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path: root/client.c
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authorJune McEnroe <programble@gmail.com>2017-07-30 02:40:03 -0400
committerJune McEnroe <programble@gmail.com>2017-07-30 02:41:09 -0400
commitf14711f40c281962837ce40af13fb5c37f6045b3 (patch)
tree85e43d53011d56fe56de8923defc83a07c2b8071 /client.c
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client.c b/client.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..775d296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client.c
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+#if 0
+exec cc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic $@ -lcurses -o client $0
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <curses.h>
+#include <err.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <sysexits.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#undef COLOR_RED
+#undef COLOR_BLUE
+#undef COLOR_CYAN
+#include "torus.h"
+#define ESC (0x1B)
+#define DEL (0x7F)
+#define CH_COLOR(ch) (ch & A_BOLD ? COLOR_BRIGHT | ch >> 8 & 0xFF : ch >> 8 & 0xFF)
+static int client;
+static void clientMessage(const struct ClientMessage *msg) {
+    ssize_t len = send(client, msg, sizeof(*msg), 0);
+    if (len < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "send");
+static void clientMove(int8_t dx, int8_t dy) {
+    struct ClientMessage msg = { .type = CLIENT_MOVE };
+    msg.data.m.dx = dx;
+    msg.data.m.dy = dy;
+    clientMessage(&msg);
+static void clientColor(uint8_t color) {
+    struct ClientMessage msg = { .type = CLIENT_COLOR };
+    msg.data.c = color;
+    clientMessage(&msg);
+static void clientPut(char cell) {
+    struct ClientMessage msg = { .type = CLIENT_PUT };
+    msg.data.p = cell;
+    clientMessage(&msg);
+static enum {
+} mode;
+static struct {
+    int8_t dx;
+    int8_t dy;
+    uint8_t len;
+} insert;
+static char drawChar;
+static void insertMode(int8_t dx, int8_t dy) {
+    mode = MODE_INSERT;
+    insert.dx = dx;
+    insert.dy = dy;
+    insert.len = 0;
+static void swapCell(int8_t dx, int8_t dy) {
+    int sy, sx;
+    getyx(stdscr, sy, sx);
+    move(sy + dy, sx + dx);
+    char swapCell = inch() & 0x7F;
+    uint8_t swapColor = CH_COLOR(inch());
+    move(sy, sx);
+    char cell = inch() & 0x7F;
+    uint8_t color = CH_COLOR(inch());
+    clientColor(swapColor);
+    clientPut(swapCell);
+    clientMove(dx, dy);
+    clientColor(color);
+    clientPut(cell);
+static void readInput(void) {
+    int c = getch();
+    if (mode == MODE_INSERT) {
+        if (c == ESC) {
+            mode = MODE_NORMAL;
+            clientMove(-insert.dx, -insert.dy);
+        } else if (!insert.dx && !insert.dy) {
+            switch (c) {
+                case 'h': insertMode(-1,  0); break;
+                case 'j': insertMode( 0,  1); break;
+                case 'k': insertMode( 0, -1); break;
+                case 'l': insertMode( 1,  0); break;
+                case 'y': insertMode(-1, -1); break;
+                case 'u': insertMode( 1, -1); break;
+                case 'b': insertMode(-1,  1); break;
+                case 'n': insertMode( 1,  1); break;
+            }
+        } else if (c == '\b' || c == DEL) {
+            clientMove(-insert.dx, -insert.dy);
+            clientPut(' ');
+            insert.len--;
+        } else if (c == '\n') {
+            clientMove(insert.dy, insert.dx);
+            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < insert.len; ++i) {
+                clientMove(-insert.dx, -insert.dy);
+            }
+            insert.len = 0;
+        } else if (isprint(c)) {
+            clientPut(c);
+            clientMove(insert.dx, insert.dy);
+            insert.len++;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if (mode == MODE_REPLACE) {
+        if (isprint(c)) clientPut(c);
+        mode = MODE_NORMAL;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (mode == MODE_DRAW && !drawChar) {
+        if (c == ESC) mode = MODE_NORMAL;
+        if (isprint(c)) {
+            drawChar = c;
+            clientPut(c);
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    switch (c) {
+        case ESC: mode = MODE_NORMAL; break;
