summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/home
diff options
authorJune McEnroe <>2018-08-17 12:21:06 -0400
committerJune McEnroe <>2018-08-17 12:21:06 -0400
commit45001cc8c9dde5cce72b2cfcd10c15a763c62cf4 (patch)
tree7abd7e08689577de080f058d32dacd588ffc662b /home
parentApply realpath to HOME (diff)
Remove zshrc
Begone, bloat shell.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/home/.zshrc b/home/.zshrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6ec00c..00000000
--- a/home/.zshrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-unsetopt beep
-setopt auto_pushd nomatch interactive_comments
-setopt inc_append_history hist_ignore_dups
-HISTFILE=~/.history HISTSIZE=5000 SAVEHIST=5000
-autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
-autoload -Uz colors && colors
-bindkey -v
-export PAGER=less MANPAGER=less EDITOR=vim GIT_EDITOR=vim
-type nvim > /dev/null \
-  && EDITOR=nvim GIT_EDITOR=nvim MANPAGER="nvim -c 'set ft=man' -" \
-  && alias vim=nvim
-export GPG_TTY=$TTY
-export CLICOLOR=1
-[[ "$OSTYPE" =~ 'linux-gnu' ]] \
-  && alias ls='ls --color=auto' grep='grep --color' rm='rm -I'
-export NETHACKOPTIONS='name:June, role:Valkyrie, race:Human, gender:female,
-  align:neutral, dogname:Moro, catname:Baron, pickup_types:$!?+/=, color,
-  DECgraphics'
-alias ll='ls -lh'
-alias gs='git status --short --branch' gd='git diff'
-alias gsh='git show' gl='git log --graph --pretty=log'
-alias gco='git checkout' gb='git branch' gm='git merge' gst='git stash'
-alias ga='git add' gmv='git mv' grm='git rm'
-alias gc='git commit' gca='gc --amend' gt='git tag'
-alias gp='git push' gu='git pull' gf='git fetch'
-alias gr='git rebase' gra='gr --abort' grc='gr --continue' grs='gr --skip'
-alias rand='openssl rand -base64 33'
-setopt prompt_subst
-_prompt_git() {
-  local dotgit=.git head
-  [ -d "$dotgit" ] || dotgit=../.git
-  [ -d "$dotgit" ] || return 0
-  read head < "$dotgit/HEAD"
-  case "$head" in
-    ref:*) echo ":${head#*/*/}";;
-    *) echo ":${head:0:7}";;
-  esac
-[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] && _prompt_ssh='%F{magenta}'
-%(?.%F{white}$_prompt_ssh.%F{red})%#%f "
-_title() { }
-[[ "$TERM" =~ "xterm" ]] && _title() { print -Pn "\e]0;$1\a" }
-_title_precmd() { _title '%1~' }
-_title_preexec() { psvar=("$1") _title '%1~: %1v' }