From 0f2436b6f949b6ed6d887df7849fd4626843735a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: June McEnroe Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 22:44:50 -0500 Subject: Remove cgit My fork of cgit is now . --- www/ | 13 - www/ | 10 - www/ | 13 - www/ | 339 ------ www/ | 168 --- www/ | 86 -- www/ | 475 -------- www/ | 37 - www/ | 1105 ----------------- www/ | 877 -------------- www/ | 397 ------- www/ | 114 -- www/ | Bin 1366 -> 0 bytes www/ | 977 --------------- www/ | 208 ---- www/ | 16 - www/ | 90 -- www/ | 10 - .../cgit/contrib/hooks/post-receive.agefile | 19 - www/ | 222 ---- .../cgit/filters/ | 27 - www/ | 28 - .../cgit/filters/ | 36 - .../cgit/filters/html-converters/man2html | 4 - .../cgit/filters/html-converters/md2html | 304 ----- .../cgit/filters/html-converters/rst2html | 2 - .../cgit/filters/html-converters/txt2html | 4 - .../cgit/filters/ | 55 - .../cgit/filters/ | 121 -- www/ | 20 - www/ | 344 ------ www/ | 37 - www/ | 223 ---- www/ | 4 - www/ | 268 ----- www/ | 2 - www/ | 579 --------- www/ | 2 - www/ | 17 - www/ | 4 - www/ | 161 --- .../cgit/tests/ | 45 - .../cgit/tests/ | 40 - .../cgit/tests/ | 78 -- www/ | 17 - www/ | 25 - www/ | 24 - www/ | 32 - www/ | 36 - www/ | 19 - www/ | 205 ---- www/ | 62 - .../cgit/tests/ | 48 - www/ | 42 - www/ | 43 - www/ | 12 - www/ | 158 --- www/ | 6 - www/ | 306 ----- www/ | 6 - www/ | 182 --- www/ | 8 - www/ | 126 -- www/ | 8 - www/ | 148 --- www/ | 6 - www/ | 505 -------- www/ | 15 - www/ | 555 --------- www/ | 9 - www/ | 98 -- www/ | 7 - www/ | 207 ---- www/ | 6 - www/ | 219 ---- www/ | 8 - www/ | 381 ------ www/ | 7 - www/ | 1241 -------------------- www/ | 87 -- www/ | 319 ----- www/ | 7 - www/ | 420 ------- www/ | 25 - www/ | 426 ------- www/ | 28 - www/ | 151 --- www/ | 7 - www/ | 120 -- www/ | 6 - www/ | 411 ------- www/ | 6 - 92 files changed, 14371 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100755 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ delete mode 100644 www/ (limited to 'www/') diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index bca98fcf..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -# Files I don't care to see in git-status/commit -/cgit -/git -cgit.conf -CGIT-CFLAGS -VERSION -cgitrc.5 -cgitrc.5.html -cgitrc.5.pdf -cgitrc.5.xml -*.o -*.d diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 03b54796..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -Florian Pritz -Harley Laue -John Keeping -Lars Hjemli -Lars Hjemli -Lars Hjemli -Lars Hjemli -Lukas Fleischer -Lukas Fleischer -Stefan Bühler diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 031de338..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -Maintainer: - Jason A. Donenfeld - -Contributors: - Jason A. Donenfeld - Lukas Fleischer - Johan Herland - Lars Hjemli - Ferry Huberts - John Keeping - -Previous Maintainer: - Lars Hjemli diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index d159169d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along - with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index e5fb0675..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ -all:: - -CGIT_VERSION = causal agency -CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME = cgit.cgi -CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH = /var/www/htdocs/cgit -CGIT_DATA_PATH = $(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH) -CGIT_CONFIG = /etc/cgitrc -CACHE_ROOT = /var/cache/cgit -prefix = /usr/local -libdir = $(prefix)/lib -filterdir = $(libdir)/cgit/filters -docdir = $(prefix)/share/doc/cgit -htmldir = $(docdir) -pdfdir = $(docdir) -mandir = $(prefix)/share/man -SHA1_HEADER = -GIT_VER = 2.32.0 -GIT_URL =$(GIT_VER).tar.gz -INSTALL = install -COPYTREE = cp -r -MAN5_TXT = $(wildcard *.5.txt) -MAN_TXT = $(MAN5_TXT) -DOC_MAN5 = $(patsubst %.txt,%,$(MAN5_TXT)) -DOC_HTML = $(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(MAN_TXT)) -DOC_PDF = $(patsubst %.txt,%.pdf,$(MAN_TXT)) - -ASCIIDOC = asciidoc -ASCIIDOC_EXTRA = -ASCIIDOC_HTML = xhtml11 -ASCIIDOC_COMMON = $(ASCIIDOC) $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) -TXT_TO_HTML = $(ASCIIDOC_COMMON) -b $(ASCIIDOC_HTML) - -# Define NO_C99_FORMAT if your formatted IO functions (printf/scanf -# do not support the 'size specifiers' introduced by C99, namely ll, hh, -# j, z, t. (representing long long int, char, intmax_t, size_t, ptrdiff_t). -# some C compilers supported these specifiers prior to C99 as an extension. -# -# Define HAVE_LINUX_SENDFILE to use sendfile() - -#-include config.mak - --include git/config.mak.uname -# -# Let the user override the above settings. -# --include cgit.conf - -export CGIT_VERSION CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH CGIT_DATA_PATH CGIT_CONFIG CACHE_ROOT - -# -# Define a way to invoke make in subdirs quietly, shamelessly ripped -# from git.git -# -QUIET_SUBDIR0 = +$(MAKE) -C # space to separate -C and subdir -QUIET_SUBDIR1 = - -ifneq ($(findstring w,$(MAKEFLAGS)),w) -PRINT_DIR = --no-print-directory -else # "make -w" -NO_SUBDIR = : -endif - -ifndef V - QUIET_SUBDIR0 = +@subdir= - QUIET_SUBDIR1 = ;$(NO_SUBDIR) echo ' ' SUBDIR $$subdir; \ - $(MAKE) $(PRINT_DIR) -C $$subdir - QUIET_TAGS = @echo ' ' TAGS $@; - export V -endif - -.SUFFIXES: - -all:: cgit - -cgit: - $(QUIET_SUBDIR0)git $(QUIET_SUBDIR1) -f ../ ../cgit $(EXTRA_GIT_TARGETS) NO_CURL=1 - -sparse: - $(QUIET_SUBDIR0)git $(QUIET_SUBDIR1) -f ../ NO_CURL=1 cgit-sparse - -test: - @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory cgit EXTRA_GIT_TARGETS=all - $(QUIET_SUBDIR0)tests $(QUIET_SUBDIR1) all - -install: all - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH) - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 cgit $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH)/$(CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME) - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_DATA_PATH) - $(INSTALL) -m 0644 cgit.css $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_DATA_PATH)/cgit.css - $(INSTALL) -m 0644 cgit.png $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_DATA_PATH)/cgit.png - $(INSTALL) -m 0644 robots.txt $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_DATA_PATH)/robots.txt - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(filterdir) - $(COPYTREE) filters/* $(DESTDIR)$(filterdir) - -install-doc: install-man install-html install-pdf - -install-man: doc-man - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5 - $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(DOC_MAN5) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5 - -install-html: doc-html - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir) - $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(DOC_HTML) $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir) - -install-pdf: doc-pdf - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir) - $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(DOC_PDF) $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir) - -uninstall: - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH)/$(CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME) - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_DATA_PATH)/cgit.css - rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(CGIT_DATA_PATH)/cgit.png - -uninstall-doc: uninstall-man uninstall-html uninstall-pdf - -uninstall-man: - @for i in $(DOC_MAN5); do \ - rm -fv $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5/$$i; \ - done - -uninstall-html: - @for i in $(DOC_HTML); do \ - rm -fv $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/$$i; \ - done - -uninstall-pdf: - @for i in $(DOC_PDF); do \ - rm -fv $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)/$$i; \ - done - -doc: doc-man doc-html doc-pdf -doc-man: doc-man5 -doc-man5: $(DOC_MAN5) -doc-html: $(DOC_HTML) -doc-pdf: $(DOC_PDF) - -%.5 : %.5.txt - a2x -f manpage $< - -$(DOC_HTML): %.html : %.txt - $(TXT_TO_HTML) -o $@+ $< && \ - mv $@+ $@ - -$(DOC_PDF): %.pdf : %.txt - a2x -f pdf cgitrc.5.txt - -clean: clean-doc - $(RM) cgit VERSION CGIT-CFLAGS *.o tags - $(RM) -r .deps - -cleanall: clean - $(MAKE) -C git clean - -clean-doc: - $(RM) cgitrc.5 cgitrc.5.html cgitrc.5.pdf cgitrc.5.xml - -get-git: - curl -L $(GIT_URL) | tar -xzf - && rm -rf git && mv git-$(GIT_VER) git - -tags: - $(QUIET_TAGS)find . -name '*.[ch]' | xargs ctags - -.PHONY: all cgit git get-git -.PHONY: clean clean-doc cleanall -.PHONY: doc doc-html doc-man doc-pdf -.PHONY: install install-doc install-html install-man install-pdf -.PHONY: tags test -.PHONY: uninstall uninstall-doc uninstall-html uninstall-man uninstall-pdf diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 371cf21f..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -cgit - CGI for Git -================== - -This is an attempt to create a fast web interface for the Git SCM, using a -built-in cache to decrease server I/O pressure. - -Installation ------------- - -Building cgit involves building a proper version of Git. How to do this -depends on how you obtained the cgit sources: - -a) If you're working in a cloned cgit repository, you first need to -initialize and update the Git submodule: - - $ git submodule init # register the Git submodule in .git/config - $ $EDITOR .git/config # if you want to specify a different url for git - $ git submodule update # clone/fetch and checkout correct git version - -b) If you're building from a cgit tarball, you can download a proper git -version like this: - - $ make get-git - -When either a) or b) has been performed, you can build and install cgit like -this: - - $ make - $ sudo make install - -This will install `cgit.cgi` and `cgit.css` into `/var/www/htdocs/cgit`. You -can configure this location (and a few other things) by providing a `cgit.conf` -file (see the Makefile for details). - - -Dependencies ------------- - -* libzip -* libcrypto (OpenSSL) -* libssl (OpenSSL) - -Apache configuration --------------------- - -A new `Directory` section must probably be added for cgit, possibly something -like this: - - - AllowOverride None - Options +ExecCGI - Order allow,deny - Allow from all - - - -Runtime configuration ---------------------- - -The file `/etc/cgitrc` is read by cgit before handling a request. In addition -to runtime parameters, this file may also contain a list of repositories -displayed by cgit (see `cgitrc.5.txt` for further details). - -The cache ---------- - -When cgit is invoked it looks for a cache file matching the request and -returns it to the client. If no such cache file exists (or if it has expired), -the content for the request is written into the proper cache file before the -file is returned. - -If the cache file has expired but cgit is unable to obtain a lock for it, the -stale cache file is returned to the client. This is done to favour page -throughput over page freshness. - -The generated content contains the complete response to the client, including -the HTTP headers `Modified` and `Expires`. - -Online presence ---------------- - -* The cgit homepage is hosted by cgit at - -* Patches, bug reports, discussions and support should go to the cgit - mailing list: . To sign up, visit - diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 578b73b0..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,475 +0,0 @@ -/* cache.c: cache management - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - * - * - * The cache is just a directory structure where each file is a cache slot, - * and each filename is based on the hash of some key (e.g. the cgit url). - * Each file contains the full key followed by the cached content for that - * key. - * - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "cache.h" -#include "html.h" -#ifdef HAVE_LINUX_SENDFILE -#include -#endif - -#define CACHE_BUFSIZE (1024 * 4) - -struct cache_slot { - const char *key; - size_t keylen; - int ttl; - cache_fill_fn fn; - int cache_fd; - int lock_fd; - int stdout_fd; - const char *cache_name; - const char *lock_name; - int match; - struct stat cache_st; - int bufsize; - char buf[CACHE_BUFSIZE]; -}; - -/* Open an existing cache slot and fill the cache buffer with - * (part of) the content of the cache file. Return 0 on success - * and errno otherwise. - */ -static int open_slot(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - char *bufz; - ssize_t bufkeylen = -1; - - slot->cache_fd = open(slot->cache_name, O_RDONLY); - if (slot->cache_fd == -1) - return errno; - - if (fstat(slot->cache_fd, &slot->cache_st)) - return errno; - - slot->bufsize = xread(slot->cache_fd, slot->buf, sizeof(slot->buf)); - if (slot->bufsize < 0) - return errno; - - bufz = memchr(slot->buf, 0, slot->bufsize); - if (bufz) - bufkeylen = bufz - slot->buf; - - if (slot->key) - slot->match = bufkeylen == slot->keylen && - !memcmp(slot->key, slot->buf, bufkeylen + 1); - - return 0; -} - -/* Close the active cache slot */ -static int close_slot(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - int err = 0; - if (slot->cache_fd > 0) { - if (close(slot->cache_fd)) - err = errno; - else - slot->cache_fd = -1; - } - return err; -} - -/* Print the content of the active cache slot (but skip the key). */ -static int print_slot(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ -#ifdef HAVE_LINUX_SENDFILE - off_t start_off; - int ret; - - start_off = slot->keylen + 1; - - do { - ret = sendfile(STDOUT_FILENO, slot->cache_fd, &start_off, - slot->cache_st.st_size - start_off); - if (ret < 0) { - if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) - continue; - return errno; - } - return 0; - } while (1); -#else - ssize_t i, j; - - i = lseek(slot->cache_fd, slot->keylen + 1, SEEK_SET); - if (i != slot->keylen + 1) - return errno; - - do { - i = j = xread(slot->cache_fd, slot->buf, sizeof(slot->buf)); - if (i > 0) - j = xwrite(STDOUT_FILENO, slot->buf, i); - } while (i > 0 && j == i); - - if (i < 0 || j != i) - return errno; - else - return 0; -#endif -} - -/* Check if the slot has expired */ -static int is_expired(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - if (slot->ttl < 0) - return 0; - else - return slot->cache_st.st_mtime + slot->ttl * 60 < time(NULL); -} - -/* Check if the slot has been modified since we opened it. - * NB: If stat() fails, we pretend the file is modified. - */ -static int is_modified(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - struct stat st; - - if (stat(slot->cache_name, &st)) - return 1; - return (st.st_ino != slot->cache_st.st_ino || - st.st_mtime != slot->cache_st.st_mtime || - st.st_size != slot->cache_st.st_size); -} - -/* Close an open lockfile */ -static int close_lock(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - int err = 0; - if (slot->lock_fd > 0) { - if (close(slot->lock_fd)) - err = errno; - else - slot->lock_fd = -1; - } - return err; -} - -/* Create a lockfile used to store the generated content for a cache - * slot, and write the slot key + \0 into it. - * Returns 0 on success and errno otherwise. - */ -static int lock_slot(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - struct flock lock = { - .l_type = F_WRLCK, - .l_whence = SEEK_SET, - .l_start = 0, - .l_len = 0, - }; - - slot->lock_fd = open(slot->lock_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, - S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); - if (slot->lock_fd == -1) - return errno; - if (fcntl(slot->lock_fd, F_SETLK, &lock) < 0) { - int saved_errno = errno; - close(slot->lock_fd); - slot->lock_fd = -1; - return saved_errno; - } - if (xwrite(slot->lock_fd, slot->key, slot->keylen + 1) < 0) - return errno; - return 0; -} - -/* Release the current lockfile. If `replace_old_slot` is set the - * lockfile replaces the old cache slot, otherwise the lockfile is - * just deleted. - */ -static int unlock_slot(struct cache_slot *slot, int replace_old_slot) -{ - int err; - - if (replace_old_slot) - err = rename(slot->lock_name, slot->cache_name); - else - err = unlink(slot->lock_name); - - /* Restore stdout and close the temporary FD. */ - if (slot->stdout_fd >= 0) { - dup2(slot->stdout_fd, STDOUT_FILENO); - close(slot->stdout_fd); - slot->stdout_fd = -1; - } - - if (err) - return errno; - - return 0; -} - -/* Generate the content for the current cache slot by redirecting - * stdout to the lock-fd and invoking the callback function - */ -static int fill_slot(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - /* Preserve stdout */ - slot->stdout_fd = dup(STDOUT_FILENO); - if (slot->stdout_fd == -1) - return errno; - - /* Redirect stdout to lockfile */ - if (dup2(slot->lock_fd, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) - return errno; - - /* Generate cache content */ - slot->fn(); - - /* Make sure any buffered data is flushed to the file */ - if (fflush(stdout)) - return errno; - - /* update stat info */ - if (fstat(slot->lock_fd, &slot->cache_st)) - return errno; - - return 0; -} - -/* Crude implementation of 32-bit FNV-1 hash algorithm, - * see for details - * about the magic numbers. - */ -#define FNV_OFFSET 0x811c9dc5 -#define FNV_PRIME 0x01000193 - -unsigned long hash_str(const char *str) -{ - unsigned long h = FNV_OFFSET; - unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)str; - - if (!s) - return h; - - while (*s) { - h *= FNV_PRIME; - h ^= *s++; - } - return h; -} - -static int process_slot(struct cache_slot *slot) -{ - int err; - - /* - * Make sure any buffered data is flushed before we redirect, - * do sendfile(2) or write(2) - */ - if (fflush(stdout)) - return errno; - - err = open_slot(slot); - if (!err && slot->match) { - if (is_expired(slot)) { - if (!lock_slot(slot)) { - /* If the cachefile has been replaced between - * `open_slot` and `lock_slot`, we'll just - * serve the stale content from the original - * cachefile. This way we avoid pruning the - * newly generated slot. The same code-path - * is chosen if fill_slot() fails for some - * reason. - * - * TODO? check if the new slot contains the - * same key as the old one, since we would - * prefer to serve the newest content. - * This will require us to open yet another - * file-descriptor and read and compare the - * key from the new file, so for now we're - * lazy and just ignore the new file. - */ - if (is_modified(slot) || fill_slot(slot)) { - unlock_slot(slot, 0); - close_lock(slot); - } else { - close_slot(slot); - unlock_slot(slot, 1); - slot->cache_fd = slot->lock_fd; - } - } - } - if ((err = print_slot(slot)) != 0) { - cache_log("[cgit] error printing cache %s: %s (%d)\n", - slot->cache_name, - strerror(err), - err); - } - close_slot(slot); - return err; - } - - /* If the cache slot does not exist (or its key doesn't match the - * current key), lets try to create a new cache slot for this - * request. If this fails (for whatever reason), lets just generate - * the content without caching it and fool the caller to believe - * everything worked out (but print a warning on stdout). - */ - - close_slot(slot); - if ((err = lock_slot(slot)) != 0) { - cache_log("[cgit] Unable to lock slot %s: %s (%d)\n", - slot->lock_name, strerror(err), err); - slot->fn(); - return 0; - } - - if ((err = fill_slot(slot)) != 0) { - cache_log("[cgit] Unable to fill slot %s: %s (%d)\n", - slot->lock_name, strerror(err), err); - unlock_slot(slot, 0); - close_lock(slot); - slot->fn(); - return 0; - } - // We've got a valid cache slot in the lock file, which - // is about to replace the old cache slot. But if we - // release the lockfile and then try to open the new cache - // slot, we might get a race condition with a concurrent - // writer for the same cache slot (with a different key). - // Lets avoid such a race by just printing the content of - // the lock file. - slot->cache_fd = slot->lock_fd; - unlock_slot(slot, 1); - if ((err = print_slot(slot)) != 0) { - cache_log("[cgit] error printing cache %s: %s (%d)\n", - slot->cache_name, - strerror(err), - err); - } - close_slot(slot); - return err; -} - -/* Print cached content to stdout, generate the content if necessary. */ -int cache_process(int size, const char *path, const char *key, int ttl, - cache_fill_fn fn) -{ - unsigned long hash; - int i; - struct strbuf filename = STRBUF_INIT; - struct strbuf lockname = STRBUF_INIT; - struct cache_slot slot; - int result; - - /* If the cache is disabled, just generate the content */ - if (size <= 0 || ttl == 0) { - fn(); - return 0; - } - - /* Verify input, calculate filenames */ - if (!path) { - cache_log("[cgit] Cache path not specified, caching is disabled\n"); - fn(); - return 0; - } - if (!key) - key = ""; - hash = hash_str(key) % size; - strbuf_addstr(&filename, path); - strbuf_ensure_end(&filename, '/'); - for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { - strbuf_addf(&filename, "%x", (unsigned char)(hash & 0xf)); - hash >>= 4; - } - strbuf_addbuf(&lockname, &filename); - strbuf_addstr(&lockname, ".lock"); - slot.fn = fn; - slot.ttl = ttl; - slot.stdout_fd = -1; - slot.cache_name = filename.buf; - slot.lock_name = lockname.buf; - slot.key = key; - slot.keylen = strlen(key); - result = process_slot(&slot); - - strbuf_release(&filename); - strbuf_release(&lockname); - return result; -} - -/* Return a strftime formatted date/time - * NB: the result from this function is to shared memory - */ -static char *sprintftime(const char *format, time_t time) -{ - static char buf[64]; - struct tm tm; - - if (!time) - return NULL; - gmtime_r(&time, &tm); - strftime(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, format, &tm); - return buf; -} - -int cache_ls(const char *path) -{ - DIR *dir; - struct dirent *ent; - int err = 0; - struct cache_slot slot = { NULL }; - struct strbuf fullname = STRBUF_INIT; - size_t prefixlen; - - if (!path) { - cache_log("[cgit] cache path not specified\n"); - return -1; - } - dir = opendir(path); - if (!dir) { - err = errno; - cache_log("[cgit] unable to open path %s: %s (%d)\n", - path, strerror(err), err); - return err; - } - strbuf_addstr(&fullname, path); - strbuf_ensure_end(&fullname, '/'); - prefixlen = fullname.len; - while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { - if (strlen(ent->d_name) != 8) - continue; - strbuf_setlen(&fullname, prefixlen); - strbuf_addstr(&fullname, ent->d_name); - slot.cache_name = fullname.buf; - if ((err = open_slot(&slot)) != 0) { - cache_log("[cgit] unable to open path %s: %s (%d)\n", - fullname.buf, strerror(err), err); - continue; - } - htmlf("%s %s %10"PRIuMAX" %s\n", - fullname.buf, - sprintftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", - slot.cache_st.st_mtime), - (uintmax_t)slot.cache_st.st_size, - slot.buf); - close_slot(&slot); - } - closedir(dir); - strbuf_release(&fullname); - return 0; -} - -/* Print a message to stdout */ -void cache_log(const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - va_start(args, format); - vfprintf(stderr, format, args); - va_end(args); -} - diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 470da4fc..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Since git has it's own cache.h which we include, - * lets test on CGIT_CACHE_H to avoid confusion - */ - -#ifndef CGIT_CACHE_H -#define CGIT_CACHE_H - -typedef void (*cache_fill_fn)(void); - - -/* Print cached content to stdout, generate the content if necessary. - * - * Parameters - * size max number of cache files - * path directory used to store cache files - * key the key used to lookup cache files - * ttl max cache time in seconds for this key - * fn content generator function for this key - * - * Return value - * 0 indicates success, everything else is an error - */ -extern int cache_process(int size, const char *path, const char *key, int ttl, - cache_fill_fn fn); - - -/* List info about all cache entries on stdout */ -extern int cache_ls(const char *path); - -/* Print a message to stdout */ -__attribute__((format (printf,1,2))) -extern void cache_log(const char *format, ...); - -extern unsigned long hash_str(const char *str); - -#endif /* CGIT_CACHE_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 642cac77..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1105 +0,0 @@ -/* cgit.c: cgi for the git scm - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "cache.h" -#include "cmd.h" -#include "configfile.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "ui-stats.h" -#include "ui-blob.h" -#include "ui-summary.h" -#include "scan-tree.h" - -const char *cgit_version = CGIT_VERSION; - -__attribute__((constructor)) -static void constructor_environment() -{ - /* Do not look in /etc/ for gitconfig and gitattributes. */ - setenv("GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM", "1", 1); - setenv("GIT_ATTR_NOSYSTEM", "1", 1); - unsetenv("HOME"); - unsetenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); -} - -static void add_mimetype(const char *name, const char *value) -{ - struct string_list_item *item; - - item = string_list_insert(&ctx.cfg.mimetypes, name); - item->util = xstrdup(value); -} - -static void process_cached_repolist(const char *path); - -static void repo_config(struct cgit_repo *repo, const char *name, const char *value) -{ - const char *path; - struct string_list_item *item; - - if (!strcmp(name, "name")) - repo->name = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-url")) - repo->clone_url = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "desc")) - repo->desc = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "owner")) - repo->owner = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "homepage")) - repo->homepage = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "defbranch")) - repo->defbranch = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "extra-head-content")) - repo->extra_head_content = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshots")) - repo->snapshots = ctx.cfg.snapshots & cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-blame")) - repo->enable_blame = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-commit-graph")) - repo->enable_commit_graph = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-filecount")) - repo->enable_log_filecount = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-linecount")) - repo->enable_log_linecount = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-remote-branches")) - repo->enable_remote_branches = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-subject-links")) - repo->enable_subject_links = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-html-serving")) - repo->enable_html_serving = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "branch-sort")) { - if (!strcmp(value, "age")) - repo->branch_sort = 1; - if (!strcmp(value, "name")) - repo->branch_sort = 0; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-sort")) { - if (!strcmp(value, "date")) - repo->commit_sort = 1; - if (!strcmp(value, "topo")) - repo->commit_sort = 2; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "max-stats")) - repo->max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL); - else if (!strcmp(name, "module-link")) - repo->module_link= xstrdup(value); - else if (skip_prefix(name, "module-link.", &path)) { - item = string_list_append(&repo->submodules, xstrdup(path)); - item->util = xstrdup(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "section")) - repo->section = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshot-prefix")) - repo->snapshot_prefix = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "readme") && value != NULL) { - if (repo->readme.items == ctx.cfg.readme.items) - memset(&repo->readme, 0, sizeof(repo->readme)); - string_list_append(&repo->readme, xstrdup(value)); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "logo") && value != NULL) - repo->logo = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "logo-link") && value != NULL) - repo->logo_link = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "hide")) - repo->hide = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "ignore")) - repo->ignore = atoi(value); - else if (ctx.cfg.enable_filter_overrides) { - if (!strcmp(name, "about-filter")) - repo->about_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, ABOUT); - else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-filter")) - repo->commit_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, COMMIT); - else if (!strcmp(name, "source-filter")) - repo->source_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, SOURCE); - else if (!strcmp(name, "email-filter")) - repo->email_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, EMAIL); - else if (!strcmp(name, "owner-filter")) - repo->owner_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, OWNER); - } -} - -static void config_cb(const char *name, const char *value) -{ - const char *arg; - - if (!strcmp(name, "section")) - ctx.cfg.section = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.url")) - ctx.repo = cgit_add_repo(value); - else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.path")) - ctx.repo->path = trim_end(value, '/'); - else if (ctx.repo && skip_prefix(name, "repo.", &arg)) - repo_config(ctx.repo, arg, value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "readme")) - string_list_append(&ctx.cfg.readme, xstrdup(value)); - else if (!strcmp(name, "root-title")) - ctx.cfg.root_title = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "root-desc")) - ctx.cfg.root_desc = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "root-readme")) - ctx.cfg.root_readme = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "css")) - ctx.cfg.css = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "favicon")) - ctx.cfg.favicon = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "footer")) - ctx.cfg.footer = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "head-include")) - ctx.cfg.head_include = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "header")) - ctx.cfg.header = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "logo")) - ctx.cfg.logo = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "logo-link")) - ctx.cfg.logo_link = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "module-link")) - ctx.cfg.module_link = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "strict-export")) - ctx.cfg.strict_export = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "virtual-root")) - ctx.cfg.virtual_root = ensure_end(value, '/'); - else if (!strcmp(name, "noplainemail")) - ctx.cfg.noplainemail = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "noheader")) - ctx.cfg.noheader = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshots")) - ctx.cfg.snapshots = cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-filter-overrides")) - ctx.cfg.enable_filter_overrides = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-follow-links")) - ctx.cfg.enable_follow_links = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-http-clone")) - ctx.cfg.enable_http_clone = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-index-links")) - ctx.cfg.enable_index_links = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-index-owner")) - ctx.cfg.enable_index_owner = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-blame")) - ctx.cfg.enable_blame = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-commit-graph")) - ctx.cfg.enable_commit_graph = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-filecount")) - ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-linecount")) - ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-remote-branches")) - ctx.cfg.enable_remote_branches = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-subject-links")) - ctx.cfg.enable_subject_links = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-html-serving")) - ctx.cfg.enable_html_serving = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-tree-linenumbers")) - ctx.cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-git-config")) - ctx.cfg.enable_git_config = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "max-stats")) - ctx.cfg.max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-size")) - ctx.cfg.cache_size = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-root")) - ctx.cfg.cache_root = xstrdup(expand_macros(value)); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-root-ttl")) - ctx.cfg.cache_root_ttl = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-repo-ttl")) - ctx.cfg.cache_repo_ttl = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-scanrc-ttl")) - ctx.cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-static-ttl")) - ctx.cfg.cache_static_ttl = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-dynamic-ttl")) - ctx.cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-about-ttl")) - ctx.cfg.cache_about_ttl = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-snapshot-ttl")) - ctx.cfg.cache_snapshot_ttl = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "case-sensitive-sort")) - ctx.cfg.case_sensitive_sort = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "about-filter")) - ctx.cfg.about_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, ABOUT); - else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-filter")) - ctx.cfg.commit_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, COMMIT); - else if (!strcmp(name, "email-filter")) - ctx.cfg.email_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, EMAIL); - else if (!strcmp(name, "owner-filter")) - ctx.cfg.owner_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, OWNER); - else if (!strcmp(name, "auth-filter")) - ctx.cfg.auth_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, AUTH); - else if (!strcmp(name, "embedded")) - ctx.cfg.embedded = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "max-atom-items")) - ctx.cfg.max_atom_items = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "max-message-length")) - ctx.cfg.max_msg_len = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repodesc-length")) - ctx.cfg.max_repodesc_len = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "max-blob-size")) - ctx.cfg.max_blob_size = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repo-count")) - ctx.cfg.max_repo_count = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "max-commit-count")) - ctx.cfg.max_commit_count = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "project-list")) - ctx.cfg.project_list = xstrdup(expand_macros(value)); - else if (!strcmp(name, "scan-path")) - if (ctx.cfg.cache_size) - process_cached_repolist(expand_macros(value)); - else if (ctx.cfg.project_list) - scan_projects(expand_macros(value), - ctx.cfg.project_list, repo_config); - else - scan_tree(expand_macros(value), repo_config); - else if (!strcmp(name, "scan-hidden-path")) - ctx.cfg.scan_hidden_path = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "section-from-path")) - ctx.cfg.section_from_path = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "repository-sort")) - ctx.cfg.repository_sort = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "section-sort")) - ctx.cfg.section_sort = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "source-filter")) - ctx.cfg.source_filter = cgit_new_filter(value, SOURCE); - else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-log")) - ctx.cfg.summary_log = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-branches")) - ctx.cfg.summary_branches = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-tags")) - ctx.cfg.summary_tags = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "side-by-side-diffs")) - ctx.cfg.difftype = atoi(value) ? DIFF_SSDIFF : DIFF_UNIFIED; - else if (!strcmp(name, "agefile")) - ctx.cfg.agefile = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "mimetype-file")) - ctx.cfg.mimetype_file = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "renamelimit")) - ctx.cfg.renamelimit = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "remove-suffix")) - ctx.cfg.remove_suffix = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "robots")) - ctx.cfg.robots = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-prefix")) - ctx.cfg.clone_prefix = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-url")) - ctx.cfg.clone_url = xstrdup(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "local-time")) - ctx.cfg.local_time = atoi(value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-sort")) { - if (!strcmp(value, "date")) - ctx.cfg.commit_sort = 1; - if (!strcmp(value, "topo")) - ctx.cfg.commit_sort = 2; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "branch-sort")) { - if (!strcmp(value, "age")) - ctx.cfg.branch_sort = 1; - if (!strcmp(value, "name")) - ctx.cfg.branch_sort = 0; - } else if (skip_prefix(name, "mimetype.", &arg)) - add_mimetype(arg, value); - else if (!strcmp(name, "include")) - parse_configfile(expand_macros(value), config_cb); -} - -static void querystring_cb(const char *name, const char *value) -{ - if (!value) - value = ""; - - if (!strcmp(name,"r")) { - ctx.qry.repo = xstrdup(value); - ctx.repo = cgit_get_repoinfo(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "p")) { - = xstrdup(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "url")) { - if (*value == '/') - value++; - ctx.qry.url = xstrdup(value); - cgit_parse_url(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "qt")) { - ctx.qry.grep = xstrdup(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "q")) { - = xstrdup(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "h")) { - ctx.qry.head = xstrdup(value); - ctx.qry.has_symref = 1; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "id")) { - ctx.qry.oid = xstrdup(value); - ctx.qry.has_oid = 1; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "id2")) { - ctx.qry.oid2 = xstrdup(value); - ctx.qry.has_oid = 1; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "ofs")) { - ctx.qry.ofs = atoi(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "path")) { - ctx.qry.path = trim_end(value, '/'); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "name")) { - = xstrdup(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "s")) { - ctx.qry.sort = xstrdup(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "showmsg")) { - ctx.qry.showmsg = atoi(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "period")) { - ctx.qry.period = xstrdup(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "dt")) { - ctx.qry.difftype = atoi(value); - ctx.qry.has_difftype = 1; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "ss")) { - /* No longer generated, but there may be links out there. */ - ctx.qry.difftype = atoi(value) ? DIFF_SSDIFF : DIFF_UNIFIED; - ctx.qry.has_difftype = 1; - } else if (!strcmp(name, "all")) { - ctx.qry.show_all = atoi(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "context")) { - ctx.qry.context = atoi(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "ignorews")) { - ctx.qry.ignorews = atoi(value); - } else if (!strcmp(name, "follow")) { - ctx.qry.follow = atoi(value); - } -} - -static void prepare_context(void) -{ - memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); - ctx.cfg.agefile = "info/web/last-modified"; - ctx.cfg.cache_size = 0; - ctx.cfg.cache_max_create_time = 5; - ctx.cfg.cache_root = CGIT_CACHE_ROOT; - ctx.cfg.cache_about_ttl = 15; - ctx.cfg.cache_snapshot_ttl = 5; - ctx.cfg.cache_repo_ttl = 5; - ctx.cfg.cache_root_ttl = 5; - ctx.cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl = 15; - ctx.cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl = 5; - ctx.cfg.cache_static_ttl = -1; - ctx.cfg.case_sensitive_sort = 1; - ctx.cfg.branch_sort = 0; - ctx.cfg.commit_sort = 0; - ctx.cfg.css = "/cgit.css"; - ctx.cfg.logo = "/cgit.png"; - ctx.cfg.favicon = NULL; - ctx.cfg.local_time = 0; - ctx.cfg.enable_http_clone = 1; - ctx.cfg.enable_index_owner = 1; - ctx.cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers = 1; - ctx.cfg.enable_git_config = 0; - ctx.cfg.max_repo_count = 50; - ctx.cfg.max_commit_count = 50; - ctx.cfg.max_lock_attempts = 5; - ctx.cfg.max_msg_len = 80; - ctx.cfg.max_repodesc_len = 80; - ctx.cfg.max_blob_size = 0; - ctx.cfg.max_stats = 0; - ctx.cfg.project_list = NULL; - ctx.cfg.renamelimit = -1; - ctx.cfg.remove_suffix = 0; - ctx.cfg.robots = "index, nofollow"; - ctx.cfg.root_title = "Git repository browser"; - ctx.cfg.root_desc = "a fast webinterface for the git dscm"; - ctx.cfg.scan_hidden_path = 0; - ctx.cfg.script_name = CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME; - ctx.cfg.section = ""; - ctx.cfg.repository_sort = "name"; - ctx.cfg.section_sort = 1; - ctx.cfg.summary_branches = 10; - ctx.cfg.summary_log = 10; - ctx.cfg.summary_tags = 10; - ctx.cfg.max_atom_items = 10; - ctx.cfg.difftype = DIFF_UNIFIED; - ctx.env.cgit_config = getenv("CGIT_CONFIG"); - ctx.env.http_host = getenv("HTTP_HOST"); - ctx.env.https = getenv("HTTPS"); - ctx.env.no_http = getenv("NO_HTTP"); - ctx.env.path_info = getenv("PATH_INFO"); - ctx.env.query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); - ctx.env.request_method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"); - ctx.env.script_name = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"); - ctx.env.server_name = getenv("SERVER_NAME"); - ctx.env.server_port = getenv("SERVER_PORT"); - ctx.env.http_cookie = getenv("HTTP_COOKIE"); - ctx.env.http_referer = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); - ctx.env.content_length = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") ? strtoul(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"), NULL, 10) : 0; - ctx.env.authenticated = 0; - = "text/html"; - = PAGE_ENCODING; - = NULL; - = 0; - = time(NULL); - =; - = NULL; - string_list_init(&ctx.cfg.mimetypes, 1); - if (ctx.env.script_name) - ctx.cfg.script_name = xstrdup(ctx.env.script_name); - if (ctx.env.query_string) - ctx.qry.raw = xstrdup(ctx.env.query_string); - if (!ctx.env.cgit_config) - ctx.env.cgit_config = CGIT_CONFIG; -} - -struct refmatch { - char *req_ref; - char *first_ref; - int match; -}; - -static int find_current_ref(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid, - int flags, void *cb_data) -{ - struct refmatch *info; - - info = (struct refmatch *)cb_data; - if (!strcmp(refname, info->req_ref)) - info->match = 1; - if (!info->first_ref) - info->first_ref = xstrdup(refname); - return info->match; -} - -static void free_refmatch_inner(struct refmatch *info) -{ - if (info->first_ref) - free(info->first_ref); -} - -static char *find_default_branch(struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - struct refmatch info; - char *ref; - - info.req_ref = repo->defbranch; - info.first_ref = NULL; - info.match = 0; - for_each_branch_ref(find_current_ref, &info); - if (info.match) - ref = info.req_ref; - else - ref = info.first_ref; - if (ref) - ref = xstrdup(ref); - free_refmatch_inner(&info); - - return ref; -} - -static char *guess_defbranch(void) -{ - const char *ref, *refname; - struct object_id oid; - - ref = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, &oid, NULL); - if (!ref || !skip_prefix(ref, "refs/heads/", &refname)) - return "master"; - return xstrdup(refname); -} - -/* The caller must free filename and ref after calling this. */ -static inline void parse_readme(const char *readme, char **filename, char **ref, struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - const char *colon; - - *filename = NULL; - *ref = NULL; - - if (!readme || !readme[0]) - return; - - /* Check if the readme is tracked in the git repo. */ - colon = strchr(readme, ':'); - if (colon && strlen(colon) > 1) { - /* If it starts with a colon, we want to use - * the default branch */ - if (colon == readme && repo->defbranch) - *ref = xstrdup(repo->defbranch); - else - *ref = xstrndup(readme, colon - readme); - readme = colon + 1; - } - - /* Prepend repo path to relative readme path unless tracked. */ - if (!(*ref) && readme[0] != '/') - *filename = fmtalloc("%s/%s", repo->path, readme); - else - *filename = xstrdup(readme); -} -static void choose_readme(struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - int found; - char *filename, *ref; - struct string_list_item *entry; - - if (!repo-> - return; - - found = 0; - for_each_string_list_item(entry, &repo->readme) { - parse_readme(entry->string, &filename, &ref, repo); - if (!filename) { - free(filename); - free(ref); - continue; - } - if (ref) { - if (cgit_ref_path_exists(filename, ref, 1)) { - found = 1; - break; - } - } - else if (!access(filename, R_OK)) { - found = 1; - break; - } - free(filename); - free(ref); - } - repo->readme.strdup_strings = 1; - string_list_clear(&repo->readme, 0); - repo->readme.strdup_strings = 0; - if (found) - string_list_append(&repo->readme, filename)->util = ref; -} - -static void print_no_repo_clone_urls(const char *url) -{ - html(""); - html_txt(url); - html("\n"); -} - -static void prepare_repo_env(int *nongit) -{ - /* The path to the git repository. */ - setenv("GIT_DIR", ctx.repo->path, 1); - - /* Setup the git directory and initialize the notes system. Both of these - * load local configuration from the git repository, so we do them both while - * the HOME variables are unset. */ - setup_git_directory_gently(nongit); - load_display_notes(NULL); -} - -static int prepare_repo_cmd(int nongit) -{ - struct object_id oid; - int rc; - - if (nongit) { - const char *name = ctx.repo->name; - rc = errno; - = fmtalloc("%s - %s", ctx.cfg.root_title, - "config error"); - ctx.repo = NULL; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - cgit_print_docstart(); - cgit_print_pageheader(); - cgit_print_error("Failed to open %s: %s", name, - rc ? strerror(rc) : "Not a valid git repository"); - cgit_print_docend(); - return 1; - } - = fmtalloc("%s - %s", ctx.repo->name, ctx.repo->desc); - - if (!ctx.repo->defbranch) - ctx.repo->defbranch = guess_defbranch(); - - if (!ctx.qry.head) { - ctx.qry.nohead = 1; - ctx.qry.head = find_default_branch(ctx.repo); - } - - if (!ctx.qry.head) { - cgit_print_http_headers(); - cgit_print_docstart(); - cgit_print_pageheader(); - cgit_print_error("Repository seems to be empty"); - if (!strcmp(, "summary")) { - html("\n"); - cgit_prepare_repo_env(ctx.repo); - cgit_add_clone_urls(print_no_repo_clone_urls); - html("
