summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
5 files changed, 1 insertions, 948 deletions
diff --git a/bin/.gitignore b/bin/.gitignore
index 4fe5b9b2..5c577eb9 100644
--- a/bin/.gitignore
+++ b/bin/.gitignore
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ ever
diff --git a/bin/Makefile b/bin/Makefile
index e7fe8f8b..69eadc0a 100644
--- a/bin/Makefile
+++ b/bin/Makefile
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ BINS += bit
 BINS += c
 BINS += dtch
 BINS += glitch
-BINS += hi
 BINS += hilex
 BINS += hnel
 BINS += htagml
@@ -80,10 +79,6 @@ meta: .gitignore tags
 	cp -f $< $@
 	chmod a+x $@
-hi: hi.c
-	${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} hi.c ${LDLIBS.$@} -o $@
-	./hi -c
 OBJS.hilex += c11.o
 OBJS.hilex += hilex.o
 OBJS.hilex += make.o
diff --git a/bin/README.7 b/bin/README.7
index d4cf26e8..dc5a2a32 100644
--- a/bin/README.7
+++ b/bin/README.7
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.Dd January 12, 2021
+.Dd January 13, 2021
 .Dt BIN 7
 .Os "Causal Agency"
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ framebuffer battery indicator
 framebuffer clock
 .It Xr glitch 1
 PNG glitcher
-.It Xr hi 1
-syntax highlighter
 .It Xr hilex 1
 syntax highlighter
 .It Xr hnel 1
diff --git a/bin/hi.c b/bin/hi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 23d69574..00000000
--- a/bin/hi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,766 +0,0 @@
-/* vim: set foldmethod=marker foldlevel=0: */
-/* Copyright (C) 2019  June McEnroe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include <locale.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sysexits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#define ARRAY_LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
-typedef unsigned Set;
-#define SET(x) ((Set)1 << (x))
-#define ENUM_CLASS \
-	X(Normal)  \
-	X(Keyword) \
-	X(Macro)   \
-	X(Tag)     \
-	X(String)  \
-	X(Escape)  \
-	X(Format)  \
-	X(Interp)  \
-	X(Comment) \
-	X(Todo)    \
-	X(DiffOld) \
-	X(DiffNew)
-enum Class {
-#define X(class) class,
-#undef X
-	ClassLen,
-static const char *ClassName[ClassLen] = {
-#define X(class) [class] = #class,
-#undef X
-struct Syntax {
-	enum Class class;
-	Set parent;
-	bool newline;
-	size_t subexp;
-	const char *pattern;
-#define WB "(^|[^_[:alnum:]]|\n)"
-#define BL0 "[[:blank:]]*"
-#define BL1 "[[:blank:]]+"
-#define SP0 "[[:space:]]*"
-#define SP1 "[[:space:]]+"
-#define PATTERN_ID "[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*"
-#define PATTERN_SQ "'([^']|[\\]')*'"
-#define PATTERN_DQ "\"([^\"]|[\\]\")*\""
-#define PATTERN_BC "/[*]" "([^*]|[*][^/])*" "[*]+/"
-// C syntax {{{
-static const struct Syntax CSyntax[] = {
