, A_NORMAL); } static void serverCursor(struct ServerMessage msg) { if (msg.cursor.oldCellX != CURSOR_NONE) { drawCell(&tile, msg.cursor.oldCellX, msg.cursor.oldCellY, A_NORMAL); } if (msg.cursor.newCellX != CURSOR_NONE) { drawCell(&tile, msg.cursor.newCellX, msg.cursor.newCellY, A_REVERSE); } } static const uint8_t MAP_X = (CELL_COLS / 2) - (3 * MAP_COLS / 2); static const uint8_t MAP_Y = (CELL_ROWS / 2) - (MAP_ROWS / 2); static const wchar_t MAP_CELLS[5] = L" ░▒▓█"; static const uint8_t MAP_COLORS[] = { COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_RED, }; static void serverMap(void) { int t = MAP_Y - 1; int l = MAP_X - 1; int b = MAP_Y + MAP_ROWS; int r = MAP_X + 3 * MAP_COLS; color_set(colorPair(COLOR_WHITE), NULL); mvhline(t, MAP_X, ACS_HLINE, 3 * MAP_COLS); mvhline(b, MAP_X, ACS_HLINE, 3 * MAP_COLS); mvvline(MAP_Y, l, ACS_VLINE, MAP_ROWS); mvvline(MAP_Y, r, ACS_VLINE, MAP_ROWS); mvaddch(t, l, ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddch(t, r, ACS_URCORNER); mvaddch(b, l, ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddch(b, r, ACS_LRCORNER); color_set(0, NULL); struct Map map; ssize_t size = recv(client, &map, sizeof(map), 0); if (size < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "recv"); if ((size_t)size < sizeof(map)) errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "truncated map"); if (0 == map.max.modifyCount) return; if (0 == map.now - map.min.createTime) return; for (uint8_t y = 0; y < MAP_ROWS; ++y) { for (uint8_t x = 0; x < MAP_COLS; ++x) { struct Meta meta = map.meta[y][x]; uint32_t count = DIV_ROUND( (ARRAY_LEN(MAP_CELLS) - 1) * meta.modifyCount, map.max.modifyCount ); uint32_t time = DIV_ROUND( (ARRAY_LEN(MAP_COLORS) - 1) * (meta.modifyTime - map.min.createTime), map.now - map.min.createTime ); if (!meta.modifyTime) time = 0; wchar_t cell = MAP_CELLS[count]; uint8_t color = MAP_COLORS[time]; wchar_t tile[] = { cell, cell, cell, L'\0' }; attr_set(colorAttr(color), colorPair(color), NULL); mvaddwstr(MAP_Y + y, MAP_X + 3 * x, tile); } } attr_set(A_NORMAL, 0, NULL); } static void readMessage(void) { struct ServerMessage msg; ssize_t size = recv(client, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); if (size < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "recv"); if ((size_t)size < sizeof(msg)) errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "truncated message"); switch (msg.type) { break; case SERVER_TILE: serverTile(); break; case SERVER_MOVE: serverMove(msg); break; case SERVER_PUT: serverPut(msg); break; case SERVER_CURSOR: serverCursor(msg); break; case SERVER_MAP: serverMap(); break; default: errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "unknown message type %d", msg.type); } move(cellY, cellX); } static void clientMessage(struct ClientMessage msg) { ssize_t size = send(client, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); if (size < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "send"); } static void clientMove(int8_t dx, int8_t dy) { struct ClientMessage msg = { .type = CLIENT_MOVE, .move = { .dx = dx, .dy = dy }, }; clientMessage(msg); } static void clientFlip(void) { struct ClientMessage msg = { .type = CLIENT_FLIP }; clientMessage(msg); } static void clientPut(uint8_t color, uint8_t cell) { struct ClientMessage msg = { .type = CLIENT_PUT, .put = { .color = color, .cell = cell }, }; clientMessage(msg); } static void clientMap(void) { struct ClientMessage msg = { .type = CLIENT_MAP }; clientMessage(msg); } static struct { enum { MODE_NORMAL, MODE_HELP, MODE_MAP, MODE_DIRECTION, MODE_INSERT, MODE_REPLACE, MODE_DRAW, } mode; uint8_t color; uint8_t shift; uint8_t draw; } input = { .color = COLOR_WHITE, }; static struct { uint8_t color; uint8_t cell; } copy; static struct { int8_t