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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/.zshrc b/.zshrc
index 63c69a1d..6b7feebb 100644
--- a/.zshrc
+++ b/.zshrc
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ RPROMPT='%F{blue}%50<…<%~%F{yellow}$(_prompt_git)%f'
 _n() { _n() { echo } }
 _title() { print -Pn "\e]0;$1\a" }
-_title_precmd() { _title "%1~" }
-_title_preexec() { _title "%1~: $1" }
+_title_precmd() { _title '%1~' }
+_title_preexec() { psvar=("$1") _title '%1~: %1v' }
 precmd_functions=(_n _title_precmd)
d>John Keeping 2015-08-12log: allow users to follow a fileJohn Keeping 2015-08-12shared: make cgit_diff_tree_cb publicJohn Keeping 2015-08-12t0110: Chain together using &&Jason A. Donenfeld 2015-08-12about: always ensure page has a trailing slashJason A. Donenfeld 2015-08-12filters: apply HTML escapingLazaros Koromilas 2015-08-12git: update to v2.5.0Christian Hesse 2015-08-12Fix processing of repo.hide and repo.ignoreDaniel Reichelt