-	{ Keyword, .subexp = 2, .pattern = WB
-		"(" "auto|extern|register|static|(_T|t)hread_local|typedef"
-		"|" "_Atomic|const|restrict|volatile"
-		"|" "inline|(_N|n)oreturn"
-		"|" "(_A|a)lignas"
-		"|" "enum|struct|union"
-		"|" "do|else|for|if|switch|while"
-		"|" "break|case|continue|default|goto|return"
-		")" WB },
-	{ Macro,
-		.pattern = "^" BL0 "#(.|[\\]\n)*" },
-	{ Tag, .parent = SET(Macro), .subexp = 1,
-		.pattern = "define" BL1 "(" PATTERN_ID ")" "[(]" },
-	{ Tag, .subexp = 2,
-		.pattern = "(enum|struct|union)" SP1 "(" PATTERN_ID ")" SP0 "[{]" },
-	{ Tag, .parent = ~SET(Keyword), .newline = true, .subexp = 1,
-		.pattern = "(" PATTERN_ID ")" SP0 "[(][^()]*[)]" SP0 "[{]" },
-	{ Tag, .newline = true, .subexp = 3, .pattern =
-		"(static|typedef)" SP1
-		"(" "(" PATTERN_ID ")" SP0
-		"(" "[*]" "|" "[[][^]]*[]]" "|" "[{][^}]*[}]" "|" SP0 ")*" ")+" },
-	{ String, .parent = SET(Macro), .subexp = 2,
-		.pattern = "(include|import)" BL0 "(<[^>]*>)" },
-	{ String,
-		.pattern = "[LUu]?" PATTERN_SQ },
-	{ String, .parent = ~SET(String),
-		.pattern = "([LU]|u8?)?" PATTERN_DQ },
-	{ Escape, .parent = SET(String),
-		.pattern = "[\\]([\"'?\\abfnrtv]|[0-7]{1,3}|x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)" },
-	{ Escape, .parent = SET(String),
-		.pattern = "[\\](U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})" },
-	{ Format, .parent = SET(String), .pattern =
-		"%%|%[ #+-0]*"         // flags
-		"([*]|[0-9]+)?"        // field width
-		"([.]([*]|[0-9]+))?"   // precision
-		"([Lhjltz]|hh|ll)?"    // length modifier
-		"[AEFGXacdefginopsux]" // format specifier
-	},
-	{ Comment, .parent = ~SET(String),
-		.pattern = "//(.|[\\]\n)*" },
-	{ Comment, .parent = ~SET(String), .newline = true,
-		.pattern = PATTERN_BC },
-	{ Todo, .parent = SET(Comment),
-		.pattern = PATTERN_TODO },
-// }}}
-// diff syntax {{{
-static const struct Syntax DiffSyntax[] = {
-	{ Keyword, .pattern = "^[^ ].*" },
-	{ Comment, .pattern = "^@@.*" },
-	{ DiffOld, .pattern = "^[-].*" },
-	{ DiffNew, .pattern = "^[+].*" },
-// }}}
-// make syntax {{{
-#define MAKE_TARGET "[-./_[:alnum:]]+"
-static const struct Syntax MakeSyntax[] = {
-	{ Keyword, .subexp = 2,
-		.pattern = WB "([.](PHONY|PRECIOUS|SUFFIXES))" WB },
-	{ Macro,
-		.pattern = "^ *-?include" },
-	{ Tag, .parent = ~SET(Keyword), .subexp = 1, .pattern =
-		"(" MAKE_TARGET ")" "(" BL1 MAKE_TARGET ")*" BL0 ":([^=]|$)" },
-	{ String, .subexp = 1,
-		.pattern = "[._[:alnum:]]+" BL0 "[!+:?]?=" BL0 "(.*)" },
-	{ Normal,
-		.pattern = "^\t.*" },
-	{ String,
-		.pattern = PATTERN_SQ },
-	{ String,
-		.pattern = PATTERN_DQ },
-	{ Interp,
-		.pattern = "[$]." },
-	// Support one level of nesting with the same delimiter.