dx; int8_t dy; uint8_t len; } insert; static void modeHelp(void) { curs_set(0); drawTile(HELP); input.mode = MODE_HELP; } static void modeMap(void) { curs_set(0); clientMap(); input.mode = MODE_MAP; } static void modeNormal(void) { curs_set(1); move(cellY, cellX); input.mode = MODE_NORMAL; } static void modeDraw(void) { input.draw = 0; input.mode = MODE_DRAW; } static void modeReplace(void) { input.mode = MODE_REPLACE; } static void modeDirection(void) { input.mode = MODE_DIRECTION; } static void modeInsert(int8_t dx, int8_t dy) { insert.dx = dx; insert.dy = dy; insert.len = 0; input.mode = MODE_INSERT; } static void colorFg(uint8_t fg) { input.color = (input.color & 0x78) | (fg & 0x07); } static void colorBg(uint8_t bg) { input.color = (input.color & 0x0F) | (bg & 0x07) << 4; } static uint8_t colorInvert(uint8_t color) { return (color & 0x08) | (color & 0x70) >> 4 | (color & 0x07) << 4; } static void cellCopy(void) { copy.color = tile.colors[cellY][cellX]; copy.cell = tile.cells[cellY][cellX]; } static void cellSwap(int8_t dx, int8_t dy) { if ((uint8_t)(cellX + dx) >= CELL_COLS) return; if ((uint8_t)(cellY + dy) >= CELL_ROWS) return; uint8_t aColor = tile.colors[cellY][cellX]; uint8_t aCell = tile.cells[cellY][cellX]; uint8_t bColor = tile.colors[cellY + dy][cellX + dx]; uint8_t bCell = tile.cells[cellY + dy][cellX + dx]; clientPut(bColor, bCell); clientMove(dx, dy); clientPut(aColor, aCell); } static uint8_t inputCell(wchar_t ch) { if (ch == ' ') return ' '; if (ch < 0x80) return (uint8_t)ch + input.shift; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(CP437); ++i) { if (ch == CP437[i]) return i; } return 0; } static void inputNormal(bool keyCode, wchar_t ch) { if (keyCode) { switch (ch) { break; case KEY_LEFT: clientMove(-1, 0); break; case KEY_RIGHT: clientMove( 1, 0); break; case KEY_UP: clientMove( 0, -1); break; case KEY_DOWN: clientMove( 0, 1); break; case KEY_F(1): input.shift = 0x00; break; case KEY_F(2): input.shift = 0xC0; break; case KEY_F(3): input.shift = 0xA0; break; case KEY_F(4): input.shift = 0x70; break; case KEY_F(5): input.shift = 0x40; } return; } switch (ch) { break; case CTRL('L'): clearok(curscr, true); break; case ESC: modeNormal(); input.shift = 0; break; case 'q': endwin(); exit(EX_OK); break; case 'g': clientFlip(); break; case 'h': clientMove(-1, 0); break; case 'l': clientMove( 1, 0); break; case 'k': clientMove( 0, -1); break; case 'j': clientMove( 0, 1); break; case 'y': clientMove(-1, -1); break; case 'u': clientMove( 1, -1); break; case 'b': clientMove(-1, 1); break; case 'n': clientMove( 1, 1); break; case '0': colorFg(COLOR_BLACK); break; case '1': colorFg(COLOR_RED); break; case '2': colorFg(COLOR_GREEN); break; case '3': colorFg(COLOR_YELLOW); break; case '4': colorFg(COLOR_BLUE); break; case '5': colorFg(COLOR_MAGENTA); break; case '6': colorFg(COLOR_CYAN); break; case '7': colorFg(COLOR_WHITE); break; case ')': colorBg(COLOR_BLACK); break; case '!': colorBg(COLOR_RED); break; case '@': colorBg(COLOR_GREEN); break; case '#': colorBg(COLOR_YELLOW); break; case '$': colorBg(COLOR_BLUE); break; case '%': colorBg(COLOR_MAGENTA); break; case '^': colorBg(COLOR_CYAN); break; case '&': colorBg(COLOR_WHITE); break; case '8': input.color ^= COLOR_BRIGHT; break; case '9': input.color = colorInvert(input.color); break; case '`': input.color = tile.colors[cellY][cellX]; break; case 'H': cellSwap(-1, 0); break; case 'L': cellSwap( 1, 0); break; case 'K': cellSwap( 0, -1); break; case 'J': cellSwap( 0, 1); break; case 'Y': cellSwap(-1, -1); break; case 'U': cellSwap( 1, -1); break; case 'B': cellSwap(-1, 1); break; case 'N': cellSwap( 1, 1); break; case 's': cellCopy(); break; case 'x': cellCopy(); clientPut(copy.color, ' '); break; case 