\n"); - } - cgit_print_docend(); - return 1; - } - - if (get_oid(ctx.qry.head, &oid)) { - char *old_head = ctx.qry.head; - ctx.qry.head = xstrdup(ctx.repo->defbranch); - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Invalid branch: %s", old_head); - free(old_head); - return 1; - } - string_list_sort(&ctx.repo->submodules); - cgit_prepare_repo_env(ctx.repo); - choose_readme(ctx.repo); - return 0; -} - -static inline void open_auth_filter(const char *function) -{ - cgit_open_filter(ctx.cfg.auth_filter, function, - ctx.env.http_cookie ? ctx.env.http_cookie : "", - ctx.env.request_method ? ctx.env.request_method : "", - ctx.env.query_string ? ctx.env.query_string : "", - ctx.env.http_referer ? ctx.env.http_referer : "", - ctx.env.path_info ? ctx.env.path_info : "", - ctx.env.http_host ? ctx.env.http_host : "", - ctx.env.https ? ctx.env.https : "", - ctx.qry.repo ? ctx.qry.repo : "", - ? : "", - cgit_currentfullurl(), - cgit_loginurl()); -} - -/* We intentionally keep this rather small, instead of looping and - * feeding it to the filter a couple bytes at a time. This way, the - * filter itself does not need to handle any denial of service or - * buffer bloat issues. If this winds up being too small, people - * will complain on the mailing list, and we'll increase it as needed. */ -#define MAX_AUTHENTICATION_POST_BYTES 4096 -/* The filter is expected to spit out "Status: " and all headers. */ -static inline void authenticate_post(void) -{ - char buffer[MAX_AUTHENTICATION_POST_BYTES]; - ssize_t len; - - open_auth_filter("authenticate-post"); - len = ctx.env.content_length; - if (len > MAX_AUTHENTICATION_POST_BYTES) - len = MAX_AUTHENTICATION_POST_BYTES; - if ((len = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, len)) < 0) - die_errno("Could not read POST from stdin"); - if (fwrite(buffer, 1, len, stdout) < len) - die_errno("Could not write POST to stdout"); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.cfg.auth_filter); - exit(0); -} - -static inline void authenticate_cookie(void) -{ - /* If we don't have an auth_filter, consider all cookies valid, and thus return early. */ - if (!ctx.cfg.auth_filter) { - ctx.env.authenticated = 1; - return; - } - - /* If we're having something POST'd to /login, we're authenticating POST, - * instead of the cookie, so call authenticate_post and bail out early. - * This pattern here should match /?p=login with POST. */ - if (ctx.env.request_method && && !ctx.repo && \ - !strcmp(ctx.env.request_method, "POST") && !strcmp(, "login")) { - authenticate_post(); - return; - } - - /* If we've made it this far, we're authenticating the cookie for real, so do that. */ - open_auth_filter("authenticate-cookie"); - ctx.env.authenticated = cgit_close_filter(ctx.cfg.auth_filter); -} - -static void process_request(void) -{ - struct cgit_cmd *cmd; - int nongit = 0; - - /* If we're not yet authenticated, no matter what page we're on, - * display the authentication body from the auth_filter. This should - * never be cached. */ - if (!ctx.env.authenticated) { - = "Authentication Required"; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - cgit_print_docstart(); - cgit_print_pageheader(); - open_auth_filter("body"); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.cfg.auth_filter); - cgit_print_docend(); - return; - } - - if (ctx.repo) - prepare_repo_env(&nongit); - - cmd = cgit_get_cmd(); - if (!cmd) { - = "cgit error"; - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Invalid request"); - return; - } - - if (!ctx.cfg.enable_http_clone && cmd->is_clone) { - = "cgit error"; - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Invalid request"); - return; - } - - if (cmd->want_repo && !ctx.repo) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", - "No repository selected"); - return; - } - - /* If cmd->want_vpath is set, assume ctx.qry.path contains a "virtual" - * in-project path limit to be made available at ctx.qry.vpath. - * Otherwise, no path limit is in effect (ctx.qry.vpath = NULL). - */ - ctx.qry.vpath = cmd->want_vpath ? ctx.qry.path : NULL; - - if (ctx.repo && prepare_repo_cmd(nongit)) - return; - - cmd->fn(); -} - -static int cmp_repos(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - const struct cgit_repo *ra = a, *rb = b; - return strcmp(ra->url, rb->url); -} - -static char *build_snapshot_setting(int bitmap) -{ - const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f; - struct strbuf result = STRBUF_INIT; - - for (f = cgit_snapshot_formats; f->suffix; f++) { - if (cgit_snapshot_format_bit(f) & bitmap) { - if (result.len) - strbuf_addch(&result, ' '); - strbuf_addstr(&result, f->suffix); - } - } - return strbuf_detach(&result, NULL); -} - -static char *get_first_line(char *txt) -{ - char *t = xstrdup(txt); - char *p = strchr(t, '\n'); - if (p) - *p = '\0'; - return t; -} - -static void print_repo(FILE *f, struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - struct string_list_item *item; - fprintf(f, "repo.url=%s\n", repo->url); - fprintf(f, "\n", repo->name); - fprintf(f, "repo.path=%s\n", repo->path); - if (repo->owner) - fprintf(f, "repo.owner=%s\n", repo->owner); - if (repo->desc) { - char *tmp = get_first_line(repo->desc); - fprintf(f, "repo.desc=%s\n", tmp); - free(tmp); - } - for_each_string_list_item(item, &repo->readme) { - if (item->util) - fprintf(f, "repo.readme=%s:%s\n", (char *)item->util, item->string); - else - fprintf(f, "repo.readme=%s\n", item->string); - } - if (repo->defbranch) - fprintf(f, "repo.defbranch=%s\n", repo->defbranch); - if (repo->extra_head_content) - fprintf(f, "repo.extra-head-content=%s\n", repo->extra_head_content); - if (repo->module_link) - fprintf(f, "repo.module-link=%s\n", repo->module_link); - if (repo->section) - fprintf(f, "repo.section=%s\n", repo->section); - if (repo->homepage) - fprintf(f, "repo.homepage=%s\n", repo->homepage); - if (repo->clone_url) - fprintf(f, "repo.clone-url=%s\n", repo->clone_url); - fprintf(f, "repo.enable-blame=%d\n", - repo->enable_blame); - fprintf(f, "repo.enable-commit-graph=%d\n", - repo->enable_commit_graph); - fprintf(f, "repo.enable-log-filecount=%d\n", - repo->enable_log_filecount); - fprintf(f, "repo.enable-log-linecount=%d\n", - repo->enable_log_linecount); - if (repo->about_filter && repo->about_filter != ctx.cfg.about_filter) - cgit_fprintf_filter(repo->about_filter, f, "repo.about-filter="); - if (repo->commit_filter && repo->commit_filter != ctx.cfg.commit_filter) - cgit_fprintf_filter(repo->commit_filter, f, "repo.commit-filter="); - if (repo->source_filter && repo->source_filter != ctx.cfg.source_filter) - cgit_fprintf_filter(repo->source_filter, f, "repo.source-filter="); - if (repo->email_filter && repo->email_filter != ctx.cfg.email_filter) - cgit_fprintf_filter(repo->email_filter, f, ""); - if (repo->owner_filter && repo->owner_filter != ctx.cfg.owner_filter) - cgit_fprintf_filter(repo->owner_filter, f, "repo.owner-filter="); - if (repo->snapshots != ctx.cfg.snapshots) { - char *tmp = build_snapshot_setting(repo->snapshots); - fprintf(f, "repo.snapshots=%s\n", tmp ? tmp : ""); - free(tmp); - } - if (repo->snapshot_prefix) - fprintf(f, "repo.snapshot-prefix=%s\n", repo->snapshot_prefix); - if (repo->max_stats != ctx.cfg.max_stats) - fprintf(f, "repo.max-stats=%s\n", - cgit_find_stats_periodname(repo->max_stats)); - if (repo->logo) - fprintf(f, "repo.logo=%s\n", repo->logo); - if (repo->logo_link) - fprintf(f, "repo.logo-link=%s\n", repo->logo_link); - fprintf(f, "repo.enable-remote-branches=%d\n", repo->enable_remote_branches); - fprintf(f, "repo.enable-subject-links=%d\n", repo->enable_subject_links); - fprintf(f, "repo.enable-html-serving=%d\n", repo->enable_html_serving); - if (repo->branch_sort == 1) - fprintf(f, "repo.branch-sort=age\n"); - if (repo->commit_sort) { - if (repo->commit_sort == 1) - fprintf(f, "repo.commit-sort=date\n"); - else if (repo->commit_sort == 2) - fprintf(f, "repo.commit-sort=topo\n"); - } - fprintf(f, "repo.hide=%d\n", repo->hide); - fprintf(f, "repo.ignore=%d\n", repo->ignore); - fprintf(f, "\n"); -} - -static void print_repolist(FILE *f, struct cgit_repolist *list, int start) -{ - int i; - - for (i = start; i < list->count; i++) - print_repo(f, &list->repos[i]); -} - -/* Scan 'path' for git repositories, save the resulting repolist in 'cached_rc' - * and return 0 on success. - */ -static int generate_cached_repolist(const char *path, const char *cached_rc) -{ - struct strbuf locked_rc = STRBUF_INIT; - int result = 0; - int idx; - FILE *f; - - strbuf_addf(&locked_rc, "%s.lock", cached_rc); - f = fopen(locked_rc.buf, "wx"); - if (!f) { - /* Inform about the error unless the lockfile already existed, - * since that only means we've got concurrent requests. - */ - result = errno; - if (result != EEXIST) - fprintf(stderr, "[cgit] Error opening %s: %s (%d)\n", - locked_rc.buf, strerror(result), result); - goto out; - } - idx = cgit_repolist.count; - if (ctx.cfg.project_list) - scan_projects(path, ctx.cfg.project_list, repo_config); - else - scan_tree(path, repo_config); - print_repolist(f, &cgit_repolist, idx); - if (rename(locked_rc.buf, cached_rc)) - fprintf(stderr, "[cgit] Error renaming %s to %s: %s (%d)\n", - locked_rc.buf, cached_rc, strerror(errno), errno); - fclose(f); -out: - strbuf_release(&locked_rc); - return result; -} - -static void process_cached_repolist(const char *path) -{ - struct stat st; - struct strbuf cached_rc = STRBUF_INIT; - time_t age; - unsigned long hash; - - hash = hash_str(path); - if (ctx.cfg.project_list) - hash += hash_str(ctx.cfg.project_list); - strbuf_addf(&cached_rc, "%s/rc-%8lx", ctx.cfg.cache_root, hash); - - if (stat(cached_rc.buf, &st)) { - /* Nothing is cached, we need to scan without forking. And - * if we fail to generate a cached repolist, we need to - * invoke scan_tree manually. - */ - if (generate_cached_repolist(path, cached_rc.buf)) { - if (ctx.cfg.project_list) - scan_projects(path, ctx.cfg.project_list, - repo_config); - else - scan_tree(path, repo_config); - } - goto out; - } - - parse_configfile(cached_rc.buf, config_cb); - - /* If the cached configfile hasn't expired, lets exit now */ - age = time(NULL) - st.st_mtime; - if (age <= (ctx.cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl * 60)) - goto out; - - /* The cached repolist has been parsed, but it was old. So lets - * rescan the specified path and generate a new cached repolist - * in a child-process to avoid latency for the current request. - */ - if (fork()) - goto out; - - exit(generate_cached_repolist(path, cached_rc.buf)); -out: - strbuf_release(&cached_rc); -} - -static void cgit_parse_args(int argc, const char **argv) -{ - int i; - const char *arg; - int scan = 0; - - for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { - if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--version")) { - printf("CGit %s |\n\nCompiled in features:\n", CGIT_VERSION); -#ifndef HAVE_LINUX_SENDFILE - printf("[-] "); -#else - printf("[+] "); -#endif - printf("Linux sendfile() usage\n"); - - exit(0); - } - if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--cache=", &arg)) { - ctx.cfg.cache_root = xstrdup(arg); - } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--nohttp")) { - ctx.env.no_http = "1"; - } else if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--query=", &arg)) { - ctx.qry.raw = xstrdup(arg); - } else if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--repo=", &arg)) { - ctx.qry.repo = xstrdup(arg); - } else if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--page=", &arg)) { - = xstrdup(arg); - } else if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--head=", &arg)) { - ctx.qry.head = xstrdup(arg); - ctx.qry.has_symref = 1; - } else if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--oid=", &arg)) { - ctx.qry.oid = xstrdup(arg); - ctx.qry.has_oid = 1; - } else if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--ofs=", &arg)) { - ctx.qry.ofs = atoi(arg); - } else if (skip_prefix(argv[i], "--scan-tree=", &arg) || - skip_prefix(argv[i], "--scan-path=", &arg)) { - /* - * HACK: The global snapshot bit mask defines the set - * of allowed snapshot formats, but the config file - * hasn't been parsed yet so the mask is currently 0. - * By setting all bits high before scanning we make - * sure that any in-repo cgitrc snapshot setting is - * respected by scan_tree(). - * - * NOTE: We assume that there aren't more than 8 - * different snapshot formats supported by cgit... - */ - ctx.cfg.snapshots = 0xFF; - scan++; - scan_tree(arg, repo_config); - } - } - if (scan) { - qsort(cgit_repolist.repos, cgit_repolist.count, - sizeof(struct cgit_repo), cmp_repos); - print_repolist(stdout, &cgit_repolist, 0); - exit(0); - } -} - -static int calc_ttl(void) -{ - if (!ctx.repo) - return ctx.cfg.cache_root_ttl; - - if (! - return ctx.cfg.cache_repo_ttl; - - if (!strcmp(, "about")) - return ctx.cfg.cache_about_ttl; - - if (!strcmp(, "snapshot")) - return ctx.cfg.cache_snapshot_ttl; - - if (ctx.qry.has_oid) - return ctx.cfg.cache_static_ttl; - - if (ctx.qry.has_symref) - return ctx.cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl; - - return ctx.cfg.cache_repo_ttl; -} - -int cmd_main(int argc, const char **argv) -{ - const char *path; - int err, ttl; - - atexit(cgit_cleanup_filters); - - prepare_context(); - cgit_repolist.length = 0; - cgit_repolist.count = 0; - cgit_repolist.repos = NULL; - - cgit_parse_args(argc, argv); - parse_configfile(expand_macros(ctx.env.cgit_config), config_cb); - ctx.repo = NULL; - http_parse_querystring(ctx.qry.raw, querystring_cb); - - /* If virtual-root isn't specified in cgitrc, lets pretend - * that virtual-root equals SCRIPT_NAME, minus any possibly - * trailing slashes. - */ - if (!ctx.cfg.virtual_root && ctx.cfg.script_name) - ctx.cfg.virtual_root = ensure_end(ctx.cfg.script_name, '/'); - - /* If no url parameter is specified on the querystring, lets - * use PATH_INFO as url. This allows cgit to work with virtual - * urls without the need for rewriterules in the webserver (as - * long as PATH_INFO is included in the cache lookup key). - */ - path = ctx.env.path_info; - if (!ctx.qry.url && path) { - if (path[0] == '/') - path++; - ctx.qry.url = xstrdup(path); - if (ctx.qry.raw) { - char *newqry = fmtalloc("%s?%s", path, ctx.qry.raw); - free(ctx.qry.raw); - ctx.qry.raw = newqry; - } else - ctx.qry.raw = xstrdup(ctx.qry.url); - cgit_parse_url(ctx.qry.url); - } - - /* Before we go any further, we set ctx.env.authenticated by checking to see - * if the supplied cookie is valid. All cookies are valid if there is no - * auth_filter. If there is an auth_filter, the filter decides. */ - authenticate_cookie(); - - ttl = calc_ttl(); - if (ttl < 0) - += 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; /* 10 years */ - else - += ttl * 60; - if (!ctx.env.authenticated || (ctx.env.request_method && !strcmp(ctx.env.request_method, "HEAD"))) - ctx.cfg.cache_size = 0; - err = cache_process(ctx.cfg.cache_size, ctx.cfg.cache_root, - ctx.qry.raw, ttl, process_request); - cgit_cleanup_filters(); - if (err) - cgit_print_error("Error processing page: %s (%d)", - strerror(err), err); - return err; -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index f3dbb7a9..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,877 +0,0 @@ -div#cgit { - padding: 0em; - margin: 0em; - font-family: sans-serif; - font-size: 10pt; - color: #333; - background: white; - padding: 4px; -} - -div#cgit a { - color: blue; - text-decoration: none; -} - -div#cgit a:hover { - text-decoration: underline; -} - -div#cgit table { - border-collapse: collapse; -} - -div#cgit table#header { - width: 100%; - margin-bottom: 1em; -} - -div#cgit table#header td.logo { - width: 96px; - vertical-align: top; -} - -div#cgit table#header td.main { - font-size: 250%; - padding-left: 10px; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -div#cgit table#header td.main a { - color: #000; -} - -div#cgit table#header td.form { - text-align: right; - vertical-align: bottom; - padding-right: 1em; - padding-bottom: 2px; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -div#cgit table#header td.form form, -div#cgit table#header td.form input, -div#cgit table#header td.form select { - font-size: 90%; -} - -div#cgit table#header td.sub { - color: #777; - border-top: solid 1px #ccc; - padding-left: 10px; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs { - border-bottom: solid 3px #ccc; - border-collapse: collapse; - margin-top: 2em; - margin-bottom: 0px; - width: 100%; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs td { - padding: 0px 1em; - vertical-align: bottom; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs td a { - padding: 2px 0.25em; - color: #777; - font-size: 110%; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs td { - color: #000; - background-color: #ccc; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs a[href^="http://"]:after, div#cgit table.tabs a[href^="https://"]:after { - content: url(); - opacity: 0.5; - margin: 0 0 0 5px; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs td.form { - text-align: right; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs td.form form { - padding-bottom: 2px; - font-size: 90%; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -div#cgit table.tabs td.form input, -div#cgit table.tabs td.form select { - font-size: 90%; -} - -div#cgit div.path { - margin: 0px; - padding: 5px 2em 2px 2em; - color: #000; - background-color: #eee; -} - -div#cgit div.content { - margin: 0px; - padding: 2em; - border-bottom: solid 3px #ccc; -} - - -div#cgit table.list { - width: 100%; - border: none; - border-collapse: collapse; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr { - background: white; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr.logheader { - background: #eee; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr:nth-child(even) { - background: #f7f7f7; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr:nth-child(odd) { - background: white; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr:hover { - background: #eee; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr.nohover { - background: white; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr.nohover:hover { - background: white; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr.nohover-highlight:hover:nth-child(even) { - background: #f7f7f7; -} - -div#cgit table.list tr.nohover-highlight:hover:nth-child(odd) { - background: white; -} - -div#cgit table.list th { - font-weight: bold; - /* color: #888; - border-top: dashed 1px #888; - border-bottom: dashed 1px #888; - */ - padding: 0.1em 0.5em 0.05em 0.5em; - vertical-align: baseline; -} - -div#cgit table.list td { - border: none; - padding: 0.1em 0.5em 0.1em 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.commitgraph { - font-family: monospace; - white-space: pre; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.commitgraph .column1 { - color: #a00; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.commitgraph .column2 { - color: #0a0; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.commitgraph .column3 { - color: #aa0; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.commitgraph .column4 { - color: #00a; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.commitgraph .column5 { - color: #a0a; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.commitgraph .column6 { - color: #0aa; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.logsubject { - font-family: monospace; - font-weight: bold; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.logmsg { - font-family: monospace; - white-space: pre; - padding: 0 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.list td a { - color: black; -} - -div#cgit table.list td { - font-weight: bold; - color: #00f; -} - -div#cgit table.list td a:hover { - color: #00f; -} - -div#cgit img { - border: none; -} - -div#cgit input#switch-btn { - margin: 2px 0px 0px 0px; -} - -div#cgit td#sidebar input.txt { - width: 100%; - margin: 2px 0px 0px 0px; -} - -div#cgit table#grid { - margin: 0px; -} - -div#cgit td#content { - vertical-align: top; - padding: 1em 2em 1em 1em; - border: none; -} - -div#cgit div#summary { - vertical-align: top; - margin-bottom: 1em; -} - -div#cgit table#downloads { - float: right; - border-collapse: collapse; - border: solid 1px #777; - margin-left: 0.5em; - margin-bottom: 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table#downloads th { - background-color: #ccc; -} - -div#cgit div#blob { - border: solid 1px black; -} - -div#cgit div.error { - color: red; - font-weight: bold; - margin: 1em 2em; -} - -div#cgit, div#cgit, div#cgit .ls-mod { - font-family: monospace; -} - -div#cgit { - text-align: right; - font-family: monospace; - width: 10em; -} - -div#cgit { - font-family: monospace; - width: 10em; -} - -div#cgit table.blob { - margin-top: 0.5em; - border-top: solid 1px black; -} - -div#cgit table.blob td.hashes, -div#cgit table.blob td.lines { - margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 0.5em; - vertical-align: top; - color: black; -} - -div#cgit table.blob td.linenumbers { - margin: 0; padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em; - vertical-align: top; - text-align: right; - border-right: 1px solid gray; -} - -div#cgit table.blob pre { - padding: 0; margin: 0; -} - -div#cgit table.blob td.linenumbers a, -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.lineno a { - color: gray; - text-align: right; - text-decoration: none; -} - -div#cgit table.blob td.linenumbers a:hover, -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.lineno a:hover { - color: black; -} - -div#cgit table.blame td.hashes, -div#cgit table.blame td.lines, -div#cgit table.blame td.linenumbers { - padding: 0; -} - -div#cgit table.blame td.hashes div.alt, -div#cgit table.blame td.lines div.alt { - padding: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.blame td.linenumbers div.alt { - padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; -} - -div#cgit table.blame div.alt:nth-child(even) { - background: #eee; -} - -div#cgit table.blame div.alt:nth-child(odd) { - background: white; -} - -div#cgit table.blame td.lines > div { - position: relative; -} - -div#cgit table.blame td.lines > div > pre { - padding: 0 0 0 0.5em; - position: absolute; - top: 0; -} - -div#cgit table.bin-blob { - margin-top: 0.5em; - border: solid 1px black; -} - -div#cgit table.bin-blob th { - font-family: monospace; - white-space: pre; - border: solid 1px #777; - padding: 0.5em 1em; -} - -div#cgit table.bin-blob td { - font-family: monospace; - white-space: pre; - border-left: solid 1px #777; - padding: 0em 1em; -} - -div#cgit table.nowrap td { - white-space: nowrap; -} - -div#cgit table.commit-info { - border-collapse: collapse; - margin-top: 1.5em; -} - -div#cgit div.cgit-panel { - float: right; - margin-top: 1.5em; -} - -div#cgit div.cgit-panel table { - border-collapse: collapse; - border: solid 1px #aaa; - background-color: #eee; -} - -div#cgit div.cgit-panel th { - text-align: center; -} - -div#cgit div.cgit-panel td { - padding: 0.25em 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit div.cgit-panel td.label { - padding-right: 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit div.cgit-panel td.ctrl { - padding-left: 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.commit-info th { - text-align: left; - font-weight: normal; - padding: 0.1em 1em 0.1em 0.1em; - vertical-align: top; -} - -div#cgit table.commit-info td { - font-weight: normal; - padding: 0.1em 1em 0.1em 0.1em; -} - -div#cgit div.commit-subject { - font-weight: bold; - font-size: 125%; - margin: 1.5em 0em 0.5em 0em; - padding: 0em; -} - -div#cgit div.notes-header { - font-weight: bold; - padding-top: 1.5em; -} - -div#cgit div.notes { - white-space: pre; - font-family: monospace; - border: solid 1px #ee9; - background-color: #ffd; - padding: 0.3em 2em 0.3em 1em; - float: left; -} - -div#cgit div.notes-footer { - clear: left; -} - -div#cgit div.diffstat-header { - font-weight: bold; - padding-top: 1.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat { - border-collapse: collapse; - border: solid 1px #aaa; - background-color: #eee; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat th { - font-weight: normal; - text-align: left; - text-decoration: underline; - padding: 0.1em 1em 0.1em 0.1em; - font-size: 100%; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td { - padding: 0.2em 0.2em 0.1em 0.1em; - font-size: 100%; - border: none; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.mode { - white-space: nowrap; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td span.modechange { - padding-left: 1em; - color: red; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.add a { - color: green; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.del a { - color: red; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.upd a { - color: blue; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.graph { - width: 500px; - vertical-align: middle; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.graph table { - border: none; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.graph td { - padding: 0px; - border: 0px; - height: 7pt; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.graph td.add { - background-color: #5c5; -} - -div#cgit table.diffstat td.graph td.rem { - background-color: #c55; -} - -div#cgit div.diffstat-summary { - color: #888; - padding-top: 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.diff { - width: 100%; -} - -div#cgit table.diff td span.head { - font-weight: bold; - color: black; -} - -div#cgit table.diff td span.hunk { - color: #009; -} - -div#cgit table.diff td span.add { - color: green; -} - -div#cgit table.diff td span.del { - color: red; -} - -div#cgit .oid { - font-family: monospace; - font-size: 90%; -} - -div#cgit .left { - text-align: left; -} - -div#cgit .right { - text-align: right; -} - -div#cgit table.list td.reposection { - font-style: italic; - color: #888; -} - -div#cgit a.button { - font-size: 80%; -} - -div#cgit a.primary { - font-size: 100%; -} - -div#cgit a.secondary { - font-size: 90%; -} - -div#cgit td.toplevel-repo { - -} - -div#cgit table.list td.sublevel-repo { - padding-left: 1.5em; -} - -div#cgit ul.pager { - list-style-type: none; - text-align: center; - margin: 1em 0em 0em 0em; - padding: 0; -} - -div#cgit ul.pager li { - display: inline-block; - margin: 0.25em 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit ul.pager a { - color: #777; -} - -div#cgit ul.pager .current { - font-weight: bold; -} - -div#cgit span.age-mins { - font-weight: bold; - color: #080; -} - -div#cgit span.age-hours { - color: #080; -} - -div#cgit span.age-days { - color: #040; -} - -div#cgit span.age-weeks { - color: #444; -} - -div#cgit span.age-months { - color: #888; -} - -div#cgit span.age-years { - color: #bbb; -} - -div#cgit span.insertions { - color: #080; -} - -div#cgit span.deletions { - color: #800; -} - -div#cgit div.footer { - margin-top: 0.5em; - text-align: center; - font-size: 80%; - color: #ccc; -} - -div#cgit div.footer a { - color: #ccc; - text-decoration: none; -} - -div#cgit div.footer a:hover { - text-decoration: underline; -} - -div#cgit a.branch-deco { - color: #000; - padding: 0px 0.25em; - background-color: #88ff88; - border: solid 1px #007700; -} - -div#cgit a.tag-deco { - color: #000; - padding: 0px 0.25em; - background-color: #ffff88; - border: solid 1px #777700; -} - -div#cgit a.tag-annotated-deco { - color: #000; - padding: 0px 0.25em; - background-color: #ffcc88; - border: solid 1px #777700; -} - -div#cgit a.remote-deco { - color: #000; - padding: 0px 0.25em; - background-color: #ccccff; - border: solid 1px #000077; -} - -div#cgit a.deco { - color: #000; - padding: 0px 0.25em; - background-color: #ff8888; - border: solid 1px #770000; -} - -div#cgit div.commit-subject a.branch-deco, -div#cgit div.commit-subject a.tag-deco, -div#cgit div.commit-subject a.tag-annotated-deco, -div#cgit div.commit-subject a.remote-deco, -div#cgit div.commit-subject a.deco { - font-size: 75%; -} - -div#cgit table.stats { - border: solid 1px black; - border-collapse: collapse; -} - -div#cgit table.stats th { - text-align: left; - padding: 1px 0.5em; - background-color: #eee; - border: solid 1px black; -} - -div#cgit table.stats td { - text-align: right; - padding: 1px 0.5em; - border: solid 1px black; -} - -div#cgit table.stats { - font-weight: bold; - text-align: left; -} - -div#cgit table.stats td.sum { - color: #c00; - font-weight: bold; -/* background-color: #eee; */ -} - -div#cgit table.stats td.left { - text-align: left; -} - -div#cgit table.vgraph { - border-collapse: separate; - border: solid 1px black; - height: 200px; -} - -div#cgit table.vgraph th { - background-color: #eee; - font-weight: bold; - border: solid 1px white; - padding: 1px 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.vgraph td { - vertical-align: bottom; - padding: 0px 10px; -} - -div#cgit table.vgraph { - background-color: #eee; -} - -div#cgit table.hgraph { - border: solid 1px black; - width: 800px; -} - -div#cgit table.hgraph th { - background-color: #eee; - font-weight: bold; - border: solid 1px black; - padding: 1px 0.5em; -} - -div#cgit table.hgraph td { - vertical-align: middle; - padding: 2px 2px; -} - -div#cgit table.hgraph { - background-color: #eee; - height: 1em; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff { - width: 100%; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td { - font-size: 75%; - font-family: monospace; - white-space: pre; - padding: 1px 4px 1px 4px; - border-left: solid 1px #aaa; - border-right: solid 1px #aaa; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.add { - color: black; - background: #cfc; - min-width: 50%; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.add_dark { - color: black; - background: #aca; - min-width: 50%; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff span.add { - background: #cfc; - font-weight: bold; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.del { - color: black; - background: #fcc; - min-width: 50%; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.del_dark { - color: black; - background: #caa; - min-width: 50%; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff span.del { - background: #fcc; - font-weight: bold; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.changed { - color: black; - background: #ffc; - min-width: 50%; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.changed_dark { - color: black; - background: #cca; - min-width: 50%; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.lineno { - color: black; - background: #eee; - text-align: right; - width: 3em; - min-width: 3em; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.hunk { - color: black; - background: #ccf; - border-top: solid 1px #aaa; - border-bottom: solid 1px #aaa; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.head { - border-top: solid 1px #aaa; - border-bottom: solid 1px #aaa; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.head div.head { - font-weight: bold; - color: black; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff td.foot { - border-top: solid 1px #aaa; - border-left: none; - border-right: none; - border-bottom: none; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff { - border: none; -} - -div#cgit table.ssdiff div { - min-height: 3em; -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 72fcd849..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,397 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef CGIT_H -#define CGIT_H - - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/* Add isgraph(x) to Git's sane ctype support (see git-compat-util.h) */ -#undef isgraph -#define isgraph(x) (isprint((x)) && !isspace((x))) - - -/* - * Limits used for relative dates - */ -#define TM_MIN 60 -#define TM_HOUR (TM_MIN * 60) -#define TM_DAY (TM_HOUR * 24) -#define TM_WEEK (TM_DAY * 7) -#define TM_YEAR (TM_DAY * 365) -#define TM_MONTH (TM_YEAR / 12.0) - - -/* - * Default encoding - */ -#define PAGE_ENCODING "UTF-8" - -#define BIT(x) (1U << (x)) - -typedef void (*configfn)(const char *name, const char *value); -typedef void (*filepair_fn)(struct diff_filepair *pair); -typedef void (*linediff_fn)(char *line, int len); - -typedef enum { - DIFF_UNIFIED, DIFF_SSDIFF, DIFF_STATONLY -} diff_type; - -typedef enum { - ABOUT, COMMIT, SOURCE, EMAIL, AUTH, OWNER -} filter_type; - -struct cgit_filter { - int (*open)(struct cgit_filter *, va_list ap); - int (*close)(struct cgit_filter *); - void (*fprintf)(struct cgit_filter *, FILE *, const char *prefix); - void (*cleanup)(struct cgit_filter *); - int argument_count; -}; - -struct cgit_exec_filter { - struct cgit_filter base; - char *cmd; - char **argv; - int old_stdout; - int pid; -}; - -struct cgit_repo { - char *url; - char *name; - char *path; - char *desc; - char *extra_head_content; - char *owner; - char *homepage; - char *defbranch; - char *module_link; - struct string_list readme; - char *section; - char *clone_url; - char *logo; - char *logo_link; - char *snapshot_prefix; - int snapshots; - int enable_blame; - int enable_commit_graph; - int enable_log_filecount; - int enable_log_linecount; - int enable_remote_branches; - int enable_subject_links; - int enable_html_serving; - int max_stats; - int branch_sort; - int commit_sort; - time_t mtime; - struct cgit_filter *about_filter; - struct cgit_filter *commit_filter; - struct cgit_filter *source_filter; - struct cgit_filter *email_filter; - struct cgit_filter *owner_filter; - struct string_list submodules; - int hide; - int ignore; -}; - -typedef void (*repo_config_fn)(struct cgit_repo *repo, const char *name, - const char *value); - -struct cgit_repolist { - int length; - int count; - struct cgit_repo *repos; -}; - -struct commitinfo { - struct commit *commit; - char *author; - char *author_email; - unsigned long author_date; - int author_tz; - char *committer; - char *committer_email; - unsigned long committer_date; - int committer_tz; - char *subject; - char *msg; - char *msg_encoding; -}; - -struct taginfo { - char *tagger; - char *tagger_email; - unsigned long tagger_date; - int tagger_tz; - char *msg; -}; - -struct refinfo { - const char *refname; - struct object *object; - union { - struct taginfo *tag; - struct commitinfo *commit; - }; -}; - -struct reflist { - struct refinfo **refs; - int alloc; - int count; -}; - -struct cgit_query { - int has_symref; - int has_oid; - int has_difftype; - char *raw; - char *repo; - char *page; - char *search; - char *grep; - char *head; - char *oid; - char *oid2; - char *path; - char *name; - char *url; - char *period; - int ofs; - int nohead; - char *sort; - int showmsg; - diff_type difftype; - int show_all; - int context; - int ignorews; - int follow; - char *vpath; -}; - -struct cgit_config { - char *agefile; - char *cache_root; - char *clone_prefix; - char *clone_url; - char *css; - char *favicon; - char *footer; - char *head_include; - char *header; - char *logo; - char *logo_link; - char *mimetype_file; - char *module_link; - char *project_list; - struct string_list readme; - char *robots; - char *root_title; - char *root_desc; - char *root_readme; - char *script_name; - char *section; - char *repository_sort; - char *virtual_root; /* Always ends with '/'. */ - char *strict_export; - int cache_size; - int cache_dynamic_ttl; - int cache_max_create_time; - int cache_repo_ttl; - int cache_root_ttl; - int cache_scanrc_ttl; - int cache_static_ttl; - int cache_about_ttl; - int cache_snapshot_ttl; - int case_sensitive_sort; - int embedded; - int enable_filter_overrides; - int enable_follow_links; - int enable_http_clone; - int enable_index_links; - int enable_index_owner; - int enable_blame; - int enable_commit_graph; - int enable_log_filecount; - int enable_log_linecount; - int enable_remote_branches; - int enable_subject_links; - int enable_html_serving; - int enable_tree_linenumbers; - int enable_git_config; - int local_time; - int max_atom_items; - int max_repo_count; - int max_commit_count; - int max_lock_attempts; - int max_msg_len; - int max_repodesc_len; - int max_blob_size; - int max_stats; - int noplainemail; - int noheader; - int renamelimit; - int remove_suffix; - int scan_hidden_path; - int section_from_path; - int snapshots; - int section_sort; - int summary_branches; - int summary_log; - int summary_tags; - diff_type difftype; - int branch_sort; - int commit_sort; - struct string_list mimetypes; - struct cgit_filter *about_filter; - struct cgit_filter *commit_filter; - struct cgit_filter *source_filter; - struct cgit_filter *email_filter; - struct cgit_filter *owner_filter; - struct cgit_filter *auth_filter; -}; - -struct cgit_page { - time_t modified; - time_t expires; - size_t size; - const char *mimetype; - const char *charset; - const char *filename; - const char *etag; - const char *title; - int status; - const char *statusmsg; -}; - -struct cgit_environment { - const char *cgit_config; - const char *http_host; - const char *https; - const char *no_http; - const char *path_info; - const char *query_string; - const char *request_method; - const char *script_name; - const char *server_name; - const char *server_port; - const char *http_cookie; - const char *http_referer; - unsigned int content_length; - int authenticated; -}; - -struct cgit_context { - struct cgit_environment env; - struct cgit_query qry; - struct cgit_config cfg; - struct cgit_repo *repo; - struct cgit_page page; -}; - -typedef int (*write_archive_fn_t)(const char *, const char *); - -struct cgit_snapshot_format { - const char *suffix; - const char *mimetype; - write_archive_fn_t write_func; -}; - -extern const char *cgit_version; - -extern struct cgit_repolist cgit_repolist; -extern struct cgit_context ctx; -extern const struct cgit_snapshot_format cgit_snapshot_formats[]; - -extern char *cgit_default_repo_desc; -extern struct cgit_repo *cgit_add_repo(const char *url); -extern struct cgit_repo *cgit_get_repoinfo(const char *url); -extern void cgit_repo_config_cb(const char *name, const char *value); - -extern int chk_zero(int result, char *msg); -extern int chk_positive(int result, char *msg); -extern int chk_non_negative(int result, char *msg); - -extern char *trim_end(const char *str, char c); -extern char *ensure_end(const char *str, char c); - -extern void strbuf_ensure_end(struct strbuf *sb, char c); - -extern void cgit_add_ref(struct reflist *list, struct refinfo *ref); -extern void cgit_free_reflist_inner(struct reflist *list); -extern int cgit_refs_cb(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid, - int flags, void *cb_data); - -extern void cgit_free_commitinfo(struct commitinfo *info); -extern void cgit_free_taginfo(struct taginfo *info); - -void cgit_diff_tree_cb(struct diff_queue_struct *q, - struct diff_options *options, void *data); - -extern int cgit_diff_files(const struct object_id *old_oid, - const struct object_id *new_oid, - unsigned long *old_size, unsigned long *new_size, - int *binary, int context, int ignorews, - linediff_fn fn); - -extern void cgit_diff_tree(const struct object_id *old_oid, - const struct object_id *new_oid, - filepair_fn fn, const char *prefix, int ignorews); - -extern void cgit_diff_commit(struct commit *commit, filepair_fn fn, - const char *prefix); - -__attribute__((format (printf,1,2))) -extern char *fmt(const char *format,...); - -__attribute__((format (printf,1,2))) -extern char *fmtalloc(const char *format,...); - -extern struct commitinfo *cgit_parse_commit(struct commit *commit); -extern struct taginfo *cgit_parse_tag(struct tag *tag); -extern void cgit_parse_url(const char *url); - -extern const char *cgit_repobasename(const char *reponame); - -extern int cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(const char *str); -extern const struct object_id *cgit_snapshot_get_sig(const char *ref, - const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f); -extern const unsigned cgit_snapshot_format_bit(const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f); - -extern int cgit_open_filter(struct cgit_filter *filter, ...); -extern int cgit_close_filter(struct cgit_filter *filter); -extern void cgit_fprintf_filter(struct cgit_filter *filter, FILE *f, const char *prefix); -extern void cgit_exec_filter_init(struct cgit_exec_filter *filter, char *cmd, char **argv); -extern struct cgit_filter *cgit_new_filter(const char *cmd, filter_type filtertype); -extern void cgit_cleanup_filters(void); - -extern void cgit_prepare_repo_env(struct cgit_repo * repo); - -extern int readfile(const char *path, char **buf, size_t *size); - -extern char *expand_macros(const char *txt); - -extern char *get_mimetype_for_filename(const char *filename); - -#endif /* CGIT_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5b9ed5be..