/* Copyright (C) 2017 June McEnroe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include #include #endif #include "torus.h" static struct Tile *tiles; static void tilesMap(const char *path) { int fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644); if (fd < 0) err(EX_CANTCREAT, "%s", path); int error = ftruncate(fd, TilesSize); if (error) err(EX_IOERR, "%s", path); tiles = mmap(NULL, TilesSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (tiles == MAP_FAILED) err(EX_OSERR, "mmap"); close(fd); error = madvise(tiles, TilesSize, MADV_RANDOM); if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "madvise"); #ifdef MADV_NOCORE error = madvise(tiles, TilesSize, MADV_NOCORE); if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "madvise"); #endif } static struct Tile *tileGet(uint32_t tileX, uint32_t tileY) { struct Tile *tile = &tiles[tileY * TileRows + tileX]; if (!tile->createTime) { memset(tile->cells, ' ', CellsSize); memset(tile->colors, ColorWhite, CellsSize); tile->createTime = time(NULL); } return tile; } static struct Tile *tileAccess(uint32_t tileX, uint32_t tileY) { struct Tile *tile = tileGet(tileX, tileY); tile->accessTime = time(NULL); tile->accessCount++; return tile; } static struct Tile *tileModify(uint32_t tileX, uint32_t tileY) { struct Tile *tile = tileGet(tileX, tileY); tile->modifyTime = time(NULL); tile->modifyCount++; return tile; } static struct Client { int fd; uint32_t tileX; uint32_t tileY; uint8_t cellX; uint8_t cellY; struct Client *prev; struct Client *next; } *clientHead; static struct Client *clientAdd(int fd) { struct Client *client = malloc(sizeof(*client)); if (!client) err(EX_OSERR, "malloc"); client->fd = fd; client->tileX = TileInitX; client->tileY = TileInitY; client->cellX = CellInitX; client->cellY = CellInitY; client->prev = NULL; if (clientHead) { clientHead->prev = client; client->next = clientHead; } else { client->next = NULL; } clientHead = client; return client; } static bool clientSend(const struct Client *client, struct ServerMessage msg) { ssize_t size = send(client->fd, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); if (size < 0) return false; if (msg.type == ServerTile) { struct Tile *tile = tileAccess(client->tileX, client->tileY); size = send(client->fd, tile, sizeof(*tile), 0); if (size < 0) return false; } return true; } static void clientCast(const struct Client *origin, struct ServerMessage msg) { for (struct Client *client = clientHead; client; client = client->next) { if (client == origin) continue; if (client->tileX != origin->tileX) continue; if (client->tileY != origin->tileY) continue; clientSend(client, msg); } } static void clientRemove(struct Client *client) { if (client->prev) client->prev->next = client->next; if (client->next) client->next->prev = client->prev; if (clientHead == client) clientHead = client->next; struct ServerMessage msg = { .type = ServerCursor, .cursor = { .oldCellX = client->cellX, .oldCellY = client->cellY, .newCellX = CursorNone, .newCellY = CursorNone, }, }; clientCast(client, msg); close(client->fd); free(client); } static bool clientCursors(const struct Client *client) { struct ServerMessage msg = { .type = ServerCursor, .cursor = { .oldCellX = CursorNone, .oldCellY = CursorNone }, }; for (struct Client *friend = clientHead; friend; friend = friend->next) { if (friend == client) continue; if (friend->tileX != client->tileX) continue; if (friend->tileY != client->tileY) continue; msg.cursor.newCellX = friend->cellX; msg.cursor.newCellY = friend->cellY; if (!clientSend(client, msg)) return false; } return true; } static bool clientUpdate(struct Client *client, const struct Client *old) { struct ServerMessage msg = { .type = ServerMove, .move = { .cellX = client->cellX, .cellY = client->cellY }, }; if (!clientSend(client, msg)) return false; if (client->tileX != old->tileX || client->tileY != old->tileY) { msg.type = ServerTile; if (!clientSend(client, msg)) return false; if (!clientCursors(client)) return false; msg = (struct ServerMessage) { .type = ServerCursor, .cursor = { .oldCellX = old->cellX, .oldCellY = old->cellY, .newCellX = CursorNone, .newCellY = CursorNone, }, }; clientCast(old, msg); msg = (struct ServerMessage) { .type = ServerCursor, .cursor = { .oldCellX = CursorNone, .oldCellY = CursorNone, .newCellX = client->cellX, .newCellY = client->cellY, }, }; clientCast(client, msg); } else { msg = (struct ServerMessage) { .type = ServerCursor, .cursor = { .oldCellX = old->cellX, .oldCellY = old->cellY, .newCellX = client->cellX, .newCellY = client->cellY, }, }; clientCast(client, msg); } return true; } static bool clientMove(struct Client *client, int8_t dx, int8_t dy) { struct Client old = *client; if (dx > CellCols - client->cellX) dx = CellCols - client->cellX; if (dx < -client->cellX - 1) dx = -client->cellX - 1; if (dy > CellRows - client->cellY) dy = CellRows - client->cellY; if (dy < -client->cellY - 1) dy = -client->cellY - 1; client->cellX += dx; client->cellY += dy; if (client->cellX == CellCols) { client->tileX++; client->cellX = 0; } if (client->cellX == UINT8_MAX) { client->tileX--; client->cellX = CellCols - 1; } if (client->cellY == CellRows) { client->tileY++; client->cellY = 0; } if (client->cellY == UINT8_MAX) { client->tileY--; client->cellY = CellRows - 1; } if (client->tileX == TileCols) client->tileX = 0; if (client->tileX == UINT32_MAX) client->tileX = TileCols - 1; if (client->tileY == TileRows) client->tileY = 0; if (client->tileY == UINT32_MAX) client->tileY = TileRows - 1; assert(client->cellX < CellCols); assert(client->cellY < CellRows); assert(client->tileX < TileCols); assert(client->tileY < TileRows); return clientUpdate(client, &old); } static bool clientFlip(struct Client *client) { struct Client old = *client; client->tileX = (client->tileX + TileCols / 2) % TileCols; client->tileY = (client->tileY + TileRows / 2) % TileRows; return clientUpdate(client, &old); } static bool clientPut(const struct Client *client, uint8_t color, uint8_t cell) { struct Tile *tile = tileModify(client->tileX, client->tileY); tile->colors[client->cellY][client->cellX] = color; tile->cells[client->cellY][client->cellX] = cell; struct ServerMessage msg = { .type = ServerPut, .put = { .cellX = client->cellX, .cellY = client->cellY, .color = color, .cell = cell, }, }; bool success = clientSend(client, msg); clientCast(client, msg); return success; } static bool clientMap(const struct Client *client) { int32_t mapY = (int32_t)client->tileY - MapRows / 2; int32_t mapX = (int32_t)client->tileX - MapCols / 2; time_t now = time(NULL); struct Map map = { .now = now, .min = { .createTime = now, .modifyTime = now, .accessTime = now, .modifyCount = UINT32_MAX, .accessCount = UINT32_MAX, }, }; for (int32_t y = 0; y < MapRows; ++y) { for (int32_t x = 0; x < MapCols; ++x) { uint32_t tileY = ((mapY + y) % TileRows + TileRows) % TileRows; uint32_t tileX = ((mapX + x) % TileCols + TileCols) % TileCols; struct Meta meta = tileMeta(&tiles[tileY * TileRows + tileX]); if (meta.createTime) { if (meta.createTime < map.min.createTime) { map.min.createTime = meta.createTime; } if (meta.createTime > map.max.createTime) { map.max.createTime = meta.createTime; } } if (meta.modifyTime) { if (meta.modifyTime < map.min.modifyTime) { map.min.modifyTime = meta.modifyTime; } if (meta.modifyTime > map.max.modifyTime) { map.max.modifyTime = meta.modifyTime; } } if (meta.accessTime) { if (meta.accessTime < map.min.accessTime) { map.min.accessTime = meta.accessTime; } if (meta.accessTime > map.max.accessTime) { map.max.accessTime = meta.accessTime; } } if (meta.modifyCount < map.min.modifyCount) { map.min.modifyCount = meta.modifyCount; } if (meta.modifyCount > map.max.modifyCount) { map.max.modifyCount = meta.modifyCount; } if (meta.accessCount < map.min.accessCount) { map.min.accessCount = meta.accessCount; } if (meta.accessCount > map.max.accessCount) { map.max.accessCount = meta.accessCount; } map.meta[y][x] = meta; } } struct ServerMessage msg = { .type = ServerMap }; if (!clientSend(client, msg)) return false; if (0 > send(client->fd, &map, sizeof(map), 0)) return false; return true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int error; const char *dataPath = "torus.dat"; const char *sockPath = "torus.sock"; const char *pidPath = NULL; int opt; while (0 < (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d:p:s:"))) { switch (opt) { break; case 'd': dataPath = optarg; break; case 'p': pidPath = optarg; break; case 's': sockPath = optarg; break; default: return EX_USAGE; } } #ifdef __FreeBSD__ struct pidfh *pid = NULL; if (pidPath) { pid = pidfile_open(pidPath, 0600, NULL); if (!pid) err(EX_CANTCREAT, "%s", pidPath); } #endif tilesMap(dataPath); int server = socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (server < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "socket"); error = unlink(sockPath); if (error && errno != ENOENT) err(EX_IOERR, "%s", sockPath); struct sockaddr_un addr = { .sun_family = AF_LOCAL }; strlcpy(addr.sun_path, sockPath, sizeof(addr.sun_path)); error = bind(server, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, SUN_LEN(&addr)); if (error) err(EX_CANTCREAT, "%s", sockPath); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ error = cap_enter(); if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "cap_enter"); if (pid) { error = daemon(0, 0); if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "daemon"); pidfile_write(pid); } #endif error = listen(server, 0); if (error) err(EX_OSERR, "listen"); int kq = kqueue(); if (kq < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "kqueue"); struct kevent event; EV_SET(&event, server, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, 0); int nevents = kevent(kq, &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL); if (nevents < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "kevent"); for (;;) { nevents = kevent(kq, NULL, 0, &event, 1, NULL); if (nevents < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "kevent"); if (!event.udata) { int fd = accept(server, NULL, NULL); if (fd < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "accept"); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); int on = 1; error = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &on, sizeof(on)); if (error) err(EX_IOERR, "setsockopt"); int size = 2 * sizeof(struct Tile); error = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &size, sizeof(size)); if (error) err(EX_IOERR, "setsockopt"); struct Client *client = clientAdd(fd); EV_SET(&event, fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, client); nevents = kevent(kq, &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL); if (nevents < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "kevent"); struct ServerMessage msg = { .type = ServerTile }; bool success = clientSend(client, msg) && clientMove(client, 0, 0) && clientCursors(client); if (!success) clientRemove(client); continue; } struct Client *client = (struct Client *)event.udata; if (event.flags & EV_EOF) { clientRemove(client); continue; } struct ClientMessage msg; ssize_t size = recv(client->fd, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); if (size != sizeof(msg)) { clientRemove(client); continue; } bool success = false; switch (msg.type) { break; case ClientMove: { success = clientMove(client, msg.move.dx, msg.move.dy); } break; case ClientFlip: { success = clientFlip(client); } break; case ClientPut: { success = clientPut(client, msg.put.color, msg.put.cell); } break; case ClientMap: { success = clientMap(client); } } if (!success) clientRemove(client); } }