summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/Makefile (renamed from Makefile)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/adler32.3 (renamed from adler32.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/adler32_combine.3 (renamed from adler32_combine.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/compress.3 (renamed from compress.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/compressBound.3 (renamed from compressBound.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/crc32.3 (renamed from crc32.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/crc32_combine.3 (renamed from crc32_combine.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflate.3 (renamed from deflate.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateBound.3 (renamed from deflateBound.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateCopy.3 (renamed from deflateCopy.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateEnd.3 (renamed from deflateEnd.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateGetDictionary.3 (renamed from deflateGetDictionary.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateInit.3 (renamed from deflateInit.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateInit2.3 (renamed from deflateInit2.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateParams.3 (renamed from deflateParams.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflatePending.3 (renamed from deflatePending.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflatePrime.3 (renamed from deflatePrime.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateReset.3 (renamed from deflateReset.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateSetDictionary.3 (renamed from deflateSetDictionary.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateSetHeader.3 (renamed from deflateSetHeader.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/deflateTune.3 (renamed from deflateTune.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzbuffer.3 (renamed from gzbuffer.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzclose.3 (renamed from gzclose.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzdirect.3 (renamed from gzdirect.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzeof.3 (renamed from gzeof.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzerror.3 (renamed from gzerror.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzflush.3 (renamed from gzflush.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzfread.3 (renamed from gzfread.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzfwrite.3 (renamed from gzfwrite.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzgetc.3 (renamed from gzgetc.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzgets.3 (renamed from gzgets.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzoffset.3 (renamed from gzoffset.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzopen.3 (renamed from gzopen.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzprintf.3 (renamed from gzprintf.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzputc.3 (renamed from gzputc.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzputs.3 (renamed from gzputs.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzread.3 (renamed from gzread.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzseek.3 (renamed from gzseek.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzsetparams.3 (renamed from gzsetparams.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzungetc.3 (renamed from gzungetc.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/gzwrite.3 (renamed from gzwrite.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflate.3 (renamed from inflate.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateBack.3 (renamed from inflateBack.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateBackEnd.3 (renamed from inflateBackEnd.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateBackInit.3 (renamed from inflateBackInit.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateCopy.3 (renamed from inflateCopy.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateEnd.3 (renamed from inflateEnd.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateGetDictionary.3 (renamed from inflateGetDictionary.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateGetHeader.3 (renamed from inflateGetHeader.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateInit.3 (renamed from inflateInit.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateInit2.3 (renamed from inflateInit2.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateMark.3 (renamed from inflateMark.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflatePrime.3 (renamed from inflatePrime.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateReset.3 (renamed from inflateReset.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateSetDictionary.3 (renamed from inflateSetDictionary.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/inflateSync.3 (renamed from inflateSync.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/uncompress.3 (renamed from uncompress.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/zlibCompileFlags.3 (renamed from zlibCompileFlags.3)0
-rw-r--r--doc/zlib/zlibVersion.3 (renamed from zlibVersion.3)0
65 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/pdf/.gitignore b/doc/pdf/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1363379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pdf/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/doc/pdf/Makefile b/doc/pdf/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7afbdcf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pdf/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+PDFS += abi.pdf
+PDFS += c11.pdf
+PDFS += elf.pdf
+PDFS += intel-64-opt.pdf
+PDFS += intel-64-sdm-vol-1.pdf
+PDFS += intel-64-sdm-vol-2.pdf
+PDFS += intel-64-sdm-vol-3.pdf
+PDFS += intel-64-sdm-vol-4.pdf
+PDFS += multiboot.pdf
+ELF =
+URL.abi.pdf = ${ELF}/x86_64-abi-0.99.pdf
+URL.c11.pdf =
+URL.elf.pdf = ${ELF}/elf.pdf = ${INTEL}/9e/bc/64-ia-32-architectures-optimization-manual.pdf = ${INTEL}/a4/60/253665-sdm-vol-1.pdf = ${INTEL}/a4/60/325383-sdm-vol-2abcd.pdf = ${INTEL}/a4/60/325384-sdm-vol-3abcd.pdf = ${INTEL}/22/0d/335592-sdm-vol-4.pdf
+URL.multiboot.pdf =
+all: ${PDFS}
+	curl -Lf -o $@ ${URL.$@}
+	chmod a-w $@
+	rm -f ${PDFS}
diff --git a/doc/rfc/.gitignore b/doc/rfc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..808cd63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/rfc/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/doc/rfc/Makefile b/doc/rfc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87462a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/rfc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+PREFIX ?= ~/.local
+tags: rfc-index.txt.gz
+	perl | sort -f > $@
+	rsync -ptz ${MODULE}/rfc-index.txt ${MODULE}/'rfc[1-9]*.txt' .