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -# This Makefile is run in the "git" directory in order to re-use Git's -# build variables and operating system detection. Hence all files in -# CGit's directory must be prefixed with "../". -include Makefile - -CGIT_PREFIX = ../ - --include $(CGIT_PREFIX)cgit.conf - -# The CGIT_* variables are inherited when this file is called from the -# main Makefile - they are defined there. - -$(CGIT_PREFIX)VERSION: force-version - @cd $(CGIT_PREFIX) && '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./ "$(CGIT_VERSION)" --include $(CGIT_PREFIX)VERSION -.PHONY: force-version - -# CGIT_CFLAGS is a separate variable so that we can track it separately -# and avoid rebuilding all of Git when these variables change. -CGIT_CFLAGS += -DCGIT_CONFIG='"$(CGIT_CONFIG)"' -CGIT_CFLAGS += -DCGIT_SCRIPT_NAME='"$(CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME)"' -CGIT_CFLAGS += -DCGIT_CACHE_ROOT='"$(CACHE_ROOT)"' - -PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config - -ifdef NO_C99_FORMAT - CFLAGS += -DNO_C99_FORMAT -endif - -# Add -ldl to linker flags on systems that commonly use GNU libc. -ifneq (,$(filter $(uname_S),Linux GNU GNU/kFreeBSD)) - CGIT_LIBS += -ldl -endif - -# glibc 2.1+ offers sendfile which the most common C library on Linux -ifeq ($(uname_S),Linux) - HAVE_LINUX_SENDFILE = YesPlease -endif - -ifdef HAVE_LINUX_SENDFILE - CGIT_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_LINUX_SENDFILE -endif - -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += cgit.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += cache.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += cmd.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += configfile.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += filter.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += html.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += parsing.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += scan-tree.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += shared.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-atom.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-blame.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-blob.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-clone.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-commit.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-diff.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-log.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-patch.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-plain.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-refs.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-repolist.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-shared.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-snapshot.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-ssdiff.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-stats.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-summary.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-tag.o -CGIT_OBJ_NAMES += ui-tree.o - -CGIT_OBJS := $(addprefix $(CGIT_PREFIX),$(CGIT_OBJ_NAMES)) - -# Only cgit.c reference CGIT_VERSION so we only rebuild its objects when the -# version changes. -CGIT_VERSION_OBJS := $(addprefix $(CGIT_PREFIX),cgit.o cgit.sp) -$(CGIT_VERSION_OBJS): $(CGIT_PREFIX)VERSION -$(CGIT_VERSION_OBJS): EXTRA_CPPFLAGS = \ - -DCGIT_VERSION='"$(CGIT_VERSION)"' - -# Git handles dependencies using ":=" so dependencies in CGIT_OBJ are not -# handled by that and we must handle them ourselves. -cgit_dep_files := $(foreach f,$(CGIT_OBJS),$(dir $f).depend/$(notdir $f).d) -cgit_dep_files_present := $(wildcard $(cgit_dep_files)) -ifneq ($(cgit_dep_files_present),) -include $(cgit_dep_files_present) -endif - -ifeq ($(wildcard $(CGIT_PREFIX).depend),) -missing_dep_dirs += $(CGIT_PREFIX).depend -endif - -$(CGIT_PREFIX).depend: - @mkdir -p $@ - -$(CGIT_PREFIX)CGIT-CFLAGS: FORCE - @FLAGS='$(subst ','\'',$(CGIT_CFLAGS))'; \ - if test x"$$FLAGS" != x"`cat ../CGIT-CFLAGS 2>/dev/null`" ; then \ - echo 1>&2 " * new CGit build flags"; \ - echo "$$FLAGS" >$(CGIT_PREFIX)CGIT-CFLAGS; \ - fi - -$(CGIT_OBJS): %.o: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(CGIT_PREFIX)CGIT-CFLAGS $(missing_dep_dirs) - $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $*.o -c $(dep_args) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) $(CGIT_CFLAGS) $< - -$(CGIT_PREFIX)cgit: $(CGIT_OBJS) GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS) - $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $(filter %.o,$^) $(LIBS) $(CGIT_LIBS) - -CGIT_SP_OBJS := $(patsubst %.o,%.sp,$(CGIT_OBJS)) - -$(CGIT_SP_OBJS): %.sp: %.c GIT-CFLAGS $(CGIT_PREFIX)CGIT-CFLAGS FORCE - $(QUIET_SP)cgcc -no-compile $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) $(CGIT_CFLAGS) $(SPARSE_FLAGS) $< - -cgit-sparse: $(CGIT_SP_OBJS) diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 425528ee..00000000 Binary files a/www/ and /dev/null differ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7dd644a9..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,977 +0,0 @@ -:man source: cgit -:man manual: cgit - -CGITRC(5) -======== - - -NAME ----- -cgitrc - runtime configuration for cgit - - -SYNOPSIS --------- -Cgitrc contains all runtime settings for cgit, including the list of git -repositories, formatted as a line-separated list of NAME=VALUE pairs. Blank -lines, and lines starting with '#', are ignored. - - -LOCATION --------- -The default location of cgitrc, defined at compile time, is /etc/cgitrc. At -runtime, cgit will consult the environment variable CGIT_CONFIG and, if -defined, use its value instead. - - -GLOBAL SETTINGS ---------------- -about-filter:: - Specifies a command which will be invoked to format the content of - about pages (both top-level and for each repository). The command will - get the content of the about-file on its STDIN, the name of the file - as the first argument, and the STDOUT from the command will be - included verbatim on the about page. Default value: none. See - also: "FILTER API". - -agefile:: - Specifies a path, relative to each repository path, which can be used - to specify the date and time of the youngest commit in the repository. - The first line in the file is used as input to the "parse_date" - function in libgit. Recommended timestamp-format is "yyyy-mm-dd - hh:mm:ss". You may want to generate this file from a post-receive - hook. Default value: "info/web/last-modified". - -auth-filter:: - Specifies a command that will be invoked for authenticating repository - access. Receives quite a few arguments, and data on both stdin and - stdout for authentication processing. Details follow later in this - document. If no auth-filter is specified, no authentication is - performed. Default value: none. See also: "FILTER API". - -branch-sort:: - Flag which, when set to "age", enables date ordering in the branch ref - list, and when set to "name" enables ordering by branch name. Default - value: "name". - -cache-about-ttl:: - Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached - version of the repository about page. See also: "CACHE". Default - value: "15". - -cache-dynamic-ttl:: - Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached - version of repository pages accessed without a fixed SHA1. See also: - "CACHE". Default value: "5". - -cache-repo-ttl:: - Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached - version of the repository summary page. See also: "CACHE". Default - value: "5". - -cache-root:: - Path used to store the cgit cache entries. Default value: - "/var/cache/cgit". See also: "MACRO EXPANSION". - -cache-root-ttl:: - Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached - version of the repository index page. See also: "CACHE". Default - value: "5". - -cache-scanrc-ttl:: - Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the result - of scanning a path for git repositories. See also: "CACHE". Default - value: "15". - -case-sensitive-sort:: - Sort items in the repo list case sensitively. Default value: "1". - See also: repository-sort, section-sort. - -cache-size:: - The maximum number of entries in the cgit cache. When set to "0", - caching is disabled. See also: "CACHE". Default value: "0" - -cache-snapshot-ttl:: - Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached - version of snapshots. See also: "CACHE". Default value: "5". - -cache-static-ttl:: - Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached - version of repository pages accessed with a fixed SHA1. See also: - "CACHE". Default value: -1". - -clone-prefix:: - Space-separated list of common prefixes which, when combined with a - repository url, generates valid clone urls for the repository. This - setting is only used if `repo.clone-url` is unspecified. Default value: - none. - -clone-url:: - Space-separated list of clone-url templates. This setting is only - used if `repo.clone-url` is unspecified. Default value: none. See - also: "MACRO EXPANSION", "FILTER API". - -commit-filter:: - Specifies a command which will be invoked to format commit messages. - The command will get the message on its STDIN, and the STDOUT from the - command will be included verbatim as the commit message, i.e. this can - be used to implement bugtracker integration. Default value: none. - See also: "FILTER API". - -commit-sort:: - Flag which, when set to "date", enables strict date ordering in the - commit log, and when set to "topo" enables strict topological - ordering. If unset, the default ordering of "git log" is used. Default - value: unset. - -css:: - Url which specifies the css document to include in all cgit pages. - Default value: "/cgit.css". - -email-filter:: - Specifies a command which will be invoked to format names and email - address of committers, authors, and taggers, as represented in various - places throughout the cgit interface. This command will receive an - email address and an origin page string as its command line arguments, - and the text to format on STDIN. It is to write the formatted text back - out onto STDOUT. Default value: none. See also: "FILTER API". - -embedded:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit generate a html fragment - suitable for embedding in other html pages. Default value: none. See - also: "noheader". - -enable-blame:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will allow cgit to provide a "blame" page - for files, and will make it generate links to that page in appropriate - places. Default value: "0". - -enable-commit-graph:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit print an ASCII-art commit - history graph to the left of the commit messages in the repository - log page. Default value: "0". - -enable-filter-overrides:: - Flag which, when set to "1", allows all filter settings to be - overridden in repository-specific cgitrc files. Default value: none. - -enable-follow-links:: - Flag which, when set to "1", allows users to follow a file in the log - view. Default value: "0". - -enable-git-config:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will allow cgit to use git config to set - any repo specific settings. This option is used in conjunction with - "scan-path", and must be defined prior, to augment repo-specific - settings. The keys gitweb.owner, gitweb.category, gitweb.description, - and gitweb.homepage will map to the cgit keys repo.owner, repo.section, - repo.desc, and repo.homepage respectively. All git config keys that begin - with "cgit." will be mapped to the corresponding "repo." key in cgit. - Default value: "0". See also: scan-path, section-from-path. - -enable-http-clone:: - If set to "1", cgit will act as a dumb HTTP endpoint for git clones. - You can add "http://$HTTP_HOST$SCRIPT_NAME/$CGIT_REPO_URL" to clone-url - to expose this feature. If you use an alternate way of serving git - repositories, you may wish to disable this. Default value: "1". - -enable-html-serving:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will allow the /plain handler to serve - mimetype headers that result in the file being treated as HTML by the - browser. When set to "0", such file types are returned instead as - text/plain or application/octet-stream. Default value: "0". See also: - "repo.enable-html-serving". - -enable-index-links:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit generate extra links for - each repo in the repository index (specifically, to the "summary", - "commit" and "tree" pages). Default value: "0". - -enable-index-owner:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit display the owner of - each repo in the repository index. Default value: "1". - -enable-log-filecount:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit print the number of - modified files for each commit on the repository log page. Default - value: "0". - -enable-log-linecount:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit print the number of added - and removed lines for each commit on the repository log page. Default - value: "0". - -enable-remote-branches:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit display remote branches - in the summary and refs views. Default value: "0". See also: - "repo.enable-remote-branches". - -enable-subject-links:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit use the subject of the - parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits - in commit view. Default value: "0". See also: - "repo.enable-subject-links". - -enable-tree-linenumbers:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit generate linenumber links - for plaintext blobs printed in the tree view. Default value: "1". - -favicon:: - Url used as link to a shortcut icon for cgit. It is suggested to use - the value "/favicon.ico" since certain browsers will ignore other - values. Default value: none. - -footer:: - The content of the file specified with this option will be included - verbatim at the bottom of all pages (i.e. it replaces the standard - "generated by..." message. Default value: none. - -head-include:: - The content of the file specified with this option will be included - verbatim in the html HEAD section on all pages. Default value: none. - -header:: - The content of the file specified with this option will be included - verbatim at the top of all pages. Default value: none. - -include:: - Name of a configfile to include before the rest of the current config- - file is parsed. Default value: none. See also: "MACRO EXPANSION". - -local-time:: - Flag which, if set to "1", makes cgit print commit and tag times in the - servers timezone. Default value: "0". - -logo:: - Url which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo - on all cgit pages. Default value: "/cgit.png". - -logo-link:: - Url loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image. If unspecified the - calculated url of the repository index page will be used. Default - value: none. - -max-atom-items:: - Specifies the number of items to display in atom feeds view. Default - value: "10". - -max-blob-size:: - Specifies the maximum size of a blob to display HTML for in KBytes. - Default value: "0" (limit disabled). - -max-commit-count:: - Specifies the number of entries to list per page in "log" view. Default - value: "50". - -max-message-length:: - Specifies the maximum number of commit message characters to display in - "log" view. Default value: "80". - -max-repo-count:: - Specifies the number of entries to list per page on the repository - index page. Default value: "50". - -max-repodesc-length:: - Specifies the maximum number of repo description characters to display - on the repository index page. Default value: "80". - -max-stats:: - Set the default maximum statistics period. Valid values are "week", - "month", "quarter" and "year". If unspecified, statistics are - disabled. Default value: none. See also: "repo.max-stats". - -mimetype.:: - Set the mimetype for the specified filename extension. This is used - by the `plain` command when returning blob content. - -mimetype-file:: - Specifies the file to use for automatic mimetype lookup. If specified - then this field is used as a fallback when no "mimetype." match is - found. If unspecified then no such lookup is performed. The typical file - to use on a Linux system is /etc/mime.types. The format of the file must - comply to: - - a comment line is an empty line or a line starting with a hash (#), - optionally preceded by whitespace - - a non-comment line starts with the mimetype (like image/png), followed - by one or more file extensions (like jpg), all separated by whitespace - Default value: none. See also: "mimetype.". - -module-link:: - Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a - submodule is printed in a directory listing. The arguments for the - formatstring are the path and SHA1 of the submodule commit. Default - value: none. - -noplainemail:: - If set to "1" showing full author email addresses will be disabled. - Default value: "0". - -noheader:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit omit the standard header - on all pages. Default value: none. See also: "embedded". - -owner-filter:: - Specifies a command which will be invoked to format the Owner - column of the main page. The command will get the owner on STDIN, - and the STDOUT from the command will be included verbatim in the - table. This can be used to link to additional context such as an - owners home page. When active this filter is used instead of the - default owner query url. Default value: none. - See also: "FILTER API". - -project-list:: - A list of subdirectories inside of scan-path, relative to it, that - should loaded as git repositories. This must be defined prior to - scan-path. Default value: none. See also: scan-path, "MACRO - EXPANSION". - -readme:: - Text which will be used as default value for "repo.readme". Multiple - config keys may be specified, and cgit will use the first found file - in this list. This is useful in conjunction with scan-path. Default - value: none. See also: scan-path, repo.readme. - -remove-suffix:: - If set to "1" and scan-path is enabled, if any repositories are found - with a suffix of ".git", this suffix will be removed for the url and - name. This must be defined prior to scan-path. Default value: "0". - See also: scan-path. - -renamelimit:: - Maximum number of files to consider when detecting renames. The value - "-1" uses the compiletime value in git (for further info, look at - `man git-diff`). Default value: "-1". - -repository-sort:: - The way in which repositories in each section are sorted. Valid values - are "name" for sorting by the repo name or "age" for sorting by the - most recently updated repository. Default value: "name". See also: - section, case-sensitive-sort, section-sort. - -robots:: - Text used as content for the "robots" meta-tag. Default value: - "index, nofollow". - -root-desc:: - Text printed below the heading on the repository index page. Default - value: "a fast webinterface for the git dscm". - -root-readme:: - The content of the file specified with this option will be included - verbatim below the "about" link on the repository index page. Default - value: none. - -root-title:: - Text printed as heading on the repository index page. Default value: - "Git Repository Browser". - -scan-hidden-path:: - If set to "1" and scan-path is enabled, scan-path will recurse into - directories whose name starts with a period ('.'). Otherwise, - scan-path will stay away from such directories (considered as - "hidden"). Note that this does not apply to the ".git" directory in - non-bare repos. This must be defined prior to scan-path. - Default value: 0. See also: scan-path. - -scan-path:: - A path which will be scanned for repositories. If caching is enabled, - the result will be cached as a cgitrc include-file in the cache - directory. If project-list has been defined prior to scan-path, - scan-path loads only the directories listed in the file pointed to by - project-list. Be advised that only the global settings taken - before the scan-path directive will be applied to each repository. - Default value: none. See also: cache-scanrc-ttl, project-list, - "MACRO EXPANSION". - -section:: - The name of the current repository section - all repositories defined - after this option will inherit the current section name. Default value: - none. - -section-sort:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will sort the sections on the repository - listing by name. Set this flag to "0" if the order in the cgitrc file should - be preserved. Default value: "1". See also: section, - case-sensitive-sort, repository-sort. - -section-from-path:: - A number which, if defined prior to scan-path, specifies how many - path elements from each repo path to use as a default section name. - If negative, cgit will discard the specified number of path elements - above the repo directory. Default value: "0". - -side-by-side-diffs:: - If set to "1" shows side-by-side diffs instead of unidiffs per - default. Default value: "0". - -snapshots:: - Text which specifies the default set of snapshot formats that cgit - generates links for. The value is a space-separated list of zero or - more of the values "tar", "tar.gz", "tar.bz2", "tar.lz", "tar.xz", - "tar.zst" and "zip". The special value "all" enables all snapshot - formats. Default value: none. - All compressors use default settings. Some settings can be influenced - with environment variables, for example set ZSTD_CLEVEL=10 in web - server environment for higher (but slower) zstd compression. - -source-filter:: - Specifies a command which will be invoked to format plaintext blobs - in the tree view. The command will get the blob content on its STDIN - and the name of the blob as its only command line argument. The STDOUT - from the command will be included verbatim as the blob contents, i.e. - this can be used to implement e.g. syntax highlighting. Default value: - none. See also: "FILTER API". - -summary-branches:: - Specifies the number of branches to display in the repository "summary" - view. Default value: "10". - -summary-log:: - Specifies the number of log entries to display in the repository - "summary" view. Default value: "10". - -summary-tags:: - Specifies the number of tags to display in the repository "summary" - view. Default value: "10". - -strict-export:: - Filename which, if specified, needs to be present within the repository - for cgit to allow access to that repository. This can be used to emulate - gitweb's EXPORT_OK and STRICT_EXPORT functionality and limit cgit's - repositories to match those exported by git-daemon. This option must - be defined prior to scan-path. - -virtual-root:: - Url which, if specified, will be used as root for all cgit links. It - will also cause cgit to generate 'virtual urls', i.e. urls like - '/cgit/tree/README' as opposed to '?r=cgit&p=tree&path=README'. Default - value: none. - NOTE: cgit has recently learned how to use PATH_INFO to achieve the - same kind of virtual urls, so this option will probably be deprecated. - - -REPOSITORY SETTINGS -------------------- -repo.about-filter:: - Override the default about-filter. Default value: none. See also: - "enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API". - -repo.branch-sort:: - Flag which, when set to "age", enables date ordering in the branch ref - list, and when set to "name" enables ordering by branch name. Default - value: "name". - -repo.clone-url:: - A list of space-separated urls which can be used to clone this repo. - Default value: none. See also: "MACRO EXPANSION". - -repo.commit-filter:: - Override the default commit-filter. Default value: none. See also: - "enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API". - -repo.commit-sort:: - Flag which, when set to "date", enables strict date ordering in the - commit log, and when set to "topo" enables strict topological - ordering. If unset, the default ordering of "git log" is used. Default - value: unset. - -repo.defbranch:: - The name of the default branch for this repository. If no such branch - exists in the repository, the first branch name (when sorted) is used - as default instead. Default value: branch pointed to by HEAD, or - "master" if there is no suitable HEAD. - -repo.desc:: - The value to show as repository description. Default value: none. - - Override the default email-filter. Default value: none. See also: - "enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API". - -repo.enable-blame:: - A flag which can be used to disable the global setting - `enable-blame'. Default value: none. - -repo.enable-commit-graph:: - A flag which can be used to disable the global setting - `enable-commit-graph'. Default value: none. - -repo.enable-html-serving:: - A flag which can be used to override the global setting - `enable-html-serving`. Default value: none. - -repo.enable-log-filecount:: - A flag which can be used to disable the global setting - `enable-log-filecount'. Default value: none. - -repo.enable-log-linecount:: - A flag which can be used to disable the global setting - `enable-log-linecount'. Default value: none. - -repo.enable-remote-branches:: - Flag which, when set to "1", will make cgit display remote branches - in the summary and refs views. Default value: . - -repo.enable-subject-links:: - A flag which can be used to override the global setting - `enable-subject-links'. Default value: none. - -repo.extra-head-content:: - This value will be added verbatim to the head section of each page - displayed for this repo. Default value: none. - -repo.hide:: - Flag which, when set to "1", hides the repository from the repository - index. The repository can still be accessed by providing a direct path. - Default value: "0". See also: "repo.ignore". - -repo.homepage:: - The value to show as repository homepage. Default value: none. - -repo.ignore:: - Flag which, when set to "1", ignores the repository. The repository - is not shown in the index and cannot be accessed by providing a direct - path. Default value: "0". See also: "repo.hide". - -repo.logo:: - Url which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo - on this repo's pages. Default value: global logo. - -repo.logo-link:: - Url loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image. If unspecified the - calculated url of the repository index page will be used. Default - value: global logo-link. - -repo.module-link:: - Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a - submodule is printed in a directory listing. The arguments for the - formatstring are the path and SHA1 of the submodule commit. Default - value: - -repo.module-link.:: - Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a - submodule with the specified subdirectory path is printed in a - directory listing. The only argument for the formatstring is the SHA1 - of the submodule commit. Default value: none. - -repo.max-stats:: - Override the default maximum statistics period. Valid values are equal - to the values specified for the global "max-stats" setting. Default - value: none. - - The value to show as repository name. Default value: . - -repo.owner:: - A value used to identify the owner of the repository. Default value: - none. - -repo.owner-filter:: - Override the default owner-filter. Default value: none. See also: - "enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API". - -repo.path:: - An absolute path to the repository directory. For non-bare repositories - this is the .git-directory. Default value: none. - -repo.readme:: - A path (relative to ) which specifies a file to include - verbatim as the "About" page for this repo. You may also specify a - git refspec by head or by hash by prepending the refspec followed by - a colon. For example, "master:docs/readme.mkd". If the value begins - with a colon, i.e. ":docs/readme.rst", the default branch of the - repository will be used. Sharing any file will expose that entire - directory tree to the "/about/PATH" endpoints, so be sure that there - are no non-public files located in the same directory as the readme - file. Default value: . - -repo.section:: - Override the current section name for this repository. Default value: - none. - -repo.snapshots:: - A mask of snapshot formats for this repo that cgit generates links for, - restricted by the global "snapshots" setting. Default value: - . - -repo.snapshot-prefix:: - Prefix to use for snapshot links instead of the repository basename. - For example, the "linux-stable" repository may wish to set this to - "linux" so that snapshots are in the format "linux-3.15.4" instead - of "linux-stable-3.15.4". Default value: meaning to use - the repository basename. - -repo.source-filter:: - Override the default source-filter. Default value: none. See also: - "enable-filter-overrides". See also: "FILTER API". - -repo.url:: - The relative url used to access the repository. This must be the first - setting specified for each repo. Default value: none. - - -REPOSITORY-SPECIFIC CGITRC FILE -------------------------------- -When the option "scan-path" is used to auto-discover git repositories, cgit -will try to parse the file "cgitrc" within any found repository. Such a -repo-specific config file may contain any of the repo-specific options -described above, except "repo.url" and "repo.path". Additionally, the "filter" -options are only acknowledged in repo-specific config files when -"enable-filter-overrides" is set to "1". - -Note: the "repo." prefix is dropped from the option names in repo-specific -config files, e.g. "repo.desc" becomes "desc". - - -FILTER API ----------- -By default, filters are separate processes that are executed each time they -are needed. Alternative technologies may be used by prefixing the filter -specification with the relevant string; available values are: - -'exec:':: - The default "one process per filter" mode. - - -Parameters are provided to filters as follows. - -about filter:: - This filter is given a single parameter: the filename of the source - file to filter. The filter can use the filename to determine (for - example) the type of syntax to follow when formatting the readme file. - The about text that is to be filtered is available on standard input - and the filtered text is expected on standard output. - -auth filter:: - The authentication filter receives 12 parameters: - - filter action, explained below, which specifies which action the - filter is called for - - http cookie - - http method - - http referer - - http path - - http https flag - - cgit repo - - cgit page - - cgit url - - cgit login url - When the filter action is "body", this filter must write to output the - HTML for displaying the login form, which POSTs to the login url. When - the filter action is "authenticate-cookie", this filter must validate - the http cookie and return a 0 if it is invalid or 1 if it is invalid, - in the exit code / close function. If the filter action is - "authenticate-post", this filter receives POST'd parameters on - standard input, and should write a complete CGI response, preferably - with a 302 redirect, and write to output one or more "Set-Cookie" - HTTP headers, each followed by a newline. - -commit filter:: - This filter is given no arguments. The commit message text that is to - be filtered is available on standard input and the filtered text is - expected on standard output. - -email filter:: - This filter is given two parameters: the email address of the relevant - author and a string indicating the originating page. The filter will - then receive the text string to format on standard input and is - expected to write to standard output the formatted text to be included - in the page. - -owner filter:: - This filter is given no arguments. The owner text is available on - standard input and the filter is expected to write to standard - output. The output is included in the Owner column. - -source filter:: - This filter is given a single parameter: the filename of the source - file to filter. The filter can use the filename to determine (for - example) the syntax highlighting mode. The contents of the source - file that is to be filtered is available on standard input and the - filtered contents is expected on standard output. - - -All filters are handed the following environment variables: - -- CGIT_REPO_URL (from repo.url) -- CGIT_REPO_NAME (from -- CGIT_REPO_PATH (from repo.path) -- CGIT_REPO_OWNER (from repo.owner) -- CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH (from repo.defbranch) -- CGIT_REPO_SECTION (from repo.section) -- CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL (from repo.clone-url) - -If a setting is not defined for a repository and the corresponding global -setting is also not defined (if applicable), then the corresponding -environment variable will be unset. - - -MACRO EXPANSION ---------------- -The following cgitrc options support a simple macro expansion feature, -where tokens prefixed with "$" are replaced with the value of a similarly -named environment variable: - -- cache-root -- include -- project-list -- scan-path - -Macro expansion will also happen on the content of $CGIT_CONFIG, if -defined. - -One usage of this feature is virtual hosting, which in its simplest form -can be accomplished by adding the following line to /etc/cgitrc: - - include=/etc/cgitrc.d/$HTTP_HOST - -The following options are expanded during request processing, and support -the environment variables defined in "FILTER API": - -- clone-url -- repo.clone-url - - -CACHE ------ - -All cache ttl values are in minutes. Negative ttl values indicate that a page -type will never expire, and thus the first time a URL is accessed, the result -will be cached indefinitely, even if the underlying git repository changes. -Conversely, when a ttl value is zero, the cache is disabled for that -particular page type, and the page type is never cached. - -SIGNATURES ----------- - -Cgit can host .asc signatures corresponding to various snapshot formats, -through use of git notes. For example, the following command may be used to -add a signature to a .tar.xz archive: - - git notes --ref=refs/notes/signatures/tar.xz add -C "$( - gpg --output - --armor --detach-sign cgit-1.1.tar.xz | - git hash-object -w --stdin - )" v1.1 - -If it is instead desirable to attach a signature of the underlying .tar, this -will be linked, as a special case, beside a .tar.* link that does not have its -own signature. For example, a signature of a tarball of the latest tag might -be added with a similar command: - - tag="$(git describe --abbrev=0)" - git notes --ref=refs/notes/signatures/tar add -C "$( - git archive --format tar --prefix "cgit-${tag#v}/" "$tag" | - gpg --output - --armor --detach-sign | - git hash-object -w --stdin - )" "$tag" - -Since git-archive(1) is expected to produce stable output between versions, -this allows one to generate a long-term signature of the contents of a given -tag. - -EXAMPLE CGITRC FILE -------------------- - -.... -# Enable caching of up to 1000 output entries -cache-size=1000 - - -# Specify some default clone urls using macro expansion -clone-url=git://$CGIT_REPO_URL$CGIT_REPO_URL - -# Specify the css url -css=/css/cgit.css - - -# Show owner on index page -enable-index-owner=1 - - -# Allow http transport git clone -enable-http-clone=1 - - -# Show extra links for each repository on the index page -enable-index-links=1 - - -# Enable blame page and create links to it from tree page -enable-blame=1 - - -# Enable ASCII art commit history graph on the log pages -enable-commit-graph=1 - - -# Show number of affected files per commit on the log pages -enable-log-filecount=1 - - -# Show number of added/removed lines per commit on the log pages -enable-log-linecount=1 - - -# Sort branches by date -branch-sort=age - - -# Add a cgit favicon -favicon=/favicon.ico - - -# Use a custom logo -logo=/img/mylogo.png - - -# Enable statistics per week, month and quarter -max-stats=quarter - - -# Set the title and heading of the repository index page git repositories - - -# Set a subheading for the repository index page -root-desc=tracking the foobar development - - -# Include some more info about on the index page -root-readme=/var/www/htdocs/about.html - - -# Allow download of tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip-files -snapshots=tar.gz tar.bz2 zip - - -## -## List of common mimetypes -## - -mimetype.gif=image/gif -mimetype.html=text/html -mimetype.jpg=image/jpeg -mimetype.jpeg=image/jpeg -mimetype.pdf=application/pdf -mimetype.png=image/png -mimetype.svg=image/svg+xml - - -# Highlight source code with python pygments-based highlighter -source-filter=/var/www/cgit/filters/ - -# Format markdown, restructuredtext, manpages, text files, and html files -# through the right converters -about-filter=/var/www/cgit/filters/ - -## -## Search for these files in the root of the default branch of repositories -## for coming up with the about page: -## -readme=:README.mkd -readme=:readme.mkd -readme=:README.rst -readme=:readme.rst -readme=:README.html -readme=:readme.html -readme=:README.htm -readme=:readme.htm -readme=:README.txt -readme=:readme.txt -readme=:README -readme=:readme -readme=:INSTALL.mkd -readme=:install.mkd -readme=:INSTALL.rst -readme=:install.rst -readme=:INSTALL.html -readme=:install.html -readme=:INSTALL.htm -readme=:install.htm -readme=:INSTALL.txt -readme=:install.txt -readme=:INSTALL -readme=:install - - -## -## List of repositories. -## PS: Any repositories listed when section is unset will not be -## displayed under a section heading -## PPS: This list could be kept in a different file (e.g. '/etc/cgitrepos') -## and included like this: -## include=/etc/cgitrepos -## - - -repo.url=foo -repo.path=/pub/git/foo.git -repo.desc=the master foo repository -repo.readme=info/web/about.html - - -repo.url=bar -repo.path=/pub/git/bar.git -repo.desc=the bars for your foo -repo.readme=info/web/about.html - - -# The next repositories will be displayed under the 'extras' heading -section=extras - - -repo.url=baz -repo.path=/pub/git/baz.git -repo.desc=a set of extensions for bar users - -repo.url=wiz -repo.path=/pub/git/wiz.git -repo.desc=the wizard of foo - - -# Add some mirrored repositories -section=mirrors - - -repo.url=git -repo.path=/pub/git/git.git -repo.desc=the dscm - - -repo.url=linux -repo.path=/pub/git/linux.git -repo.desc=the kernel - -# Disable adhoc downloads of this repo -repo.snapshots=0 - -# Disable line-counts for this repo -repo.enable-log-linecount=0 - -# Restrict the max statistics period for this repo -repo.max-stats=month -.... - - -BUGS ----- -Comments currently cannot appear on the same line as a setting; the comment -will be included as part of the value. E.g. this line: - - robots=index # allow indexing - -will generate the following html element: - - - - - -AUTHOR ------- -Lars Hjemli -Jason A. Donenfeld diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0eb75b1d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ -/* cmd.c: the cgit command dispatcher - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "cmd.h" -#include "cache.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "ui-atom.h" -#include "ui-blame.h" -#include "ui-blob.h" -#include "ui-clone.h" -#include "ui-commit.h" -#include "ui-diff.h" -#include "ui-log.h" -#include "ui-patch.h" -#include "ui-plain.h" -#include "ui-refs.h" -#include "ui-repolist.h" -#include "ui-snapshot.h" -#include "ui-stats.h" -#include "ui-summary.h" -#include "ui-tag.h" -#include "ui-tree.h" - -static void HEAD_fn(void) -{ - cgit_clone_head(); -} - -static void atom_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_atom(ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.path, ctx.cfg.max_atom_items); -} - -static void about_fn(void) -{ - if (ctx.repo) { - size_t path_info_len = ctx.env.path_info ? strlen(ctx.env.path_info) : 0; - if (!ctx.qry.path && - ctx.qry.url[strlen(ctx.qry.url) - 1] != '/' && - (!path_info_len || ctx.env.path_info[path_info_len - 1] != '/')) { - char *currenturl = cgit_currenturl(); - char *redirect = fmtalloc("%s/", currenturl); - cgit_redirect(redirect, true); - free(currenturl); - free(redirect); - } else if (ctx.repo-> - cgit_print_repo_readme(ctx.qry.path); - else if (ctx.repo->homepage) - cgit_redirect(ctx.repo->homepage, false); - else { - char *currenturl = cgit_currenturl(); - char *redirect = fmtalloc("%s../", currenturl); - cgit_redirect(redirect, false); - free(currenturl); - free(redirect); - } - } else - cgit_print_site_readme(); -} - -static void blame_fn(void) -{ - if (ctx.repo->enable_blame) - cgit_print_blame(); - else - cgit_print_error_page(403, "Forbidden", "Blame is disabled"); -} - -static void blob_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_blob(ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.path, ctx.qry.head, 0); -} - -static void commit_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_commit(ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.path); -} - -static void diff_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_diff(ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.oid2, ctx.qry.path, 1, 0); -} - -static void rawdiff_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_diff(ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.oid2, ctx.qry.path, 1, 1); -} - -static void info_fn(void) -{ - cgit_clone_info(); -} - -static void log_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_log(ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.ofs, ctx.cfg.max_commit_count, - ctx.qry.grep,, ctx.qry.path, 1, - ctx.repo->enable_commit_graph, - ctx.repo->commit_sort); -} - -static void ls_cache_fn(void) -{ - = "text/plain"; - = "ls-cache.txt"; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - cache_ls(ctx.cfg.cache_root); -} - -static void objects_fn(void) -{ - cgit_clone_objects(); -} - -static void repolist_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_repolist(); -} - -static void patch_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_patch(ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.oid2, ctx.qry.path); -} - -static void plain_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_plain(); -} - -static void refs_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_refs(); -} - -static void snapshot_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_snapshot(ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.path, - ctx.qry.nohead); -} - -static void stats_fn(void) -{ - cgit_show_stats(); -} - -static void summary_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_summary(); -} - -static void tag_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_tag(ctx.qry.oid); -} - -static void tree_fn(void) -{ - cgit_print_tree(ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.path); -} - -#define def_cmd(name, want_repo, want_vpath, is_clone) \ - {#name, name##_fn, want_repo, want_vpath, is_clone} - -struct cgit_cmd *cgit_get_cmd(void) -{ - static struct cgit_cmd cmds[] = { - def_cmd(HEAD, 1, 0, 1), - def_cmd(atom, 1, 0, 0), - def_cmd(about, 0, 0, 0), - def_cmd(blame, 1, 1, 0), - def_cmd(blob, 1, 0, 0), - def_cmd(commit, 1, 1, 0), - def_cmd(diff, 1, 1, 0), - def_cmd(info, 1, 0, 1), - def_cmd(log, 1, 1, 0), - def_cmd(ls_cache, 0, 0, 0), - def_cmd(objects, 1, 0, 1), - def_cmd(patch, 1, 1, 0), - def_cmd(plain, 1, 0, 0), - def_cmd(rawdiff, 1, 1, 0), - def_cmd(refs, 1, 0, 0), - def_cmd(repolist, 0, 0, 0), - def_cmd(snapshot, 1, 0, 0), - def_cmd(stats, 1, 1, 0), - def_cmd(summary, 1, 0, 0), - def_cmd(tag, 1, 0, 0), - def_cmd(tree, 1, 1, 0), - }; - int i; - - if ( == NULL) { - if (ctx.repo) - = "summary"; - else - = "repolist"; - } - - for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cmds)/sizeof(*cmds); i++) - if (!strcmp(, cmds[i].name)) - return &cmds[i]; - return NULL; -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6249b1d8..