-	{ Interp,
-		.pattern = "[$][(](" "[^$)]" "|" "[$]." "|" "[$][(][^)]*[)]" ")*[)]" },
-	{ Interp,
-		.pattern = "[$][{](" "[^$}]" "|" "[$]." "|" "[$][{][^}]*[}]" ")*[}]" },
-	{ Escape,
-		.pattern = "[$][$]" },
-	{ Comment, .parent = ~SET(String),
-		.pattern = "#.*" },
-	{ Todo, .parent = SET(Comment),
-		.pattern = PATTERN_TODO },
-// }}}
-// mdoc syntax {{{
-static const struct Syntax MdocSyntax[] = {
-	{ Keyword, .subexp = 2, .pattern = WB
-		"(" "D[dt]|N[dm]|Os"
-		"|" "S[hsx]|[LP]p|Xr"
-		"|" "%[ABCDIJNOPQRTUV]|[BE][dl]|D[1l]|It|Ql|R[es]|Ta"
-		"|" "Ap|[BE]k|Ns|Pf|Sm"
-		"|" "Ar|Cm|Ev|Fl|O[cop]|Pa"
-		"|" "Dv|Er|F[acdnot]|In|Lb|V[at]"
-		"|" "A[dn]|Cd|Lk|M[st]"
-		"|" "[BE]f|Em|Li|No|Sy"
-		"|" "(Br|[ABDPQS])[coq]|E[co]"
-		"|" "At|(Bs|[BDEFNO])x|Rv|St"
-		")" WB },
-	{ Tag, .subexp = 1,
-		.pattern = "^[.]S[hs]" BL1 "(.+)" },
-	{ String,
-		.pattern = PATTERN_DQ },
-	{ Normal,
-		.pattern = "^[^.].*" },
-	{ String,
-		.pattern = "[\\](" "." "|" "[(].{2}" "|" "[[][^]]*[]]" ")" },
-	{ Comment,
-		.pattern = "^[.][\\]\".*" },
-	{ Todo, .parent = SET(Comment),
-		.pattern = PATTERN_TODO },
-// }}}
-// Rust syntax {{{
-static const struct Syntax RustSyntax[] = {
-	{ Keyword, .subexp = 2, .pattern = WB
-		"(" "'?static|[Ss]elf|abstract|as|async|await|become|box|break|const"
-		"|" "continue|crate|do|dyn|else|enum|extern|false|final|fn|for|if"
-		"|" "impl|in|let|loop|macro|match|mod|move|mut|override|priv|pub|ref"
-		"|" "return|struct|super|trait|true|try|type(of)?|union|uns(afe|ized)"
-		"|" "use|virtual|where|while|yield"
-		")" WB },
-	{ Tag, .subexp = 2, .pattern =
-		"(enum|fn|macro_rules!|mod|struct|type|union)" SP1 "(" PATTERN_ID ")" },
-	{ Macro, .newline = true,
-		.pattern = "#!?[[][^]]*[]]" },
-	{ Macro,
-		.pattern = PATTERN_ID "!" },
-	{ Interp,
-		.pattern = "[$]" PATTERN_ID },
-	{ String,
-		.pattern = "b?'([^']|[\\]')'" },
-	{ String,
-		.pattern = "b?" "\"([^\"]|[\\][\n\"])*\"" },
-	{ Escape, .parent = SET(String),
-		.pattern = "[\\]([\"'0\\nrt]|u[{][0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6}[}]|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})" },
-	{ Format, .parent = SET(String),
-		.pattern = "[{][{]|[{][^{}]*[}]|[}][}]" },
-	{ String, .parent = ~SET(String), .newline = true,
-		.pattern = "b?r\"[^\"]*\"" },
-	{ String, .parent = ~SET(String), .newline = true,
-		.pattern = "b?r#+\"" "([^\"]|\"[^#])*" "\"+#+" },
-	{ Comment, .parent = ~SET(String),
-		.pattern = "//.*" },
-	{ Comment, .parent = ~SET(String), .newline = true,
-		.pattern = PATTERN_BC },
-	{ Todo, .parent = SET(Comment),
-		.pattern = PATTERN_TODO },
-// }}}
-// sh syntax {{{
-static const struct Syntax ShSyntax[] = {
-	{ Keyword, .subexp = 2, .pattern = WB
-		"(" "!|case|do|done|elif|else|esac|fi|for|if|in|then|until|while"
-		"|" "alias|bg|cd|command|false|fc|fg|getopts|jobs|kill|newgrp|pwd|read"
-		"|" "true|type|ulimit|umask|unalias|wait"
-		"|" "[.:]|break|continue|eval|exec|exit|export|local|readonly|return"
-		"|" "set|shift|times|trap|unset"
-		")" WB },
-	{ Tag, .subexp = 2,
-		.pattern = WB "(" PATTERN_ID ")" BL0 "[(]" BL0 "[)]" },
-	{ String, .newline = true, .subexp = 1, .pattern =