+	gzip -9f *.txt
+	rm -f tags *.txt *.txt.gz
+install: tags rfc.vim
+	install -d ${PREFIX}/share/rfc ${PREFIX}/share/nvim/site/plugin
+	ln -f tags *.txt.gz ${PREFIX}/share/rfc
+	install -m 644 rfc.vim ${PREFIX}/share/nvim/site/plugin
+	rm -fr ${PREFIX}/share/rfc ${PREFIX}/share/nvim/site/plugin/rfc.vim
diff --git a/doc/rfc/rfc.vim b/doc/rfc/rfc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2455d8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/rfc/rfc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+if !exists('g:rfc_path')
+	let g:rfc_path = expand('<sfile>:h:h:h:h') . '/rfc'
+function! s:RFC(number)
+	if !empty(a:number)
+		let number = str2nr(matchstr(a:number, '\d\+'), 10)
+	else
+		let number = '-index'
+	endif
+	let path = expand(g:rfc_path . '/rfc' . number . '.txt.gz')
+	if filereadable(path)
+		execute 'silent' 'noswapfile' 'view' path
+	else
+		echohl ErrorMsg | echo 'No such RFC' a:number | echohl None
+	endif
+function! s:BufRead()
+	setlocal readonly
+	setlocal keywordprg=:RFC
+	setlocal iskeyword=a-z,A-Z,48-57,.,[,],-,_
+	nmap <buffer> <silent> gO :call search('^Table of Contents', 'bcs')<CR>
+command! -bar -nargs=? RFC call s:RFC(<q-args>)
+augroup RFC
+	autocmd!
+	autocmd BufRead rfc*.txt.gz call s:BufRead()
+augroup END
diff --git a/doc/rfc/ b/doc/rfc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01324a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/rfc/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use open ':encoding(ISO-8859-1)';
+use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw($GunzipError);
+($,, $\) = ("\t", "\n");
+print '!_TAG_FILE_SORTED', 2, $0; # Promise to pipe this through sort -f
+for my $rfc (<*.txt.gz>) {
+	my $handle = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip $rfc
+		or die "${rfc}: ${GunzipError}";
+	while (<$handle>) {
+		chomp;
+		# Section headings
+		if (/^([\d.]+|[A-Z][.])\s+([^\t]+)?/) {
+			print $1, $rfc, $.;
+			print $2, $rfc, $. if $2;
+			print $1, $rfc, $. if $1 =~ /^([\d.]+)[.]$/;
+		}
+		# References
+		if (/^\s*(\[[\w-]+\])\s{2,}/) {
+			print $1, $rfc, $.;
+			print "\\$1", $rfc, $.; # vim ^] prepends \ to [
+		}
+	}
+	die "${rfc}: $!" if $!;
+	close $handle;
diff --git a/Makefile b/doc/zlib/Makefile
index 6cfd4a42..6cfd4a42 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/doc/zlib/Makefile
diff --git a/adler32.3 b/doc/zlib/adler32.3
index d713d952..d713d952 100644
--- a/adler32.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/adler32.3
diff --git a/adler32_combine.3 b/doc/zlib/adler32_combine.3
index 861f235b..861f235b 100644
--- a/adler32_combine.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/adler32_combine.3
diff --git a/compress.3 b/doc/zlib/compress.3
index 22b229ee..22b229ee 100644
--- a/compress.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/compress.3
diff --git a/compressBound.3 b/doc/zlib/compressBound.3
index 5800e2ba..5800e2ba 100644
--- a/compressBound.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/compressBound.3
diff --git a/crc32.3 b/doc/zlib/crc32.3
index 3c9cc8c4..3c9cc8c4 100644
--- a/crc32.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/crc32.3
diff --git a/crc32_combine.3 b/doc/zlib/crc32_combine.3
index 2f79f623..2f79f623 100644
--- a/crc32_combine.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/crc32_combine.3
diff --git a/deflate.3 b/doc/zlib/deflate.3
index 7df313ee..7df313ee 100644
--- a/deflate.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflate.3
diff --git a/deflateBound.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateBound.3
index 63e80246..63e80246 100644
--- a/deflateBound.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateBound.3
diff --git a/deflateCopy.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateCopy.3
index f30d6301..f30d6301 100644
--- a/deflateCopy.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateCopy.3
diff --git a/deflateEnd.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateEnd.3
index e24259a3..e24259a3 100644
--- a/deflateEnd.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateEnd.3
diff --git a/deflateGetDictionary.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateGetDictionary.3
index 403f6d10..403f6d10 100644