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef CMD_H -#define CMD_H - -typedef void (*cgit_cmd_fn)(void); - -struct cgit_cmd { - const char *name; - cgit_cmd_fn fn; - unsigned int want_repo:1, - want_vpath:1, - is_clone:1; -}; - -extern struct cgit_cmd *cgit_get_cmd(void); - -#endif /* CMD_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index e0391091..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -/* configfile.c: parsing of config files - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include -#include "configfile.h" - -static int next_char(FILE *f) -{ - int c = fgetc(f); - if (c == '\r') { - c = fgetc(f); - if (c != '\n') { - ungetc(c, f); - c = '\r'; - } - } - return c; -} - -static void skip_line(FILE *f) -{ - int c; - - while ((c = next_char(f)) && c != '\n' && c != EOF) - ; -} - -static int read_config_line(FILE *f, struct strbuf *name, struct strbuf *value) -{ - int c = next_char(f); - - strbuf_reset(name); - strbuf_reset(value); - - /* Skip comments and preceding spaces. */ - for(;;) { - if (c == EOF) - return 0; - else if (c == '#' || c == ';') - skip_line(f); - else if (!isspace(c)) - break; - c = next_char(f); - } - - /* Read variable name. */ - while (c != '=') { - if (c == '\n' || c == EOF) - return 0; - strbuf_addch(name, c); - c = next_char(f); - } - - /* Read variable value. */ - c = next_char(f); - while (c != '\n' && c != EOF) { - strbuf_addch(value, c); - c = next_char(f); - } - - return 1; -} - -int parse_configfile(const char *filename, configfile_value_fn fn) -{ - static int nesting; - struct strbuf name = STRBUF_INIT; - struct strbuf value = STRBUF_INIT; - FILE *f; - - /* cancel deeply nested include-commands */ - if (nesting > 8) - return -1; - if (!(f = fopen(filename, "r"))) - return -1; - nesting++; - while (read_config_line(f, &name, &value)) - fn(name.buf, value.buf); - nesting--; - fclose(f); - strbuf_release(&name); - strbuf_release(&value); - return 0; -} - diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index af7ca197..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef CONFIGFILE_H -#define CONFIGFILE_H - -#include "cgit.h" - -typedef void (*configfile_value_fn)(const char *name, const char *value); - -extern int parse_configfile(const char *filename, configfile_value_fn fn); - -#endif /* CONFIGFILE_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 2f72ae9c..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# An example hook to update the "agefile" for CGit's idle time calculation. -# -# This hook assumes that you are using the default agefile location of -# "info/web/last-modified". If you change the value in your cgitrc then you -# must also change it here. -# -# To install the hook, copy (or link) it to the file "hooks/post-receive" in -# each of your repositories. -# - -agefile="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"/info/web/last-modified - -mkdir -p "$(dirname "$agefile")" && -git for-each-ref \ - --sort=-authordate --count=1 \ - --format='%(authordate:iso8601)' \ - >"$agefile" diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2b6c838e..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,222 +0,0 @@ -/* filter.c: filter framework functions - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "html.h" - -static inline void reap_filter(struct cgit_filter *filter) -{ - if (filter && filter->cleanup) - filter->cleanup(filter); -} - -void cgit_cleanup_filters(void) -{ - int i; - reap_filter(ctx.cfg.about_filter); - reap_filter(ctx.cfg.commit_filter); - reap_filter(ctx.cfg.source_filter); - reap_filter(ctx.cfg.email_filter); - reap_filter(ctx.cfg.owner_filter); - reap_filter(ctx.cfg.auth_filter); - for (i = 0; i < cgit_repolist.count; ++i) { - reap_filter(cgit_repolist.repos[i].about_filter); - reap_filter(cgit_repolist.repos[i].commit_filter); - reap_filter(cgit_repolist.repos[i].source_filter); - reap_filter(cgit_repolist.repos[i].email_filter); - reap_filter(cgit_repolist.repos[i].owner_filter); - } -} - -static int open_exec_filter(struct cgit_filter *base, va_list ap) -{ - struct cgit_exec_filter *filter = (struct cgit_exec_filter *)base; - int pipe_fh[2]; - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < filter->base.argument_count; i++) - filter->argv[i + 1] = va_arg(ap, char *); - - chk_zero(fflush(stdout), "unable to flush STDOUT"); - filter->old_stdout = chk_positive(dup(STDOUT_FILENO), - "Unable to duplicate STDOUT"); - chk_zero(pipe(pipe_fh), "Unable to create pipe to subprocess"); - filter->pid = chk_non_negative(fork(), "Unable to create subprocess"); - if (filter->pid == 0) { - close(pipe_fh[1]); - chk_non_negative(dup2(pipe_fh[0], STDIN_FILENO), - "Unable to use pipe as STDIN"); - execvp(filter->cmd, filter->argv); - die_errno("Unable to exec subprocess %s", filter->cmd); - } - close(pipe_fh[0]); - chk_non_negative(dup2(pipe_fh[1], STDOUT_FILENO), - "Unable to use pipe as STDOUT"); - close(pipe_fh[1]); - return 0; -} - -static int close_exec_filter(struct cgit_filter *base) -{ - struct cgit_exec_filter *filter = (struct cgit_exec_filter *)base; - int i, exit_status = 0; - - chk_zero(fflush(stdout), "unable to flush STDOUT"); - chk_non_negative(dup2(filter->old_stdout, STDOUT_FILENO), - "Unable to restore STDOUT"); - close(filter->old_stdout); - if (filter->pid < 0) - goto done; - waitpid(filter->pid, &exit_status, 0); - if (WIFEXITED(exit_status)) - goto done; - die("Subprocess %s exited abnormally", filter->cmd); - -done: - for (i = 0; i < filter->base.argument_count; i++) - filter->argv[i + 1] = NULL; - return WEXITSTATUS(exit_status); - -} - -static void fprintf_exec_filter(struct cgit_filter *base, FILE *f, const char *prefix) -{ - struct cgit_exec_filter *filter = (struct cgit_exec_filter *)base; - fprintf(f, "%sexec:%s\n", prefix, filter->cmd); -} - -static void cleanup_exec_filter(struct cgit_filter *base) -{ - struct cgit_exec_filter *filter = (struct cgit_exec_filter *)base; - if (filter->argv) { - free(filter->argv); - filter->argv = NULL; - } - if (filter->cmd) { - free(filter->cmd); - filter->cmd = NULL; - } -} - -static struct cgit_filter *new_exec_filter(const char *cmd, int argument_count) -{ - struct cgit_exec_filter *f; - int args_size = 0; - - f = xmalloc(sizeof(*f)); - /* We leave argv for now and assign it below. */ - cgit_exec_filter_init(f, xstrdup(cmd), NULL); - f->base.argument_count = argument_count; - args_size = (2 + argument_count) * sizeof(char *); - f->argv = xmalloc(args_size); - memset(f->argv, 0, args_size); - f->argv[0] = f->cmd; - return &f->base; -} - -void cgit_exec_filter_init(struct cgit_exec_filter *filter, char *cmd, char **argv) -{ - memset(filter, 0, sizeof(*filter)); - filter-> = open_exec_filter; - filter->base.close = close_exec_filter; - filter->base.fprintf = fprintf_exec_filter; - filter->base.cleanup = cleanup_exec_filter; - filter->cmd = cmd; - filter->argv = argv; - /* The argument count for open_filter is zero by default, unless called from new_filter, above. */ - filter->base.argument_count = 0; -} - -int cgit_open_filter(struct cgit_filter *filter, ...) -{ - int result; - va_list ap; - if (!filter) - return 0; - va_start(ap, filter); - result = filter->open(filter, ap); - va_end(ap); - return result; -} - -int cgit_close_filter(struct cgit_filter *filter) -{ - if (!filter) - return 0; - return filter->close(filter); -} - -void cgit_fprintf_filter(struct cgit_filter *filter, FILE *f, const char *prefix) -{ - filter->fprintf(filter, f, prefix); -} - - - -static const struct { - const char *prefix; - struct cgit_filter *(*ctor)(const char *cmd, int argument_count); -} filter_specs[] = { - { "exec", new_exec_filter }, -}; - -struct cgit_filter *cgit_new_filter(const char *cmd, filter_type filtertype) -{ - char *colon; - int i; - size_t len; - int argument_count; - - if (!cmd || !cmd[0]) - return NULL; - - colon = strchr(cmd, ':'); - len = colon - cmd; - /* - * In case we're running on Windows, don't allow a single letter before - * the colon. - */ - if (len == 1) - colon = NULL; - - switch (filtertype) { - case AUTH: - argument_count = 12; - break; - - case EMAIL: - argument_count = 2; - break; - - case OWNER: - argument_count = 0; - break; - - case SOURCE: - case ABOUT: - argument_count = 1; - break; - - case COMMIT: - default: - argument_count = 0; - break; - } - - /* If no prefix is given, exec filter is the default. */ - if (!colon) - return new_exec_filter(cmd, argument_count); - - for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(filter_specs); i++) { - if (len == strlen(filter_specs[i].prefix) && - !strncmp(filter_specs[i].prefix, cmd, len)) - return filter_specs[i].ctor(colon + 1, argument_count); - } - - die("Invalid filter type: %.*s", (int) len, cmd); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 85daf9c2..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -# This may be used with the about-filter or repo.about-filter setting in cgitrc. -# It passes formatting of about pages to differing programs, depending on the usage. - -# Markdown support requires python and markdown-python. -# RestructuredText support requires python and docutils. -# Man page support requires groff. - -# The following environment variables can be used to retrieve the configuration -# of the repository for which this script is called: -# CGIT_REPO_URL ( = repo.url setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_NAME ( = setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_PATH ( = repo.path setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_OWNER ( = repo.owner setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH ( = repo.defbranch setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_SECTION ( = section setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL ( = repo.clone-url setting ) - -cd "$(dirname $0)/html-converters/" -case "$(printf '%s' "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" in - *.markdown|*.mdown|*.md|*.mkd) exec ./md2html; ;; - *.rst) exec ./rst2html; ;; - *.[1-9]) exec ./man2html; ;; - *.htm|*.html) exec cat; ;; - *.txt|*) exec ./txt2html; ;; -esac diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 796ac308..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# This script can be used to generate links in commit messages. -# -# To use this script, refer to this file with either the commit-filter or the -# repo.commit-filter options in cgitrc. -# -# The following environment variables can be used to retrieve the configuration -# of the repository for which this script is called: -# CGIT_REPO_URL ( = repo.url setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_NAME ( = setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_PATH ( = repo.path setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_OWNER ( = repo.owner setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH ( = repo.defbranch setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_SECTION ( = section setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL ( = repo.clone-url setting ) -# - -regex='' - -# This expression generates links to commits referenced by their SHA1. -regex=$regex' -s|\b([0-9a-fA-F]{7,64})\b|\1|g' - -# This expression generates links to a fictional bugtracker. -regex=$regex' -s|#([0-9]+)\b|#\1|g' - -sed -re "$regex" diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 012113c5..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 - -# This script may be used with the email-filter or settings in cgitrc. -# -# The following environment variables can be used to retrieve the configuration -# of the repository for which this script is called: -# CGIT_REPO_URL ( = repo.url setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_NAME ( = setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_PATH ( = repo.path setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_OWNER ( = repo.owner setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH ( = repo.defbranch setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_SECTION ( = section setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL ( = repo.clone-url setting ) -# -# It receives an email address on argv[1] and text on stdin. It prints -# to stdout that text prepended by a gravatar at 10pt. - -import sys -import hashlib -import codecs - -email = sys.argv[1].lower().strip() -if email[0] == '<': - email = email[1:] -if email[-1] == '>': - email = email[0:-1] - -page = sys.argv[2] - -sys.stdin = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(sys.stdin.detach()) -sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout.detach()) - -md5 = hashlib.md5(email.encode()).hexdigest() -text = - -print("Gravatar " + text) diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 0ef78841..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -echo "
" -groff -mandoc -T html -P -r -P -l | egrep -v '(||||||||" diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 59f43a84..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,304 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 -import markdown -import sys -import io -from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter -from markdown.extensions.toc import TocExtension -sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8') -sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8') -sys.stdout.write(''' - -''') -sys.stdout.write("
") -sys.stdout.flush() -# Note: you may want to run this through bleach for sanitization -markdown.markdownFromFile( - output_format="html5", - extensions=[ - "markdown.extensions.fenced_code", - "markdown.extensions.codehilite", - "markdown.extensions.tables", - "markdown.extensions.sane_lists", - TocExtension(anchorlink=True)], - extension_configs={ - "markdown.extensions.codehilite":{"css_class":"highlight"}}) -sys.stdout.write("
") diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 02d90f81..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -exec --template <(echo -e "%(stylesheet)s\n%(body_pre_docinfo)s\n%(docinfo)s\n%(body)s") diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 495eeceb..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -echo "
-sed "s|&|\\&|g;s|'|\\'|g;s|\"|\\"|g;s|<|\\<|g;s|>|\\>|g"
-echo "
" diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index e912594c..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 - -# This script uses Pygments and Python3. You must have both installed -# for this to work. -# -# -# -# -# It may be used with the source-filter or repo.source-filter settings -# in cgitrc. -# -# The following environment variables can be used to retrieve the -# configuration of the repository for which this script is called: -# CGIT_REPO_URL ( = repo.url setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_NAME ( = setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_PATH ( = repo.path setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_OWNER ( = repo.owner setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH ( = repo.defbranch setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_SECTION ( = section setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL ( = repo.clone-url setting ) - - -import sys -import io -from pygments import highlight -from pygments.util import ClassNotFound -from pygments.lexers import TextLexer -from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer -from pygments.lexers import guess_lexer_for_filename -from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter - - -sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') -sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') -data = -filename = sys.argv[1] -formatter = HtmlFormatter(style='pastie', nobackground=True) - -try: - lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(filename, data) -except ClassNotFound: - # check if there is any shebang - if data[0:2] == '#!': - lexer = guess_lexer(data) - else: - lexer = TextLexer() -except TypeError: - lexer = TextLexer() - -# highlight! :-) -# printout pygments' css definitions as well -sys.stdout.write('') -sys.stdout.write(highlight(data, lexer, formatter, outfile=None)) diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 840bc34f..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# This script can be used to implement syntax highlighting in the cgit -# tree-view by referring to this file with the source-filter or repo.source- -# filter options in cgitrc. -# -# This script requires a shell supporting the ${var##pattern} syntax. -# It is supported by at least dash and bash, however busybox environments -# might have to use an external call to sed instead. -# -# Note: the highlight command ( uses css for syntax -# highlighting, so you'll probably want something like the following included -# in your css file: -# -# Style definition file generated by highlight 2.4.8, -# -# table.blob .num { color:#2928ff; } -# table.blob .esc { color:#ff00ff; } -# table.blob .str { color:#ff0000; } -# table.blob .dstr { color:#818100; } -# table.blob .slc { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# table.blob .com { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# table.blob .dir { color:#008200; } -# table.blob .sym { color:#000000; } -# table.blob .kwa { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# table.blob .kwb { color:#830000; } -# table.blob .kwc { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# table.blob .kwd { color:#010181; } -# -# -# Style definition file generated by highlight 2.6.14, -# -# body.hl { background-color:#ffffff; } -# pre.hl { color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff; font-size:10pt; font-family:'Courier New';} -# .hl.num { color:#2928ff; } -# .hl.esc { color:#ff00ff; } -# .hl.str { color:#ff0000; } -# .hl.dstr { color:#818100; } -# .hl.slc { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# .hl.dir { color:#008200; } -# .hl.sym { color:#000000; } -# .hl.line { color:#555555; } -# .hl.mark { background-color:#ffffbb;} -# .hl.kwa { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# .hl.kwb { color:#830000; } -# .hl.kwc { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# .hl.kwd { color:#010181; } -# -# -# Style definition file generated by highlight 3.8, -# -# body.hl { background-color:#e0eaee; } -# pre.hl { color:#000000; background-color:#e0eaee; font-size:10pt; font-family:'Courier New';} -# .hl.num { color:#b07e00; } -# .hl.esc { color:#ff00ff; } -# .hl.str { color:#bf0303; } -# .hl.pps { color:#818100; } -# .hl.slc { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# .hl.ppc { color:#008200; } -# .hl.opt { color:#000000; } -# .hl.lin { color:#555555; } -# .hl.kwa { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# .hl.kwb { color:#0057ae; } -# .hl.kwc { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# .hl.kwd { color:#010181; } -# -# -# Style definition file generated by highlight 3.13, -# -# body.hl { background-color:#e0eaee; } -# pre.hl { color:#000000; background-color:#e0eaee; font-size:10pt; font-family:'Courier New',monospace;} -# .hl.num { color:#b07e00; } -# .hl.esc { color:#ff00ff; } -# .hl.str { color:#bf0303; } -# .hl.pps { color:#818100; } -# .hl.slc { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# { color:#838183; font-style:italic; } -# .hl.ppc { color:#008200; } -# .hl.opt { color:#000000; } -# .hl.ipl { color:#0057ae; } -# .hl.lin { color:#555555; } -# .hl.kwa { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# .hl.kwb { color:#0057ae; } -# .hl.kwc { color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } -# .hl.kwd { color:#010181; } -# -# -# The following environment variables can be used to retrieve the configuration -# of the repository for which this script is called: -# CGIT_REPO_URL ( = repo.url setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_NAME ( = setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_PATH ( = repo.path setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_OWNER ( = repo.owner setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH ( = repo.defbranch setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_SECTION ( = section setting ) -# CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL ( = repo.clone-url setting ) -# - -# store filename and extension in local vars -BASENAME="$1" -EXTENSION="${BASENAME##*.}" - -[ "${BASENAME}" = "${EXTENSION}" ] && EXTENSION=txt -[ -z "${EXTENSION}" ] && EXTENSION=txt - -# map Makefile and Makefile.* to .mk -[ "${BASENAME%%.*}" = "Makefile" ] && EXTENSION=mk - -# highlight versions 2 and 3 have different commandline options. Specifically, -# the -X option that is used for version 2 is replaced by the -O xhtml option -# for version 3. -# -# Version 2 can be found (for example) on EPEL 5, while version 3 can be -# found (for example) on EPEL 6. -# -# This is for version 2 -exec highlight --force -f -I -X -S "$EXTENSION" 2>/dev/null - -# This is for version 3 -#exec highlight --force -f -I -O xhtml -S "$EXTENSION" 2>/dev/null diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 80cf49af..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -# Get version-info specified in Makefile -V=$1 - -# Use `git describe` to get current version if we're inside a git repo -if test "$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)" = '.git' -then - V=$(git describe --abbrev=4 HEAD 2>/dev/null) -fi - -new="CGIT_VERSION = $V" -old=$(cat VERSION 2>/dev/null) - -# Exit if VERSION is uptodate -test "$old" = "$new" && exit 0 - -# Update VERSION with new version-info -echo "$new" > VERSION -cat VERSION diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index cefcf5e7..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,344 +0,0 @@ -/* html.c: helper functions for html output - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "url.h" - -/* Percent-encoding of each character, except: a-zA-Z0-9!$()*,./:;@- */ -static const char* url_escape_table[256] = { - "%00", "%01", "%02", "%03", "%04", "%05", "%06", "%07", - "%08", "%09", "%0a", "%0b", "%0c", "%0d", "%0e", "%0f", - "%10", "%11", "%12", "%13", "%14", "%15", "%16", "%17", - "%18", "%19", "%1a", "%1b", "%1c", "%1d", "%1e", "%1f", - "%20", NULL, "%22", "%23", NULL, "%25", "%26", "%27", - NULL, NULL, NULL, "%2b", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "%3c", "%3d", "%3e", "%3f", - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "%5c", NULL, "%5e", NULL, - "%60", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - NULL, NULL, NULL, "%7b", "%7c", "%7d", NULL, "%7f", - "%80", "%81", "%82", "%83", "%84", "%85", "%86", "%87", - "%88", "%89", "%8a", "%8b", "%8c", "%8d", "%8e", "%8f", - "%90", "%91", "%92", "%93", "%94", "%95", "%96", "%97", - "%98", "%99", "%9a", "%9b", "%9c", "%9d", "%9e", "%9f", - "%a0", "%a1", "%a2", "%a3", "%a4", "%a5", "%a6", "%a7", - "%a8", "%a9", "%aa", "%ab", "%ac", "%ad", "%ae", "%af", - "%b0", "%b1", "%b2", "%b3", "%b4", "%b5", "%b6", "%b7", - "%b8", "%b9", "%ba", "%bb", "%bc", "%bd", "%be", "%bf", - "%c0", "%c1", "%c2", "%c3", "%c4", "%c5", "%c6", "%c7", - "%c8", "%c9", "%ca", "%cb", "%cc", "%cd", "%ce", "%cf", - "%d0", "%d1", "%d2", "%d3", "%d4", "%d5", "%d6", "%d7", - "%d8", "%d9", "%da", "%db", "%dc", "%dd", "%de", "%df", - "%e0", "%e1", "%e2", "%e3", "%e4", "%e5", "%e6", "%e7", - "%e8", "%e9", "%ea", "%eb", "%ec", "%ed", "%ee", "%ef", - "%f0", "%f1", "%f2", "%f3", "%f4", "%f5", "%f6", "%f7", - "%f8", "%f9", "%fa", "%fb", "%fc", "%fd", "%fe", "%ff" -}; - -char *fmt(const char *format, ...) -{ - static char buf[8][1024]; - static int bufidx; - int len; - va_list args; - - bufidx++; - bufidx &= 7; - - va_start(args, format); - len = vsnprintf(buf[bufidx], sizeof(buf[bufidx]), format, args); - va_end(args); - if (len > sizeof(buf[bufidx])) { - fprintf(stderr, "[html.c] string truncated: %s\n", format); - exit(1); - } - return buf[bufidx]; -} - -char *fmtalloc(const char *format, ...) -{ - struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT; - va_list args; - - va_start(args, format); - strbuf_vaddf(&sb, format, args); - va_end(args); - - return strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL); -} - -void html_raw(const char *data, size_t size) -{ - if (fwrite(data, 1, size, stdout) != size) - die_errno("write error on html output"); -} - -void html(const char *txt) -{ - html_raw(txt, strlen(txt)); -} - -void htmlf(const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT; - - va_start(args, format); - strbuf_vaddf(&buf, format, args); - va_end(args); - html(buf.buf); - strbuf_release(&buf); -} - -void html_txtf(const char *format, ...) -{ - va_list args; - - va_start(args, format); - html_vtxtf(format, args); - va_end(args); -} - -void html_vtxtf(const char *format, va_list ap) -{ - va_list cp; - struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT; - - va_copy(cp, ap); - strbuf_vaddf(&buf, format, cp); - va_end(cp); - html_txt(buf.buf); - strbuf_release(&buf); -} - -void html_txt(const char *txt) -{ - if (txt) - html_ntxt(txt, strlen(txt)); -} - -ssize_t html_ntxt(const char *txt, size_t len) -{ - const char *t = txt; - ssize_t slen; - - if (len > SSIZE_MAX) - return -1; - - slen = (ssize_t) len; - while (t && *t && slen--) { - int c = *t; - if (c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&') { - html_raw(txt, t - txt); - if (c == '>') - html(">"); - else if (c == '<') - html("<"); - else if (c == '&') - html("&"); - txt = t + 1; - } - t++; - } - if (t != txt) - html_raw(txt, t - txt); - return slen; -} - -void html_attrf(const char *fmt, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT; - - va_start(ap, fmt); - strbuf_vaddf(&sb, fmt, ap); - va_end(ap); - - html_attr(sb.buf); - strbuf_release(&sb); -} - -void html_attr(const char *txt) -{ - const char *t = txt; - while (t && *t) { - int c = *t; - if (c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '\'' || c == '\"' || c == '&') { - html_raw(txt, t - txt); - if (c == '>') - html(">"); - else if (c == '<') - html("<"); - else if (c == '\'') - html("'"); - else if (c == '"') - html("""); - else if (c == '&') - html("&"); - txt = t + 1; - } - t++; - } - if (t != txt) - html(txt); -} - -void html_url_path(const char *txt) -{ - const char *t = txt; - while (t && *t) { - unsigned char c = *t; - const char *e = url_escape_table[c]; - if (e && c != '+' && c != '&') { - html_raw(txt, t - txt); - html(e); - txt = t + 1; - } - t++; - } - if (t != txt) - html(txt); -} - -void html_url_arg(const char *txt) -{ - const char *t = txt; - while (t && *t) { - unsigned char c = *t; - const char *e = url_escape_table[c]; - if (c == ' ') - e = "+"; - if (e) { - html_raw(txt, t - txt); - html(e); - txt = t + 1; - } - t++; - } - if (t != txt) - html(txt); -} - -void html_header_arg_in_quotes(const char *txt) -{ - const char *t = txt; - while (t && *t) { - unsigned char c = *t; - const char *e = NULL; - if (c == '\\') - e = "\\\\"; - else if (c == '\r') - e = "\\r"; - else if (c == '\n') - e = "\\n"; - else if (c == '"') - e = "\\\""; - if (e) { - html_raw(txt, t - txt); - html(e); - txt = t + 1; - } - t++; - } - if (t != txt) - html(txt); - -} - -void html_hidden(const char *name, const char *value) -{ - html(""); -} - -void html_option(const char *value, const char *text, const char *selected_value) -{ - html("\n"); -} - -void html_intoption(int value, const char *text, int selected_value) -{ - htmlf(""); -} - -void html_link_open(const char *url, const char *title, const char *class) -{ - html(""); -} - -void html_link_close(void) -{ - html(""); -} - -void html_fileperm(unsigned short mode) -{ - htmlf("%c%c%c", (mode & 4 ? 'r' : '-'), - (mode & 2 ? 'w' : '-'), (mode & 1 ? 'x' : '-')); -} - -int html_include(const char *filename) -{ - FILE *f; - char buf[4096]; - size_t len; - - if (!(f = fopen(filename, "r"))) { - fprintf(stderr, "[cgit] Failed to include file %s: %s (%d).\n", - filename, strerror(errno), errno); - return -1; - } - while ((len = fread(buf, 1, 4096, f)) > 0) - html_raw(buf, len); - fclose(f); - return 0; -} - -void http_parse_querystring(const char *txt, void (*fn)(const char *name, const char *value)) -{ - const char *t = txt; - - while (t && *t) { - char *name = url_decode_parameter_name(&t); - if (*name) { - char *value = url_decode_parameter_value(&t); - fn(name, value); - free(value); - } - free(name); - } -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index fa4de775..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef HTML_H -#define HTML_H - -#include "cgit.h" - -extern void html_raw(const char *txt, size_t size); -extern void html(const char *txt); - -__attribute__((format (printf,1,2))) -extern void htmlf(const char *format,...); - -__attribute__((format (printf,1,2))) -extern void html_txtf(const char *format,...); - -__attribute__((format (printf,1,0))) -extern void html_vtxtf(const char *format, va_list ap); - -__attribute__((format (printf,1,2))) -extern void html_attrf(const char *format,...); - -extern void html_txt(const char *txt); -extern ssize_t html_ntxt(const char *txt, size_t len); -extern void html_attr(const char *txt); -extern void html_url_path(const char *txt); -extern void html_url_arg(const char *txt); -extern void html_header_arg_in_quotes(const char *txt); -extern void html_hidden(const char *name, const char *value); -extern void html_option(const char *value, const char *text, const char *selected_value); -extern void html_intoption(int value, const char *text, int selected_value); -extern void html_link_open(const char *url, const char *title, const char *class); -extern void html_link_close(void); -extern void html_fileperm(unsigned short mode); -extern int html_include(const char *filename); - -extern void http_parse_querystring(const char *txt, void (*fn)(const char *name, const char *value)); - -#endif /* HTML_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 72b59b3c..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -/* parsing.c: parsing of config files - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" - -/* - * url syntax: [repo ['/' cmd [ '/' path]]] - * repo: any valid repo url, may contain '/' - * cmd: log | commit | diff | tree | view | blob | snapshot - * path: any valid path, may contain '/' - * - */ -void cgit_parse_url(const char *url) -{ - char *c, *cmd, *p; - struct cgit_repo *repo; - - if (!url || url[0] == '\0') - return; - - = NULL; - ctx.repo = cgit_get_repoinfo(url); - if (ctx.repo) { - ctx.qry.repo = ctx.repo->url; - return; - } - - cmd = NULL; - c = strchr(url, '/'); - while (c) { - c[0] = '\0'; - repo = cgit_get_repoinfo(url); - if (repo) { - ctx.repo = repo; - cmd = c; - } - c[0] = '/'; - c = strchr(c + 1, '/'); - } - - if (ctx.repo) { - ctx.qry.repo = ctx.repo->url; - p = strchr(cmd + 1, '/'); - if (p) { - p[0] = '\0'; - if (p[1]) - ctx.qry.path = trim_end(p + 1, '/'); - } - if (cmd[1]) - = xstrdup(cmd + 1); - } -} - -static char *substr(const char *head, const char *tail) -{ - char *buf; - - if (tail < head) - return xstrdup(""); - buf = xmalloc(tail - head + 1); - strlcpy(buf, head, tail - head + 1); - return buf; -} - -static void parse_user(const char *t, char **name, char **email, unsigned long *date, int *tz) -{ - struct ident_split ident; - unsigned email_len; - - if (!split_ident_line(&ident, t, strchrnul(t, '\n') - t)) { - *name = substr(ident.name_begin, ident.name_end); - - email_len = ident.mail_end - ident.mail_begin; - *email = xmalloc(strlen("<") + email_len + strlen(">") + 1); - xsnprintf(*email, email_len + 3, "<%.*s>", email_len, ident.mail_begin); - - if (ident.date_begin) - *date = strtoul(ident.date_begin, NULL, 10); - if (ident.tz_begin) - *tz = atoi(ident.tz_begin); - } -} - -#ifdef NO_ICONV -#define reencode(a, b, c) -#else -static const char *reencode(char **txt, const char *src_enc, const char *dst_enc) -{ - char *tmp; - - if (!txt) - return NULL; - - if (!*txt || !src_enc || !dst_enc) - return *txt; - - /* no encoding needed if src_enc equals dst_enc */ - if (!strcasecmp(src_enc, dst_enc)) - return *txt; - - tmp = reencode_string(*txt, dst_enc, src_enc); - if (tmp) { - free(*txt); - *txt = tmp; - } - return *txt; -} -#endif - -static const char *next_header_line(const char *p) -{ - p = strchr(p, '\n'); - if (!p) - return NULL; - return p + 1; -} - -static int end_of_header(const char *p) -{ - return !p || (*p == '\n'); -} - -struct commitinfo *cgit_parse_commit(struct commit *commit) -{ - struct commitinfo *ret; - const char *p = repo_get_commit_buffer(the_repository, commit, NULL); - const char *t; - - ret = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct commitinfo)); - ret->commit = commit; - - if (!p) - return ret; - - if (!skip_prefix(p, "tree ", &p)) - die("Bad commit: %s", oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid)); - p += the_hash_algo->hexsz + 1; - - while (skip_prefix(p, "parent ", &p)) - p += the_hash_algo->hexsz + 1; - - if (p && skip_prefix(p, "author ", &p)) { - parse_user(p, &ret->author, &ret->author_email, - &ret->author_date, &ret->author_tz); - p = next_header_line(p); - } - - if (p && skip_prefix(p, "committer ", &p)) { - parse_user(p, &ret->committer, &ret->committer_email, - &ret->committer_date, &ret->committer_tz); - p = next_header_line(p); - } - - if (p && skip_prefix(p, "encoding ", &p)) { - t = strchr(p, '\n'); - if (t) { - ret->msg_encoding = substr(p, t + 1); - p = t + 1; - } - } - - if (!ret->msg_encoding) - ret->msg_encoding = xstrdup("UTF-8"); - - while (!end_of_header(p)) - p = next_header_line(p); - while (p && *p == '\n') - p++; - if (!p) - return ret; - - t = strchrnul(p, '\n'); - ret->subject = substr(p, t); - while (*t == '\n') - t++; - ret->msg = xstrdup(t); - - reencode(&ret->author, ret->msg_encoding, PAGE_ENCODING); - reencode(&ret->author_email, ret->msg_encoding, PAGE_ENCODING); - reencode(&ret->committer, ret->msg_encoding, PAGE_ENCODING); - reencode(&ret->committer_email, ret->msg_encoding, PAGE_ENCODING); - reencode(&ret->subject, ret->msg_encoding, PAGE_ENCODING); - reencode(&ret->msg, ret->msg_encoding, PAGE_ENCODING); - - return ret; -} - -struct taginfo *cgit_parse_tag(struct tag *tag) -{ - void *data; - enum object_type type; - unsigned long size; - const char *p; - struct taginfo *ret = NULL; - - data = read_object_file(&tag->object.oid, &type, &size); - if (!data || type != OBJ_TAG) - goto cleanup; - - ret = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct taginfo)); - - for (p = data; !end_of_header(p); p = next_header_line(p)) { - if (skip_prefix(p, "tagger ", &p)) { - parse_user(p, &ret->tagger, &ret->tagger_email, - &ret->tagger_date, &ret->tagger_tz); - } - } - - while (p && *p == '\n') - p++; - - if (p && *p) - ret->msg = xstrdup(p); - -cleanup: - free(data); - return ret; -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1b33266d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -User-agent: * -Disallow: /*/snapshot/* -Disallow: /*/blame/* -Allow: / diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1e3b43de..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ -/* scan-tree.c - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "scan-tree.h" -#include "configfile.h" -#include "html.h" -#include - -/* return 1 if path contains a objects/ directory and a HEAD file */ -static int is_git_dir(const char *path) -{ - struct stat st; - struct strbuf pathbuf = STRBUF_INIT; - int result = 0; - - strbuf_addf(&pathbuf, "%s/objects", path); - if (stat(pathbuf.buf, &st)) { - if (errno != ENOENT) - fprintf(stderr, "Error checking path %s: %s (%d)\n", - path, strerror(errno), errno); - goto out; - } - if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) - goto out; - - strbuf_reset(&pathbuf); - strbuf_addf(&pathbuf, "%s/HEAD", path); - if (stat(pathbuf.buf, &st)) { - if (errno != ENOENT) - fprintf(stderr, "Error checking path %s: %s (%d)\n", - path, strerror(errno), errno); - goto out; - } - if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) - goto out; - - result = 1; -out: - strbuf_release(&pathbuf); - return result; -} - -static struct cgit_repo *repo; -static repo_config_fn config_fn; - -static void scan_tree_repo_config(const char *name, const char *value) -{ - config_fn(repo, name, value); -} - -static int gitconfig_config(const char *key, const char *value, void *cb) -{ - const char *name; - - if (!strcmp(key, "gitweb.owner")) - config_fn(repo, "owner", value); - else if (!strcmp(key, "gitweb.description")) - config_fn(repo, "desc", value); - else if (!strcmp(key, "gitweb.category")) - config_fn(repo, "section", value); - else if (!strcmp(key, "gitweb.homepage")) - config_fn(repo, "homepage", value); - else if (skip_prefix(key, "cgit.", &name)) - config_fn(repo, name, value); - - return 0; -} - -static char *xstrrchr(char *s, char *from, int c) -{ - while (from >= s && *from != c) - from--; - return from < s ? NULL : from; -} - -static void add_repo(const char *base, struct strbuf *path, repo_config_fn fn) -{ - struct stat st; - struct passwd *pwd; - size_t pathlen; - struct strbuf rel = STRBUF_INIT; - char *p, *slash; - int n; - size_t size; - - if (stat(path->buf, &st)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Error accessing %s: %s (%d)\n", - path->buf, strerror(errno), errno); - return; - } - - strbuf_addch(path, '/'); - pathlen = path->len; - - if (ctx.cfg.strict_export) { - strbuf_addstr(path, ctx.cfg.strict_export); - if(stat(path->buf, &st)) - return; - strbuf_setlen(path, pathlen); - } - - strbuf_addstr(path, "noweb"); - if (!stat(path->buf, &st)) - return; - strbuf_setlen(path, pathlen); - - if (!starts_with(path->buf, base)) - strbuf_addbuf(&rel, path); - else - strbuf_addstr(&rel, path->buf + strlen(base) + 1); - - if (!strcmp(rel.buf + rel.len - 5, "/.git")) - strbuf_setlen(&rel, rel.len - 5); - else if (rel.len && rel.buf[rel.len - 1] == '/') - strbuf_setlen(&rel, rel.len - 1); - - repo = cgit_add_repo(rel.buf); - config_fn = fn; - if (ctx.cfg.enable_git_config) { - strbuf_addstr(path, "config"); - git_config_from_file(gitconfig_config, path->buf, NULL); - strbuf_setlen(path, pathlen); - } - - if (ctx.cfg.remove_suffix) { - size_t urllen; - strip_suffix(repo->url, ".git", &urllen); - strip_suffix_mem(repo->url, &urllen, "/"); - repo->url[urllen] = '\0'; - } - repo->path = xstrdup(path->buf); - while (!repo->owner) { - if ((pwd = getpwuid(st.st_uid)) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (pwd->pw_gecos) - if ((p = strchr(pwd->pw_gecos, ','))) - *p = '\0'; - repo->owner = xstrdup(pwd->pw_gecos ? pwd->pw_gecos : pwd->pw_name); - } - - if (repo->desc == cgit_default_repo_desc || !repo->desc) { - strbuf_addstr(path, "description"); - if (!stat(path->buf, &st)) - readfile(path->buf, &repo->desc, &size); - strbuf_setlen(path, pathlen); - } - - if (ctx.cfg.section_from_path) { - n = ctx.cfg.section_from_path; - if (n > 0) { - slash = rel.buf - 1; - while (slash && n && (slash = strchr(slash + 1, '/'))) - n--; - } else { - slash = rel.buf + rel.len; - while (slash && n && (slash = xstrrchr(rel.buf, slash - 1, '/'))) - n++; - } - if (slash && !n) { - *slash = '\0'; - repo->section = xstrdup(rel.buf); - *slash = '/'; - if (starts_with(repo->name, repo->section)) { - repo->name += strlen(repo->section); - if (*repo->name == '/') - repo->name++; - } - } - } - - strbuf_addstr(path, "cgitrc"); - if (!stat(path->buf, &st)) - parse_configfile(path->buf, &scan_tree_repo_config); - - strbuf_release(&rel); -} - -static void scan_path(const char *base, const char *path, repo_config_fn fn) -{ - DIR *dir = opendir(path); - struct dirent *ent; - struct strbuf pathbuf = STRBUF_INIT; - size_t pathlen = strlen(path); - struct stat st; - - if (!dir) { - fprintf(stderr, "Error opening directory %s: %s (%d)\n", - path, strerror(errno), errno); - return; - } - - strbuf_add(&pathbuf, path, strlen(path)); - if (is_git_dir(pathbuf.buf)) { - add_repo(base, &pathbuf, fn); - goto end; - } - strbuf_addstr(&pathbuf, "/.git"); - if (is_git_dir(pathbuf.buf)) { - add_repo(base, &pathbuf, fn); - goto end; - } - /* - * Add one because we don't want to lose the trailing '/' when we - * reset the length of pathbuf in the loop below. - */ - pathlen++; - while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { - if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') { - if (ent->d_name[1] == '\0') - continue; - if (ent->d_name[1] == '.' && ent->d_name[2] == '\0') - continue; - if (!ctx.cfg.scan_hidden_path) - continue; - } - strbuf_setlen(&pathbuf, pathlen); - strbuf_addstr(&pathbuf, ent->d_name); - if (stat(pathbuf.buf, &st)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Error checking path %s: %s (%d)\n", - pathbuf.buf, strerror(errno), errno); - continue; - } - if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) - scan_path(base, pathbuf.buf, fn); - } -end: - strbuf_release(&pathbuf); - closedir(dir); -} - -void scan_projects(const char *path, const char *projectsfile, repo_config_fn fn) -{ - struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT; - FILE *projects; - int err; - - projects = fopen(projectsfile, "r"); - if (!projects) { - fprintf(stderr, "Error opening projectsfile %s: %s (%d)\n", - projectsfile, strerror(errno), errno); - return; - } - while (strbuf_getline(&line, projects) != EOF) { - if (!line.len) - continue; - strbuf_insert(&line, 0, "/", 1); - strbuf_insert(&line, 0, path, strlen(path)); - scan_path(path, line.buf, fn); - } - if ((err = ferror(projects))) { - fprintf(stderr, "Error reading from projectsfile %s: %s (%d)\n", - projectsfile, strerror(err), err); - } - fclose(projects); - strbuf_release(&line); -} - -void scan_tree(const char *path, repo_config_fn fn) -{ - scan_path(path, path, fn); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1afbd4bb..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -extern void scan_projects(const char *path, const char *projectsfile, repo_config_fn fn); -extern void scan_tree(const char *path, repo_config_fn fn); diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8115469a..