-		"<<-?" BL0 "EOF[^\n]*\n"
-		"(([^\n]|\n\t*[^E]|\n\t*E[^O]|\n\t*EO[^F]|\n\t*EOF[^\n])*)"
-		"\n\t*EOF\n" },
-	{ String, .parent = ~SET(String), .newline = true,
-		.pattern = PATTERN_DQ },
-	{ Escape, .parent = SET(String),
-		.pattern = "[\\][\"$\\`]" },
-	{ Interp, .parent = ~SET(Escape),
-		.pattern = "[$][(][^)]*[)]" "|" "`[^`]*`" },
-	{ Interp, .parent = ~SET(Escape),
-		.pattern = "[$][(][(]([^)]|[)][^)])*[)][)]" },
-	{ String, .parent = SET(Interp),
-		.pattern = PATTERN_DQ },
-	{ Interp, .parent = ~SET(Escape),
-		.pattern = "[$]([!#$*?@-]|[_[:alnum:]]+|[{][^}]*[}])" },
-	{ String, .parent = ~SET(Escape),
-		.pattern = "[\\]." },
-	{ String, .subexp = 1, .newline = true, .pattern =
-		"<<-?" BL0 "'EOF'[^\n]*\n"
-		"(([^\n]|\n\t*[^E]|\n\t*E[^O]|\n\t*EO[^F]|\n\t*EOF[^\n])*)"
-		"\n\t*EOF\n" },
-	{ String, .parent = ~SET(String), .newline = true,
-		.pattern = "'[^']*'" },
-	{ Comment, .parent = ~SET(String), .subexp = 2,
-		.pattern = "(^|[[:blank:]]+)(#.*)" },
-	{ Todo, .parent = SET(Comment),
-		.pattern = PATTERN_TODO },
-// }}}
-static const struct Language {
-	const char *name;
-	const char *pattern;
-	const struct Syntax *syntax;
-	size_t len;
-} Languages[] = {
-	{ "c",    "[.][chlmy]$", CSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(CSyntax) },
-	{ "diff", "[.](diff|patch)$", DiffSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(DiffSyntax) },
-	{ "make", "[.]mk$|^Makefile$", MakeSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(MakeSyntax) },
-	{ "mdoc", "[.][1-9]$", MdocSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(MdocSyntax) },
-	{ "rust", "[.]rs$", RustSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(RustSyntax) },
-	{ "sh",   "[.](sh|in)$|^[.](profile|shrc)$", ShSyntax, ARRAY_LEN(ShSyntax) },
-	{ "text", "[.]txt$", NULL, 0 },
-static regex_t compile(const char *pattern, int flags) {
-	regex_t regex;
-	int error = regcomp(&regex, pattern, REG_EXTENDED | flags);
-	if (!error) return regex;
-	char buf[256];
-	regerror(error, &regex, buf, sizeof(buf));
-	errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "regcomp: %s: %s", buf, pattern);
-enum { SubsLen = 8 };
-static void highlight(struct Language lang, enum Class *hi, const char *str) {
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < lang.len; ++i) {
-		struct Syntax syn = lang.syntax[i];
-		regex_t regex = compile(syn.pattern, syn.newline ? 0 : REG_NEWLINE);
-		assert(syn.subexp < SubsLen);
-		assert(syn.subexp <= regex.re_nsub);
-		regmatch_t subs[SubsLen] = {{0}};
-		for (size_t offset = 0; str[offset]; offset += subs[syn.subexp].rm_eo) {
-			int error = regexec(
-				&regex, &str[offset], SubsLen, subs, offset ? REG_NOTBOL : 0
-			);
-			if (error == REG_NOMATCH) break;
-			if (error) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "regexec: %d", error);
-			regmatch_t *sub = &subs[syn.subexp];
-			if (syn.parent && !(syn.parent & SET(hi[offset + sub->rm_so]))) {
-				sub->rm_eo = sub->rm_so + 1;
-				continue;
-			}
-			for (regoff_t j = sub->rm_so; j < sub->rm_eo; ++j) {
-				hi[offset + j] = lang.syntax[i].class;
-			}
-		}
-		regfree(&regex);
-	}
-static void check(void) {