--- a/deflateGetDictionary.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateGetDictionary.3
diff --git a/deflateInit.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateInit.3
index a893dd91..a893dd91 100644
--- a/deflateInit.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateInit.3
diff --git a/deflateInit2.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateInit2.3
index 6a581ef8..6a581ef8 100644
--- a/deflateInit2.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateInit2.3
diff --git a/deflateParams.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateParams.3
index 8e770d4e..8e770d4e 100644
--- a/deflateParams.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateParams.3
diff --git a/deflatePending.3 b/doc/zlib/deflatePending.3
index 1ce40fc2..1ce40fc2 100644
--- a/deflatePending.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflatePending.3
diff --git a/deflatePrime.3 b/doc/zlib/deflatePrime.3
index 639e715a..639e715a 100644
--- a/deflatePrime.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflatePrime.3
diff --git a/deflateReset.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateReset.3
index 7309ac15..7309ac15 100644
--- a/deflateReset.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateReset.3
diff --git a/deflateSetDictionary.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateSetDictionary.3
index c2c9d7c2..c2c9d7c2 100644
--- a/deflateSetDictionary.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateSetDictionary.3
diff --git a/deflateSetHeader.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateSetHeader.3
index 6fec645c..6fec645c 100644
--- a/deflateSetHeader.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateSetHeader.3
diff --git a/deflateTune.3 b/doc/zlib/deflateTune.3
index 7269dec0..7269dec0 100644
--- a/deflateTune.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/deflateTune.3
diff --git a/gzbuffer.3 b/doc/zlib/gzbuffer.3
index de7c706a..de7c706a 100644
--- a/gzbuffer.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzbuffer.3
diff --git a/gzclose.3 b/doc/zlib/gzclose.3
index 77eae11e..77eae11e 100644
--- a/gzclose.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzclose.3
diff --git a/gzdirect.3 b/doc/zlib/gzdirect.3
index 8fa26aae..8fa26aae 100644
--- a/gzdirect.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzdirect.3
diff --git a/gzeof.3 b/doc/zlib/gzeof.3
index 26c415fe..26c415fe 100644
--- a/gzeof.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzeof.3
diff --git a/gzerror.3 b/doc/zlib/gzerror.3
index 13dcddd4..13dcddd4 100644
--- a/gzerror.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzerror.3
diff --git a/gzflush.3 b/doc/zlib/gzflush.3
index b93c03e7..b93c03e7 100644
--- a/gzflush.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzflush.3
diff --git a/gzfread.3 b/doc/zlib/gzfread.3
index 66231cc3..66231cc3 100644
--- a/gzfread.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzfread.3
diff --git a/gzfwrite.3 b/doc/zlib/gzfwrite.3
index 38383a33..38383a33 100644
--- a/gzfwrite.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzfwrite.3
diff --git a/gzgetc.3 b/doc/zlib/gzgetc.3
index 93a90edd..93a90edd 100644
--- a/gzgetc.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzgetc.3
diff --git a/gzgets.3 b/doc/zlib/gzgets.3
index 2a329e9e..2a329e9e 100644
--- a/gzgets.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzgets.3
diff --git a/gzoffset.3 b/doc/zlib/gzoffset.3
index cbb78a77..cbb78a77 100644
--- a/gzoffset.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzoffset.3
diff --git a/gzopen.3 b/doc/zlib/gzopen.3
index e3cb4cbd..e3cb4cbd 100644
--- a/gzopen.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzopen.3
diff --git a/gzprintf.3 b/doc/zlib/gzprintf.3
index 26961f34..26961f34 100644
--- a/gzprintf.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzprintf.3
diff --git a/gzputc.3 b/doc/zlib/gzputc.3
index 161e5631..161e5631 100644
--- a/gzputc.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzputc.3
diff --git a/gzputs.3 b/doc/zlib/gzputs.3
index f5d1fd84..f5d1fd84 100644
--- a/gzputs.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzputs.3
diff --git a/gzread.3 b/doc/zlib/gzread.3
index 84439eaa..84439eaa 100644