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,579 +0,0 @@ -/* shared.c: global vars + some callback functions - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" - -struct cgit_repolist cgit_repolist; -struct cgit_context ctx; - -int chk_zero(int result, char *msg) -{ - if (result != 0) - die_errno("%s", msg); - return result; -} - -int chk_positive(int result, char *msg) -{ - if (result <= 0) - die_errno("%s", msg); - return result; -} - -int chk_non_negative(int result, char *msg) -{ - if (result < 0) - die_errno("%s", msg); - return result; -} - -char *cgit_default_repo_desc = "[no description]"; -struct cgit_repo *cgit_add_repo(const char *url) -{ - struct cgit_repo *ret; - - if (++cgit_repolist.count > cgit_repolist.length) { - if (cgit_repolist.length == 0) - cgit_repolist.length = 8; - else - cgit_repolist.length *= 2; - cgit_repolist.repos = xrealloc(cgit_repolist.repos, - cgit_repolist.length * - sizeof(struct cgit_repo)); - } - - ret = &cgit_repolist.repos[cgit_repolist.count-1]; - memset(ret, 0, sizeof(struct cgit_repo)); - ret->url = trim_end(url, '/'); - ret->name = ret->url; - ret->path = NULL; - ret->desc = cgit_default_repo_desc; - ret->extra_head_content = NULL; - ret->owner = NULL; - ret->homepage = NULL; - ret->section = ctx.cfg.section; - ret->snapshots = ctx.cfg.snapshots; - ret->enable_blame = ctx.cfg.enable_blame; - ret->enable_commit_graph = ctx.cfg.enable_commit_graph; - ret->enable_log_filecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount; - ret->enable_log_linecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount; - ret->enable_remote_branches = ctx.cfg.enable_remote_branches; - ret->enable_subject_links = ctx.cfg.enable_subject_links; - ret->enable_html_serving = ctx.cfg.enable_html_serving; - ret->max_stats = ctx.cfg.max_stats; - ret->branch_sort = ctx.cfg.branch_sort; - ret->commit_sort = ctx.cfg.commit_sort; - ret->module_link = ctx.cfg.module_link; - ret->readme = ctx.cfg.readme; - ret->mtime = -1; - ret->about_filter = ctx.cfg.about_filter; - ret->commit_filter = ctx.cfg.commit_filter; - ret->source_filter = ctx.cfg.source_filter; - ret->email_filter = ctx.cfg.email_filter; - ret->owner_filter = ctx.cfg.owner_filter; - ret->clone_url = ctx.cfg.clone_url; - ret->submodules.strdup_strings = 1; - ret->hide = ret->ignore = 0; - return ret; -} - -struct cgit_repo *cgit_get_repoinfo(const char *url) -{ - int i; - struct cgit_repo *repo; - - for (i = 0; i < cgit_repolist.count; i++) { - repo = &cgit_repolist.repos[i]; - if (repo->ignore) - continue; - if (!strcmp(repo->url, url)) - return repo; - } - return NULL; -} - -void cgit_free_commitinfo(struct commitinfo *info) -{ - free(info->author); - free(info->author_email); - free(info->committer); - free(info->committer_email); - free(info->subject); - free(info->msg); - free(info->msg_encoding); - free(info); -} - -char *trim_end(const char *str, char c) -{ - int len; - - if (str == NULL) - return NULL; - len = strlen(str); - while (len > 0 && str[len - 1] == c) - len--; - if (len == 0) - return NULL; - return xstrndup(str, len); -} - -char *ensure_end(const char *str, char c) -{ - size_t len = strlen(str); - char *result; - - if (len && str[len - 1] == c) - return xstrndup(str, len); - - result = xmalloc(len + 2); - memcpy(result, str, len); - result[len] = '/'; - result[len + 1] = '\0'; - return result; -} - -void strbuf_ensure_end(struct strbuf *sb, char c) -{ - if (!sb->len || sb->buf[sb->len - 1] != c) - strbuf_addch(sb, c); -} - -void cgit_add_ref(struct reflist *list, struct refinfo *ref) -{ - size_t size; - - if (list->count >= list->alloc) { - list->alloc += (list->alloc ? list->alloc : 4); - size = list->alloc * sizeof(struct refinfo *); - list->refs = xrealloc(list->refs, size); - } - list->refs[list->count++] = ref; -} - -static struct refinfo *cgit_mk_refinfo(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid) -{ - struct refinfo *ref; - - ref = xmalloc(sizeof (struct refinfo)); - ref->refname = xstrdup(refname); - ref->object = parse_object(the_repository, oid); - switch (ref->object->type) { - case OBJ_TAG: - ref->tag = cgit_parse_tag((struct tag *)ref->object); - break; - case OBJ_COMMIT: - ref->commit = cgit_parse_commit((struct commit *)ref->object); - break; - } - return ref; -} - -void cgit_free_taginfo(struct taginfo *tag) -{ - if (tag->tagger) - free(tag->tagger); - if (tag->tagger_email) - free(tag->tagger_email); - if (tag->msg) - free(tag->msg); - free(tag); -} - -static void cgit_free_refinfo(struct refinfo *ref) -{ - if (ref->refname) - free((char *)ref->refname); - switch (ref->object->type) { - case OBJ_TAG: - cgit_free_taginfo(ref->tag); - break; - case OBJ_COMMIT: - cgit_free_commitinfo(ref->commit); - break; - } - free(ref); -} - -void cgit_free_reflist_inner(struct reflist *list) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < list->count; i++) { - cgit_free_refinfo(list->refs[i]); - } - free(list->refs); -} - -int cgit_refs_cb(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid, int flags, - void *cb_data) -{ - struct reflist *list = (struct reflist *)cb_data; - struct refinfo *info = cgit_mk_refinfo(refname, oid); - - if (info) - cgit_add_ref(list, info); - return 0; -} - -void cgit_diff_tree_cb(struct diff_queue_struct *q, - struct diff_options *options, void *data) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < q->nr; i++) { - if (q->queue[i]->status == 'U') - continue; - ((filepair_fn)data)(q->queue[i]); - } -} - -static int load_mmfile(mmfile_t *file, const struct object_id *oid) -{ - enum object_type type; - - if (is_null_oid(oid)) { - file->ptr = (char *)""; - file->size = 0; - } else { - file->ptr = read_object_file(oid, &type, - (unsigned long *)&file->size); - } - return 1; -} - -/* - * Receive diff-buffers from xdiff and concatenate them as - * needed across multiple callbacks. - * - * This is basically a copy of xdiff-interface.c/xdiff_outf(), - * ripped from git and modified to use globals instead of - * a special callback-struct. - */ -static char *diffbuf = NULL; -static int buflen = 0; - -static int filediff_cb(void *priv, mmbuffer_t *mb, int nbuf) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < nbuf; i++) { - if (mb[i].ptr[mb[i].size-1] != '\n') { - /* Incomplete line */ - diffbuf = xrealloc(diffbuf, buflen + mb[i].size); - memcpy(diffbuf + buflen, mb[i].ptr, mb[i].size); - buflen += mb[i].size; - continue; - } - - /* we have a complete line */ - if (!diffbuf) { - ((linediff_fn)priv)(mb[i].ptr, mb[i].size); - continue; - } - diffbuf = xrealloc(diffbuf, buflen + mb[i].size); - memcpy(diffbuf + buflen, mb[i].ptr, mb[i].size); - ((linediff_fn)priv)(diffbuf, buflen + mb[i].size); - free(diffbuf); - diffbuf = NULL; - buflen = 0; - } - if (diffbuf) { - ((linediff_fn)priv)(diffbuf, buflen); - free(diffbuf); - diffbuf = NULL; - buflen = 0; - } - return 0; -} - -int cgit_diff_files(const struct object_id *old_oid, - const struct object_id *new_oid, unsigned long *old_size, - unsigned long *new_size, int *binary, int context, - int ignorews, linediff_fn fn) -{ - mmfile_t file1, file2; - xpparam_t diff_params; - xdemitconf_t emit_params; - xdemitcb_t emit_cb; - - if (!load_mmfile(&file1, old_oid) || !load_mmfile(&file2, new_oid)) - return 1; - - *old_size = file1.size; - *new_size = file2.size; - - if ((file1.ptr && buffer_is_binary(file1.ptr, file1.size)) || - (file2.ptr && buffer_is_binary(file2.ptr, file2.size))) { - *binary = 1; - if (file1.size) - free(file1.ptr); - if (file2.size) - free(file2.ptr); - return 0; - } - - memset(&diff_params, 0, sizeof(diff_params)); - memset(&emit_params, 0, sizeof(emit_params)); - memset(&emit_cb, 0, sizeof(emit_cb)); - diff_params.flags = XDF_NEED_MINIMAL; - if (ignorews) - diff_params.flags |= XDF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE; - emit_params.ctxlen = context > 0 ? context : 3; - emit_params.flags = XDL_EMIT_FUNCNAMES; - emit_cb.out_line = filediff_cb; - emit_cb.priv = fn; - xdl_diff(&file1, &file2, &diff_params, &emit_params, &emit_cb); - if (file1.size) - free(file1.ptr); - if (file2.size) - free(file2.ptr); - return 0; -} - -void cgit_diff_tree(const struct object_id *old_oid, - const struct object_id *new_oid, - filepair_fn fn, const char *prefix, int ignorews) -{ - struct diff_options opt; - struct pathspec_item item; - - memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item)); - diff_setup(&opt); - opt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_CALLBACK; - opt.detect_rename = 1; - opt.rename_limit = ctx.cfg.renamelimit; - opt.flags.recursive = 1; - if (ignorews) - DIFF_XDL_SET(&opt, IGNORE_WHITESPACE); - opt.format_callback = cgit_diff_tree_cb; - opt.format_callback_data = fn; - if (prefix) { - item.match = xstrdup(prefix); - item.len = strlen(prefix); - = 1; - opt.pathspec.items = &item; - } - diff_setup_done(&opt); - - if (old_oid && !is_null_oid(old_oid)) - diff_tree_oid(old_oid, new_oid, "", &opt); - else - diff_root_tree_oid(new_oid, "", &opt); - diffcore_std(&opt); - diff_flush(&opt); - - free(item.match); -} - -void cgit_diff_commit(struct commit *commit, filepair_fn fn, const char *prefix) -{ - const struct object_id *old_oid = NULL; - - if (commit->parents) - old_oid = &commit->parents->item->object.oid; - cgit_diff_tree(old_oid, &commit->object.oid, fn, prefix, - ctx.qry.ignorews); -} - -int cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(const char *str) -{ - struct string_list tokens = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP; - struct string_list_item *item; - const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f; - int rv = 0; - - /* favor legacy setting */ - if (atoi(str)) - return 1; - - if (strcmp(str, "all") == 0) - return INT_MAX; - - string_list_split(&tokens, str, ' ', -1); - string_list_remove_empty_items(&tokens, 0); - - for_each_string_list_item(item, &tokens) { - for (f = cgit_snapshot_formats; f->suffix; f++) { - if (!strcmp(item->string, f->suffix) || - !strcmp(item->string, f->suffix + 1)) { - rv |= cgit_snapshot_format_bit(f); - break; - } - } - } - - string_list_clear(&tokens, 0); - return rv; -} - -typedef struct { - char * name; - char * value; -} cgit_env_var; - -void cgit_prepare_repo_env(struct cgit_repo * repo) -{ - cgit_env_var env_vars[] = { - { .name = "CGIT_REPO_URL", .value = repo->url }, - { .name = "CGIT_REPO_NAME", .value = repo->name }, - { .name = "CGIT_REPO_PATH", .value = repo->path }, - { .name = "CGIT_REPO_OWNER", .value = repo->owner }, - { .name = "CGIT_REPO_DEFBRANCH", .value = repo->defbranch }, - { .name = "CGIT_REPO_SECTION", .value = repo->section }, - { .name = "CGIT_REPO_CLONE_URL", .value = repo->clone_url } - }; - int env_var_count = ARRAY_SIZE(env_vars); - cgit_env_var *p, *q; - static char *warn = "cgit warning: failed to set env: %s=%s\n"; - - p = env_vars; - q = p + env_var_count; - for (; p < q; p++) - if (p->value && setenv(p->name, p->value, 1)) - fprintf(stderr, warn, p->name, p->value); -} - -/* Read the content of the specified file into a newly allocated buffer, - * zeroterminate the buffer and return 0 on success, errno otherwise. - */ -int readfile(const char *path, char **buf, size_t *size) -{ - int fd, e; - struct stat st; - - fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); - if (fd == -1) - return errno; - if (fstat(fd, &st)) { - e = errno; - close(fd); - return e; - } - if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { - close(fd); - return EISDIR; - } - *buf = xmalloc(st.st_size + 1); - *size = read_in_full(fd, *buf, st.st_size); - e = errno; - (*buf)[*size] = '\0'; - close(fd); - return (*size == st.st_size ? 0 : e); -} - -static int is_token_char(char c) -{ - return isalnum(c) || c == '_'; -} - -/* Replace name with getenv(name), return pointer to zero-terminating char - */ -static char *expand_macro(char *name, int maxlength) -{ - char *value; - size_t len; - - len = 0; - value = getenv(name); - if (value) { - len = strlen(value) + 1; - if (len > maxlength) - len = maxlength; - strlcpy(name, value, len); - --len; - } - return name + len; -} - -#define EXPBUFSIZE (1024 * 8) - -/* Replace all tokens prefixed by '$' in the specified text with the - * value of the named environment variable. - * NB: the return value is a static buffer, i.e. it must be strdup'd - * by the caller. - */ -char *expand_macros(const char *txt) -{ - static char result[EXPBUFSIZE]; - char *p, *start; - int len; - - p = result; - start = NULL; - while (p < result + EXPBUFSIZE - 1 && txt && *txt) { - *p = *txt; - if (start) { - if (!is_token_char(*txt)) { - if (p - start > 0) { - *p = '\0'; - len = result + EXPBUFSIZE - start - 1; - p = expand_macro(start, len) - 1; - } - start = NULL; - txt--; - } - p++; - txt++; - continue; - } - if (*txt == '$') { - start = p; - txt++; - continue; - } - p++; - txt++; - } - *p = '\0'; - if (start && p - start > 0) { - len = result + EXPBUFSIZE - start - 1; - p = expand_macro(start, len); - *p = '\0'; - } - return result; -} - -char *get_mimetype_for_filename(const char *filename) -{ - char *ext, *mimetype, *token, line[1024], *saveptr; - FILE *file; - struct string_list_item *mime; - - if (!filename) - return NULL; - - ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); - if (!ext) - return NULL; - ++ext; - if (!ext[0]) - return NULL; - mime = string_list_lookup(&ctx.cfg.mimetypes, ext); - if (mime) - return xstrdup(mime->util); - - if (!ctx.cfg.mimetype_file) - return NULL; - file = fopen(ctx.cfg.mimetype_file, "r"); - if (!file) - return NULL; - while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) { - if (!line[0] || line[0] == '#') - continue; - mimetype = strtok_r(line, " \t\r\n", &saveptr); - while ((token = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\r\n", &saveptr))) { - if (!strcasecmp(ext, token)) { - fclose(file); - return xstrdup(mimetype); - } - } - } - fclose(file); - return NULL; -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3fd2e965..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -trash\ directory.t* -test-results diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 65e11173..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -include ../git/config.mak.uname --include ../cgit.conf - -SHELL_PATH ?= $(SHELL) -SHELL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(SHELL_PATH)) - -T = $(wildcard t[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-*.sh) - -all: $(T) - -$(T): - @'$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' $@ $(CGIT_TEST_OPTS) - -clean: - $(RM) -rf trash - -.PHONY: $(T) clean diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index da6f7a1b..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && printf "%s " "$*" -tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 31e7d5bb..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -# This file should be sourced by all test-scripts -# -# Main functions: -# prepare_tests(description) - setup for testing, i.e. create repos+config -# run_test(description, script) - run one test, i.e. eval script -# -# Helper functions -# cgit_query(querystring) - call cgit with the specified querystring -# cgit_url(url) - call cgit with the specified virtual url -# -# Example script: -# -# . -# prepare_tests "html validation" -# run_test 'repo index' 'cgit_url "/" | tidy -e' -# run_test 'repo summary' 'cgit_url "/foo" | tidy -e' - -# We don't want to run Git commands through Valgrind, so we filter out the -# --valgrind option here and handle it ourselves. We copy the arguments -# assuming that none contain a newline, although other whitespace is -# preserved. -LF=' -' -test_argv= - -while test $# != 0 -do - case "$1" in - --va|--val|--valg|--valgr|--valgri|--valgrin|--valgrind) - cgit_valgrind=t - test_argv="$test_argv${LF}--verbose" - ;; - *) - test_argv="$test_argv$LF$1" - ;; - esac - shift -done - -OLDIFS=$IFS -IFS=$LF -set -- $test_argv -IFS=$OLDIFS - -: ${TEST_DIRECTORY=$(pwd)/../git/t} -: ${TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$(pwd)} -TEST_NO_CREATE_REPO=YesPlease -. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/ - -# Prepend the directory containing cgit to PATH. -if test -n "$cgit_valgrind" -then - GIT_VALGRIND="$TEST_DIRECTORY/valgrind" - CGIT_VALGRIND=$(cd ../valgrind && pwd) - PATH="$CGIT_VALGRIND/bin:$PATH" - export GIT_VALGRIND CGIT_VALGRIND -else - PATH="$(pwd)/../..:$PATH" -fi - -FILTER_DIRECTORY=$(cd ../filters && pwd) - -mkrepo() { - name=$1 - count=$2 - test_create_repo "$name" - ( - cd "$name" - n=1 - while test $n -le $count - do - echo $n >file-$n - git add file-$n - git commit -m "commit $n" - n=$(expr $n + 1) - done - case "$3" in - testplus) - echo "hello" >a+b - git add a+b - git commit -m "add a+b" - git branch "1+2" - ;; - commit-graph) - git commit-graph write - ;; - esac - ) -} - -setup_repos() -{ - rm -rf cache - mkdir -p cache - mkrepo repos/foo 5 >/dev/null - mkrepo repos/bar 50 commit-graph >/dev/null - mkrepo repos/foo+bar 10 testplus >/dev/null - mkrepo "repos/with space" 2 >/dev/null - mkrepo repos/filter 5 testplus >/dev/null - cat >cgitrc <makefile_version -' - -# Note that Git's GIT-VERSION-GEN script applies "s/-/./g" to the version -# string to produce the internal version in the GIT-VERSION-FILE, so we -# must apply the same transformation to the version in the Makefile before -# comparing them. -test_expect_success 'test Git version matches Makefile' ' - ( cat ../../git/GIT-VERSION-FILE || echo "No GIT-VERSION-FILE" ) | - sed -e "s/GIT_VERSION[ ]*=[ ]*//" -e "s/\\.dirty$//" >git_version && - sed -e "s/-/./g" makefile_version >makefile_git_version && - test_cmp git_version makefile_git_version -' - -test_expect_success 'test submodule version matches Makefile' ' - if ! test -e ../../git/.git - then - echo "git/ is not a Git repository" >&2 - else - ( - cd ../.. && - sm_oid=$(git ls-files --stage -- git | - sed -e "s/^[0-9]* \\([0-9a-f]*\\) [0-9] .*$/\\1/") && - cd git && - git describe --match "v[0-9]*" $sm_oid - ) | sed -e "s/^v//" -e "s/-/./" >sm_version && - test_cmp sm_version makefile_version - fi -' - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index ca08d69d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -test_description='Validate html with tidy' -. ./ - - -test_url() -{ - tidy_opt="-eq" - test -z "$NO_TIDY_WARNINGS" || tidy_opt+=" --show-warnings no" - cgit_url "$1" >tidy-$test_count.tmp || return - sed -e "1,4d" tidy-$test_count.tmp >tidy-$test_count || return - "$tidy" $tidy_opt tidy-$test_count - rc=$? - - # tidy returns with exitcode 1 on warnings, 2 on error - if test $rc = 2 - then - false - else - : - fi -} - -tidy=`which tidy 2>/dev/null` -test -n "$tidy" || { - skip_all='Skipping html validation tests: tidy not found' - test_done - exit -} - -test_expect_success 'index page' 'test_url ""' -test_expect_success 'foo' 'test_url "foo"' -test_expect_success 'foo/log' 'test_url "foo/log"' -test_expect_success 'foo/tree' 'test_url "foo/tree"' -test_expect_success 'foo/tree/file-1' 'test_url "foo/tree/file-1"' -test_expect_success 'foo/commit' 'test_url "foo/commit"' -test_expect_success 'foo/diff' 'test_url "foo/diff"' - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 657765d8..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -test_description='Validate cache' -. ./ - -test_expect_success 'verify cache-size=0' ' - - rm -f cache/* && - sed -e "s/cache-size=1021$/cache-size=0/" cgitrc >cgitrc.tmp && - mv -f cgitrc.tmp cgitrc && - cgit_url "" && - cgit_url "foo" && - cgit_url "foo/refs" && - cgit_url "foo/tree" && - cgit_url "foo/log" && - cgit_url "foo/diff" && - cgit_url "foo/patch" && - cgit_url "bar" && - cgit_url "bar/refs" && - cgit_url "bar/tree" && - cgit_url "bar/log" && - cgit_url "bar/diff" && - cgit_url "bar/patch" && - ls cache >output && - test_line_count = 0 output -' - -test_expect_success 'verify cache-size=1' ' - - rm -f cache/* && - sed -e "s/cache-size=0$/cache-size=1/" cgitrc >cgitrc.tmp && - mv -f cgitrc.tmp cgitrc && - cgit_url "" && - cgit_url "foo" && - cgit_url "foo/refs" && - cgit_url "foo/tree" && - cgit_url "foo/log" && - cgit_url "foo/diff" && - cgit_url "foo/patch" && - cgit_url "bar" && - cgit_url "bar/refs" && - cgit_url "bar/tree" && - cgit_url "bar/log" && - cgit_url "bar/diff" && - cgit_url "bar/patch" && - ls cache >output && - test_line_count = 1 output -' - -test_expect_success 'verify cache-size=1021' ' - - rm -f cache/* && - sed -e "s/cache-size=1$/cache-size=1021/" cgitrc >cgitrc.tmp && - mv -f cgitrc.tmp cgitrc && - cgit_url "" && - cgit_url "foo" && - cgit_url "foo/refs" && - cgit_url "foo/tree" && - cgit_url "foo/log" && - cgit_url "foo/diff" && - cgit_url "foo/patch" && - cgit_url "bar" && - cgit_url "bar/refs" && - cgit_url "bar/tree" && - cgit_url "bar/log" && - cgit_url "bar/diff" && - cgit_url "bar/patch" && - ls cache >output && - test_line_count = 13 output && - cgit_url "foo/ls_cache" >output.full && - strip_headers output && - test_line_count = 13 output && - # Check that ls_cache output is cached correctly - cgit_url "foo/ls_cache" >output.second && - test_cmp output.full output.second -' - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 82ef9b04..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -test_description='Check content on index page' -. ./ - -test_expect_success 'generate index page' 'cgit_url "" >tmp' -test_expect_success 'find foo repo' 'grep "foo" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find foo description' 'grep "\[no description\]" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find bar repo' 'grep "bar" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find bar description' 'grep "the bar repo" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find foo+bar repo' 'grep ">foo+bar<" tmp' -test_expect_success 'verify foo+bar link' 'grep "/foo+bar/" tmp' -test_expect_success 'verify "with%20space" link' 'grep "/with%20space/" tmp' -test_expect_success 'no tree-link' '! grep "foo/tree" tmp' -test_expect_success 'no log-link' '! grep "foo/log" tmp' - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index b8864cb1..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -test_description='Check content on summary page' -. ./ - -test_expect_success 'generate foo summary' 'cgit_url "foo" >tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 1' 'grep "commit 1" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 5' 'grep "commit 5" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find branch master' 'grep "master" tmp' -test_expect_success 'no tags' '! grep "tags" tmp' -test_expect_success 'clone-url expanded correctly' ' - grep "git://" tmp -' - -test_expect_success 'generate bar summary' 'cgit_url "bar" >tmp' -test_expect_success 'no commit 45' '! grep "commit 45" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 46' 'grep "commit 46" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 50' 'grep "commit 50" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find branch master' 'grep "master" tmp' -test_expect_success 'no tags' '! grep "tags" tmp' -test_expect_success 'clone-url expanded correctly' ' - grep "git://" tmp -' - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index bdf1435a..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -test_description='Check content on log page' -. ./ - -test_expect_success 'generate foo/log' 'cgit_url "foo/log" >tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 1' 'grep "commit 1" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 5' 'grep "commit 5" tmp' - -test_expect_success 'generate bar/log' 'cgit_url "bar/log" >tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 1' 'grep "commit 1" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find commit 50' 'grep "commit 50" tmp' - -test_expect_success 'generate "with%20space/log?qt=grep&q=commit+1"' ' - cgit_url "with+space/log&qt=grep&q=commit+1" >tmp -' -test_expect_success 'find commit 1' 'grep "commit 1" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find link with %20 in path' 'grep "/with%20space/log/?qt=grep" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find link with + in arg' 'grep "/log/?qt=grep&q=commit+1" tmp' -test_expect_success 'no links with space in path' '! grep "href=./with space/" tmp' -test_expect_success 'no links with space in arg' '! grep "q=commit 1" tmp' -test_expect_success 'commit 2 is not visible' '! grep "commit 2" tmp' - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index 2e140f59..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -test_description='Check content on tree page' -. ./ - -test_expect_success 'generate bar/tree' 'cgit_url "bar/tree" >tmp' -test_expect_success 'find file-1' 'grep "file-1" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find file-50' 'grep "file-50" tmp' - -test_expect_success 'generate bar/tree/file-50' 'cgit_url "bar/tree/file-50" >tmp' - -test_expect_success 'find line 1' ' - grep "1" tmp -' - -test_expect_success 'no line 2' ' - ! grep "2" tmp -' - -test_expect_success 'generate foo+bar/tree' 'cgit_url "foo%2bbar/tree" >tmp' - -test_expect_success 'verify a+b link' ' - grep "/foo+bar/tree/a+b" tmp -' - -test_expect_success 'generate foo+bar/tree?h=1+2' 'cgit_url "foo%2bbar/tree&h=1%2b2" >tmp' - -test_expect_success 'verify a+b?h=1+2 link' ' - grep "/foo+bar/tree/a+b?h=1%2b2" tmp -' - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index cfed1e7d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -test_description='Check content on commit page' -. ./ - -test_expect_success 'generate foo/commit' 'cgit_url "foo/commit" >tmp' -test_expect_success 'find tree link' 'grep "" tmp' -test_expect_success 'find parent link' 'grep -E "" tmp' - -test_expect_success 'find commit subject' ' - grep "
commit 5<" tmp -' - -test_expect_success 'find commit msg' 'grep "
" tmp'
-test_expect_success 'find diffstat' 'grep "" tmp'
-test_expect_success 'find diff summary' '
-	grep "1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions" tmp
-test_expect_success 'get root commit' '
-	root=$(cd repos/foo && git rev-list --reverse HEAD | head -1) &&
-	cgit_url "foo/commit&id=$root" >tmp &&
-	grep "" tmp
-test_expect_success 'root commit contains diffstat' '
-	grep "file-1" tmp
-test_expect_success 'root commit contains diff' '
-	grep ">diff --git a/file-1 b/file-1" tmp &&
-	grep "+1" tmp
diff --git a/www/ b/www/
deleted file mode 100755
index 62a0a74a..00000000
--- a/www/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Check content on diff page'
-. ./
-test_expect_success 'generate foo/diff' 'cgit_url "foo/diff" >tmp'
-test_expect_success 'find diff header' 'grep "a/file-5 b/file-5" tmp'
-test_expect_success 'find blob link' 'grep "@@ -0,0 +1 @@" tmp
-test_expect_success 'find added line' '
-	grep "+5" tmp
diff --git a/www/ b/www/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0811ec40..00000000
--- a/www/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Verify snapshot'
-. ./
-test_expect_success 'get foo/snapshot/master.tar.gz' '
-	cgit_url "foo/snapshot/master.tar.gz" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'check html headers' '
-	head -n 1 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Type: application/x-gzip" &&
-	head -n 2 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=.master.tar.gz."
-test_expect_success 'strip off the header lines' '
-	strip_headers master.tar.gz
-test_expect_success 'verify gzip format' '
-	gunzip --test master.tar.gz
-test_expect_success 'untar' '
-	rm -rf master &&
-	gzip -dc master.tar.gz | tar -xf -
-test_expect_success 'count files' '
-	ls master/ >output &&
-	test_line_count = 5 output
-test_expect_success 'verify untarred file-5' '
-	grep "^5$" master/file-5 &&
-	test_line_count = 1 master/file-5
-if test -n "$(which lzip 2>/dev/null)"; then
-	test_set_prereq LZIP
-	say 'Skipping LZIP validation tests: lzip not found'
-test_expect_success LZIP 'get foo/snapshot/master.tar.lz' '
-	cgit_url "foo/snapshot/master.tar.lz" >tmp
-test_expect_success LZIP 'check html headers' '
-	head -n 1 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Type: application/x-lzip" &&
-	head -n 2 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=.master.tar.lz."
-test_expect_success LZIP 'strip off the header lines' '
-	strip_headers master.tar.lz
-test_expect_success LZIP 'verify lzip format' '
-	lzip --test master.tar.lz
-test_expect_success LZIP 'untar' '
-	rm -rf master &&
-	lzip -dc master.tar.lz | tar -xf -
-test_expect_success LZIP 'count files' '
-	ls master/ >output &&
-	test_line_count = 5 output
-test_expect_success LZIP 'verify untarred file-5' '
-	grep "^5$" master/file-5 &&
-	test_line_count = 1 master/file-5
-if test -n "$(which xz 2>/dev/null)"; then
-	test_set_prereq XZ
-	say 'Skipping XZ validation tests: xz not found'
-test_expect_success XZ 'get foo/snapshot/master.tar.xz' '
-	cgit_url "foo/snapshot/master.tar.xz" >tmp
-test_expect_success XZ 'check html headers' '
-	head -n 1 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Type: application/x-xz" &&
-	head -n 2 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=.master.tar.xz."
-test_expect_success XZ 'strip off the header lines' '
-	strip_headers master.tar.xz
-test_expect_success XZ 'verify xz format' '
-	xz --test master.tar.xz
-test_expect_success XZ 'untar' '
-	rm -rf master &&
-	xz -dc master.tar.xz | tar -xf -
-test_expect_success XZ 'count files' '
-	ls master/ >output &&
-	test_line_count = 5 output
-test_expect_success XZ 'verify untarred file-5' '
-	grep "^5$" master/file-5 &&
-	test_line_count = 1 master/file-5
-if test -n "$(which zstd 2>/dev/null)"; then
-	test_set_prereq ZSTD
-	say 'Skipping ZSTD validation tests: zstd not found'
-test_expect_success ZSTD 'get foo/snapshot/master.tar.zst' '
-	cgit_url "foo/snapshot/master.tar.zst" >tmp
-test_expect_success ZSTD 'check html headers' '
-	head -n 1 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Type: application/x-zstd" &&
-	head -n 2 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=.master.tar.zst."
-test_expect_success ZSTD 'strip off the header lines' '
-	strip_headers master.tar.zst
-test_expect_success ZSTD 'verify zstd format' '
-	zstd --test master.tar.zst
-test_expect_success ZSTD 'untar' '
-	rm -rf master &&
-	zstd -dc master.tar.zst | tar -xf -
-test_expect_success ZSTD 'count files' '
-	ls master/ >output &&
-	test_line_count = 5 output
-test_expect_success ZSTD 'verify untarred file-5' '
-	grep "^5$" master/file-5 &&
-	test_line_count = 1 master/file-5
-test_expect_success 'get foo/snapshot/' '
-	cgit_url "foo/snapshot/" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'check HTML headers (zip)' '
-	head -n 1 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Type: application/x-zip" &&
-	head -n 2 tmp |
-	grep "Content-Disposition: inline;"
-test_expect_success 'strip off the header lines (zip)' '
-	strip_headers
-if test -n "$(which unzip 2>/dev/null)"; then
-	test_set_prereq UNZIP
-	say 'Skipping ZIP validation tests: unzip not found'
-test_expect_success UNZIP 'verify zip format' '
-	unzip -t
-test_expect_success UNZIP 'unzip' '
-	rm -rf master &&
-	unzip
-test_expect_success UNZIP 'count files (zip)' '
-	ls master/ >output &&
-	test_line_count = 5 output
-test_expect_success UNZIP 'verify unzipped file-5' '
-	grep "^5$" master/file-5 &&
-	test_line_count = 1 master/file-5
diff --git a/www/ b/www/
deleted file mode 100755
index 013d6802..00000000
--- a/www/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Check content on patch page'
-. ./
-test_expect_success 'generate foo/patch' '
-	cgit_query "url=foo/patch" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'find `From:` line' '
-	grep "^From: " tmp
-test_expect_success 'find `Date:` line' '
-	grep "^Date: " tmp
-test_expect_success 'find `Subject:` line' '
-	grep "^Subject: commit 5" tmp
-test_expect_success 'find `cgit` signature' '
-	tail -2 tmp | head -1 | grep "^cgit"
-test_expect_success 'compare with output of git-format-patch(1)' '
-	CGIT_VERSION=$(sed -n "s/CGIT_VERSION = //p" ../../VERSION) &&
-	git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" format-patch --subject-prefix="" --signature="cgit $CGIT_VERSION" --stdout HEAD^ >tmp2 &&
-	strip_headers tmp_ &&
-	test_cmp tmp_ tmp2
-test_expect_success 'find initial commit' '
-	root=$(git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)
-test_expect_success 'generate patch for initial commit' '
-	cgit_query "url=foo/patch&id=$root" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'find `cgit` signature' '
-	tail -2 tmp | head -1 | grep "^cgit"
-test_expect_success 'generate patches for multiple commits' '
-	id=$(git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" rev-parse HEAD) &&
-	id2=$(git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" rev-parse HEAD~3) &&
-	cgit_query "url=foo/patch&id=$id&id2=$id2" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'find `cgit` signature' '
-	tail -2 tmp | head -1 | grep "^cgit"
-test_expect_success 'compare with output of git-format-patch(1)' '
-	CGIT_VERSION=$(sed -n "s/CGIT_VERSION = //p" ../../VERSION) &&
-	git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" format-patch -N --subject-prefix="" --signature="cgit $CGIT_VERSION" --stdout HEAD~3..HEAD >tmp2 &&
-	strip_headers tmp_ &&
-	test_cmp tmp_ tmp2
diff --git a/www/ b/www/
deleted file mode 100755
index 189ef281..00000000
--- a/www/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Ensure that git does not access $HOME'
-. ./
-test -n "$(which strace 2>/dev/null)" || {
-	skip_all='Skipping access validation tests: strace not found'
-	test_done
-	exit
-strace true 2>/dev/null || {
-	skip_all='Skipping access validation tests: strace not functional'
-	test_done
-	exit
-test_no_home_access () {
-	non_existent_path="/path/to/some/place/that/does/not/possibly/exist"
-	while test -d "$non_existent_path"; do
-		non_existent_path="$non_existent_path/$(date +%N)"
-	done &&
-	strace \
-		-E HOME="$non_existent_path" \
-		-E CGIT_CONFIG="$PWD/cgitrc" \
-		-E QUERY_STRING="url=$1" \
-		-e access -f -o strace.out cgit &&
-	! grep "$non_existent_path" strace.out
-test_no_home_access_success() {
-	test_expect_success "do not access \$HOME: $1" "
-		test_no_home_access '$1'
-	"
-test_no_home_access_success foo
-test_no_home_access_success foo/refs
-test_no_home_access_success foo/log
-test_no_home_access_success foo/tree
-test_no_home_access_success foo/tree/file-1
-test_no_home_access_success foo/commit
-test_no_home_access_success foo/diff
-test_no_home_access_success foo/patch
-test_no_home_access_success foo/snapshot/master.tar.gz
diff --git a/www/ b/www/
deleted file mode 100755
index 66fa7d5d..00000000
--- a/www/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Check content on rawdiff page'
-. ./
-test_expect_success 'generate foo/rawdiff' '
-	cgit_query "url=foo/rawdiff" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'compare with output of git-diff(1)' '
-	git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" diff HEAD^.. >tmp2 &&
-	sed "1,4d" tmp >tmp_ &&
-	cmp tmp_ tmp2
-test_expect_success 'find initial commit' '
-	root=$(git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)
-test_expect_success 'generate diff for initial commit' '
-	cgit_query "url=foo/rawdiff&id=$root" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'compare with output of git-diff-tree(1)' '
-	git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" diff-tree -p --no-commit-id --root "$root" >tmp2 &&
-	sed "1,4d" tmp >tmp_ &&
-	cmp tmp_ tmp2
-test_expect_success 'generate diff for multiple commits' '
-	id=$(git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" rev-parse HEAD) &&
-	id2=$(git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" rev-parse HEAD~3) &&
-	cgit_query "url=foo/rawdiff&id=$id&id2=$id2" >tmp
-test_expect_success 'compare with output of git-diff(1)' '
-	git --git-dir="$PWD/repos/foo/.git" diff HEAD~3..HEAD >tmp2 &&
-	sed "1,4d" tmp >tmp_ &&
-	cmp tmp_ tmp2
diff --git a/www/ b/www/
deleted file mode 100755
index e5d35750..00000000
--- a/www/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Check filtered content'
-. ./
-for prefix in $prefixes
-	test_expect_success "generate filter-$prefix/tree/a%2bb" "
-		cgit_url 'filter-$prefix/tree/a%2bb' >tmp
-	"
-	test_expect_success "check whether the $prefix source filter works" '
-		grep "a+b HELLO$" tmp
-	'
-	test_expect_success "generate filter-$prefix/about/" "
-		cgit_url 'filter-$prefix/about/' >tmp
-	"
-	test_expect_success "check whether the $prefix about filter works" '
-		grep "
a+b HELLO$" tmp - ' - - test_expect_success "generate filter-$prefix/commit/" " - cgit_url 'filter-$prefix/commit/' >tmp - " - - test_expect_success "check whether the $prefix commit filter works" ' - grep "
ADD A+B" tmp - ' - - test_expect_success "check whether the $prefix email filter works for authors" ' - grep " commit A U THOR <AUTHOR@EXAMPLE.COM>" tmp - ' - - test_expect_success "check whether the $prefix email filter works for committers" ' - grep " commit C O MITTER <COMMITTER@EXAMPLE.COM>" tmp - ' -done - -test_done diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100755 index dcdfbe53..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -# Note that we currently use Git's suppression file and there are variables -# $GIT_VALGRIND and $CGIT_VALGRIND which point to different places. -exec valgrind -q --error-exitcode=126 \ - --suppressions="$GIT_VALGRIND/default.supp" \ - --gen-suppressions=all \ - --leak-check=no \ - --track-origins=yes \ - --log-fd=4 \ - --input-fd=4 \ - "$CGIT_VALGRIND/../../cgit" "$@" diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8329e01a..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-atom.c: functions for atom feeds - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-atom.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -static void add_entry(struct commit *commit, const char *host) -{ - char delim = '&'; - char *hex; - char *mail, *t, *t2; - struct commitinfo *info; - - info = cgit_parse_commit(commit); - hex = oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid); - html("\n"); - html(""); - html_txt(info->subject); - html("\n"); - html(""); - html_txt(show_date(info->committer_date, 0, - date_mode_from_type(DATE_ISO8601_STRICT))); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - if (info->author) { - html(""); - html_txt(info->author); - html("\n"); - } - if (info->author_email && !ctx.cfg.noplainemail) { - mail = xstrdup(info->author_email); - t = strchr(mail, '<'); - if (t) - t++; - else - t = mail; - t2 = strchr(t, '>'); - if (t2) - *t2 = '\0'; - html(""); - html_txt(t); - html("\n"); - free(mail); - } - html("\n"); - html(""); - html_txt(show_date(info->author_date, 0, - date_mode_from_type(DATE_ISO8601_STRICT))); - html("\n"); - if (host) { - char *pageurl; - html("\n"); - free(pageurl); - } - html(""); - html_txtf("urn:%s:%s", the_hash_algo->name, hex); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html_txt(info->msg); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - cgit_free_commitinfo(info); -} - - -void cgit_print_atom(char *tip, const char *path, int max_count) -{ - char *host; - const char *argv[] = {NULL, tip, NULL, NULL, NULL}; - struct commit *commit; - struct rev_info rev; - int argc = 2; - int first = 1; - - if (ctx.qry.show_all) - argv[1] = "--all"; - else if (!tip) - argv[1] = ctx.qry.head; - - if (path) { - argv[argc++] = "--"; - argv[argc++] = path; - } - - init_revisions(&rev, NULL); - rev.abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV; - rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_DEFAULT; - rev.verbose_header = 1; - rev.show_root_diff = 0; - rev.max_count = max_count; - setup_revisions(argc, argv, &rev, NULL); - prepare_revision_walk(&rev); - - host = cgit_hosturl(); - = "text/xml"; - = "utf-8"; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - html("\n"); - html(""); - html_txt(ctx.repo->name); - if (path) { - html("/"); - html_txt(path); - } - if (tip && !ctx.qry.show_all) { - html(", branch "); - html_txt(tip); - } - html("\n"); - html(""); - html_txt(ctx.repo->desc); - html("\n"); - if (host) { - char *fullurl = cgit_currentfullurl(); - char *repourl = cgit_repourl(ctx.repo->url); - html(""); - html_txtf("%s%s%s", cgit_httpscheme(), host, fullurl); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - free(fullurl); - free(repourl); - } - while ((commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL) { - if (first) { - html(""); - html_txt(show_date(commit->date, 0, - date_mode_from_type(DATE_ISO8601_STRICT))); - html("\n"); - first = 0; - } - add_entry(commit, host); - free_commit_buffer(the_repository->parsed_objects, commit); - free_commit_list(commit->parents); - commit->parents = NULL; - } - html("\n"); - free(host); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index dda953bb..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_ATOM_H -#define UI_ATOM_H - -extern void cgit_print_atom(char *tip, const char *path, int max_count); - -#endif diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4adec2b9..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,306 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-blame.c: functions for blame output - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-blame.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "strvec.h" -#include "blame.h" - - -static char *emit_suspect_detail(struct blame_origin *suspect) -{ - struct commitinfo *info; - struct strbuf detail = STRBUF_INIT; - - info = cgit_parse_commit(suspect->commit); - - strbuf_addf(&detail, "author %s", info->author); - if (!ctx.cfg.noplainemail) - strbuf_addf(&detail, " %s", info->author_email); - strbuf_addf(&detail, " %s\n", - show_date(info->author_date, info->author_tz, - cgit_date_mode(DATE_ISO8601))); - - strbuf_addf(&detail, "committer %s", info->committer); - if (!ctx.cfg.noplainemail) - strbuf_addf(&detail, " %s", info->committer_email); - strbuf_addf(&detail, " %s\n\n", - show_date(info->committer_date, info->committer_tz, - cgit_date_mode(DATE_ISO8601))); - - strbuf_addstr(&detail, info->subject); - - cgit_free_commitinfo(info); - return strbuf_detach(&detail, NULL); -} - -static void emit_blame_entry_hash(struct blame_entry *ent) -{ - struct blame_origin *suspect = ent->suspect; - struct object_id *oid = &suspect->commit->object.oid; - unsigned long line = 0; - - char *detail = emit_suspect_detail(suspect); - html(""); - cgit_commit_link(find_unique_abbrev(oid, DEFAULT_ABBREV), detail, - NULL, ctx.qry.head, oid_to_hex(oid), suspect->path); - html(""); - free(detail); - - while (line++ < ent->num_lines) - html("\n"); -} - -static void emit_blame_entry_linenumber(struct blame_entry *ent) -{ - const char *numberfmt = "%1$d\n"; - - unsigned long lineno = ent->lno; - while (lineno < ent->lno + ent->num_lines) - htmlf(numberfmt, ++lineno); -} - -static void emit_blame_entry_line_background(struct blame_scoreboard *sb, - struct blame_entry *ent) -{ - unsigned long line; - size_t len, maxlen = 2; - const char* pos, *endpos; - - for (line = ent->lno; line < ent->lno + ent->num_lines; line++) { - html("\n"); - pos = blame_nth_line(sb, line); - endpos = blame_nth_line(sb, line + 1); - len = 0; - while (pos < endpos) { - len++; - if (*pos++ == '\t') - len = (len + 7) & ~7; - } - if (len > maxlen) - maxlen = len; - } - - for (len = 0; len < maxlen - 1; len++) - html(" "); -} - -struct walk_tree_context { - char *curr_rev; - int match_baselen; - int state; -}; - -static void print_object(const struct object_id *oid, const char *path, - const char *basename, const char *rev) -{ - enum object_type type; - char *buf; - unsigned long size; - struct strvec rev_argv = STRVEC_INIT; - struct rev_info revs; - struct blame_scoreboard sb; - struct blame_origin *o; - struct blame_entry *ent = NULL; - - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, oid, &size); - if (type == OBJ_BAD) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Bad object name: %s", - oid_to_hex(oid)); - return; - } - - buf = read_object_file(oid, &type, &size); - if (!buf) { - cgit_print_error_page(500, "Internal server error", - "Error reading object %s", oid_to_hex(oid)); - return; - } - - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "blame"); - strvec_push(&rev_argv, rev); - init_revisions(&revs, NULL); - revs.diffopt.flags.allow_textconv = 1; - setup_revisions(, rev_argv.v, &revs, NULL); - init_scoreboard(&sb); - sb.revs = &revs; - sb.repo = the_repository; - sb.path = path; - setup_scoreboard(&sb, &o); - o->suspects = blame_entry_prepend(NULL, 0, sb.num_lines, o); - prio_queue_put(&sb.commits, o->commit); - blame_origin_decref(o); - sb.ent = NULL; - sb.path = path; - assign_blame(&sb, 0); - blame_sort_final(&sb); - blame_coalesce(&sb); - - cgit_set_title_from_path(path); - - cgit_print_layout_start(); - htmlf("blob: %s (", oid_to_hex(oid)); - cgit_plain_link("plain", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, rev, path); - html(") ("); - cgit_tree_link("tree", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, rev, path); - html(")\n"); - - if (buffer_is_binary(buf, size)) { - html("
blob is binary.
"); - goto cleanup; - } - if (ctx.cfg.max_blob_size && size / 1024 > ctx.cfg.max_blob_size) { - htmlf("
blob size (%ldKB)" - " exceeds display size limit (%dKB).