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Languages); ++i) {
-		regex_t regex = compile(Languages[i].pattern, REG_NOSUB);
-		regfree(&regex);
-		for (size_t j = 0; j < Languages[i].len; ++j) {
-			struct Syntax syn = Languages[i].syntax[j];
-			regex = compile(syn.pattern, 0);
-			if (syn.subexp >= SubsLen || syn.subexp > regex.re_nsub) {
-				errx(
-					EX_SOFTWARE, "subexpression %zu out of bounds: %s",
-					syn.subexp, syn.pattern
-				);
-			}
-			regfree(&regex);
-		}
-	}
-#define ENUM_OPTION \
-	X(Anchor, "anchor") \
-	X(CSS, "css") \
-	X(Document, "document") \
-	X(Inline, "inline") \
-	X(Monospace, "monospace") \
-	X(Tab, "tab") \
-	X(Title, "title")
-enum Option {
-#define X(option, _) option,
-#undef X
-	OptionLen,
-static const char *OptionKey[OptionLen + 1] = {
-#define X(option, key) [option] = key,
-#undef X
-typedef void HeaderFn(const char *opts[]);
-typedef void
-OutputFn(const char *opts[], enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len);
-// ANSI format {{{
-enum SGR {
-	SGRBoldOn = 1,
-	SGRUnderlineOn = 4,
-	SGRBoldOff = 22,
-	SGRUnderlineOff = 24,
-	SGRBlack = 30,
-	SGRRed,
-	SGRGreen,
-	SGRYellow,
-	SGRBlue,
-	SGRMagenta,
-	SGRCyan,
-	SGRWhite,
-	SGRDefault = 39,
-static const enum SGR ANSIStyle[ClassLen][3] = {
-	[Normal]  = { SGRDefault },
-	[Keyword] = { SGRWhite },
-	[Macro]   = { SGRGreen },
-	[Tag]     = { SGRDefault, SGRUnderlineOn, SGRUnderlineOff },
-	[String]  = { SGRCyan },
-	[Escape]  = { SGRDefault },
-	[Format]  = { SGRCyan, SGRBoldOn, SGRBoldOff },
-	[Interp]  = { SGRYellow },
-	[Comment] = { SGRBlue },
-	[Todo]    = { SGRBlue, SGRBoldOn, SGRBoldOff },
-	[DiffOld] = { SGRRed },
-	[DiffNew] = { SGRGreen },
-static void
-ansiOutput(const char *opts[], enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len) {
-	(void)opts;
-	if (ANSIStyle[class][1]) {
-		printf(
-			"\x1B[%d;%dm%.*s\x1B[%dm",
-			ANSIStyle[class][0], ANSIStyle[class][1],
-			(int)len, str,
-			ANSIStyle[class][2]
-		);
-	} else {
-		printf("\x1B[%dm%.*s", ANSIStyle[class][0], (int)len, str);
-	}
-// }}}
-// IRC format {{{
-enum IRC {
-	IRCWhite,
-	IRCBlack,
-	IRCBlue,
-	IRCGreen,
-	IRCRed,
-	IRCBrown,
-	IRCMagenta,
-	IRCOrange,
-	IRCYellow,
-	IRCLightGreen,
-	IRCCyan,
-	IRCLightCyan,
-	IRCLightBlue,
-	IRCPink,
-	IRCGray,
-	IRCLightGray,
-	IRCBold = 0x02,
-	IRCColor = 0x03,
-	IRCMonospace = 0x11,
-	IRCUnderline = 0x1F,
-static const enum IRC SGRIRC[] = {
-	[SGRBoldOn]  = IRCBold,
-	[SGRBoldOff] = IRCBold,
-	[SGRUnderlineOn]  = IRCUnderline,
-	[SGRUnderlineOff] = IRCUnderline,
-	[SGRBlack]   = IRCBlack,
-	[SGRRed]     = IRCRed,
-	[SGRGreen]   = IRCGreen,
-	[SGRYellow]  = IRCYellow,
-	[SGRBlue]    = IRCBlue,
-	[SGRMagenta] = IRCMagenta,
-	[SGRCyan]    = IRCCyan,
-	[SGRWhite]   = IRCGray,
-	[SGRDefault] = 0,
-static void ircHeader(const char *opts[]) {
-	if (opts[Monospace]) printf("%c", IRCMonospace);
-static void
-ircOutput(const char *opts[], enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len) {
-	char cc[3] = "";
-	if (ANSIStyle[class][0] != SGRDefault) {
-		snprintf(cc, sizeof(cc), "%d", SGRIRC[ANSIStyle[class][0]]);
-	}
-	// Prevent trailing formatting after newline ...