--- a/gzread.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzread.3
diff --git a/gzseek.3 b/doc/zlib/gzseek.3
index cd85fd4c..cd85fd4c 100644
--- a/gzseek.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzseek.3
diff --git a/gzsetparams.3 b/doc/zlib/gzsetparams.3
index ff544d23..ff544d23 100644
--- a/gzsetparams.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzsetparams.3
diff --git a/gzungetc.3 b/doc/zlib/gzungetc.3
index 90cdafc7..90cdafc7 100644
--- a/gzungetc.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzungetc.3
diff --git a/gzwrite.3 b/doc/zlib/gzwrite.3
index 606d89f4..606d89f4 100644
--- a/gzwrite.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/gzwrite.3
diff --git a/inflate.3 b/doc/zlib/inflate.3
index ca90c270..ca90c270 100644
--- a/inflate.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflate.3
diff --git a/inflateBack.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateBack.3
index 59d5f8cb..59d5f8cb 100644
--- a/inflateBack.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateBack.3
diff --git a/inflateBackEnd.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateBackEnd.3
index eeb88636..eeb88636 100644
--- a/inflateBackEnd.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateBackEnd.3
diff --git a/inflateBackInit.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateBackInit.3
index 483edda5..483edda5 100644
--- a/inflateBackInit.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateBackInit.3
diff --git a/inflateCopy.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateCopy.3
index 53b30edf..53b30edf 100644
--- a/inflateCopy.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateCopy.3
diff --git a/inflateEnd.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateEnd.3
index 9b18226b..9b18226b 100644
--- a/inflateEnd.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateEnd.3
diff --git a/inflateGetDictionary.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateGetDictionary.3
index e70ee736..e70ee736 100644
--- a/inflateGetDictionary.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateGetDictionary.3
diff --git a/inflateGetHeader.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateGetHeader.3
index f77670f2..f77670f2 100644
--- a/inflateGetHeader.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateGetHeader.3
diff --git a/inflateInit.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateInit.3
index 186b058a..186b058a 100644
--- a/inflateInit.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateInit.3
diff --git a/inflateInit2.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateInit2.3
index a630f12a..a630f12a 100644
--- a/inflateInit2.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateInit2.3
diff --git a/inflateMark.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateMark.3
index 2d15993d..2d15993d 100644
--- a/inflateMark.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateMark.3
diff --git a/inflatePrime.3 b/doc/zlib/inflatePrime.3
index c89dc2c5..c89dc2c5 100644
--- a/inflatePrime.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflatePrime.3
diff --git a/inflateReset.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateReset.3
index a8d2e219..a8d2e219 100644
--- a/inflateReset.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateReset.3
diff --git a/inflateSetDictionary.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateSetDictionary.3
index 0e3c60c7..0e3c60c7 100644
--- a/inflateSetDictionary.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateSetDictionary.3
diff --git a/inflateSync.3 b/doc/zlib/inflateSync.3
index 35264ddd..35264ddd 100644
--- a/inflateSync.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/inflateSync.3
diff --git a/uncompress.3 b/doc/zlib/uncompress.3
index d951da9b..d951da9b 100644
--- a/uncompress.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/uncompress.3
diff --git a/zlibCompileFlags.3 b/doc/zlib/zlibCompileFlags.3
index 465195c2..465195c2 100644
--- a/zlibCompileFlags.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/zlibCompileFlags.3
diff --git a/zlibVersion.3 b/doc/zlib/zlibVersion.3
index 35a9854b..35a9854b 100644
--- a/zlibVersion.3
+++ b/doc/zlib/zlibVersion.3