", - size / 1024, ctx.cfg.max_blob_size); - goto cleanup; - } - - html("
\n\n"); - - /* Commit hashes */ - html("\n"); - - /* Line numbers */ - if (ctx.cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers) { - html("\n"); - } - - html("\n"); - - html("\n
"); - for (ent = sb.ent; ent; ent = ent->next) { - html("
-		emit_blame_entry_hash(ent);
-		html("
"); - } - html("
"); - for (ent = sb.ent; ent; ent = ent->next) { - html("
-			emit_blame_entry_linenumber(ent);
-			html("
"); - } - html("
"); - - /* Colored bars behind lines */ - html("
"); - for (ent = sb.ent; ent; ) { - struct blame_entry *e = ent->next; - html("
-		emit_blame_entry_line_background(&sb, ent);
-		html("
"); - free(ent); - ent = e; - } - html("
"); - - free((void *)sb.final_buf); - - /* Lines */ - html("
-	if (ctx.repo->source_filter) {
-		char *filter_arg = xstrdup(basename);
-		cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->source_filter, filter_arg);
-		html_raw(buf, size);
-		cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->source_filter);
-		free(filter_arg);
-	} else {
-		html_txt(buf);
-	}
-	html("
"); - - html("
\n"); - - cgit_print_layout_end(); - -cleanup: - free(buf); -} - -static int walk_tree(const struct object_id *oid, struct strbuf *base, - const char *pathname, unsigned mode, void *cbdata) -{ - struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx = cbdata; - - if (base->len == walk_tree_ctx->match_baselen) { - if (S_ISREG(mode)) { - struct strbuf buffer = STRBUF_INIT; - strbuf_addbuf(&buffer, base); - strbuf_addstr(&buffer, pathname); - print_object(oid, buffer.buf, pathname, - walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev); - strbuf_release(&buffer); - walk_tree_ctx->state = 1; - } else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { - walk_tree_ctx->state = 2; - } - } else if (base->len < INT_MAX - && (int)base->len > walk_tree_ctx->match_baselen) { - walk_tree_ctx->state = 2; - } else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { - return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; - } - return 0; -} - -static int basedir_len(const char *path) -{ - char *p = strrchr(path, '/'); - if (p) - return p - path + 1; - return 0; -} - -void cgit_print_blame(void) -{ - const char *rev = ctx.qry.oid; - struct object_id oid; - struct commit *commit; - struct pathspec_item path_items = { - .match = ctx.qry.path, - .len = ctx.qry.path ? strlen(ctx.qry.path) : 0 - }; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = 1, - .items = &path_items - }; - struct walk_tree_context walk_tree_ctx = { - .state = 0 - }; - - if (!rev) - rev = ctx.qry.head; - - if (get_oid(rev, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Invalid revision name: %s", rev); - return; - } - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid); - if (!commit || parse_commit(commit)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Invalid commit reference: %s", rev); - return; - } - - walk_tree_ctx.curr_rev = xstrdup(rev); - walk_tree_ctx.match_baselen = (path_items.match) ? - basedir_len(path_items.match) : -1; - - read_tree(the_repository, repo_get_commit_tree(the_repository, commit), - &paths, walk_tree, &walk_tree_ctx); - if (!walk_tree_ctx.state) - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - else if (walk_tree_ctx.state == 2) - cgit_print_error_page(404, "No blame for folders", - "Blame is not available for folders."); - - free(walk_tree_ctx.curr_rev); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5b97e035..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_BLAME_H -#define UI_BLAME_H - -extern void cgit_print_blame(void); - -#endif /* UI_BLAME_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index c10ae42e..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-blob.c: show blob content - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-blob.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -struct walk_tree_context { - const char *match_path; - struct object_id *matched_oid; - unsigned int found_path:1; - unsigned int file_only:1; -}; - -static int walk_tree(const struct object_id *oid, struct strbuf *base, - const char *pathname, unsigned mode, void *cbdata) -{ - struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx = cbdata; - - if (walk_tree_ctx->file_only && !S_ISREG(mode)) - return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; - if (strncmp(base->buf, walk_tree_ctx->match_path, base->len) - || strcmp(walk_tree_ctx->match_path + base->len, pathname)) - return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; - oidcpy(walk_tree_ctx->matched_oid, oid); - walk_tree_ctx->found_path = 1; - return 0; -} - -int cgit_ref_path_exists(const char *path, const char *ref, int file_only) -{ - struct object_id oid; - unsigned long size; - struct pathspec_item path_items = { - .match = xstrdup(path), - .len = strlen(path) - }; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = 1, - .items = &path_items - }; - struct walk_tree_context walk_tree_ctx = { - .match_path = path, - .matched_oid = &oid, - .found_path = 0, - .file_only = file_only - }; - - if (get_oid(ref, &oid)) - goto done; - if (oid_object_info(the_repository, &oid, &size) != OBJ_COMMIT) - goto done; - read_tree(the_repository, - repo_get_commit_tree(the_repository, lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid)), - &paths, walk_tree, &walk_tree_ctx); - -done: - free(path_items.match); - return walk_tree_ctx.found_path; -} - -int cgit_print_file(char *path, const char *head, int file_only) -{ - struct object_id oid; - enum object_type type; - char *buf; - unsigned long size; - struct commit *commit; - struct pathspec_item path_items = { - .match = path, - .len = strlen(path) - }; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = 1, - .items = &path_items - }; - struct walk_tree_context walk_tree_ctx = { - .match_path = path, - .matched_oid = &oid, - .found_path = 0, - .file_only = file_only - }; - - if (get_oid(head, &oid)) - return -1; - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, &oid, &size); - if (type == OBJ_COMMIT) { - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid); - read_tree(the_repository, repo_get_commit_tree(the_repository, commit), - &paths, walk_tree, &walk_tree_ctx); - if (!walk_tree_ctx.found_path) - return -1; - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, &oid, &size); - } - if (type == OBJ_BAD) - return -1; - buf = read_object_file(&oid, &type, &size); - if (!buf) - return -1; - buf[size] = '\0'; - html_raw(buf, size); - free(buf); - return 0; -} - -void cgit_print_blob(const char *hex, char *path, const char *head, int file_only) -{ - struct object_id oid; - enum object_type type; - char *buf; - unsigned long size; - struct commit *commit; - struct pathspec_item path_items = { - .match = path, - .len = path ? strlen(path) : 0 - }; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = 1, - .items = &path_items - }; - struct walk_tree_context walk_tree_ctx = { - .match_path = path, - .matched_oid = &oid, - .found_path = 0, - .file_only = file_only - }; - - if (hex) { - if (get_oid_hex(hex, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", - "Bad hex value: %s", hex); - return; - } - } else { - if (get_oid(head, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad ref: %s", head); - return; - } - } - - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, &oid, &size); - - if ((!hex) && type == OBJ_COMMIT && path) { - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid); - read_tree(the_repository, repo_get_commit_tree(the_repository, commit), - &paths, walk_tree, &walk_tree_ctx); - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, &oid, &size); - } - - if (type == OBJ_BAD) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad object name: %s", hex); - return; - } - - buf = read_object_file(&oid, &type, &size); - if (!buf) { - cgit_print_error_page(500, "Internal server error", - "Error reading object %s", hex); - return; - } - - buf[size] = '\0'; - if (buffer_is_binary(buf, size)) - = "application/octet-stream"; - else - = "text/plain"; - = path; - - html("X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"); - html("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'\n"); - cgit_print_http_headers(); - html_raw(buf, size); - free(buf); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 16847b20..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_BLOB_H -#define UI_BLOB_H - -extern int cgit_ref_path_exists(const char *path, const char *ref, int file_only); -extern int cgit_print_file(char *path, const char *head, int file_only); -extern void cgit_print_blob(const char *hex, char *path, const char *head, int file_only); - -#endif /* UI_BLOB_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5dccb639..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-clone.c: functions for http cloning, based on - * git's http-backend.c by Shawn O. Pearce - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-clone.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "packfile.h" -#include "object-store.h" - -static int print_ref_info(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid, - int flags, void *cb_data) -{ - struct object *obj; - - if (!(obj = parse_object(the_repository, oid))) - return 0; - - htmlf("%s\t%s\n", oid_to_hex(oid), refname); - if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) { - if (!(obj = deref_tag(the_repository, obj, refname, 0))) - return 0; - htmlf("%s\t%s^{}\n", oid_to_hex(&obj->oid), refname); - } - return 0; -} - -static void print_pack_info(void) -{ - struct packed_git *pack; - char *offset; - - = "text/plain"; - = "objects/info/packs"; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - reprepare_packed_git(the_repository); - for (pack = get_packed_git(the_repository); pack; pack = pack->next) { - if (pack->pack_local) { - offset = strrchr(pack->pack_name, '/'); - if (offset && offset[1] != '\0') - ++offset; - else - offset = pack->pack_name; - htmlf("P %s\n", offset); - } - } -} - -static void send_file(const char *path) -{ - struct stat st; - - if (stat(path, &st)) { - switch (errno) { - case ENOENT: - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - break; - case EACCES: - cgit_print_error_page(403, "Forbidden", "Forbidden"); - break; - default: - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", "Bad request"); - } - return; - } - = "application/octet-stream"; - = path; - skip_prefix(path, ctx.repo->path, &; - skip_prefix(, "/", &; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - html_include(path); -} - -void cgit_clone_info(void) -{ - if (!ctx.qry.path || strcmp(ctx.qry.path, "refs")) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", "Bad request"); - return; - } - - = "text/plain"; - = "info/refs"; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - for_each_ref(print_ref_info, NULL); -} - -void cgit_clone_objects(void) -{ - char *p; - - if (!ctx.qry.path) - goto err; - - if (!strcmp(ctx.qry.path, "info/packs")) { - print_pack_info(); - return; - } - - /* Avoid directory traversal by forbidding "..", but also work around - * other funny business by just specifying a fairly strict format. For - * example, now we don't have to stress out about the Cygwin port. - */ - for (p = ctx.qry.path; *p; ++p) { - if (*p == '.' && *(p + 1) == '.') - goto err; - if (!isalnum(*p) && *p != '/' && *p != '.' && *p != '-') - goto err; - } - - send_file(git_path("objects/%s", ctx.qry.path)); - return; - -err: - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", "Bad request"); -} - -void cgit_clone_head(void) -{ - send_file(git_path("%s", "HEAD")); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3e460a3d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_CLONE_H -#define UI_CLONE_H - -void cgit_clone_info(void); -void cgit_clone_objects(void); -void cgit_clone_head(void); - -#endif /* UI_CLONE_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index b49259e6..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,148 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-commit.c: generate commit view - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-commit.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "ui-diff.h" -#include "ui-log.h" - -void cgit_print_commit(char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - struct commit *commit, *parent; - struct commitinfo *info, *parent_info; - struct commit_list *p; - struct strbuf notes = STRBUF_INIT; - struct object_id oid; - char *tmp, *tmp2; - int parents = 0; - - if (!hex) - hex = ctx.qry.head; - - if (get_oid(hex, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", - "Bad object id: %s", hex); - return; - } - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid); - if (!commit) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad commit reference: %s", hex); - return; - } - info = cgit_parse_commit(commit); - - format_display_notes(&oid, ¬es, PAGE_ENCODING, 1); - - load_ref_decorations(NULL, DECORATE_FULL_REFS); - - = fmtalloc("%s - %s", info->subject,; - cgit_print_layout_start(); - cgit_print_diff_ctrls(); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - for (p = commit->parents; p; p = p->next) { - parent = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &p->item->object.oid); - if (!parent) { - html(""); - continue; - } - html("" - ""); - parents++; - } - if (ctx.repo->snapshots) { - html(""); - } - html("
author"); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter, info->author_email, "commit"); - html_txt(info->author); - if (!ctx.cfg.noplainemail) { - html(" "); - html_txt(info->author_email); - } - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter); - html(""); - html_txt(show_date(info->author_date, info->author_tz, - cgit_date_mode(DATE_ISO8601))); - html("
committer"); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter, info->committer_email, "commit"); - html_txt(info->committer); - if (!ctx.cfg.noplainemail) { - html(" "); - html_txt(info->committer_email); - } - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter); - html(""); - html_txt(show_date(info->committer_date, info->committer_tz, - cgit_date_mode(DATE_ISO8601))); - html("
commit"); - tmp = oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid); - cgit_commit_link(tmp, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, tmp, prefix); - html(" ("); - cgit_patch_link("patch", NULL, NULL, NULL, tmp, prefix); - html(")
tree"); - tmp = xstrdup(hex); - cgit_tree_link(oid_to_hex(get_commit_tree_oid(commit)), NULL, NULL, - ctx.qry.head, tmp, NULL); - if (prefix) { - html(" /"); - cgit_tree_link(prefix, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, tmp, prefix); - } - free(tmp); - html("
"); - cgit_print_error("Error reading parent commit"); - html("
parent"); - tmp = tmp2 = oid_to_hex(&p->item->object.oid); - if (ctx.repo->enable_subject_links) { - parent_info = cgit_parse_commit(parent); - tmp2 = parent_info->subject; - } - cgit_commit_link(tmp2, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, tmp, prefix); - html(" ("); - cgit_diff_link("diff", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, hex, - oid_to_hex(&p->item->object.oid), prefix); - html(")
download"); - cgit_print_snapshot_links(ctx.repo, hex, "
"); - html("
\n"); - html("
"); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->commit_filter); - html_txt(info->subject); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->commit_filter); - show_commit_decorations(commit); - html("
"); - html("
-	cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->commit_filter);
-	html_txt(info->msg);
-	cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->commit_filter);
-	html("
"); - if (notes.len != 0) { - html("
"); - html("
"); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->commit_filter); - html_txt(notes.buf); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->commit_filter); - html("
"); - html(""); - } - if (parents < 3) { - if (parents) - tmp = oid_to_hex(&commit->parents->item->object.oid); - else - tmp = NULL; - cgit_print_diff(ctx.qry.oid, tmp, prefix, 0, 0); - } - strbuf_release(¬es); - cgit_free_commitinfo(info); - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8198b4ba..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_COMMIT_H -#define UI_COMMIT_H - -extern void cgit_print_commit(char *hex, const char *prefix); - -#endif /* UI_COMMIT_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2a64ae8f..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,505 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-diff.c: show diff between two blobs - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-diff.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "ui-ssdiff.h" - -struct object_id old_rev_oid[1]; -struct object_id new_rev_oid[1]; - -static int files, slots; -static int total_adds, total_rems, max_changes; -static int lines_added, lines_removed; - -static struct fileinfo { - char status; - struct object_id old_oid[1]; - struct object_id new_oid[1]; - unsigned short old_mode; - unsigned short new_mode; - char *old_path; - char *new_path; - unsigned int added; - unsigned int removed; - unsigned long old_size; - unsigned long new_size; - unsigned int binary:1; -} *items; - -static int use_ssdiff = 0; -static struct diff_filepair *current_filepair; -static const char *current_prefix; - -struct diff_filespec *cgit_get_current_old_file(void) -{ - return current_filepair->one; -} - -struct diff_filespec *cgit_get_current_new_file(void) -{ - return current_filepair->two; -} - -static void print_fileinfo(struct fileinfo *info) -{ - char *class; - - switch (info->status) { - case DIFF_STATUS_ADDED: - class = "add"; - break; - case DIFF_STATUS_COPIED: - class = "cpy"; - break; - case DIFF_STATUS_DELETED: - class = "del"; - break; - case DIFF_STATUS_MODIFIED: - class = "upd"; - break; - case DIFF_STATUS_RENAMED: - class = "mov"; - break; - case DIFF_STATUS_TYPE_CHANGED: - class = "typ"; - break; - case DIFF_STATUS_UNKNOWN: - class = "unk"; - break; - case DIFF_STATUS_UNMERGED: - class = "stg"; - break; - default: - die("bug: unhandled diff status %c", info->status); - } - - html(""); - html(""); - if (is_null_oid(info->new_oid)) { - cgit_print_filemode(info->old_mode); - } else { - cgit_print_filemode(info->new_mode); - } - - if (info->old_mode != info->new_mode && - !is_null_oid(info->old_oid) && - !is_null_oid(info->new_oid)) { - html("["); - cgit_print_filemode(info->old_mode); - html("]"); - } - htmlf("", class); - cgit_diff_link(info->new_path, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.oid, - ctx.qry.oid2, info->new_path); - if (info->status == DIFF_STATUS_COPIED || info->status == DIFF_STATUS_RENAMED) { - htmlf(" (%s from ", - info->status == DIFF_STATUS_COPIED ? "copied" : "renamed"); - html_txt(info->old_path); - html(")"); - } - html(""); - if (info->binary) { - htmlf("bin%ld -> %ld bytes", - info->old_size, info->new_size); - return; - } - htmlf("%d", info->added + info->removed); - html(""); - htmlf("", (max_changes > 100 ? 100 : max_changes)); - htmlf("
", - info->added * 100.0 / max_changes); - htmlf("", - info->removed * 100.0 / max_changes); - htmlf("", - (max_changes - info->removed - info->added) * 100.0 / max_changes); - html("
\n"); -} - -static void count_diff_lines(char *line, int len) -{ - if (line && (len > 0)) { - if (line[0] == '+') - lines_added++; - else if (line[0] == '-') - lines_removed++; - } -} - -static int show_filepair(struct diff_filepair *pair) -{ - /* Always show if we have no limiting prefix. */ - if (!current_prefix) - return 1; - - /* Show if either path in the pair begins with the prefix. */ - if (starts_with(pair->one->path, current_prefix) || - starts_with(pair->two->path, current_prefix)) - return 1; - - /* Otherwise we don't want to show this filepair. */ - return 0; -} - -static void inspect_filepair(struct diff_filepair *pair) -{ - int binary = 0; - unsigned long old_size = 0; - unsigned long new_size = 0; - - if (!show_filepair(pair)) - return; - - files++; - lines_added = 0; - lines_removed = 0; - cgit_diff_files(&pair->one->oid, &pair->two->oid, &old_size, &new_size, - &binary, 0, ctx.qry.ignorews, count_diff_lines); - if (files >= slots) { - if (slots == 0) - slots = 4; - else - slots = slots * 2; - items = xrealloc(items, slots * sizeof(struct fileinfo)); - } - items[files-1].status = pair->status; - oidcpy(items[files-1].old_oid, &pair->one->oid); - oidcpy(items[files-1].new_oid, &pair->two->oid); - items[files-1].old_mode = pair->one->mode; - items[files-1].new_mode = pair->two->mode; - items[files-1].old_path = xstrdup(pair->one->path); - items[files-1].new_path = xstrdup(pair->two->path); - items[files-1].added = lines_added; - items[files-1].removed = lines_removed; - items[files-1].old_size = old_size; - items[files-1].new_size = new_size; - items[files-1].binary = binary; - if (lines_added + lines_removed > max_changes) - max_changes = lines_added + lines_removed; - total_adds += lines_added; - total_rems += lines_removed; -} - -static void cgit_print_diffstat(const struct object_id *old_oid, - const struct object_id *new_oid, - const char *prefix) -{ - int i; - - html("
"); - cgit_diff_link("Diffstat", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.oid, - ctx.qry.oid2, NULL); - if (prefix) { - html(" (limited to '"); - html_txt(prefix); - html("')"); - } - html("
"); - html(""); - max_changes = 0; - cgit_diff_tree(old_oid, new_oid, inspect_filepair, prefix, - ctx.qry.ignorews); - for (i = 0; i"); - html("
"); - htmlf("%d files changed, %d insertions, %d deletions", - files, total_adds, total_rems); - html("
"); -} - - -/* - * print a single line returned from xdiff - */ -static void print_line(char *line, int len) -{ - char *class = "ctx"; - char c = line[len-1]; - - if (line[0] == '+') - class = "add"; - else if (line[0] == '-') - class = "del"; - else if (line[0] == '@') - class = "hunk"; - - htmlf("", class); - line[len-1] = '\0'; - html_txt(line); - line[len-1] = c; - html("\n"); -} - -static void header(const struct object_id *oid1, char *path1, int mode1, - const struct object_id *oid2, char *path2, int mode2) -{ - char *abbrev1, *abbrev2; - int subproject; - - subproject = (S_ISGITLINK(mode1) || S_ISGITLINK(mode2)); - html(""); - html("diff --git a/"); - html_txt(path1); - html(" b/"); - html_txt(path2); - html("\n"); - - if (mode1 == 0) - htmlf("new file mode %.6o\n", mode2); - - if (mode2 == 0) - htmlf("deleted file mode %.6o\n", mode1); - - if (!subproject) { - abbrev1 = xstrdup(find_unique_abbrev(oid1, DEFAULT_ABBREV)); - abbrev2 = xstrdup(find_unique_abbrev(oid2, DEFAULT_ABBREV)); - htmlf("index %s..%s", abbrev1, abbrev2); - free(abbrev1); - free(abbrev2); - if (mode1 != 0 && mode2 != 0) { - htmlf(" %.6o", mode1); - if (mode2 != mode1) - htmlf("..%.6o", mode2); - } - html("\n"); - if (is_null_oid(oid1)) { - path1 = "dev/null"; - html("--- /"); - } else - html("--- a/"); - if (mode1 != 0) - cgit_tree_link(path1, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, - oid_to_hex(old_rev_oid), path1); - else - html_txt(path1); - html("\n"); - if (is_null_oid(oid2)) { - path2 = "dev/null"; - html("+++ /"); - } else - html("+++ b/"); - if (mode2 != 0) - cgit_tree_link(path2, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, - oid_to_hex(new_rev_oid), path2); - else - html_txt(path2); - html("\n"); - } - html(""); -} - -static void filepair_cb(struct diff_filepair *pair) -{ - unsigned long old_size = 0; - unsigned long new_size = 0; - int binary = 0; - linediff_fn print_line_fn = print_line; - - if (!show_filepair(pair)) - return; - - current_filepair = pair; - if (use_ssdiff) { - cgit_ssdiff_header_begin(); - print_line_fn = cgit_ssdiff_line_cb; - } - header(&pair->one->oid, pair->one->path, pair->one->mode, - &pair->two->oid, pair->two->path, pair->two->mode); - if (use_ssdiff) - cgit_ssdiff_header_end(); - if (S_ISGITLINK(pair->one->mode) || S_ISGITLINK(pair->two->mode)) { - if (S_ISGITLINK(pair->one->mode)) - print_line_fn(fmt("-Subproject %s", oid_to_hex(&pair->one->oid)), 52); - if (S_ISGITLINK(pair->two->mode)) - print_line_fn(fmt("+Subproject %s", oid_to_hex(&pair->two->oid)), 52); - if (use_ssdiff) - cgit_ssdiff_footer(); - return; - } - if (cgit_diff_files(&pair->one->oid, &pair->two->oid, &old_size, - &new_size, &binary, ctx.qry.context, - ctx.qry.ignorews, print_line_fn)) - cgit_print_error("Error running diff"); - if (binary) { - if (use_ssdiff) - html("
"); - else - html("Binary files differ"); - } - if (use_ssdiff) - cgit_ssdiff_footer(); -} - -void cgit_print_diff_ctrls(void) -{ - int i, curr; - - html("
"); - html("diff options"); - html("
"); - cgit_add_hidden_formfields(1, 0,; - html("
Binary files differ
"); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html("
context:"); - html(""); - html("
space:"); - html(""); - html("
mode:"); - html("
"); - html(""); - html("
"); - html(""); - html("
"); -} - -void cgit_print_diff(const char *new_rev, const char *old_rev, - const char *prefix, int show_ctrls, int raw) -{ - struct commit *commit, *commit2; - const struct object_id *old_tree_oid, *new_tree_oid; - diff_type difftype; - - /* - * If "follow" is set then the diff machinery needs to examine the - * entire commit to detect renames so we must limit the paths in our - * own callbacks and not pass the prefix to the diff machinery. - */ - if (ctx.qry.follow && ctx.cfg.enable_follow_links) { - current_prefix = prefix; - prefix = ""; - } else { - current_prefix = NULL; - } - - if (!new_rev) - new_rev = ctx.qry.head; - if (get_oid(new_rev, new_rev_oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad object name: %s", new_rev); - return; - } - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, new_rev_oid); - if (!commit || parse_commit(commit)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad commit: %s", oid_to_hex(new_rev_oid)); - return; - } - new_tree_oid = get_commit_tree_oid(commit); - - if (old_rev) { - if (get_oid(old_rev, old_rev_oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad object name: %s", old_rev); - return; - } - } else if (commit->parents && commit->parents->item) { - oidcpy(old_rev_oid, &commit->parents->item->object.oid); - } else { - oidclr(old_rev_oid); - } - - if (!is_null_oid(old_rev_oid)) { - commit2 = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, old_rev_oid); - if (!commit2 || parse_commit(commit2)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad commit: %s", oid_to_hex(old_rev_oid)); - return; - } - old_tree_oid = get_commit_tree_oid(commit2); - } else { - old_tree_oid = NULL; - } - - if (raw) { - struct diff_options diffopt; - - diff_setup(&diffopt); - diffopt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH; - diffopt.flags.recursive = 1; - diff_setup_done(&diffopt); - - = "text/plain"; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - if (old_tree_oid) { - diff_tree_oid(old_tree_oid, new_tree_oid, "", - &diffopt); - } else { - diff_root_tree_oid(new_tree_oid, "", &diffopt); - } - diffcore_std(&diffopt); - diff_flush(&diffopt); - - return; - } - - difftype = ctx.qry.has_difftype ? ctx.qry.difftype : ctx.cfg.difftype; - use_ssdiff = difftype == DIFF_SSDIFF; - - if (show_ctrls) { - cgit_print_layout_start(); - cgit_print_diff_ctrls(); - } - - /* - * Clicking on a link to a file in the diff stat should show a diff - * of the file, showing the diff stat limited to a single file is - * pretty useless. All links from this point on will be to - * individual files, so we simply reset the difftype in the query - * here to avoid propagating DIFF_STATONLY to the individual files. - */ - if (difftype == DIFF_STATONLY) - ctx.qry.difftype = ctx.cfg.difftype; - - cgit_print_diffstat(old_rev_oid, new_rev_oid, prefix); - - if (difftype == DIFF_STATONLY) - return; - - if (use_ssdiff) { - html(""); - } else { - html("
"); - html(""); - html("
-	}
-	cgit_diff_tree(old_rev_oid, new_rev_oid, filepair_cb, prefix,
-		       ctx.qry.ignorews);
-	if (!use_ssdiff)
-		html("
"); - - if (show_ctrls) - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 39264a16..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_DIFF_H -#define UI_DIFF_H - -extern void cgit_print_diff_ctrls(void); - -extern void cgit_print_diff(const char *new_hex, const char *old_hex, - const char *prefix, int show_ctrls, int raw); - -extern struct diff_filespec *cgit_get_current_old_file(void); -extern struct diff_filespec *cgit_get_current_new_file(void); - -extern struct object_id old_rev_oid[1]; -extern struct object_id new_rev_oid[1]; - -#endif /* UI_DIFF_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index b443ca73..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,555 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-log.c: functions for log output - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-log.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "strvec.h" - -static int files, add_lines, rem_lines, lines_counted; - -/* - * The list of available column colors in the commit graph. - */ -static const char *column_colors_html[] = { - "", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "", -}; - -#define COLUMN_COLORS_HTML_MAX (ARRAY_SIZE(column_colors_html) - 1) - -static void count_lines(char *line, int size) -{ - if (size <= 0) - return; - - if (line[0] == '+') - add_lines++; - - else if (line[0] == '-') - rem_lines++; -} - -static void inspect_files(struct diff_filepair *pair) -{ - unsigned long old_size = 0; - unsigned long new_size = 0; - int binary = 0; - - files++; - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount) - cgit_diff_files(&pair->one->oid, &pair->two->oid, &old_size, - &new_size, &binary, 0, ctx.qry.ignorews, - count_lines); -} - -void show_commit_decorations(struct commit *commit) -{ - const struct name_decoration *deco; - static char buf[1024]; - - buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; - deco = get_name_decoration(&commit->object); - if (!deco) - return; - html(""); - while (deco) { - struct object_id oid_tag, peeled; - int is_annotated = 0; - - strlcpy(buf, prettify_refname(deco->name), sizeof(buf)); - switch(deco->type) { - case DECORATION_NONE: - /* If the git-core doesn't recognize it, - * don't display anything. */ - break; - case DECORATION_REF_LOCAL: - html(" "); - cgit_log_link(buf, NULL, "branch-deco", buf, NULL, - ctx.qry.vpath, 0, NULL, NULL, - ctx.qry.showmsg, 0); - break; - case DECORATION_REF_TAG: - html(" "); - if (!read_ref(deco->name, &oid_tag) && !peel_iterated_oid(&oid_tag, &peeled)) - is_annotated = !oideq(&oid_tag, &peeled); - cgit_tag_link(buf, NULL, is_annotated ? "tag-annotated-deco" : "tag-deco", buf); - break; - case DECORATION_REF_REMOTE: - if (!ctx.repo->enable_remote_branches) - break; - html(" "); - cgit_log_link(buf, NULL, "remote-deco", NULL, - oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid), - ctx.qry.vpath, 0, NULL, NULL, - ctx.qry.showmsg, 0); - break; - default: - html(" "); - cgit_commit_link(buf, NULL, "deco", ctx.qry.head, - oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid), - ctx.qry.vpath); - break; - } - deco = deco->next; - } - html(""); -} - -static void handle_rename(struct diff_filepair *pair) -{ - /* - * After we have seen a rename, we generate links to the previous - * name of the file so that commit & diff views get fed the path - * that is correct for the commit they are showing, avoiding the - * need to walk the entire history leading back to every commit we - * show in order detect renames. - */ - if (0 != strcmp(ctx.qry.vpath, pair->two->path)) { - free(ctx.qry.vpath); - ctx.qry.vpath = xstrdup(pair->two->path); - } - inspect_files(pair); -} - -static int show_commit(struct commit *commit, struct rev_info *revs) -{ - struct commit_list *parents = commit->parents; - struct commit *parent; - int found = 0, saved_fmt; - struct diff_flags saved_flags = revs->diffopt.flags; - - /* Always show if we're not in "follow" mode with a single file. */ - if (!ctx.qry.follow) - return 1; - - /* - * In "follow" mode, we don't show merges. This is consistent with - * "git log --follow -- ". - */ - if (parents && parents->next) - return 0; - - /* - * If this is the root commit, do what rev_info tells us. - */ - if (!parents) - return revs->show_root_diff; - - /* When we get here we have precisely one parent. */ - parent = parents->item; - /* If we can't parse the commit, let print_commit() report an error. */ - if (parse_commit(parent)) - return 1; - - files = 0; - add_lines = 0; - rem_lines = 0; - - revs->diffopt.flags.recursive = 1; - diff_tree_oid(get_commit_tree_oid(parent), - get_commit_tree_oid(commit), - "", &revs->diffopt); - diffcore_std(&revs->diffopt); - - found = !diff_queue_is_empty(); - saved_fmt = revs->diffopt.output_format; - revs->diffopt.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_CALLBACK; - revs->diffopt.format_callback = cgit_diff_tree_cb; - revs->diffopt.format_callback_data = handle_rename; - diff_flush(&revs->diffopt); - revs->diffopt.output_format = saved_fmt; - revs->diffopt.flags = saved_flags; - - lines_counted = 1; - return found; -} - -static void print_commit(struct commit *commit, struct rev_info *revs) -{ - struct commitinfo *info; - int columns = revs->graph ? 4 : 3; - struct strbuf graphbuf = STRBUF_INIT; - struct strbuf msgbuf = STRBUF_INIT; - - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount) - columns++; - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount) - columns++; - - if (revs->graph) { - /* Advance graph until current commit */ - while (!graph_next_line(revs->graph, &graphbuf)) { - /* Print graph segment in otherwise empty table row */ - html(""); - html(graphbuf.buf); - htmlf("\n", columns); - strbuf_setlen(&graphbuf, 0); - } - /* Current commit's graph segment is now ready in graphbuf */ - } - - info = cgit_parse_commit(commit); - htmlf("", ctx.qry.showmsg ? " class='logheader'" : ""); - - if (revs->graph) { - /* Print graph segment for current commit */ - html(""); - html(graphbuf.buf); - html(""); - strbuf_setlen(&graphbuf, 0); - } - else { - html(""); - cgit_print_age(info->committer_date, info->committer_tz, TM_WEEK * 2); - html(""); - } - - htmlf("", ctx.qry.showmsg ? " class='logsubject'" : ""); - if (ctx.qry.showmsg) { - /* line-wrap long commit subjects instead of truncating them */ - size_t subject_len = strlen(info->subject); - - if (subject_len > ctx.cfg.max_msg_len && - ctx.cfg.max_msg_len >= 15) { - /* symbol for signaling line-wrap (in PAGE_ENCODING) */ - const char wrap_symbol[] = { ' ', 0xE2, 0x86, 0xB5, 0 }; - int i = ctx.cfg.max_msg_len - strlen(wrap_symbol); - - /* Rewind i to preceding space character */ - while (i > 0 && !isspace(info->subject[i])) - --i; - if (!i) /* Oops, zero spaces. Reset i */ - i = ctx.cfg.max_msg_len - strlen(wrap_symbol); - - /* add remainder starting at i to msgbuf */ - strbuf_add(&msgbuf, info->subject + i, subject_len - i); - strbuf_trim(&msgbuf); - strbuf_add(&msgbuf, "\n\n", 2); - - /* Place wrap_symbol at position i in info->subject */ - strlcpy(info->subject + i, wrap_symbol, subject_len - i + 1); - } - } - cgit_commit_link(info->subject, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, - oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid), ctx.qry.vpath); - show_commit_decorations(commit); - html(""); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter, info->author_email, "log"); - html_txt(info->author); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter); - - if (revs->graph) { - html(""); - cgit_print_age(info->committer_date, info->committer_tz, TM_WEEK * 2); - } - - if (!lines_counted && (ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount || - ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount)) { - files = 0; - add_lines = 0; - rem_lines = 0; - cgit_diff_commit(commit, inspect_files, ctx.qry.vpath); - } - - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount) - htmlf("%d", files); - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount) - htmlf("-%d/" - "+%d", rem_lines, add_lines); - - html("\n"); - - if ((revs->graph && !graph_is_commit_finished(revs->graph)) - || ctx.qry.showmsg) { /* Print a second table row */ - html(""); - - if (ctx.qry.showmsg) { - /* Concatenate commit message + notes in msgbuf */ - if (info->msg && *(info->msg)) { - strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, info->msg); - strbuf_addch(&msgbuf, '\n'); - } - format_display_notes(&commit->object.oid, - &msgbuf, PAGE_ENCODING, 0); - strbuf_addch(&msgbuf, '\n'); - strbuf_ltrim(&msgbuf); - } - - if (revs->graph) { - int lines = 0; - - /* Calculate graph padding */ - if (ctx.qry.showmsg) { - /* Count #lines in commit message + notes */ - const char *p = msgbuf.buf; - lines = 1; - while ((p = strchr(p, '\n'))) { - p++; - lines++; - } - } - - /* Print graph padding */ - html(""); - while (lines > 0 || !graph_is_commit_finished(revs->graph)) { - if (graphbuf.len) - html("\n"); - strbuf_setlen(&graphbuf, 0); - graph_next_line(revs->graph, &graphbuf); - html(graphbuf.buf); - lines--; - } - html("\n"); - } - else - html(""); /* Empty 'Age' column */ - - /* Print msgbuf into remainder of table row */ - htmlf("\n", columns - (revs->graph ? 1 : 0), - ctx.qry.showmsg ? " class='logmsg'" : ""); - html_txt(msgbuf.buf); - html("\n"); - } - - strbuf_release(&msgbuf); - strbuf_release(&graphbuf); - cgit_free_commitinfo(info); -} - -static const char *disambiguate_ref(const char *ref, int *must_free_result) -{ - struct object_id oid; - struct strbuf longref = STRBUF_INIT; - - strbuf_addf(&longref, "refs/heads/%s", ref); - if (get_oid(longref.buf, &oid) == 0) { - *must_free_result = 1; - return strbuf_detach(&longref, NULL); - } - - *must_free_result = 0; - strbuf_release(&longref); - return ref; -} - -static char *next_token(char **src) -{ - char *result; - - if (!src || !*src) - return NULL; - while (isspace(**src)) - (*src)++; - if (!**src) - return NULL; - result = *src; - while (**src) { - if (isspace(**src)) { - **src = '\0'; - (*src)++; - break; - } - (*src)++; - } - return result; -} - -void cgit_print_log(const char *tip, int ofs, int cnt, char *grep, char *pattern, - const char *path, int pager, int commit_graph, int commit_sort) -{ - struct rev_info rev; - struct commit *commit; - struct strvec rev_argv = STRVEC_INIT; - int i, columns = commit_graph ? 4 : 3; - int must_free_tip = 0; - - /* rev_argv.argv[0] will be ignored by setup_revisions */ - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "log_rev_setup"); - - if (!tip) - tip = ctx.qry.head; - tip = disambiguate_ref(tip, &must_free_tip); - strvec_push(&rev_argv, tip); - - if (grep && pattern && *pattern) { - pattern = xstrdup(pattern); - if (!strcmp(grep, "grep") || !strcmp(grep, "author") || - !strcmp(grep, "committer")) { - strvec_pushf(&rev_argv, "--%s=%s", grep, pattern); - } else if (!strcmp(grep, "range")) { - char *arg; - /* Split the pattern at whitespace and add each token - * as a revision expression. Do not accept other - * rev-list options. Also, replace the previously - * pushed tip (it's no longer relevant). - */ - strvec_pop(&rev_argv); - while ((arg = next_token(&pattern))) { - if (*arg == '-') { - fprintf(stderr, "Bad range expr: %s\n", - arg); - break; - } - strvec_push(&rev_argv, arg); - } - } - } - - if (!path || !ctx.cfg.enable_follow_links) { - /* - * If we don't have a path, "follow" is a no-op so make sure - * the variable is set to false to avoid needing to check - * both this and whether we have a path everywhere. - */ - ctx.qry.follow = 0; - } - - if (commit_graph && !ctx.qry.follow) { - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "--graph"); - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "--color"); - graph_set_column_colors(column_colors_html, - COLUMN_COLORS_HTML_MAX); - } - - if (commit_sort == 1) - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "--date-order"); - else if (commit_sort == 2) - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "--topo-order"); - - if (path && ctx.qry.follow) - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "--follow"); - strvec_push(&rev_argv, "--"); - if (path) - strvec_push(&rev_argv, path); - - init_revisions(&rev, NULL); - rev.abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV; - rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_DEFAULT; - rev.verbose_header = 1; - rev.show_root_diff = 0; - rev.ignore_missing = 1; - rev.simplify_history = 1; - setup_revisions(, rev_argv.v, &rev, NULL); - load_ref_decorations(NULL, DECORATE_FULL_REFS); - rev.show_decorations = 1; - rev.grep_filter.ignore_case = 1; - - rev.diffopt.detect_rename = 1; - rev.diffopt.rename_limit = ctx.cfg.renamelimit; - if (ctx.qry.ignorews) - DIFF_XDL_SET(&rev.diffopt, IGNORE_WHITESPACE); - - compile_grep_patterns(&rev.grep_filter); - prepare_revision_walk(&rev); - - if (pager) { - cgit_print_layout_start(); - html(""); - } - - html(""); - if (commit_graph) - html(""); - else - html(""); - html(""); - if (rev.graph) - html(""); - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount) { - html(""); - columns++; - } - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount) { - html(""); - columns++; - } - html("\n"); - - if (ofs<0) - ofs = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < ofs && (commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL; /* nop */) { - if (show_commit(commit, &rev)) - i++; - free_commit_buffer(the_repository->parsed_objects, commit); - free_commit_list(commit->parents); - commit->parents = NULL; - } - - for (i = 0; i < cnt && (commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL; /* nop */) { - /* - * In "follow" mode, we must count the files and lines the - * first time we invoke diff on a given commit, and we need - * to do that to see if the commit touches the path we care - * about, so we do it in show_commit. Hence we must clear - * lines_counted here. - * - * This has the side effect of avoiding running diff twice - * when we are both following renames and showing file - * and/or line counts. - */ - lines_counted = 0; - if (show_commit(commit, &rev)) { - i++; - print_commit(commit, &rev); - } - free_commit_buffer(the_repository->parsed_objects, commit); - free_commit_list(commit->parents); - commit->parents = NULL; - } - if (pager) { - html("
AgeCommit message"); - if (pager) { - html(" ("); - cgit_log_link(ctx.qry.showmsg ? "Collapse" : "Expand", NULL, - NULL, ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.oid, - ctx.qry.vpath, ctx.qry.ofs, ctx.qry.grep, -, ctx.qry.showmsg ? 0 : 1, - ctx.qry.follow); - html(")"); - } - html("AuthorAgeFilesLines
    "); - if (ofs > 0) { - html("
  • "); - cgit_log_link("[prev]", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.vpath, - ofs - cnt, ctx.qry.grep, -, ctx.qry.showmsg, - ctx.qry.follow); - html("
  • "); - } - if ((commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL) { - html("
  • "); - cgit_log_link("[next]", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.vpath, - ofs + cnt, ctx.qry.grep, -, ctx.qry.showmsg, - ctx.qry.follow); - html("
  • "); - } - html("
"); - cgit_print_layout_end(); - } else if ((commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL) { - htmlf("", columns); - cgit_log_link("[...]", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, NULL, - ctx.qry.vpath, 0, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.showmsg, - ctx.qry.follow); - html("\n"); - } - - /* If we allocated tip then it is safe to cast away const. */ - if (must_free_tip) - free((char*) tip); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 325607cd..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_LOG_H -#define UI_LOG_H - -extern void cgit_print_log(const char *tip, int ofs, int cnt, char *grep, - char *pattern, const char *path, int pager, - int commit_graph, int commit_sort); -extern void show_commit_decorations(struct commit *commit); - -#endif /* UI_LOG_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4ac03cbe..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-patch.c: generate patch view - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-patch.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -/* two commit hashes with two dots in between and termination */ -#define REV_RANGE_LEN 2 * GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 3 - -void cgit_print_patch(const char *new_rev, const char *old_rev, - const char *prefix) -{ - struct rev_info rev; - struct commit *commit; - struct object_id new_rev_oid, old_rev_oid; - char rev_range[REV_RANGE_LEN]; - const char *rev_argv[] = { NULL, "--reverse", "--format=email", rev_range, "--", prefix, NULL }; - int rev_argc = ARRAY_SIZE(rev_argv) - 1; - char *patchname; - - if (!prefix) - rev_argc--; - - if (!new_rev) - new_rev = ctx.qry.head; - - if (get_oid(new_rev, &new_rev_oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad object id: %s", new_rev); - return; - } - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &new_rev_oid); - if (!commit) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad commit reference: %s", new_rev); - return; - } - - if (old_rev) { - if (get_oid(old_rev, &old_rev_oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad object id: %s", old_rev); - return; - } - if (!lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &old_rev_oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad commit reference: %s", old_rev); - return; - } - } else if (commit->parents && commit->parents->item) { - oidcpy(&old_rev_oid, &commit->parents->item->object.oid); - } else { - oidclr(&old_rev_oid); - } - - if (is_null_oid(&old_rev_oid)) { - memcpy(rev_range, oid_to_hex(&new_rev_oid), the_hash_algo->hexsz + 1); - } else { - xsnprintf(rev_range, REV_RANGE_LEN, "%s..%s", oid_to_hex(&old_rev_oid), - oid_to_hex(&new_rev_oid)); - } - - patchname = fmt("%s.patch", rev_range); - = "text/plain"; - = patchname; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - - if (ctx.cfg.noplainemail) { - rev_argv[2] = "--format=format:From %H Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 " - "2001%nFrom: %an%nDate: %aD%n%w(78,0,1)Subject: " - "%s%n%n%w(0)%b"; - } - - init_revisions(&rev, NULL); - rev.abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV; - rev.verbose_header = 1; - rev.diff = 1; - rev.show_root_diff = 1; - rev.max_parents = 1; - rev.diffopt.output_format |= DIFF_FORMAT_DIFFSTAT | - DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH | DIFF_FORMAT_SUMMARY; - if (prefix) - rev.diffopt.stat_sep = fmt("(limited to '%s')\n\n", prefix); - setup_revisions(rev_argc, rev_argv, &rev, NULL); - prepare_revision_walk(&rev); - - while ((commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL) { - log_tree_commit(&rev, commit); - printf("-- \ncgit %s\n\n", cgit_version); - } -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7a6cacd5..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_PATCH_H -#define UI_PATCH_H - -extern void cgit_print_patch(const char *new_rev, const char *old_rev, - const char *prefix); - -#endif /* UI_PATCH_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 65a205fa..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-plain.c: functions for output of plain blobs by path - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-plain.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -struct walk_tree_context { - int match_baselen; - int match; -}; - -static int print_object(const struct object_id *oid, const char *path) -{ - enum object_type type; - char *buf, *mimetype; - unsigned long size; - - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, oid, &size); - if (type == OBJ_BAD) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - return 0; - } - - buf = read_object_file(oid, &type, &size); - if (!buf) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - return 0; - } - - mimetype = get_mimetype_for_filename(path); - = mimetype; - - if (!ctx.repo->enable_html_serving) { - html("X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"); - html("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'\n"); - if (mimetype) { - /* Built-in white list allows PDF and everything that isn't text/ and application/ */ - if ((!strncmp(mimetype, "text/", 5) || !strncmp(mimetype, "application/", 12)) && strcmp(mimetype, "application/pdf")) - = NULL; - } - } - - if (! { - if (buffer_is_binary(buf, size)) { - = "application/octet-stream"; - = NULL; - } else { - = "text/plain"; - } - } - = path; - = size; - = oid_to_hex(oid); - cgit_print_http_headers(); - html_raw(buf, size); - free(mimetype); - free(buf); - return 1; -} - -static char *buildpath(const char *base, int baselen, const char *path) -{ - if (path[0]) - return fmtalloc("%.*s%s/", baselen, base, path); - else - return fmtalloc("%.*s/", baselen, base); -} - -static void print_dir(const struct object_id *oid, const char *base, - int baselen, const char *path) -{ - char *fullpath, *slash; - size_t len; - - fullpath = buildpath(base, baselen, path); - slash = (fullpath[0] == '/' ? "" : "/"); - = oid_to_hex(oid); - cgit_print_http_headers(); - htmlf("%s", slash); - html_txt(fullpath); - htmlf("\n\n