-	bool newline = (str[len - 1] == '\n');
-	if (ANSIStyle[class][1]) {
-		printf(
-			"%c%s%c%.*s%c%s",
-			IRCColor, cc, SGRIRC[ANSIStyle[class][1]],
-			(int)(newline ? len - 1 : len), str,
-			SGRIRC[ANSIStyle[class][2]],
-			(newline ? "\n" : "")
-		);
-	} else {
-		// Double-toggle bold to prevent str being interpreted as color.
-		printf("%c%s%c%c%.*s", IRCColor, cc, IRCBold, IRCBold, (int)len, str);
-	}
-	// ... except for monospace, at the beginning of each line.
-	if (newline && opts[Monospace]) printf("%c", IRCMonospace);
-// }}}
-// HTML format {{{
-static void htmlEscape(const char *str, size_t len) {
-	while (len) {
-		size_t run = strcspn(str, "\"&<>");
-		if (run > len) run = len;
-		switch (str[0]) {
-			break; case '"': run = 1; printf("&quot;");
-			break; case '&': run = 1; printf("&amp;");
-			break; case '<': run = 1; printf("&lt;");
-			break; case '>': run = 1; printf("&gt;");
-			break; default:  printf("%.*s", (int)run, str);
-		}
-		str += run;
-		len -= run;
-	}
-static const char *HTMLStyle[ClassLen] = {
-	[Keyword] = "color: dimgray;",
-	[Macro]   = "color: green;",
-	[Tag]     = "color: inherit; text-decoration: underline;",
-	[String]  = "color: teal;",
-	[Format]  = "color: teal; font-weight: bold;",
-	[Interp]  = "color: olive;",
-	[Comment] = "color: navy;",
-	[Todo]    = "color: navy; font-weight: bold;",
-	[DiffOld] = "color: red;",
-	[DiffNew] = "color: green;",
-static void htmlTabSize(const char *tab) {
-	printf("-moz-tab-size: ");
-	htmlEscape(tab, strlen(tab));
-	printf("; tab-size: ");
-	htmlEscape(tab, strlen(tab));
-	printf(";");
-static void htmlHeader(const char *opts[]) {
-	if (!opts[Document]) goto body;
-	printf("<!DOCTYPE html>\n<title>");
-	if (opts[Title]) htmlEscape(opts[Title], strlen(opts[Title]));
-	printf("</title>\n");
-	if (opts[CSS]) {
-		printf("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"");
-		htmlEscape(opts[CSS], strlen(opts[CSS]));
-		printf("\">\n");
-	} else if (!opts[Inline]) {
-		printf("<style>\n");
-		if (opts[Tab]) {
-			printf("pre.hi { ");
-			htmlTabSize(opts[Tab]);
-			printf(" }\n");
-		}
-		for (enum Class class = 0; class < ClassLen; ++class) {
-			if (!HTMLStyle[class]) continue;
-			printf(".hi.%s { %s }\n", ClassName[class], HTMLStyle[class]);
-		}
-		printf(
-			".hi.%s:target { color: goldenrod; outline: none; }\n",
-			ClassName[Tag]
-		);
-		printf("</style>\n");
-	}
-	if (opts[Inline] && opts[Tab]) {
-		printf("<pre class=\"hi\" style=\"");
-		htmlTabSize(opts[Tab]);
-		printf("\">");
-	} else {
-		printf("<pre class=\"hi\">");
-	}
-static void htmlFooter(const char *opts[]) {
-	(void)opts;
-	printf("</pre>\n");
-static void htmlAnchor(const char *opts[], const char *str, size_t len) {
-	if (opts[Inline]) {
-		printf("<a style=\"%s\" id=\"", HTMLStyle[Tag] ? HTMLStyle[Tag] : "");
-	} else {
-		printf("<a class=\"hi %s\" id=\"", ClassName[Tag]);
-	}
-	htmlEscape(str, len);
-	printf("\" href=\"#");
-	htmlEscape(str, len);
-	printf("\">");
-	htmlEscape(str, len);
-	printf("</a>");
-static void
-htmlOutput(const char *opts[], enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len) {
-	if (opts[Anchor] && class == Tag) {
-		htmlAnchor(opts, str, len);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (opts[Inline]) {
-		printf("<span style=\"%s\">", HTMLStyle[class] ? HTMLStyle[class] : "");
-	} else {
-		printf("<span class=\"hi %s\">", ClassName[class]);
-	}
-	htmlEscape(str, len);
-	printf("</span>");
-// }}}
-// Debug format {{{