'p': clientPut(copy.color, copy.cell); break; case '~': { cellCopy(); clientPut(input.color, tile.cells[cellY][cellX]); clientMove(1, 0); } break; case '*': { clientPut( tile.colors[cellY][cellX] ^ COLOR_BRIGHT, tile.cells[cellY][cellX] ); clientMove(1, 0); } break; case '(': { clientPut( colorInvert(tile.colors[cellY][cellX]), tile.cells[cellY][cellX] ); clientMove(1, 0); } break; case CTRL('A'): { clientPut(tile.colors[cellY][cellX], tile.cells[cellY][cellX] + 1); } break; case CTRL('X'): { clientPut(tile.colors[cellY][cellX], tile.cells[cellY][cellX] - 1); } break; case '?': modeHelp(); break; case 'm': modeMap(); break; case 'R': modeDraw(); break; case 'r': modeReplace(); cellCopy(); break; case 'I': modeDirection(); break; case 'i': modeInsert(1, 0); break; case 'a': modeInsert(1, 0); clientMove(1, 0); } } static void inputHelp(bool keyCode, wchar_t ch) { (void)keyCode; (void)ch; if (tile.meta.createTime) drawTile(&tile); modeNormal(); } static void inputMap(bool keyCode, wchar_t ch) { (void)keyCode; (void)ch; drawTile(&tile); modeNormal(); } static void inputDirection(bool keyCode, wchar_t ch) { if (keyCode) return; switch (ch) { break; case ESC: modeNormal(); break; case 'h': modeInsert(-1, 0); break; case 'l': modeInsert( 1, 0); break; case 'k': modeInsert( 0, -1); break; case 'j': modeInsert( 0, 1); break; case 'y': modeInsert(-1, -1); break; case 'u': modeInsert( 1, -1); break; case 'b': modeInsert(-1, 1); break; case 'n': modeInsert( 1, 1); } } static void inputInsert(bool keyCode, wchar_t ch) { if (keyCode) { inputNormal(keyCode, ch); return; } switch (ch) { break; case ESC: { clientMove(-insert.dx, -insert.dy); modeNormal(); } break; case '\b': case DEL: { clientMove(-insert.dx, -insert.dy); clientPut(input.color, ' '); insert.len--; } break; case '\n': { clientMove(insert.dy, insert.dx); clientMove(insert.len * -insert.dx, insert.len * -insert.dy); insert.len = 0; } break; default: { uint8_t cell = inputCell(ch); if (!cell) break; clientPut(input.color, cell); clientMove(insert.dx, insert.dy); insert.len++; } } } static void inputReplace(bool keyCode, wchar_t ch) { if (keyCode) { inputNormal(keyCode, ch); return; } if (ch != ESC) { uint8_t cell = inputCell(ch); if (!cell) return; clientPut(tile.colors[cellY][cellX], cell); } modeNormal(); } static void inputDraw(bool keyCode, wchar_t ch) { if (!keyCode && ch == ESC) { modeNormal(); return; } if (input.draw) { inputNormal(keyCode, ch); } else { if (keyCode) { inputNormal(keyCode, ch); return; } input.draw = inputCell(ch); } clientPut(input.color, input.draw); } static void readInput(void) { wint_t ch; bool keyCode = (KEY_CODE_YES == get_wch(&ch)); switch (input.mode) { break; case MODE_NORMAL: inputNormal(keyCode, ch); break; case MODE_HELP: inputHelp(keyCode, ch); break; case MODE_MAP: inputMap(keyCode, ch); break; case MODE_DRAW: inputDraw(keyCode, ch); break; case MODE_REPLACE: inputReplace(keyCode, ch); break; case MODE_DIRECTION: inputDirection(keyCode, ch); break; case MODE_INSERT: inputInsert(keyCode, ch); } } int main() { curse(); modeHelp(); readInput(); client = socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (client < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "socket"); struct sockaddr_un addr = { .sun_family = AF_LOCAL, .sun_path = "torus.sock", }; int error = connect(client, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if (error) err(EX_NOINPUT, "torus.sock"); struct pollfd fds[2] = { { .fd = STDIN_FILENO, .events = POLLIN }, { .fd = client, .events = POLLIN }, }; for (;;) { int nfds = poll(fds, 2, -1); if (nfds < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (nfds < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "poll"); if (fds[0].revents) readInput(); if (fds[1].revents) readMessage(); refresh(); } }