%s", slash); - html_txt(fullpath); - html("

    \n"); - len = strlen(fullpath); - if (len > 1) { - fullpath[len - 1] = 0; - slash = strrchr(fullpath, '/'); - if (slash) - *(slash + 1) = 0; - else { - free(fullpath); - fullpath = NULL; - } - html("
  • "); - cgit_plain_link("../", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.oid, - fullpath); - html("
  • \n"); - } - free(fullpath); -} - -static void print_dir_entry(const struct object_id *oid, const char *base, - int baselen, const char *path, unsigned mode) -{ - char *fullpath; - - fullpath = buildpath(base, baselen, path); - if (!S_ISDIR(mode) && !S_ISGITLINK(mode)) - fullpath[strlen(fullpath) - 1] = 0; - html("
  • "); - if (S_ISGITLINK(mode)) { - cgit_submodule_link(NULL, fullpath, oid_to_hex(oid)); - } else - cgit_plain_link(path, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.oid, - fullpath); - html("
  • \n"); - free(fullpath); -} - -static void print_dir_tail(void) -{ - html("
\n\n"); -} - -static int walk_tree(const struct object_id *oid, struct strbuf *base, - const char *pathname, unsigned mode, void *cbdata) -{ - struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx = cbdata; - - if (base->len == walk_tree_ctx->match_baselen) { - if (S_ISREG(mode) || S_ISLNK(mode)) { - if (print_object(oid, pathname)) - walk_tree_ctx->match = 1; - } else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { - print_dir(oid, base->buf, base->len, pathname); - walk_tree_ctx->match = 2; - return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; - } - } else if (base->len < INT_MAX && (int)base->len > walk_tree_ctx->match_baselen) { - print_dir_entry(oid, base->buf, base->len, pathname, mode); - walk_tree_ctx->match = 2; - } else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { - return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; - } - - return 0; -} - -static int basedir_len(const char *path) -{ - char *p = strrchr(path, '/'); - if (p) - return p - path + 1; - return 0; -} - -void cgit_print_plain(void) -{ - const char *rev = ctx.qry.oid; - struct object_id oid; - struct commit *commit; - struct pathspec_item path_items = { - .match = ctx.qry.path, - .len = ctx.qry.path ? strlen(ctx.qry.path) : 0 - }; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = 1, - .items = &path_items - }; - struct walk_tree_context walk_tree_ctx = { - .match = 0 - }; - - if (!rev) - rev = ctx.qry.head; - - if (get_oid(rev, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - return; - } - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid); - if (!commit || parse_commit(commit)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - return; - } - if (!path_items.match) { - path_items.match = ""; - walk_tree_ctx.match_baselen = -1; - print_dir(get_commit_tree_oid(commit), "", 0, ""); - walk_tree_ctx.match = 2; - } - else - walk_tree_ctx.match_baselen = basedir_len(path_items.match); - read_tree(the_repository, repo_get_commit_tree(the_repository, commit), - &paths, walk_tree, &walk_tree_ctx); - if (!walk_tree_ctx.match) - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - else if (walk_tree_ctx.match == 2) - print_dir_tail(); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5bff07b8..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_PLAIN_H -#define UI_PLAIN_H - -extern void cgit_print_plain(void); - -#endif /* UI_PLAIN_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 456f610d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-refs.c: browse symbolic refs - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-refs.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -static inline int cmp_age(int age1, int age2) -{ - /* age1 and age2 are assumed to be non-negative */ - return age2 - age1; -} - -static int cmp_ref_name(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - struct refinfo *r1 = *(struct refinfo **)a; - struct refinfo *r2 = *(struct refinfo **)b; - - return strcmp(r1->refname, r2->refname); -} - -static int cmp_branch_age(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - struct refinfo *r1 = *(struct refinfo **)a; - struct refinfo *r2 = *(struct refinfo **)b; - - return cmp_age(r1->commit->committer_date, r2->commit->committer_date); -} - -static int get_ref_age(struct refinfo *ref) -{ - if (!ref->object) - return 0; - switch (ref->object->type) { - case OBJ_TAG: - return ref->tag ? ref->tag->tagger_date : 0; - case OBJ_COMMIT: - return ref->commit ? ref->commit->committer_date : 0; - } - return 0; -} - -static int cmp_tag_age(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - struct refinfo *r1 = *(struct refinfo **)a; - struct refinfo *r2 = *(struct refinfo **)b; - - return cmp_age(get_ref_age(r1), get_ref_age(r2)); -} - -static int print_branch(struct refinfo *ref) -{ - struct commitinfo *info = ref->commit; - char *name = (char *)ref->refname; - - if (!info) - return 1; - html(""); - cgit_log_link(name, NULL, NULL, name, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, - ctx.qry.showmsg, 0); - html(""); - - if (ref->object->type == OBJ_COMMIT) { - cgit_commit_link(info->subject, NULL, NULL, name, NULL, NULL); - html(""); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter, info->author_email, "refs"); - html_txt(info->author); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter); - html(""); - cgit_print_age(info->committer_date, info->committer_tz, -1); - } else { - html(""); - cgit_object_link(ref->object); - } - html("\n"); - return 0; -} - -static void print_tag_header(void) -{ - html("Tag" - "Download" - "Author" - "Age\n"); -} - -static int print_tag(struct refinfo *ref) -{ - struct tag *tag = NULL; - struct taginfo *info = NULL; - char *name = (char *)ref->refname; - struct object *obj = ref->object; - - if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) { - tag = (struct tag *)obj; - obj = tag->tagged; - info = ref->tag; - if (!info) - return 1; - } - - html(""); - cgit_tag_link(name, NULL, NULL, name); - html(""); - if (ctx.repo->snapshots && (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT)) - cgit_print_snapshot_links(ctx.repo, name, "  "); - else - cgit_object_link(obj); - html(""); - if (info) { - if (info->tagger) { - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter, info->tagger_email, "refs"); - html_txt(info->tagger); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter); - } - } else if (ref->object->type == OBJ_COMMIT) { - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter, ref->commit->author_email, "refs"); - html_txt(ref->commit->author); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter); - } - html(""); - if (info) { - if (info->tagger_date > 0) - cgit_print_age(info->tagger_date, info->tagger_tz, -1); - } else if (ref->object->type == OBJ_COMMIT) { - cgit_print_age(ref->commit->commit->date, 0, -1); - } - html("\n"); - - return 0; -} - -static void print_refs_link(const char *path) -{ - html(""); - cgit_refs_link("[...]", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, NULL, path); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_print_branches(int maxcount) -{ - struct reflist list; - int i; - - html("Branch" - "Commit message" - "Author" - "Age\n"); - - list.refs = NULL; - list.alloc = list.count = 0; - for_each_branch_ref(cgit_refs_cb, &list); - if (ctx.repo->enable_remote_branches) - for_each_remote_ref(cgit_refs_cb, &list); - - if (maxcount == 0 || maxcount > list.count) - maxcount = list.count; - - qsort(list.refs, list.count, sizeof(*list.refs), cmp_branch_age); - if (ctx.repo->branch_sort == 0) - qsort(list.refs, maxcount, sizeof(*list.refs), cmp_ref_name); - - for (i = 0; i < maxcount; i++) - print_branch(list.refs[i]); - - if (maxcount < list.count) - print_refs_link("heads"); - - cgit_free_reflist_inner(&list); -} - -void cgit_print_tags(int maxcount) -{ - struct reflist list; - int i; - - list.refs = NULL; - list.alloc = list.count = 0; - for_each_tag_ref(cgit_refs_cb, &list); - if (list.count == 0) - return; - qsort(list.refs, list.count, sizeof(*list.refs), cmp_tag_age); - if (!maxcount) - maxcount = list.count; - else if (maxcount > list.count) - maxcount = list.count; - print_tag_header(); - for (i = 0; i < maxcount; i++) - print_tag(list.refs[i]); - - if (maxcount < list.count) - print_refs_link("tags"); - - cgit_free_reflist_inner(&list); -} - -void cgit_print_refs(void) -{ - cgit_print_layout_start(); - html(""); - - if (ctx.qry.path && starts_with(ctx.qry.path, "heads")) - cgit_print_branches(0); - else if (ctx.qry.path && starts_with(ctx.qry.path, "tags")) - cgit_print_tags(0); - else { - cgit_print_branches(0); - html(""); - cgit_print_tags(0); - } - html("
"); - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1d4a54a2..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_REFS_H -#define UI_REFS_H - -extern void cgit_print_branches(int maxcount); -extern void cgit_print_tags(int maxcount); -extern void cgit_print_refs(void); - -#endif /* UI_REFS_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 97b11c5f..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,381 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-repolist.c: functions for generating the repolist page - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-repolist.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -static time_t read_agefile(const char *path) -{ - time_t result; - size_t size; - char *buf = NULL; - struct strbuf date_buf = STRBUF_INIT; - - if (readfile(path, &buf, &size)) { - free(buf); - return 0; - } - - if (parse_date(buf, &date_buf) == 0) - result = strtoul(date_buf.buf, NULL, 10); - else - result = 0; - free(buf); - strbuf_release(&date_buf); - return result; -} - -static int get_repo_modtime(const struct cgit_repo *repo, time_t *mtime) -{ - struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT; - struct stat s; - struct cgit_repo *r = (struct cgit_repo *)repo; - - if (repo->mtime != -1) { - *mtime = repo->mtime; - return 1; - } - strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/%s", repo->path, ctx.cfg.agefile); - if (stat(path.buf, &s) == 0) { - *mtime = read_agefile(path.buf); - if (*mtime) { - r->mtime = *mtime; - goto end; - } - } - - strbuf_reset(&path); - strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/refs/heads/%s", repo->path, - repo->defbranch ? repo->defbranch : "master"); - if (stat(path.buf, &s) == 0) { - *mtime = s.st_mtime; - r->mtime = *mtime; - goto end; - } - - strbuf_reset(&path); - strbuf_addf(&path, "%s/%s", repo->path, "packed-refs"); - if (stat(path.buf, &s) == 0) { - *mtime = s.st_mtime; - r->mtime = *mtime; - goto end; - } - - *mtime = 0; - r->mtime = *mtime; -end: - strbuf_release(&path); - return (r->mtime != 0); -} - -static void print_modtime(struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - time_t t; - if (get_repo_modtime(repo, &t)) - cgit_print_age(t, 0, -1); -} - -static int is_match(struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - if (! - return 1; - if (repo->url && strcasestr(repo->url, - return 1; - if (repo->name && strcasestr(repo->name, - return 1; - if (repo->desc && strcasestr(repo->desc, - return 1; - if (repo->owner && strcasestr(repo->owner, - return 1; - return 0; -} - -static int is_in_url(struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - if (!ctx.qry.url) - return 1; - if (repo->url && starts_with(repo->url, ctx.qry.url)) - return 1; - return 0; -} - -static int is_visible(struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - if (repo->hide || repo->ignore) - return 0; - if (!(is_match(repo) && is_in_url(repo))) - return 0; - return 1; -} - -static int any_repos_visible(void) -{ - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < cgit_repolist.count; i++) { - if (is_visible(&cgit_repolist.repos[i])) - return 1; - } - return 0; -} - -static void print_sort_header(const char *title, const char *sort) -{ - char *currenturl = cgit_currenturl(); - html("%s", title); - free(currenturl); -} - -static void print_header(void) -{ - html(""); - print_sort_header("Name", "name"); - print_sort_header("Description", "desc"); - if (ctx.cfg.enable_index_owner) - print_sort_header("Owner", "owner"); - print_sort_header("Idle", "idle"); - if (ctx.cfg.enable_index_links) - html("Links"); - html("\n"); -} - - -static void print_pager(int items, int pagelen, char *search, char *sort) -{ - int i, ofs; - char *class = NULL; - html("
    "); - for (i = 0, ofs = 0; ofs < items; i++, ofs = i * pagelen) { - class = (ctx.qry.ofs == ofs) ? "current" : NULL; - html("
  • "); - cgit_index_link(fmt("[%d]", i + 1), fmt("Page %d", i + 1), - class, search, sort, ofs, 0); - html("
  • "); - } - html("
"); -} - -static int cmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) -{ - if (s1 && s2) { - if (ctx.cfg.case_sensitive_sort) - return strcmp(s1, s2); - else - return strcasecmp(s1, s2); - } - if (s1 && !s2) - return -1; - if (s2 && !s1) - return 1; - return 0; -} - -static int sort_name(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - const struct cgit_repo *r1 = a; - const struct cgit_repo *r2 = b; - - return cmp(r1->name, r2->name); -} - -static int sort_desc(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - const struct cgit_repo *r1 = a; - const struct cgit_repo *r2 = b; - - return cmp(r1->desc, r2->desc); -} - -static int sort_owner(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - const struct cgit_repo *r1 = a; - const struct cgit_repo *r2 = b; - - return cmp(r1->owner, r2->owner); -} - -static int sort_idle(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - const struct cgit_repo *r1 = a; - const struct cgit_repo *r2 = b; - time_t t1, t2; - - t1 = t2 = 0; - get_repo_modtime(r1, &t1); - get_repo_modtime(r2, &t2); - return t2 - t1; -} - -static int sort_section(const void *a, const void *b) -{ - const struct cgit_repo *r1 = a; - const struct cgit_repo *r2 = b; - int result; - - result = cmp(r1->section, r2->section); - if (!result) { - if (!strcmp(ctx.cfg.repository_sort, "age")) - result = sort_idle(r1, r2); - if (!result) - result = cmp(r1->name, r2->name); - } - return result; -} - -struct sortcolumn { - const char *name; - int (*fn)(const void *a, const void *b); -}; - -static const struct sortcolumn sortcolumn[] = { - {"section", sort_section}, - {"name", sort_name}, - {"desc", sort_desc}, - {"owner", sort_owner}, - {"idle", sort_idle}, - {NULL, NULL} -}; - -static int sort_repolist(char *field) -{ - const struct sortcolumn *column; - - for (column = &sortcolumn[0]; column->name; column++) { - if (strcmp(field, column->name)) - continue; - qsort(cgit_repolist.repos, cgit_repolist.count, - sizeof(struct cgit_repo), column->fn); - return 1; - } - return 0; -} - - -void cgit_print_repolist(void) -{ - int i, columns = 3, hits = 0, header = 0; - char *last_section = NULL; - char *section; - char *repourl; - int sorted = 0; - - if (!any_repos_visible()) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "No repositories found"); - return; - } - - if (ctx.cfg.enable_index_links) - ++columns; - if (ctx.cfg.enable_index_owner) - ++columns; - - = ctx.cfg.root_title; - cgit_print_http_headers(); - cgit_print_docstart(); - cgit_print_pageheader(); - - if (ctx.qry.sort) - sorted = sort_repolist(ctx.qry.sort); - else if (ctx.cfg.section_sort) - sort_repolist("section"); - - html(""); - for (i = 0; i < cgit_repolist.count; i++) { - ctx.repo = &cgit_repolist.repos[i]; - if (!is_visible(ctx.repo)) - continue; - hits++; - if (hits <= ctx.qry.ofs) - continue; - if (hits > ctx.qry.ofs + ctx.cfg.max_repo_count) - continue; - if (!header++) - print_header(); - section = ctx.repo->section; - if (section && !strcmp(section, "")) - section = NULL; - if (!sorted && - ((last_section == NULL && section != NULL) || - (last_section != NULL && section == NULL) || - (last_section != NULL && section != NULL && - strcmp(section, last_section)))) { - htmlf(""); - last_section = section; - } - htmlf(""); - if (ctx.cfg.enable_index_links) { - html(""); - } - html("\n"); - } - html("
", - columns); - html_txt(section); - html("
", - !sorted && section ? "sublevel-repo" : "toplevel-repo"); - cgit_summary_link(ctx.repo->name, NULL, NULL, NULL); - html(""); - repourl = cgit_repourl(ctx.repo->url); - html_link_open(repourl, NULL, NULL); - free(repourl); - if (html_ntxt(ctx.repo->desc, ctx.cfg.max_repodesc_len) < 0) - html("..."); - html_link_close(); - html(""); - if (ctx.cfg.enable_index_owner) { - if (ctx.repo->owner_filter) { - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->owner_filter); - html_txt(ctx.repo->owner); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->owner_filter); - } else { - char *currenturl = cgit_currenturl(); - html(""); - html_txt(ctx.repo->owner); - html(""); - free(currenturl); - } - html(""); - } - print_modtime(ctx.repo); - html(""); - cgit_summary_link("summary", NULL, "button", NULL); - html(" "); - cgit_log_link("log", NULL, "button", NULL, NULL, NULL, - 0, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.showmsg, 0); - html(" "); - cgit_tree_link("tree", NULL, "button", NULL, NULL, NULL); - html("
"); - if (hits > ctx.cfg.max_repo_count) - print_pager(hits, ctx.cfg.max_repo_count,, ctx.qry.sort); - cgit_print_docend(); -} - -void cgit_print_site_readme(void) -{ - cgit_print_layout_start(); - if (!ctx.cfg.root_readme) - goto done; - cgit_open_filter(ctx.cfg.about_filter, ctx.cfg.root_readme); - html_include(ctx.cfg.root_readme); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.cfg.about_filter); -done: - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1b6b3227..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_REPOLIST_H -#define UI_REPOLIST_H - -extern void cgit_print_repolist(void); -extern void cgit_print_site_readme(void); - -#endif /* UI_REPOLIST_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index dfaf5952..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1241 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-shared.c: common web output functions - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "cmd.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "version.h" - -static const char cgit_doctype[] = -"\n"; - -static char *http_date(time_t t) -{ - static char day[][4] = - {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; - static char month[][4] = - {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", - "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; - struct tm tm; - gmtime_r(&t, &tm); - return fmt("%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", day[tm.tm_wday], - tm.tm_mday, month[tm.tm_mon], 1900 + tm.tm_year, - tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); -} - -void cgit_print_error(const char *fmt, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - va_start(ap, fmt); - cgit_vprint_error(fmt, ap); - va_end(ap); -} - -void cgit_vprint_error(const char *fmt, va_list ap) -{ - va_list cp; - html("
"); - va_copy(cp, ap); - html_vtxtf(fmt, cp); - va_end(cp); - html("
\n"); -} - -const char *cgit_httpscheme(void) -{ - if (ctx.env.https && !strcmp(ctx.env.https, "on")) - return "https://"; - else - return "http://"; -} - -char *cgit_hosturl(void) -{ - if (ctx.env.http_host) - return xstrdup(ctx.env.http_host); - if (!ctx.env.server_name) - return NULL; - if (!ctx.env.server_port || atoi(ctx.env.server_port) == 80) - return xstrdup(ctx.env.server_name); - return fmtalloc("%s:%s", ctx.env.server_name, ctx.env.server_port); -} - -char *cgit_currenturl(void) -{ - const char *root = cgit_rooturl(); - - if (!ctx.qry.url) - return xstrdup(root); - if (root[0] && root[strlen(root) - 1] == '/') - return fmtalloc("%s%s", root, ctx.qry.url); - return fmtalloc("%s/%s", root, ctx.qry.url); -} - -char *cgit_currentfullurl(void) -{ - const char *root = cgit_rooturl(); - const char *orig_query = ctx.env.query_string ? ctx.env.query_string : ""; - size_t len = strlen(orig_query); - char *query = xmalloc(len + 2), *start_url, *ret; - - /* Remove all url=... parts from query string */ - memcpy(query + 1, orig_query, len + 1); - query[0] = '?'; - start_url = query; - while ((start_url = strstr(start_url, "url=")) != NULL) { - if (start_url[-1] == '?' || start_url[-1] == '&') { - const char *end_url = strchr(start_url, '&'); - if (end_url) - memmove(start_url, end_url + 1, strlen(end_url)); - else - start_url[0] = '\0'; - } else - ++start_url; - } - if (!query[1]) - query[0] = '\0'; - - if (!ctx.qry.url) - ret = fmtalloc("%s%s", root, query); - else if (root[0] && root[strlen(root) - 1] == '/') - ret = fmtalloc("%s%s%s", root, ctx.qry.url, query); - else - ret = fmtalloc("%s/%s%s", root, ctx.qry.url, query); - free(query); - return ret; -} - -const char *cgit_rooturl(void) -{ - if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) - return ctx.cfg.virtual_root; - else - return ctx.cfg.script_name; -} - -const char *cgit_loginurl(void) -{ - static const char *login_url; - if (!login_url) - login_url = fmtalloc("%s?p=login", cgit_rooturl()); - return login_url; -} - -char *cgit_repourl(const char *reponame) -{ - if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) - return fmtalloc("%s%s/", ctx.cfg.virtual_root, reponame); - else - return fmtalloc("?r=%s", reponame); -} - -char *cgit_fileurl(const char *reponame, const char *pagename, - const char *filename, const char *query) -{ - struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT; - char *delim; - - if (ctx.cfg.virtual_root) { - strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s%s/%s/%s", ctx.cfg.virtual_root, reponame, - pagename, (filename ? filename:"")); - delim = "?"; - } else { - strbuf_addf(&sb, "?url=%s/%s/%s", reponame, pagename, - (filename ? filename : "")); - delim = "&"; - } - if (query) - strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s%s", delim, query); - return strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL); -} - -char *cgit_pageurl(const char *reponame, const char *pagename, - const char *query) -{ - return cgit_fileurl(reponame, pagename, NULL, query); -} - -const char *cgit_repobasename(const char *reponame) -{ - /* I assume we don't need to store more than one repo basename */ - static char rvbuf[1024]; - int p; - const char *rv; - size_t len; - - len = strlcpy(rvbuf, reponame, sizeof(rvbuf)); - if (len >= sizeof(rvbuf)) - die("cgit_repobasename: truncated repository name '%s'", reponame); - p = len - 1; - /* strip trailing slashes */ - while (p && rvbuf[p] == '/') - rvbuf[p--] = '\0'; - /* strip trailing .git */ - if (p >= 3 && starts_with(&rvbuf[p-3], ".git")) { - p -= 3; - rvbuf[p--] = '\0'; - } - /* strip more trailing slashes if any */ - while (p && rvbuf[p] == '/') - rvbuf[p--] = '\0'; - /* find last slash in the remaining string */ - rv = strrchr(rvbuf, '/'); - if (rv) - return ++rv; - return rvbuf; -} - -const char *cgit_snapshot_prefix(const struct cgit_repo *repo) -{ - if (repo->snapshot_prefix) - return repo->snapshot_prefix; - - return cgit_repobasename(repo->url); -} - -static void site_url(const char *page, const char *search, const char *sort, int ofs, int always_root) -{ - char *delim = "?"; - - if (always_root || page) - html_attr(cgit_rooturl()); - else { - char *currenturl = cgit_currenturl(); - html_attr(currenturl); - free(currenturl); - } - - if (page) { - htmlf("?p=%s", page); - delim = "&"; - } - if (search) { - html(delim); - html("q="); - html_attr(search); - delim = "&"; - } - if (sort) { - html(delim); - html("s="); - html_attr(sort); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ofs) { - html(delim); - htmlf("ofs=%d", ofs); - } -} - -static void site_link(const char *page, const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *search, const char *sort, int ofs, int always_root) -{ - html(""); - html_txt(name); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_index_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *pattern, const char *sort, int ofs, int always_root) -{ - site_link(NULL, name, title, class, pattern, sort, ofs, always_root); -} - -static char *repolink(const char *title, const char *class, const char *page, - const char *head, const char *path) -{ - char *delim = "?"; - - html("defbranch && strcmp(head, ctx.repo->defbranch)) { - html(delim); - html("h="); - html_url_arg(head); - delim = "&"; - } - return fmt("%s", delim); -} - -static void reporevlink(const char *page, const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, const char *rev, - const char *path) -{ - char *delim; - - delim = repolink(title, class, page, head, path); - if (rev && ctx.qry.head != NULL && strcmp(rev, ctx.qry.head)) { - html(delim); - html("id="); - html_url_arg(rev); - } - html("'>"); - html_txt(name); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_summary_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head) -{ - reporevlink(NULL, name, title, class, head, NULL, NULL); -} - -void cgit_tag_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *tag) -{ - reporevlink("tag", name, title, class, tag, NULL, NULL); -} - -void cgit_tree_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, const char *path) -{ - reporevlink("tree", name, title, class, head, rev, path); -} - -void cgit_plain_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, const char *path) -{ - reporevlink("plain", name, title, class, head, rev, path); -} - -void cgit_blame_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, const char *path) -{ - reporevlink("blame", name, title, class, head, rev, path); -} - -void cgit_log_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, const char *path, - int ofs, const char *grep, const char *pattern, int showmsg, - int follow) -{ - char *delim; - - delim = repolink(title, class, "log", head, path); - if (rev && ctx.qry.head && strcmp(rev, ctx.qry.head)) { - html(delim); - html("id="); - html_url_arg(rev); - delim = "&"; - } - if (grep && pattern) { - html(delim); - html("qt="); - html_url_arg(grep); - delim = "&"; - html(delim); - html("q="); - html_url_arg(pattern); - } - if (ofs > 0) { - html(delim); - html("ofs="); - htmlf("%d", ofs); - delim = "&"; - } - if (showmsg) { - html(delim); - html("showmsg=1"); - delim = "&"; - } - if (follow) { - html(delim); - html("follow=1"); - } - html("'>"); - html_txt(name); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_commit_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, const char *path) -{ - char *delim; - - delim = repolink(title, class, "commit", head, path); - if (rev && ctx.qry.head && strcmp(rev, ctx.qry.head)) { - html(delim); - html("id="); - html_url_arg(rev); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.difftype) { - html(delim); - htmlf("dt=%d", ctx.qry.difftype); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.context > 0 && ctx.qry.context != 3) { - html(delim); - html("context="); - htmlf("%d", ctx.qry.context); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.ignorews) { - html(delim); - html("ignorews=1"); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.follow) { - html(delim); - html("follow=1"); - } - html("'>"); - if (name[0] != '\0') { - if (strlen(name) > ctx.cfg.max_msg_len && ctx.cfg.max_msg_len >= 15) { - html_ntxt(name, ctx.cfg.max_msg_len - 3); - html("..."); - } else - html_txt(name); - } else - html_txt("(no commit message)"); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_refs_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, const char *path) -{ - reporevlink("refs", name, title, class, head, rev, path); -} - -void cgit_snapshot_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, - const char *archivename) -{ - reporevlink("snapshot", name, title, class, head, rev, archivename); -} - -void cgit_diff_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *new_rev, const char *old_rev, - const char *path) -{ - char *delim; - - delim = repolink(title, class, "diff", head, path); - if (new_rev && ctx.qry.head != NULL && strcmp(new_rev, ctx.qry.head)) { - html(delim); - html("id="); - html_url_arg(new_rev); - delim = "&"; - } - if (old_rev) { - html(delim); - html("id2="); - html_url_arg(old_rev); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.difftype) { - html(delim); - htmlf("dt=%d", ctx.qry.difftype); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.context > 0 && ctx.qry.context != 3) { - html(delim); - html("context="); - htmlf("%d", ctx.qry.context); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.ignorews) { - html(delim); - html("ignorews=1"); - delim = "&"; - } - if (ctx.qry.follow) { - html(delim); - html("follow=1"); - } - html("'>"); - html_txt(name); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_patch_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *rev, const char *path) -{ - reporevlink("patch", name, title, class, head, rev, path); -} - -void cgit_stats_link(const char *name, const char *title, const char *class, - const char *head, const char *path) -{ - reporevlink("stats", name, title, class, head, NULL, path); -} - -static void cgit_self_link(char *name, const char *title, const char *class) -{ - if (!strcmp(, "repolist")) - cgit_index_link(name, title, class,, ctx.qry.sort, - ctx.qry.ofs, 1); - else if (!strcmp(, "summary")) - cgit_summary_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head); - else if (!strcmp(, "tag")) - cgit_tag_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.has_oid ? - ctx.qry.oid : ctx.qry.head); - else if (!strcmp(, "tree")) - cgit_tree_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "plain")) - cgit_plain_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "blame")) - cgit_blame_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "log")) - cgit_log_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path, ctx.qry.ofs, - ctx.qry.grep,, - ctx.qry.showmsg, ctx.qry.follow); - else if (!strcmp(, "commit")) - cgit_commit_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "patch")) - cgit_patch_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "refs")) - cgit_refs_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "snapshot")) - cgit_snapshot_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.has_oid ? ctx.qry.oid : NULL, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "diff")) - cgit_diff_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.oid2, - ctx.qry.path); - else if (!strcmp(, "stats")) - cgit_stats_link(name, title, class, ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.path); - else { - /* Don't known how to make link for this page */ - repolink(title, class,, ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.path); - html(">"); - html_txt(name); - html(""); - } -} - -void cgit_object_link(struct object *obj) -{ - char *page, *shortrev, *fullrev, *name; - - fullrev = oid_to_hex(&obj->oid); - shortrev = xstrdup(fullrev); - shortrev[10] = '\0'; - if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT) { - cgit_commit_link(fmt("commit %s...", shortrev), NULL, NULL, - ctx.qry.head, fullrev, NULL); - return; - } else if (obj->type == OBJ_TREE) - page = "tree"; - else if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) - page = "tag"; - else - page = "blob"; - name = fmt("%s %s...", type_name(obj->type), shortrev); - reporevlink(page, name, NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, fullrev, NULL); -} - -static struct string_list_item *lookup_path(struct string_list *list, - const char *path) -{ - struct string_list_item *item; - - while (path && path[0]) { - if ((item = string_list_lookup(list, path))) - return item; - if (!(path = strchr(path, '/'))) - break; - path++; - } - return NULL; -} - -void cgit_submodule_link(const char *class, char *path, const char *rev) -{ - struct string_list *list; - struct string_list_item *item; - char tail, *dir; - size_t len; - - len = 0; - tail = 0; - list = &ctx.repo->submodules; - item = lookup_path(list, path); - if (!item) { - len = strlen(path); - tail = path[len - 1]; - if (tail == '/') { - path[len - 1] = 0; - item = lookup_path(list, path); - } - } - if (item || ctx.repo->module_link) { - html("module_link, dir, rev); - } - html("'>"); - html_txt(path); - html(""); - } else { - html(""); - html_txt(path); - html("
"); - } - html_txtf(" @ %.7s", rev); - if (item && tail) - path[len - 1] = tail; -} - -const struct date_mode *cgit_date_mode(enum date_mode_type type) -{ - static struct date_mode mode; - mode.type = type; - mode.local = ctx.cfg.local_time; - return &mode; -} - -static void print_rel_date(time_t t, int tz, double value, - const char *class, const char *suffix) -{ - htmlf("%.0f %s", value, suffix); -} - -void cgit_print_age(time_t t, int tz, time_t max_relative) -{ - time_t now, secs; - - if (!t) - return; - time(&now); - secs = now - t; - if (secs < 0) - secs = 0; - - if (secs > max_relative && max_relative >= 0) { - html(""); - html_txt(show_date(t, tz, cgit_date_mode(DATE_SHORT))); - html(""); - return; - } - - if (secs < TM_HOUR * 2) { - print_rel_date(t, tz, secs * 1.0 / TM_MIN, "age-mins", "min."); - return; - } - if (secs < TM_DAY * 2) { - print_rel_date(t, tz, secs * 1.0 / TM_HOUR, "age-hours", "hours"); - return; - } - if (secs < TM_WEEK * 2) { - print_rel_date(t, tz, secs * 1.0 / TM_DAY, "age-days", "days"); - return; - } - if (secs < TM_MONTH * 2) { - print_rel_date(t, tz, secs * 1.0 / TM_WEEK, "age-weeks", "weeks"); - return; - } - if (secs < TM_YEAR * 2) { - print_rel_date(t, tz, secs * 1.0 / TM_MONTH, "age-months", "months"); - return; - } - print_rel_date(t, tz, secs * 1.0 / TM_YEAR, "age-years", "years"); -} - -void cgit_print_http_headers(void) -{ - if (ctx.env.no_http && !strcmp(ctx.env.no_http, "1")) - return; - - if ( - htmlf("Status: %d %s\n",,; - if ( && - htmlf("Content-Type: %s; charset=%s\n",, -; - else if ( - htmlf("Content-Type: %s\n",; - if ( - htmlf("Content-Length: %zd\n",; - if ( { - html("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\""); - html_header_arg_in_quotes(; - html("\"\n"); - } - if (!ctx.env.authenticated) - html("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store\n"); - htmlf("Last-Modified: %s\n", http_date(; - htmlf("Expires: %s\n", http_date(; - if ( - htmlf("ETag: \"%s\"\n",; - html("\n"); - if (ctx.env.request_method && !strcmp(ctx.env.request_method, "HEAD")) - exit(0); -} - -void cgit_redirect(const char *url, bool permanent) -{ - htmlf("Status: %d %s\n", permanent ? 301 : 302, permanent ? "Moved" : "Found"); - html("Location: "); - html_url_path(url); - html("\n\n"); -} - -static void print_rel_vcs_link(const char *url) -{ - html("\n"); -} - -void cgit_print_docstart(void) -{ - char *host = cgit_hosturl(); - - if (ctx.cfg.embedded) { - if (ctx.cfg.header) - html_include(ctx.cfg.header); - return; - } - - html(cgit_doctype); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html(""); - html_txt(; - html("\n"); - htmlf("\n", cgit_version); - if (ctx.cfg.robots && *ctx.cfg.robots) - htmlf("\n", ctx.cfg.robots); - html("\n"); - if (ctx.cfg.favicon) { - html("\n"); - } - if (host && ctx.repo && ctx.qry.head) { - char *fileurl; - struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT; - strbuf_addf(&sb, "h=%s", ctx.qry.head); - - html("\n"); - strbuf_release(&sb); - free(fileurl); - } - if (ctx.repo) - cgit_add_clone_urls(print_rel_vcs_link); - if (ctx.cfg.head_include) - html_include(ctx.cfg.head_include); - if (ctx.repo && ctx.repo->extra_head_content) - html(ctx.repo->extra_head_content); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - if (ctx.cfg.header) - html_include(ctx.cfg.header); - free(host); -} - -void cgit_print_docend(void) -{ - html("
\n"); - if (ctx.cfg.embedded) { - html(" \n"); - if (ctx.cfg.footer) - html_include(ctx.cfg.footer); - return; - } - if (ctx.cfg.footer) - html_include(ctx.cfg.footer); - else { - htmlf("\n"); - } - html(" \n"); - html("\n\n"); -} - -void cgit_print_error_page(int code, const char *msg, const char *fmt, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - = ctx.cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl; - = code; - = msg; - cgit_print_layout_start(); - va_start(ap, fmt); - cgit_vprint_error(fmt, ap); - va_end(ap); - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} - -void cgit_print_layout_start(void) -{ - cgit_print_http_headers(); - cgit_print_docstart(); - cgit_print_pageheader(); -} - -void cgit_print_layout_end(void) -{ - cgit_print_docend(); -} - -static void add_clone_urls(void (*fn)(const char *), char *txt, char *suffix) -{ - struct strbuf **url_list = strbuf_split_str(txt, ' ', 0); - int i; - - for (i = 0; url_list[i]; i++) { - strbuf_rtrim(url_list[i]); - if (url_list[i]->len == 0) - continue; - if (suffix && *suffix) - strbuf_addf(url_list[i], "/%s", suffix); - fn(url_list[i]->buf); - } - - strbuf_list_free(url_list); -} - -void cgit_add_clone_urls(void (*fn)(const char *)) -{ - if (ctx.repo->clone_url) - add_clone_urls(fn, expand_macros(ctx.repo->clone_url), NULL); - else if (ctx.cfg.clone_prefix) - add_clone_urls(fn, ctx.cfg.clone_prefix, ctx.repo->url); -} - -static int print_this_commit_option(void) -{ - struct object_id oid; - if (!ctx.qry.head || get_oid(ctx.qry.head, &oid)) - return 1; - html_option(oid_to_hex(&oid), "this commit", ctx.qry.head); - return 0; -} - -static int print_branch_option(const char *refname, const struct object_id *oid, - int flags, void *cb_data) -{ - char *name = (char *)refname; - html_option(name, name, ctx.qry.head); - return 0; -} - -void cgit_add_hidden_formfields(int incl_head, int incl_search, - const char *page) -{ - if (!ctx.cfg.virtual_root) { - struct strbuf url = STRBUF_INIT; - - strbuf_addf(&url, "%s/%s", ctx.qry.repo, page); - if (ctx.qry.vpath) - strbuf_addf(&url, "/%s", ctx.qry.vpath); - html_hidden("url", url.buf); - strbuf_release(&url); - } - - if (incl_head && ctx.qry.head && ctx.repo->defbranch && - strcmp(ctx.qry.head, ctx.repo->defbranch)) - html_hidden("h", ctx.qry.head); - - if (ctx.qry.oid) - html_hidden("id", ctx.qry.oid); - if (ctx.qry.oid2) - html_hidden("id2", ctx.qry.oid2); - if (ctx.qry.showmsg) - html_hidden("showmsg", "1"); - - if (incl_search) { - if (ctx.qry.grep) - html_hidden("qt", ctx.qry.grep); - if ( - html_hidden("q",; - } -} - -static const char *hc(const char *page) -{ - if (! - return NULL; - - return strcmp(, page) ? NULL : "active"; -} - -static void cgit_print_path_crumbs(char *path) -{ - char *old_path = ctx.qry.path; - char *p = path, *q, *end = path + strlen(path); - int levels = 0; - - ctx.qry.path = NULL; - cgit_self_link("root", NULL, NULL); - ctx.qry.path = p = path; - while (p < end) { - if (!(q = strchr(p, '/')) || levels > 15) - q = end; - *q = '\0'; - html_txt("/"); - cgit_self_link(p, NULL, NULL); - if (q < end) - *q = '/'; - p = q + 1; - ++levels; - } - ctx.qry.path = old_path; -} - -static void print_header(void) -{ - char *logo = NULL, *logo_link = NULL; - - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - - if (ctx.repo && ctx.repo->logo && *ctx.repo->logo) - logo = ctx.repo->logo; - else - logo = ctx.cfg.logo; - if (ctx.repo && ctx.repo->logo_link && *ctx.repo->logo_link) - logo_link = ctx.repo->logo_link; - else - logo_link = ctx.cfg.logo_link; - if (logo && *logo) { - html("\n"); - } - - html("\n"); - - html("\n"); -} - -void cgit_print_pageheader(void) -{ - html("
"); - if (!ctx.env.authenticated || !ctx.cfg.noheader) - print_header(); - - html("
\n"); - if (ctx.env.authenticated && ctx.repo) { - if (ctx.repo-> { - reporevlink("about", "about", NULL, - hc("about"), ctx.qry.head, NULL, - NULL); - html(" "); - } - cgit_summary_link("summary", NULL, hc("summary"), - ctx.qry.head); - html(" "); - cgit_refs_link("refs", NULL, hc("refs"), ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.oid, NULL); - html(" "); - cgit_log_link("log", NULL, hc("log"), ctx.qry.head, - NULL, ctx.qry.vpath, 0, NULL, NULL, - ctx.qry.showmsg, ctx.qry.follow); - html(" "); - if ( && !strcmp(, "blame")) - cgit_blame_link("blame", NULL, hc("blame"), ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.vpath); - else - cgit_tree_link("tree", NULL, hc("tree"), ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.vpath); - html(" "); - cgit_commit_link("commit", NULL, hc("commit"), - ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.vpath); - html(" "); - cgit_diff_link("diff", NULL, hc("diff"), ctx.qry.head, - ctx.qry.oid, ctx.qry.oid2, ctx.qry.vpath); - if (ctx.repo->max_stats) { - html(" "); - cgit_stats_link("stats", NULL, hc("stats"), - ctx.qry.head, ctx.qry.vpath); - } - if (ctx.repo->homepage) { - html(" homepage"); - } - html(""); - html("
\n"); - cgit_add_hidden_formfields(1, 0, "log"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("
\n"); - } else if (ctx.env.authenticated) { - char *currenturl = cgit_currenturl(); - site_link(NULL, "index", NULL, hc("repolist"), NULL, NULL, 0, 1); - if (ctx.cfg.root_readme) - site_link("about", "about", NULL, hc("about"), - NULL, NULL, 0, 1); - html("
"); - html("
\n"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("
"); - free(currenturl); - } - html("
\n"); - if (ctx.env.authenticated && ctx.repo && ctx.qry.vpath) { - html("
"); - html("path: "); - cgit_print_path_crumbs(ctx.qry.vpath); - if (ctx.cfg.enable_follow_links && !strcmp(, "log")) { - html(" ("); - ctx.qry.follow = !ctx.qry.follow; - cgit_self_link(ctx.qry.follow ? "follow" : "unfollow", - NULL, NULL); - ctx.qry.follow = !ctx.qry.follow; - html(")"); - } - html("
"); - } - html("