-static void
-debugOutput(const char *opts[], enum Class class, const char *str, size_t len) {
-	(void)opts;
-	printf("%s\t\"", ClassName[class]);
-	while (len) {
-		size_t run = strcspn(str, "\t\n\"\\");
-		if (run > len) run = len;
-		switch (str[0]) {
-			break; case '\t': run = 1; printf("\\t");
-			break; case '\n': run = 1; printf("\\n");
-			break; case '"':  run = 1; printf("\\\"");
-			break; case '\\': run = 1; printf("\\\\");
-			break; default:   printf("%.*s", (int)run, str);
-		}
-		str += run;
-		len -= run;
-	}
-	printf("\"\n");
-// }}}
-static const struct Format {
-	const char *name;
-	OutputFn *output;
-	HeaderFn *header;
-	HeaderFn *footer;
-} Formats[] = {
-	{ "ansi",  ansiOutput, NULL, NULL },
-	{ "irc",   ircOutput, ircHeader, NULL },
-	{ "html",  htmlOutput, htmlHeader, htmlFooter },
-	{ "debug", debugOutput, NULL, NULL },
-static bool findLanguage(struct Language *lang, const char *name) {
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Languages); ++i) {
-		if (strcmp(name, Languages[i].name)) continue;
-		*lang = Languages[i];
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-static bool matchLanguage(struct Language *lang, const char *name) {
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Languages); ++i) {
-		regex_t regex = compile(Languages[i].pattern, REG_NOSUB);
-		int error = regexec(&regex, name, 0, NULL, 0);
-		regfree(&regex);
-		if (error == REG_NOMATCH) continue;
-		if (error) errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "regexec: %d", error);
-		*lang = Languages[i];
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-static bool findFormat(struct Format *format, const char *name) {
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(Formats); ++i) {
-		if (strcmp(name, Formats[i].name)) continue;
-		*format = Formats[i];
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
-	bool text = false;
-	const char *name = NULL;
-	struct Language lang = {0};
-	struct Format format = Formats[0];
-	const char *opts[OptionLen] = {0};
-	int opt;
-	while (0 < (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "cf:l:n:o:t"))) {
-		switch (opt) {
-			break; case 'c': check(); return EX_OK;
-			break; case 'f': {
-				if (!findFormat(&format, optarg)) {
-					errx(EX_USAGE, "no such format %s", optarg);
-				}
-			}
-			break; case 'l': {
-				if (!findLanguage(&lang, optarg)) {
-					errx(EX_USAGE, "no such language %s", optarg);
-				}
-			}
-			break; case 'n': name = optarg;
-			break; case 'o': {
-				char *val;
-				enum Option key;
-				while (optarg[0]) {
-					key = getsubopt(&optarg, (char *const *)OptionKey, &val);
-					if (key >= OptionLen) {
-						errx(EX_USAGE, "no such option %s", val);
-					}
-					opts[key] = (val ? val : "");
-				}
-			}
-			break; case 't': text = true;
-			break; default: return EX_USAGE;
-		}
-	}
-	const char *path = "(stdin)";
-	FILE *file = stdin;
-	if (optind < argc) {
-		path = argv[optind];
-		file = fopen(path, "r");
-		if (!file) err(EX_NOINPUT, "%s", path);
-	}
-	if (!name) {
-		name = strrchr(path, '/');
-		name = (name ? &name[1] : path);
-	}
-	if (! && !matchLanguage(&lang, name) && !text) {
-		errx(EX_USAGE, "cannot infer language for %s", name);
-	}
-	if (!opts[Title]) opts[Title] = name;
-	struct stat stat;
-	int error = fstat(fileno(file), &stat);
-	if (error) err(EX_IOERR, "fstat");
-	size_t cap = (stat.st_mode & S_IFREG ? stat.st_size + 1 : 4096);
-	char *str = malloc(cap);
-	if (!str) err(EX_OSERR, "malloc");
