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path: root/.tmux.conf
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/.tmux.conf b/.tmux.conf
index 4d322c9f..bc0a0102 100644
--- a/.tmux.conf
+++ b/.tmux.conf
@@ -1,57 +1,39 @@
-# Use the same prefix as screen, press a again to pass through
 unbind C-b
 set -g prefix C-a
 bind a send-prefix
-# Prevent escape key delay
 set -g escape-time 0
-# Enable colors
 set -g default-terminal 'screen-256color'
-# Start windows at 1 rather than 0
 set -g base-index 1
-# Status line on top
 set -g status-position top
-# Create new windows in same directory
 bind t new-window -c '#{pane_current_path}'
-# Move windows around by swapping
 bind . command-prompt "swap-window -t '%%'"
-# Split windows like vim, in same directory
 bind s split-window -v -c '#{pane_current_path}'
 bind v split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}'
-# Move between panes like vim
 bind h select-pane -L
 bind j select-pane -D
 bind k select-pane -U
 bind l select-pane -R
-# Move panes sort of like vim
 bind L swap-pane -D
 bind H swap-pane -U
-# Resize panes like vim
 bind -r < resize-pane -L 1
 bind -r > resize-pane -R 1
 bind -r - resize-pane -D 1
 bind -r + resize-pane -U 1
-# Vi-style controls for copy mode
 setw -g mode-keys vi
-# Copy and Paste like vim
 bind -t vi-copy v begin-selection
 bind -t vi-copy C-v rectangle-toggle
 bind -t vi-copy y copy-selection
 bind p paste-buffer
-# Switch panes like C-w C-w in vim
 bind C-a last-pane
-# Balance vertical panes
 bind = select-layout even-horizontal