"); -} - -void cgit_print_filemode(unsigned short mode) -{ - if (S_ISDIR(mode)) - html("d"); - else if (S_ISLNK(mode)) - html("l"); - else if (S_ISGITLINK(mode)) - html("m"); - else - html("-"); - html_fileperm(mode >> 6); - html_fileperm(mode >> 3); - html_fileperm(mode); -} - -void cgit_compose_snapshot_prefix(struct strbuf *filename, const char *base, - const char *ref) -{ - struct object_id oid; - - /* - * Prettify snapshot names by stripping leading "v" or "V" if the tag - * name starts with {v,V}[0-9] and the prettify mapping is injective, - * i.e. each stripped tag can be inverted without ambiguities. - */ - if (get_oid(fmt("refs/tags/%s", ref), &oid) == 0 && - (ref[0] == 'v' || ref[0] == 'V') && isdigit(ref[1]) && - ((get_oid(fmt("refs/tags/%s", ref + 1), &oid) == 0) + - (get_oid(fmt("refs/tags/v%s", ref + 1), &oid) == 0) + - (get_oid(fmt("refs/tags/V%s", ref + 1), &oid) == 0) == 1)) - ref++; - - strbuf_addf(filename, "%s-%s", base, ref); -} - -void cgit_print_snapshot_links(const struct cgit_repo *repo, const char *ref, - const char *separator) -{ - const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f; - struct strbuf filename = STRBUF_INIT; - const char *basename; - size_t prefixlen; - - basename = cgit_snapshot_prefix(repo); - if (starts_with(ref, basename)) - strbuf_addstr(&filename, ref); - else - cgit_compose_snapshot_prefix(&filename, basename, ref); - - prefixlen = filename.len; - for (f = cgit_snapshot_formats; f->suffix; f++) { - if (!(repo->snapshots & cgit_snapshot_format_bit(f))) - continue; - strbuf_setlen(&filename, prefixlen); - strbuf_addstr(&filename, f->suffix); - cgit_snapshot_link(filename.buf, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - filename.buf); - if (cgit_snapshot_get_sig(ref, f)) { - strbuf_addstr(&filename, ".asc"); - html(" ("); - cgit_snapshot_link("sig", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - filename.buf); - html(")"); - } else if (starts_with(f->suffix, ".tar") && cgit_snapshot_get_sig(ref, &cgit_snapshot_formats[0])) { - strbuf_setlen(&filename, strlen(filename.buf) - strlen(f->suffix)); - strbuf_addstr(&filename, ".tar.asc"); - html(" ("); - cgit_snapshot_link("sig", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, - filename.buf); - html(")"); - } - html(separator); - } - strbuf_release(&filename); -} - -void cgit_set_title_from_path(const char *path) -{ - struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT; - const char *slash, *last_slash; - - if (!path) - return; - - last_slash = path + strlen(path); - for (slash = last_slash; slash > path; --slash) { - if (*slash != '/') continue; - strbuf_add(&sb, slash + 1, last_slash - slash - 1); - strbuf_addstr(&sb, " \xc2\xab "); - last_slash = slash; - } - strbuf_add(&sb, path, last_slash - path); - strbuf_addf(&sb, " - %s",; - = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6964873a..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_SHARED_H -#define UI_SHARED_H - -extern const char *cgit_httpscheme(void); -extern char *cgit_hosturl(void); -extern const char *cgit_rooturl(void); -extern char *cgit_currenturl(void); -extern char *cgit_currentfullurl(void); -extern const char *cgit_loginurl(void); -extern char *cgit_repourl(const char *reponame); -extern char *cgit_fileurl(const char *reponame, const char *pagename, - const char *filename, const char *query); -extern char *cgit_pageurl(const char *reponame, const char *pagename, - const char *query); - -extern void cgit_add_clone_urls(void (*fn)(const char *)); - -extern void cgit_index_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *pattern, const char *sort, int ofs, int always_root); -extern void cgit_summary_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head); -extern void cgit_tag_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *tag); -extern void cgit_tree_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *rev, const char *path); -extern void cgit_plain_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *rev, const char *path); -extern void cgit_blame_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *rev, const char *path); -extern void cgit_log_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, const char *rev, - const char *path, int ofs, const char *grep, - const char *pattern, int showmsg, int follow); -extern void cgit_commit_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *rev, const char *path); -extern void cgit_patch_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *rev, const char *path); -extern void cgit_refs_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *rev, const char *path); -extern void cgit_snapshot_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *rev, const char *archivename); -extern void cgit_diff_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *new_rev, const char *old_rev, - const char *path); -extern void cgit_stats_link(const char *name, const char *title, - const char *class, const char *head, - const char *path); -extern void cgit_object_link(struct object *obj); - -extern void cgit_submodule_link(const char *class, char *path, - const char *rev); - -extern void cgit_print_layout_start(void); -extern void cgit_print_layout_end(void); - -__attribute__((format (printf,1,2))) -extern void cgit_print_error(const char *fmt, ...); -__attribute__((format (printf,1,0))) -extern void cgit_vprint_error(const char *fmt, va_list ap); -extern const struct date_mode *cgit_date_mode(enum date_mode_type type); -extern void cgit_print_age(time_t t, int tz, time_t max_relative); -extern void cgit_print_http_headers(void); -extern void cgit_redirect(const char *url, bool permanent); -extern void cgit_print_docstart(void); -extern void cgit_print_docend(void); -__attribute__((format (printf,3,4))) -extern void cgit_print_error_page(int code, const char *msg, const char *fmt, ...); -extern void cgit_print_pageheader(void); -extern void cgit_print_filemode(unsigned short mode); -extern void cgit_compose_snapshot_prefix(struct strbuf *filename, - const char *base, const char *ref); -extern void cgit_print_snapshot_links(const struct cgit_repo *repo, - const char *ref, const char *separator); -extern const char *cgit_snapshot_prefix(const struct cgit_repo *repo); -extern void cgit_add_hidden_formfields(int incl_head, int incl_search, - const char *page); - -extern void cgit_set_title_from_path(const char *path); -#endif /* UI_SHARED_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 28013935..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,319 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-snapshot.c: generate snapshot of a commit - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-snapshot.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -static int write_archive_type(const char *format, const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - struct strvec argv = STRVEC_INIT; - const char **nargv; - int result; - strvec_push(&argv, "snapshot"); - strvec_push(&argv, format); - if (prefix) { - struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT; - strbuf_addstr(&buf, prefix); - strbuf_addch(&buf, '/'); - strvec_push(&argv, "--prefix"); - strvec_push(&argv, buf.buf); - strbuf_release(&buf); - } - strvec_push(&argv, hex); - /* - * Now we need to copy the pointers to arguments into a new - * structure because write_archive will rearrange its arguments - * which may result in duplicated/missing entries causing leaks - * or double-frees in strvec_clear. - */ - nargv = xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * ( + 1)); - /* strvec guarantees a trailing NULL entry. */ - memcpy(nargv, argv.v, sizeof(char *) * ( + 1)); - - if (fflush(stdout)) - return errno; - - result = write_archive(, nargv, NULL, the_repository, NULL, 0); - strvec_clear(&argv); - free(nargv); - return result; -} - -static int write_tar_archive(const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - return write_archive_type("--format=tar", hex, prefix); -} - -static int write_zip_archive(const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - return write_archive_type("--format=zip", hex, prefix); -} - -static int write_compressed_tar_archive(const char *hex, - const char *prefix, - char *filter_argv[]) -{ - int rv; - struct cgit_exec_filter f; - cgit_exec_filter_init(&f, filter_argv[0], filter_argv); - - cgit_open_filter(&f.base); - rv = write_tar_archive(hex, prefix); - cgit_close_filter(&f.base); - return rv; -} - -static int write_tar_gzip_archive(const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - char *argv[] = { "gzip", "-n", NULL }; - return write_compressed_tar_archive(hex, prefix, argv); -} - -static int write_tar_bzip2_archive(const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - char *argv[] = { "bzip2", NULL }; - return write_compressed_tar_archive(hex, prefix, argv); -} - -static int write_tar_lzip_archive(const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - char *argv[] = { "lzip", NULL }; - return write_compressed_tar_archive(hex, prefix, argv); -} - -static int write_tar_xz_archive(const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - char *argv[] = { "xz", NULL }; - return write_compressed_tar_archive(hex, prefix, argv); -} - -static int write_tar_zstd_archive(const char *hex, const char *prefix) -{ - char *argv[] = { "zstd", "-T0", NULL }; - return write_compressed_tar_archive(hex, prefix, argv); -} - -const struct cgit_snapshot_format cgit_snapshot_formats[] = { - /* .tar must remain the 0 index */ - { ".tar", "application/x-tar", write_tar_archive }, - { ".tar.gz", "application/x-gzip", write_tar_gzip_archive }, - { ".tar.bz2", "application/x-bzip2", write_tar_bzip2_archive }, - { ".tar.lz", "application/x-lzip", write_tar_lzip_archive }, - { ".tar.xz", "application/x-xz", write_tar_xz_archive }, - { ".tar.zst", "application/x-zstd", write_tar_zstd_archive }, - { ".zip", "application/x-zip", write_zip_archive }, - { NULL } -}; - -static struct notes_tree snapshot_sig_notes[ARRAY_SIZE(cgit_snapshot_formats)]; - -const struct object_id *cgit_snapshot_get_sig(const char *ref, - const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f) -{ - struct notes_tree *tree; - struct object_id oid; - - if (get_oid(ref, &oid)) - return NULL; - - tree = &snapshot_sig_notes[f - &cgit_snapshot_formats[0]]; - if (!tree->initialized) { - struct strbuf notes_ref = STRBUF_INIT; - - strbuf_addf(¬es_ref, "refs/notes/signatures/%s", - f->suffix + 1); - - init_notes(tree, notes_ref.buf, combine_notes_ignore, 0); - strbuf_release(¬es_ref); - } - - return get_note(tree, &oid); -} - -static const struct cgit_snapshot_format *get_format(const char *filename) -{ - const struct cgit_snapshot_format *fmt; - - for (fmt = cgit_snapshot_formats; fmt->suffix; fmt++) { - if (ends_with(filename, fmt->suffix)) - return fmt; - } - return NULL; -} - -const unsigned cgit_snapshot_format_bit(const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f) -{ - return BIT(f - &cgit_snapshot_formats[0]); -} - -static int make_snapshot(const struct cgit_snapshot_format *format, - const char *hex, const char *prefix, - const char *filename) -{ - struct object_id oid; - - if (get_oid(hex, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad object id: %s", hex); - return 1; - } - if (!lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", - "Not a commit reference: %s", hex); - return 1; - } - = oid_to_hex(&oid); - = xstrdup(format->mimetype); - = xstrdup(filename); - cgit_print_http_headers(); - init_archivers(); - format->write_func(hex, prefix); - return 0; -} - -static int write_sig(const struct cgit_snapshot_format *format, - const char *hex, const char *archive, - const char *filename) -{ - const struct object_id *note = cgit_snapshot_get_sig(hex, format); - enum object_type type; - unsigned long size; - char *buf; - - if (!note) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "No signature for %s", archive); - return 0; - } - - buf = read_object_file(note, &type, &size); - if (!buf) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - return 0; - } - - html("X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"); - html("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'\n"); - = oid_to_hex(note); - = xstrdup("application/pgp-signature"); - = xstrdup(filename); - cgit_print_http_headers(); - - html_raw(buf, size); - free(buf); - return 0; -} - -/* Try to guess the requested revision from the requested snapshot name. - * First the format extension is stripped, e.g. "cgit-0.7.2.tar.gz" become - * "cgit-0.7.2". If this is a valid commit object name we've got a winner. - * Otherwise, if the snapshot name has a prefix matching the result from - * repo_basename(), we strip the basename and any following '-' and '_' - * characters ("cgit-0.7.2" -> "0.7.2") and check the resulting name once - * more. If this still isn't a valid commit object name, we check if pre- - * pending a 'v' or a 'V' to the remaining snapshot name ("0.7.2" -> - * "v0.7.2") gives us something valid. - */ -static const char *get_ref_from_filename(const struct cgit_repo *repo, - const char *filename, - const struct cgit_snapshot_format *format) -{ - const char *reponame; - struct object_id oid; - struct strbuf snapshot = STRBUF_INIT; - int result = 1; - - strbuf_addstr(&snapshot, filename); - strbuf_setlen(&snapshot, snapshot.len - strlen(format->suffix)); - - if (get_oid(snapshot.buf, &oid) == 0) - goto out; - - reponame = cgit_snapshot_prefix(repo); - if (starts_with(snapshot.buf, reponame)) { - const char *new_start = snapshot.buf; - new_start += strlen(reponame); - while (new_start && (*new_start == '-' || *new_start == '_')) - new_start++; - strbuf_splice(&snapshot, 0, new_start - snapshot.buf, "", 0); - } - - if (get_oid(snapshot.buf, &oid) == 0) - goto out; - - strbuf_insert(&snapshot, 0, "v", 1); - if (get_oid(snapshot.buf, &oid) == 0) - goto out; - - strbuf_splice(&snapshot, 0, 1, "V", 1); - if (get_oid(snapshot.buf, &oid) == 0) - goto out; - - result = 0; - strbuf_release(&snapshot); - -out: - return result ? strbuf_detach(&snapshot, NULL) : NULL; -} - -void cgit_print_snapshot(const char *head, const char *hex, - const char *filename, int dwim) -{ - const struct cgit_snapshot_format* f; - const char *sig_filename = NULL; - char *adj_filename = NULL; - char *prefix = NULL; - - if (!filename) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", - "No snapshot name specified"); - return; - } - - if (ends_with(filename, ".asc")) { - sig_filename = filename; - - /* Strip ".asc" from filename for common format processing */ - adj_filename = xstrdup(filename); - adj_filename[strlen(adj_filename) - 4] = '\0'; - filename = adj_filename; - } - - f = get_format(filename); - if (!f || (!sig_filename && !(ctx.repo->snapshots & cgit_snapshot_format_bit(f)))) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", - "Unsupported snapshot format: %s", filename); - return; - } - - if (!hex && dwim) { - hex = get_ref_from_filename(ctx.repo, filename, f); - if (hex == NULL) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Not found"); - return; - } - prefix = xstrdup(filename); - prefix[strlen(filename) - strlen(f->suffix)] = '\0'; - } - - if (!hex) - hex = head; - - if (!prefix) - prefix = xstrdup(cgit_snapshot_prefix(ctx.repo)); - - if (sig_filename) - write_sig(f, hex, filename, sig_filename); - else - make_snapshot(f, hex, prefix, filename); - - free(prefix); - free(adj_filename); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index a8deec36..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_SNAPSHOT_H -#define UI_SNAPSHOT_H - -extern void cgit_print_snapshot(const char *head, const char *hex, - const char *filename, int dwim); - -#endif /* UI_SNAPSHOT_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index af8bc9e0..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,420 +0,0 @@ -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-ssdiff.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" -#include "ui-diff.h" - -extern int use_ssdiff; - -static int current_old_line, current_new_line; -static int **L = NULL; - -struct deferred_lines { - int line_no; - char *line; - struct deferred_lines *next; -}; - -static struct deferred_lines *deferred_old, *deferred_old_last; -static struct deferred_lines *deferred_new, *deferred_new_last; - -static void create_or_reset_lcs_table(void) -{ - int i; - - if (L != NULL) { - memset(*L, 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_SSDIFF_SIZE); - return; - } - - // xcalloc will die if we ran out of memory; - // not very helpful for debugging - L = (int**)xcalloc(MAX_SSDIFF_M, sizeof(int *)); - *L = (int*)xcalloc(MAX_SSDIFF_SIZE, sizeof(int)); - - for (i = 1; i < MAX_SSDIFF_M; i++) { - L[i] = *L + i * MAX_SSDIFF_N; - } -} - -static char *longest_common_subsequence(char *A, char *B) -{ - int i, j, ri; - int m = strlen(A); - int n = strlen(B); - int tmp1, tmp2; - int lcs_length; - char *result; - - // We bail if the lines are too long - if (m >= MAX_SSDIFF_M || n >= MAX_SSDIFF_N) - return NULL; - - create_or_reset_lcs_table(); - - for (i = m; i >= 0; i--) { - for (j = n; j >= 0; j--) { - if (A[i] == '\0' || B[j] == '\0') { - L[i][j] = 0; - } else if (A[i] == B[j]) { - L[i][j] = 1 + L[i + 1][j + 1]; - } else { - tmp1 = L[i + 1][j]; - tmp2 = L[i][j + 1]; - L[i][j] = (tmp1 > tmp2 ? tmp1 : tmp2); - } - } - } - - lcs_length = L[0][0]; - result = xmalloc(lcs_length + 2); - memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result) * (lcs_length + 2)); - - ri = 0; - i = 0; - j = 0; - while (i < m && j < n) { - if (A[i] == B[j]) { - result[ri] = A[i]; - ri += 1; - i += 1; - j += 1; - } else if (L[i + 1][j] >= L[i][j + 1]) { - i += 1; - } else { - j += 1; - } - } - - return result; -} - -static int line_from_hunk(char *line, char type) -{ - char *buf1, *buf2; - int len, res; - - buf1 = strchr(line, type); - if (buf1 == NULL) - return 0; - buf1 += 1; - buf2 = strchr(buf1, ','); - if (buf2 == NULL) - return 0; - len = buf2 - buf1; - buf2 = xmalloc(len + 1); - strlcpy(buf2, buf1, len + 1); - res = atoi(buf2); - free(buf2); - return res; -} - -static char *replace_tabs(char *line) -{ - char *prev_buf = line; - char *cur_buf; - size_t linelen = strlen(line); - int n_tabs = 0; - int i; - char *result; - size_t result_len; - - if (linelen == 0) { - result = xmalloc(1); - result[0] = '\0'; - return result; - } - - for (i = 0; i < linelen; i++) { - if (line[i] == '\t') - n_tabs += 1; - } - result_len = linelen + n_tabs * 8; - result = xmalloc(result_len + 1); - result[0] = '\0'; - - for (;;) { - cur_buf = strchr(prev_buf, '\t'); - if (!cur_buf) { - linelen = strlen(result); - strlcpy(&result[linelen], prev_buf, result_len - linelen + 1); - break; - } else { - linelen = strlen(result); - strlcpy(&result[linelen], prev_buf, cur_buf - prev_buf + 1); - linelen = strlen(result); - memset(&result[linelen], ' ', 8 - (linelen % 8)); - result[linelen + 8 - (linelen % 8)] = '\0'; - } - prev_buf = cur_buf + 1; - } - return result; -} - -static int calc_deferred_lines(struct deferred_lines *start) -{ - struct deferred_lines *item = start; - int result = 0; - while (item) { - result += 1; - item = item->next; - } - return result; -} - -static void deferred_old_add(char *line, int line_no) -{ - struct deferred_lines *item = xmalloc(sizeof(struct deferred_lines)); - item->line = xstrdup(line); - item->line_no = line_no; - item->next = NULL; - if (deferred_old) { - deferred_old_last->next = item; - deferred_old_last = item; - } else { - deferred_old = deferred_old_last = item; - } -} - -static void deferred_new_add(char *line, int line_no) -{ - struct deferred_lines *item = xmalloc(sizeof(struct deferred_lines)); - item->line = xstrdup(line); - item->line_no = line_no; - item->next = NULL; - if (deferred_new) { - deferred_new_last->next = item; - deferred_new_last = item; - } else { - deferred_new = deferred_new_last = item; - } -} - -static void print_part_with_lcs(char *class, char *line, char *lcs) -{ - int line_len = strlen(line); - int i, j; - char c[2] = " "; - int same = 1; - - j = 0; - for (i = 0; i < line_len; i++) { - c[0] = line[i]; - if (same) { - if (line[i] == lcs[j]) - j += 1; - else { - same = 0; - htmlf("", class); - } - } else if (line[i] == lcs[j]) { - same = 1; - html(""); - j += 1; - } - html_txt(c); - } - if (!same) - html(""); -} - -static void print_ssdiff_line(char *class, - int old_line_no, - char *old_line, - int new_line_no, - char *new_line, int individual_chars) -{ - char *lcs = NULL; - - if (old_line) - old_line = replace_tabs(old_line + 1); - if (new_line) - new_line = replace_tabs(new_line + 1); - if (individual_chars && old_line && new_line) - lcs = longest_common_subsequence(old_line, new_line); - html("\n"); - if (old_line_no > 0) { - struct diff_filespec *old_file = cgit_get_current_old_file(); - char *lineno_str = fmt("n%d", old_line_no); - char *id_str = fmt("id=%s#%s", is_null_oid(&old_file->oid)?"HEAD":oid_to_hex(old_rev_oid), lineno_str); - char *fileurl = cgit_fileurl(ctx.repo->url, "tree", old_file->path, id_str); - html("%s", lineno_str + 1); - html(""); - htmlf("", class); - free(fileurl); - } else if (old_line) - htmlf("", class); - else - htmlf("", class); - if (old_line) { - if (lcs) - print_part_with_lcs("del", old_line, lcs); - else - html_txt(old_line); - } - - html("\n"); - if (new_line_no > 0) { - struct diff_filespec *new_file = cgit_get_current_new_file(); - char *lineno_str = fmt("n%d", new_line_no); - char *id_str = fmt("id=%s#%s", is_null_oid(&new_file->oid)?"HEAD":oid_to_hex(new_rev_oid), lineno_str); - char *fileurl = cgit_fileurl(ctx.repo->url, "tree", new_file->path, id_str); - html("%s", lineno_str + 1); - html(""); - htmlf("", class); - free(fileurl); - } else if (new_line) - htmlf("", class); - else - htmlf("", class); - if (new_line) { - if (lcs) - print_part_with_lcs("add", new_line, lcs); - else - html_txt(new_line); - } - - html(""); - if (lcs) - free(lcs); - if (new_line) - free(new_line); - if (old_line) - free(old_line); -} - -static void print_deferred_old_lines(void) -{ - struct deferred_lines *iter_old, *tmp; - iter_old = deferred_old; - while (iter_old) { - print_ssdiff_line("del", iter_old->line_no, - iter_old->line, -1, NULL, 0); - tmp = iter_old->next; - free(iter_old); - iter_old = tmp; - } -} - -static void print_deferred_new_lines(void) -{ - struct deferred_lines *iter_new, *tmp; - iter_new = deferred_new; - while (iter_new) { - print_ssdiff_line("add", -1, NULL, - iter_new->line_no, iter_new->line, 0); - tmp = iter_new->next; - free(iter_new); - iter_new = tmp; - } -} - -static void print_deferred_changed_lines(void) -{ - struct deferred_lines *iter_old, *iter_new, *tmp; - int n_old_lines = calc_deferred_lines(deferred_old); - int n_new_lines = calc_deferred_lines(deferred_new); - int individual_chars = (n_old_lines == n_new_lines ? 1 : 0); - - iter_old = deferred_old; - iter_new = deferred_new; - while (iter_old || iter_new) { - if (iter_old && iter_new) - print_ssdiff_line("changed", iter_old->line_no, - iter_old->line, - iter_new->line_no, iter_new->line, - individual_chars); - else if (iter_old) - print_ssdiff_line("changed", iter_old->line_no, - iter_old->line, -1, NULL, 0); - else if (iter_new) - print_ssdiff_line("changed", -1, NULL, - iter_new->line_no, iter_new->line, 0); - if (iter_old) { - tmp = iter_old->next; - free(iter_old); - iter_old = tmp; - } - - if (iter_new) { - tmp = iter_new->next; - free(iter_new); - iter_new = tmp; - } - } -} - -void cgit_ssdiff_print_deferred_lines(void) -{ - if (!deferred_old && !deferred_new) - return; - if (deferred_old && !deferred_new) - print_deferred_old_lines(); - else if (!deferred_old && deferred_new) - print_deferred_new_lines(); - else - print_deferred_changed_lines(); - deferred_old = deferred_old_last = NULL; - deferred_new = deferred_new_last = NULL; -} - -/* - * print a single line returned from xdiff - */ -void cgit_ssdiff_line_cb(char *line, int len) -{ - char c = line[len - 1]; - line[len - 1] = '\0'; - if (line[0] == '@') { - current_old_line = line_from_hunk(line, '-'); - current_new_line = line_from_hunk(line, '+'); - } - - if (line[0] == ' ') { - if (deferred_old || deferred_new) - cgit_ssdiff_print_deferred_lines(); - print_ssdiff_line("ctx", current_old_line, line, - current_new_line, line, 0); - current_old_line += 1; - current_new_line += 1; - } else if (line[0] == '+') { - deferred_new_add(line, current_new_line); - current_new_line += 1; - } else if (line[0] == '-') { - deferred_old_add(line, current_old_line); - current_old_line += 1; - } else if (line[0] == '@') { - html(""); - html_txt(line); - html(""); - } else { - html(""); - html_txt(line); - html(""); - } - line[len - 1] = c; -} - -void cgit_ssdiff_header_begin(void) -{ - current_old_line = -1; - current_new_line = -1; - html("
"); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_ssdiff_header_end(void) -{ - html(""); -} - -void cgit_ssdiff_footer(void) -{ - if (deferred_old || deferred_new) - cgit_ssdiff_print_deferred_lines(); - html(""); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 11f27144..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_SSDIFF_H -#define UI_SSDIFF_H - -/* - * ssdiff line limits - */ -#ifndef MAX_SSDIFF_M -#define MAX_SSDIFF_M 128 -#endif - -#ifndef MAX_SSDIFF_N -#define MAX_SSDIFF_N 128 -#endif -#define MAX_SSDIFF_SIZE ((MAX_SSDIFF_M) * (MAX_SSDIFF_N)) - -extern void cgit_ssdiff_print_deferred_lines(void); - -extern void cgit_ssdiff_line_cb(char *line, int len); - -extern void cgit_ssdiff_header_begin(void); -extern void cgit_ssdiff_header_end(void); - -extern void cgit_ssdiff_footer(void); - -#endif /* UI_SSDIFF_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 09b3625e..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,426 +0,0 @@ -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-stats.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -struct authorstat { - long total; - struct string_list list; -}; - -#define DAY_SECS (60 * 60 * 24) -#define WEEK_SECS (DAY_SECS * 7) - -static void trunc_week(struct tm *tm) -{ - time_t t = timegm(tm); - t -= ((tm->tm_wday + 6) % 7) * DAY_SECS; - gmtime_r(&t, tm); -} - -static void dec_week(struct tm *tm) -{ - time_t t = timegm(tm); - t -= WEEK_SECS; - gmtime_r(&t, tm); -} - -static void inc_week(struct tm *tm) -{ - time_t t = timegm(tm); - t += WEEK_SECS; - gmtime_r(&t, tm); -} - -static char *pretty_week(struct tm *tm) -{ - static char buf[10]; - - strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "W%V %G", tm); - return buf; -} - -static void trunc_month(struct tm *tm) -{ - tm->tm_mday = 1; -} - -static void dec_month(struct tm *tm) -{ - tm->tm_mon--; - if (tm->tm_mon < 0) { - tm->tm_year--; - tm->tm_mon = 11; - } -} - -static void inc_month(struct tm *tm) -{ - tm->tm_mon++; - if (tm->tm_mon > 11) { - tm->tm_year++; - tm->tm_mon = 0; - } -} - -static char *pretty_month(struct tm *tm) -{ - static const char *months[] = { - "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", - "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" - }; - return fmt("%s %d", months[tm->tm_mon], tm->tm_year + 1900); -} - -static void trunc_quarter(struct tm *tm) -{ - trunc_month(tm); - while (tm->tm_mon % 3 != 0) - dec_month(tm); -} - -static void dec_quarter(struct tm *tm) -{ - dec_month(tm); - dec_month(tm); - dec_month(tm); -} - -static void inc_quarter(struct tm *tm) -{ - inc_month(tm); - inc_month(tm); - inc_month(tm); -} - -static char *pretty_quarter(struct tm *tm) -{ - return fmt("Q%d %d", tm->tm_mon / 3 + 1, tm->tm_year + 1900); -} - -static void trunc_year(struct tm *tm) -{ - trunc_month(tm); - tm->tm_mon = 0; -} - -static void dec_year(struct tm *tm) -{ - tm->tm_year--; -} - -static void inc_year(struct tm *tm) -{ - tm->tm_year++; -} - -static char *pretty_year(struct tm *tm) -{ - return fmt("%d", tm->tm_year + 1900); -} - -static const struct cgit_period periods[] = { - {'w', "week", 12, 4, trunc_week, dec_week, inc_week, pretty_week}, - {'m', "month", 12, 4, trunc_month, dec_month, inc_month, pretty_month}, - {'q', "quarter", 12, 4, trunc_quarter, dec_quarter, inc_quarter, pretty_quarter}, - {'y', "year", 12, 4, trunc_year, dec_year, inc_year, pretty_year}, -}; - -/* Given a period code or name, return a period index (1, 2, 3 or 4) - * and update the period pointer to the correcsponding struct. - * If no matching code is found, return 0. - */ -int cgit_find_stats_period(const char *expr, const struct cgit_period **period) -{ - int i; - char code = '\0'; - - if (!expr) - return 0; - - if (strlen(expr) == 1) - code = expr[0]; - - for (i = 0; i < sizeof(periods) / sizeof(periods[0]); i++) - if (periods[i].code == code || !strcmp(periods[i].name, expr)) { - if (period) - *period = &periods[i]; - return i + 1; - } - return 0; -} - -const char *cgit_find_stats_periodname(int idx) -{ - if (idx > 0 && idx < 4) - return periods[idx - 1].name; - else - return ""; -} - -static void add_commit(struct string_list *authors, struct commit *commit, - const struct cgit_period *period) -{ - struct commitinfo *info; - struct string_list_item *author, *item; - struct authorstat *authorstat; - struct string_list *items; - char *tmp; - struct tm date; - time_t t; - uintptr_t *counter; - - info = cgit_parse_commit(commit); - tmp = xstrdup(info->author); - author = string_list_insert(authors, tmp); - if (!author->util) - author->util = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct authorstat)); - else - free(tmp); - authorstat = author->util; - items = &authorstat->list; - t = info->committer_date; - gmtime_r(&t, &date); - period->trunc(&date); - tmp = xstrdup(period->pretty(&date)); - item = string_list_insert(items, tmp); - counter = (uintptr_t *)&item->util; - if (*counter) - free(tmp); - (*counter)++; - - authorstat->total++; - cgit_free_commitinfo(info); -} - -static int cmp_total_commits(const void *a1, const void *a2) -{ - const struct string_list_item *i1 = a1; - const struct string_list_item *i2 = a2; - const struct authorstat *auth1 = i1->util; - const struct authorstat *auth2 = i2->util; - - return auth2->total - auth1->total; -} - -/* Walk the commit DAG and collect number of commits per author per - * timeperiod into a nested string_list collection. - */ -static struct string_list collect_stats(const struct cgit_period *period) -{ - struct string_list authors; - struct rev_info rev; - struct commit *commit; - const char *argv[] = {NULL, ctx.qry.head, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; - int argc = 3; - time_t now; - long i; - struct tm tm; - char tmp[11]; - - time(&now); - gmtime_r(&now, &tm); - period->trunc(&tm); - for (i = 1; i < period->count; i++) - period->dec(&tm); - strftime(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%Y-%m-%d", &tm); - argv[2] = xstrdup(fmt("--since=%s", tmp)); - if (ctx.qry.path) { - argv[3] = "--"; - argv[4] = ctx.qry.path; - argc += 2; - } - init_revisions(&rev, NULL); - rev.abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV; - rev.commit_format = CMIT_FMT_DEFAULT; - rev.max_parents = 1; - rev.verbose_header = 1; - rev.show_root_diff = 0; - setup_revisions(argc, argv, &rev, NULL); - prepare_revision_walk(&rev); - memset(&authors, 0, sizeof(authors)); - while ((commit = get_revision(&rev)) != NULL) { - add_commit(&authors, commit, period); - free_commit_buffer(the_repository->parsed_objects, commit); - free_commit_list(commit->parents); - commit->parents = NULL; - } - return authors; -} - -static void print_combined_authorrow(struct string_list *authors, int from, - int to, const char *name, - const char *leftclass, - const char *centerclass, - const char *rightclass, - const struct cgit_period *period) -{ - struct string_list_item *author; - struct authorstat *authorstat; - struct string_list *items; - struct string_list_item *date; - time_t now; - long i, j, total, subtotal; - struct tm tm; - char *tmp; - - time(&now); - gmtime_r(&now, &tm); - period->trunc(&tm); - for (i = 1; i < period->count; i++) - period->dec(&tm); - - total = 0; - htmlf("%s", leftclass, - fmt(name, to - from + 1)); - for (j = 0; j < period->count; j++) { - tmp = period->pretty(&tm); - period->inc(&tm); - subtotal = 0; - for (i = from; i <= to; i++) { - author = &authors->items[i]; - authorstat = author->util; - items = &authorstat->list; - date = string_list_lookup(items, tmp); - if (date) - subtotal += (uintptr_t)date->util; - } - htmlf("%ld", centerclass, subtotal); - total += subtotal; - } - htmlf("%ld", rightclass, total); -} - -static void print_authors(struct string_list *authors, int top, - const struct cgit_period *period) -{ - struct string_list_item *author; - struct authorstat *authorstat; - struct string_list *items; - struct string_list_item *date; - time_t now; - long i, j, total; - struct tm tm; - char *tmp; - - time(&now); - gmtime_r(&now, &tm); - period->trunc(&tm); - for (i = 1; i < period->count; i++) - period->dec(&tm); - - html(""); - for (j = 0; j < period->count; j++) { - tmp = period->pretty(&tm); - htmlf("", tmp); - period->inc(&tm); - } - html("\n"); - - if (top <= 0 || top > authors->nr) - top = authors->nr; - - for (i = 0; i < top; i++) { - author = &authors->items[i]; - html(""); - authorstat = author->util; - items = &authorstat->list; - total = 0; - for (j = 0; j < period->count; j++) - period->dec(&tm); - for (j = 0; j < period->count; j++) { - tmp = period->pretty(&tm); - period->inc(&tm); - date = string_list_lookup(items, tmp); - if (!date) - html(""); - else { - htmlf("", (uintptr_t)date->util); - total += (uintptr_t)date->util; - } - } - htmlf("", total); - } - - if (top < authors->nr) - print_combined_authorrow(authors, top, authors->nr - 1, - "Others (%ld)", "left", "", "sum", period); - - print_combined_authorrow(authors, 0, authors->nr - 1, "Total", - "total", "sum", "sum", period); - html("
"); - html_txt(author->string); - html("0%lu%ld
"); -} - -/* Create a sorted string_list with one entry per author. The util-field - * for each author is another string_list which is used to calculate the - * number of commits per time-interval. - */ -void cgit_show_stats(void) -{ - struct string_list authors; - const struct cgit_period *period; - int top, i; - const char *code = "w"; - - if (ctx.qry.period) - code = ctx.qry.period; - - i = cgit_find_stats_period(code, &period); - if (!i) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Unknown statistics type: %c", code[0]); - return; - } - if (i > ctx.repo->max_stats) { - cgit_print_error_page(400, "Bad request", - "Statistics type disabled: %s", period->name); - return; - } - authors = collect_stats(period); - qsort(authors.items,, sizeof(struct string_list_item), - cmp_total_commits); - - top = ctx.qry.ofs; - if (!top) - top = 10; - - cgit_print_layout_start(); - html("
"); - html("stat options"); - html("
"); - cgit_add_hidden_formfields(1, 0, "stats"); - html(""); - if (ctx.repo->max_stats > 1) { - html(""); - html(""); - } - html(""); - html(""); - html("
"); - html(""); - html("
"); - html("
"); - html("
"); - htmlf("

Commits per author per %s", period->name); - if (ctx.qry.path) { - html(" (path '"); - html_txt(ctx.qry.path); - html("')"); - } - html("

"); - print_authors(&authors, top, period); - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} - diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0e61b03d..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_STATS_H -#define UI_STATS_H - -#include "cgit.h" - -struct cgit_period { - const char code; - const char *name; - int max_periods; - int count; - - /* Convert a tm value to the first day in the period */ - void (*trunc)(struct tm *tm); - - /* Update tm value to start of next/previous period */ - void (*dec)(struct tm *tm); - void (*inc)(struct tm *tm); - - /* Pretty-print a tm value */ - char *(*pretty)(struct tm *tm); -}; - -extern int cgit_find_stats_period(const char *expr, const struct cgit_period **period); -extern const char *cgit_find_stats_periodname(int idx); - -extern void cgit_show_stats(void); - -#endif /* UI_STATS_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index df7f739a..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-summary.c: functions for generating repo summary page - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-summary.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-blob.h" -#include "ui-log.h" -#include "ui-plain.h" -#include "ui-refs.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -static int urls; - -static void print_url(const char *url) -{ - int columns = 3; - - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount) - columns++; - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount) - columns++; - - if (urls++ == 0) { - htmlf(" ", columns); - htmlf("Clone\n", columns); - } - - htmlf(""); - html_txt(url); - html("\n"); -} - -void cgit_print_summary(void) -{ - int columns = 3; - - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount) - columns++; - if (ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount) - columns++; - - cgit_print_layout_start(); - html(""); - cgit_print_branches(ctx.cfg.summary_branches); - htmlf("", columns); - cgit_print_tags(ctx.cfg.summary_tags); - if (ctx.cfg.summary_log > 0) { - htmlf("", columns); - cgit_print_log(ctx.qry.head, 0, ctx.cfg.summary_log, NULL, - NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0); - } - urls = 0; - cgit_add_clone_urls(print_url); - html("
"); - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} - -/* The caller must free the return value. */ -static char* append_readme_path(const char *filename, const char *ref, const char *path) -{ - char *file, *base_dir, *full_path, *resolved_base = NULL, *resolved_full = NULL; - /* If a subpath is specified for the about page, make it relative - * to the directory containing the configured readme. */ - - file = xstrdup(filename); - base_dir = dirname(file); - if (!strcmp(base_dir, ".") || !strcmp(base_dir, "..")) { - if (!ref) { - free(file); - return NULL; - } - full_path = xstrdup(path); - } else - full_path = fmtalloc("%s/%s", base_dir, path); - - if (!ref) { - resolved_base = realpath(base_dir, NULL); - resolved_full = realpath(full_path, NULL); - if (!resolved_base || !resolved_full || !starts_with(resolved_full, resolved_base)) { - free(full_path); - full_path = NULL; - } - } - - free(file); - free(resolved_base); - free(resolved_full); - - return full_path; -} - -void cgit_print_repo_readme(const char *path) -{ - char *filename, *ref, *mimetype; - int free_filename = 0; - - mimetype = get_mimetype_for_filename(path); - if (mimetype && (!strncmp(mimetype, "image/", 6) || !strncmp(mimetype, "video/", 6))) { - = mimetype; - = NULL; - cgit_print_plain(); - free(mimetype); - return; - } - free(mimetype); - - if (path) - = fmtalloc("%s - %s", path,; - - cgit_print_layout_start(); - if (ctx.repo-> == 0) - goto done; - - filename = ctx.repo->readme.items[0].string; - ref = ctx.repo->readme.items[0].util; - - if (path) { - free_filename = 1; - filename = append_readme_path(filename, ref, path); - if (!filename) - goto done; - } - - /* Print the calculated readme, either from the git repo or from the - * filesystem, while applying the about-filter. - */ - html("
"); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->about_filter, filename); - if (ref) - cgit_print_file(filename, ref, 1); - else - html_include(filename); - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->about_filter); - - html("
"); - if (free_filename) - free(filename); - -done: - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index cba696af..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_SUMMARY_H -#define UI_SUMMARY_H - -extern void cgit_print_summary(void); -extern void cgit_print_repo_readme(const char *path); - -#endif /* UI_SUMMARY_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 05952429..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-tag.c: display a tag - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-tag.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -static void print_tag_content(char *buf) -{ - char *p; - - if (!buf) - return; - - html("
"); - p = strchr(buf, '\n'); - if (p) - *p = '\0'; - html_txt(buf); - html("
"); - if (p) { - html("
-		html_txt(++p);
-		html("
"); - } -} - -static void print_download_links(char *revname) -{ - html("download"); - cgit_print_snapshot_links(ctx.repo, revname, "
"); - html(""); -} - -void cgit_print_tag(char *revname) -{ - struct strbuf fullref = STRBUF_INIT; - struct object_id oid; - struct object *obj; - - if (!revname) - revname = ctx.qry.head; - - strbuf_addf(&fullref, "refs/tags/%s", revname); - if (get_oid(fullref.buf, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad tag reference: %s", revname); - goto cleanup; - } - obj = parse_object(the_repository, &oid); - if (!obj) { - cgit_print_error_page(500, "Internal server error", - "Bad object id: %s", oid_to_hex(&oid)); - goto cleanup; - } - if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) { - struct tag *tag; - struct taginfo *info; - - tag = lookup_tag(the_repository, &oid); - if (!tag || parse_tag(tag) || !(info = cgit_parse_tag(tag))) { - cgit_print_error_page(500, "Internal server error", - "Bad tag object: %s", revname); - goto cleanup; - } - cgit_print_layout_start(); - html("\n"); - html("\n", oid_to_hex(&oid)); - if (info->tagger_date > 0) { - html("\n"); - } - if (info->tagger) { - html("\n"); - } - html("\n"); - if (ctx.repo->snapshots) - print_download_links(revname); - html("
tag name"); - html_txt(revname); - htmlf(" (%s)
tag date"); - html_txt(show_date(info->tagger_date, info->tagger_tz, - cgit_date_mode(DATE_ISO8601))); - html("
tagged by"); - cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter, info->tagger_email, "tag"); - html_txt(info->tagger); - if (info->tagger_email && !ctx.cfg.noplainemail) { - html(" "); - html_txt(info->tagger_email); - } - cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->email_filter); - html("
tagged object"); - cgit_object_link(tag->tagged); - html("
\n"); - print_tag_content(info->msg); - cgit_print_layout_end(); - cgit_free_taginfo(info); - } else { - cgit_print_layout_start(); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - html("\n"); - if (ctx.repo->snapshots) - print_download_links(revname); - html("
tag name"); - html_txt(revname); - html("
tagged object"); - cgit_object_link(obj); - html("
\n"); - cgit_print_layout_end(); - } - -cleanup: - strbuf_release(&fullref); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index d295cdcd..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_TAG_H -#define UI_TAG_H - -extern void cgit_print_tag(char *revname); - -#endif /* UI_TAG_H */ diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index 21e0b884..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,411 +0,0 @@ -/* ui-tree.c: functions for tree output - * - * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 cgit Development Team - * - * Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 - * (see COPYING for full license text) - */ - -#include "cgit.h" -#include "ui-tree.h" -#include "html.h" -#include "ui-shared.h" - -struct walk_tree_context { - char *curr_rev; - char *match_path; - int state; -}; - -static void print_text_buffer(const char *name, char *buf, unsigned long size) -{ - unsigned long lineno, idx; - const char *numberfmt = "%1$d\n"; - - html("\n"); - - if (ctx.cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers) { - html("\n"); - } - else { - html("\n"); - } - - if (ctx.repo->source_filter) { - char *filter_arg = xstrdup(name); - html("
-		idx = 0;
-		lineno = 0;
-		if (size) {
-			htmlf(numberfmt, ++lineno);
-			while (idx < size - 1) { // skip absolute last newline
-				if (buf[idx] == '\n')
-					htmlf(numberfmt, ++lineno);
-				idx++;
-			}
-		}
-		html("
-		cgit_open_filter(ctx.repo->source_filter, filter_arg);
-		html_raw(buf, size);
-		cgit_close_filter(ctx.repo->source_filter);
-		free(filter_arg);
-		html("
\n"); - return; - } - - html("
-	html_txt(buf);
-	html("
\n"); -} - -#define ROWLEN 32 - -static void print_binary_buffer(char *buf, unsigned long size) -{ - unsigned long ofs, idx; - static char ascii[ROWLEN + 1]; - - html("\n"); - html(""); - for (ofs = 0; ofs < size; ofs += ROWLEN, buf += ROWLEN) { - htmlf("\n"); - } - html("
ofshex dumpascii
%04lx", ofs); - for (idx = 0; idx < ROWLEN && ofs + idx < size; idx++) - htmlf("%*s%02x", - idx == 16 ? 4 : 1, "", - buf[idx] & 0xff); - html(" "); - for (idx = 0; idx < ROWLEN && ofs + idx < size; idx++) - ascii[idx] = isgraph(buf[idx]) ? buf[idx] : '.'; - ascii[idx] = '\0'; - html_txt(ascii); - html("
\n"); -} - -static void print_object(const struct object_id *oid, const char *path, const char *basename, const char *rev) -{ - enum object_type type; - char *buf; - unsigned long size; - int is_binary; - - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, oid, &size); - if (type == OBJ_BAD) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Bad object name: %s", oid_to_hex(oid)); - return; - } - - buf = read_object_file(oid, &type, &size); - if (!buf) { - cgit_print_error_page(500, "Internal server error", - "Error reading object %s", oid_to_hex(oid)); - return; - } - is_binary = buffer_is_binary(buf, size); - - cgit_set_title_from_path(path); - - cgit_print_layout_start(); - htmlf("blob: %s (", oid_to_hex(oid)); - cgit_plain_link("plain", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, - rev, path); - if (ctx.repo->enable_blame && !is_binary) { - html(") ("); - cgit_blame_link("blame", NULL, NULL, ctx.qry.head, - rev, path); - } - html(")\n"); - - if (ctx.cfg.max_blob_size && size / 1024 > ctx.cfg.max_blob_size) { - htmlf("
blob size (%ldKB) exceeds display size limit (%dKB).
", - size / 1024, ctx.cfg.max_blob_size); - return; - } - - if (is_binary) - print_binary_buffer(buf, size); - else - print_text_buffer(basename, buf, size); - - free(buf); -} - -struct single_tree_ctx { - struct strbuf *path; - struct object_id oid; - char *name; - size_t count; -}; - -static int single_tree_cb(const struct object_id *oid, struct strbuf *base, - const char *pathname, unsigned mode, void *cbdata) -{ - struct single_tree_ctx *ctx = cbdata; - - if (++ctx->count > 1) - return -1; - - if (!S_ISDIR(mode)) { - ctx->count = 2; - return -1; - } - - ctx->name = xstrdup(pathname); - oidcpy(&ctx->oid, oid); - strbuf_addf(ctx->path, "/%s", pathname); - return 0; -} - -static void write_tree_link(const struct object_id *oid, char *name, - char *rev, struct strbuf *fullpath) -{ - size_t initial_length = fullpath->len; - struct tree *tree; - struct single_tree_ctx tree_ctx = { - .path = fullpath, - .count = 1, - }; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = 0 - }; - - oidcpy(&tree_ctx.oid, oid); - - while (tree_ctx.count == 1) { - cgit_tree_link(name, NULL, "ls-dir", ctx.qry.head, rev, - fullpath->buf); - - tree = lookup_tree(the_repository, &tree_ctx.oid); - if (!tree) - return; - - free(; - = NULL; - tree_ctx.count = 0; - - read_tree(the_repository, tree, &paths, single_tree_cb, &tree_ctx); - - if (tree_ctx.count != 1) - break; - - html(" / "); - name =; - } - - strbuf_setlen(fullpath, initial_length); -} - -static int ls_item(const struct object_id *oid, struct strbuf *base, - const char *pathname, unsigned mode, void *cbdata) -{ - struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx = cbdata; - char *name; - struct strbuf fullpath = STRBUF_INIT; - struct strbuf linkpath = STRBUF_INIT; - struct strbuf class = STRBUF_INIT; - enum object_type type; - unsigned long size = 0; - char *buf; - - name = xstrdup(pathname); - strbuf_addf(&fullpath, "%s%s%s", ctx.qry.path ? ctx.qry.path : "", - ctx.qry.path ? "/" : "", name); - - if (!S_ISGITLINK(mode)) { - type = oid_object_info(the_repository, oid, &size); - if (type == OBJ_BAD) { - htmlf("Bad object: %s %s", - name, - oid_to_hex(oid)); - goto cleanup; - } - } - - html(""); - cgit_print_filemode(mode); - html(""); - if (S_ISGITLINK(mode)) { - cgit_submodule_link("ls-mod", fullpath.buf, oid_to_hex(oid)); - } else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { - write_tree_link(oid, name, walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, - &fullpath); - } else { - char *ext = strrchr(name, '.'); - strbuf_addstr(&class, "ls-blob"); - if (ext) - strbuf_addf(&class, " %s", ext + 1); - cgit_tree_link(name, NULL, class.buf, ctx.qry.head, - walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath.buf); - } - if (S_ISLNK(mode)) { - html(" -> "); - buf = read_object_file(oid, &type, &size); - if (!buf) { - htmlf("Error reading object: %s", oid_to_hex(oid)); - goto cleanup; - } - strbuf_addbuf(&linkpath, &fullpath); - strbuf_addf(&linkpath, "/../%s", buf); - strbuf_normalize_path(&linkpath); - cgit_tree_link(buf, NULL, class.buf, ctx.qry.head, - walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, linkpath.buf); - free(buf); - strbuf_release(&linkpath); - } - htmlf("%li", size); - - html(""); - cgit_log_link("log", NULL, "button", ctx.qry.head, - walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath.buf, 0, NULL, NULL, - ctx.qry.showmsg, 0); - if (ctx.repo->max_stats) { - html(" "); - cgit_stats_link("stats", NULL, "button", ctx.qry.head, - fullpath.buf); - } - if (!S_ISGITLINK(mode)) { - html(" "); - cgit_plain_link("plain", NULL, "button", ctx.qry.head, - walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath.buf); - } - if (!S_ISDIR(mode) && ctx.repo->enable_blame) { - html(" "); - cgit_blame_link("blame", NULL, "button", ctx.qry.head, - walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev, fullpath.buf); - } - html("\n"); - -cleanup: - free(name); - strbuf_release(&fullpath); - strbuf_release(&class); - return 0; -} - -static void ls_head(void) -{ - cgit_print_layout_start(); - html("\n"); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html(""); - html("\n"); -} - -static void ls_tail(void) -{ - html("
ModeNameSize"); - html("
\n"); - cgit_print_layout_end(); -} - -static void ls_tree(const struct object_id *oid, const char *path, struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx) -{ - struct tree *tree; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = 0 - }; - - tree = parse_tree_indirect(oid); - if (!tree) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Not a tree object: %s", oid_to_hex(oid)); - return; - } - - ls_head(); - read_tree(the_repository, tree, &paths, ls_item, walk_tree_ctx); - ls_tail(); -} - - -static int walk_tree(const struct object_id *oid, struct strbuf *base, - const char *pathname, unsigned mode, void *cbdata) -{ - struct walk_tree_context *walk_tree_ctx = cbdata; - - if (walk_tree_ctx->state == 0) { - struct strbuf buffer = STRBUF_INIT; - - strbuf_addbuf(&buffer, base); - strbuf_addstr(&buffer, pathname); - if (strcmp(walk_tree_ctx->match_path, buffer.buf)) - return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; - - if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { - walk_tree_ctx->state = 1; - cgit_set_title_from_path(buffer.buf); - strbuf_release(&buffer); - ls_head(); - return READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; - } else { - walk_tree_ctx->state = 2; - print_object(oid, buffer.buf, pathname, walk_tree_ctx->curr_rev); - strbuf_release(&buffer); - return 0; - } - } - ls_item(oid, base, pathname, mode, walk_tree_ctx); - return 0; -} - -/* - * Show a tree or a blob - * rev: the commit pointing at the root tree object - * path: path to tree or blob - */ -void cgit_print_tree(const char *rev, char *path) -{ - struct object_id oid; - struct commit *commit; - struct pathspec_item path_items = { - .match = path, - .len = path ? strlen(path) : 0 - }; - struct pathspec paths = { - .nr = path ? 1 : 0, - .items = &path_items - }; - struct walk_tree_context walk_tree_ctx = { - .match_path = path, - .state = 0 - }; - - if (!rev) - rev = ctx.qry.head; - - if (get_oid(rev, &oid)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Invalid revision name: %s", rev); - return; - } - commit = lookup_commit_reference(the_repository, &oid); - if (!commit || parse_commit(commit)) { - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", - "Invalid commit reference: %s", rev); - return; - } - - walk_tree_ctx.curr_rev = xstrdup(rev); - - if (path == NULL) { - ls_tree(get_commit_tree_oid(commit), NULL, &walk_tree_ctx); - goto cleanup; - } - - read_tree(the_repository, repo_get_commit_tree(the_repository, commit), - &paths, walk_tree, &walk_tree_ctx); - if (walk_tree_ctx.state == 1) - ls_tail(); - else if (walk_tree_ctx.state == 2) - cgit_print_layout_end(); - else - cgit_print_error_page(404, "Not found", "Path not found"); - -cleanup: - free(walk_tree_ctx.curr_rev); -} diff --git a/www/ b/www/ deleted file mode 100644 index bbd34e35..00000000 --- a/www/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef UI_TREE_H -#define UI_TREE_H - -extern void cgit_print_tree(const char *rev, char *path); - -#endif /* UI_TREE_H */ -- cgit 1.4.1