-	size_t len = 0, read;
-	while (0 < (read = fread(&str[len], 1, cap - len - 1, file))) {
-		len += read;
-		if (len + 1 < cap) continue;
-		cap *= 2;
-		str = realloc(str, cap);
-		if (!str) err(EX_OSERR, "realloc");
-	}
-	if (ferror(file)) err(EX_IOERR, "fread");
-	if (memchr(str, 0, len)) errx(EX_DATAERR, "input is binary");
-	str[len] = '\0';
-	enum Class *hi = calloc(len, sizeof(*hi));
-	if (!hi) err(EX_OSERR, "calloc");
-	highlight(lang, hi, str);
-	size_t run = 0;
-	if (format.header) format.header(opts);
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += run) {
-		for (run = 1; i + run < len; ++run) {
-			if (hi[i + run] != hi[i]) break;
-			if (str[i + run - 1] == '\n') break;
-		}
-		format.output(opts, hi[i], &str[i], run);
-	}
-	if (format.footer) format.footer(opts);
diff --git a/bin/man1/hi.1 b/bin/man1/hi.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 517fbab9..00000000
--- a/bin/man1/hi.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-.Dd December 15, 2019
-.Dt HI 1
-.Nm hi
-.Nd syntax highlighter
-.Op Fl t
-.Op Fl f Ar format
-.Op Fl l Ar lang
-.Op Fl n Ar name
-.Op Fl o Ar opts
-.Op Ar file
-.Fl c
-highlights the contents of a
-.Ar file
-or standard input
-and formats it
-on standard output.
-The arguments are as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width "-f format"
-.It Fl c
-Compile all regular expressions and exit.
-.It Fl f Ar format
-Set the output format.
-.It Fl l Ar lang
-Set the input language.
-.It Fl n Ar name
-Override the name used
-to infer the input language.
-.It Fl o Ar opts
-Set output format options.
-.Ar opts
-is a comma-separated list of options.
-.It Fl t
-Default to
-.Cm text
-if the input language cannot be inferred.
-.Ss Output Formats
-The default output format is
-.Cm ansi .
-.Bl -tag -width Ds
-.It Cm ansi
-Output ANSI terminal escape codes.
-.It Cm irc
-Output IRC formatting codes.
-The options are as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width "monospace"
-.It Cm monospace
-Use the monospace formatting code
-introduced by IRCCloud.
-.It Cm html
-Output HTML
-.Sy <pre>
-.Sy <span>
-The options are as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width "title=..."
-.It Cm anchor
-Output tags
-(top-level definition names)
-as anchor links.
-.It Cm css Ns = Ns Ar url
-.Cm document ,
-output a
-.Sy <link>
-element for the external stylesheet
-.Ar url .
-If unset,
-output default styles in a
-.Sy <style>
-.It Cm document
-Output an HTML document.
-.It Cm inline
-Output inline
-.Sy style
-attributes rather than classes.
-.It Cm tab Ns = Ns Ar n
-.Cm document
-.Cm inline ,
-set the
-.Sy tab-size
-property to
-.Ar n .
-.It Cm title Ns = Ns Ar ...
-.Cm document ,
-set the
-.Sy <title>
-element text.
-The default title is the
-.Ar file
-.Ss Input Languages
-If no input language is set with
-.Fl l ,
-it may be inferred from the name set by
-.Fl m
-or from the provided
-.Ar file
-.Bl -tag -width Ds
-.It Cm c
-The C11 language.
-.It Cm diff
-The output of
-.Xr diff 1
-with the
-.Fl u
-.It Cm make
-The portable subset of
-.Xr make 1 .
-Variable substitution supports
-one level of nesting with the same delimiter.
-.It Cm mdoc
-.Xr mdoc 7
-.It Cm rust
-The Rust 2018 language.
-Nested raw strings and block comments
-are not highlighted correctly.
-.It Cm sh
-.Xr sh 1
-Here-documents are correctly highlighted
-only with a delimiter of
-.Ql EOF .
-Arbitrarily nested strings and command substitutions
-are not highlighted correctly.
-.It Cm text
-Plain text.