+        case 'q': endwin(); exit(EX_OK);
+        case 'a': clientMove(1, 0); // fallthrough
+        case 'i': insertMode(1, 0); break;
+        case 'I': insertMode(0, 0); break;
+        case 'r': mode = MODE_REPLACE; break;
+        case 'R': mode = MODE_DRAW; drawChar = 0; break;
+        case 'x': clientPut(' '); break;
+        case '~': clientPut(inch() & 0x7F); clientMove(1, 0); break;
+        case 'h': clientMove(-1,  0); break;
+        case 'j': clientMove( 0,  1); break;
+        case 'k': clientMove( 0, -1); break;
+        case 'l': clientMove( 1,  0); break;
+        case 'y': clientMove(-1, -1); break;
+        case 'u': clientMove( 1, -1); break;
+        case 'b': clientMove(-1,  1); break;
+        case 'n': clientMove( 1,  1); break;
+        case 'H': swapCell(-1,  0); break;
+        case 'J': swapCell( 0,  1); break;
+        case 'K': swapCell( 0, -1); break;
+        case 'L': swapCell( 1,  0); break;
+        case 'Y': swapCell(-1, -1); break;
+        case 'U': swapCell( 1, -1); break;
+        case 'B': swapCell(-1,  1); break;
+        case 'N': swapCell( 1,  1); break;
+        case '1': clientColor(COLOR_RED); break;
+        case '2': clientColor(COLOR_GREEN); break;
+        case '3': clientColor(COLOR_YELLOW); break;
+        case '4': clientColor(COLOR_BLUE); break;
+        case '5': clientColor(COLOR_MAGENTA); break;
+        case '6': clientColor(COLOR_CYAN); break;
+        case '7': clientColor(COLOR_WHITE); break;
+        case '!': clientColor(COLOR_BRIGHT | COLOR_RED); break;
+        case '@': clientColor(COLOR_BRIGHT | COLOR_GREEN); break;
+        case '#': clientColor(COLOR_BRIGHT | COLOR_YELLOW); break;
+        case '$': clientColor(COLOR_BRIGHT | COLOR_BLUE); break;
+        case '%': clientColor(COLOR_BRIGHT | COLOR_MAGENTA); break;
+        case '^': clientColor(COLOR_BRIGHT | COLOR_CYAN); break;
+        case '&': clientColor(COLOR_BRIGHT | COLOR_WHITE); break;
+        case KEY_LEFT: clientMove(-1,  0); break;
+        case KEY_DOWN: clientMove( 0,  1); break;
+        case KEY_UP: clientMove( 0, -1); break;
+        case KEY_RIGHT: clientMove( 1,  0); break;
+    }
+    if (mode == MODE_DRAW && drawChar) clientPut(drawChar);
+static void serverPut(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t color, char cell) {
+    int attrs = COLOR_PAIR(color & ~COLOR_BRIGHT);
+    if (color & COLOR_BRIGHT) attrs |= A_BOLD;
+    mvaddch(y, x, attrs | cell);
+static void serverTile(void) {
+    struct Tile tile;
+    ssize_t len = recv(client, &tile, sizeof(tile), 0);
+    if (len < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "recv");
+    if (len < (ssize_t)sizeof(tile)) {
+        errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "This tile isn't big enough...");
+    }
+    for (int y = 0; y < CELL_ROWS; ++y) {
+        for (int x = 0; x < CELL_COLS; ++x) {
+            serverPut(x, y, tile.colors[y][x], tile.cells[y][x]);
+        }
+    }
+static void readMessage(void) {
+    struct ServerMessage msg;
+    ssize_t len = recv(client, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
+    if (len < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "recv");
+    if (len < (ssize_t)sizeof(msg)) errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "A message was cut short.");
+    int sy, sx;
+    getyx(stdscr, sy, sx);
+    switch (msg.type) {
+        case SERVER_TILE:
+            serverTile();
+            break;
+        case SERVER_MOVE:
+            move(msg.data.m.cellY, msg.data.m.cellX);
+            refresh();
+            return;
+        case SERVER_PUT:
+            serverPut(
+                msg.data.p.cellX,
+                msg.data.p.cellY,
+                msg.data.p.color,
+                msg.data.p.cell
+            );
+            break;
+        default:
+            errx(EX_PROTOCOL, "I don't know what %d means!", msg.type);
+    }
+    move(sy, sx);
+    refresh();
+static void drawBorder(void) {
+        endwin();
+        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, your terminal is too small!\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "It needs to be at least 80x25 characters.\n");
+        exit(EX_CONFIG);
+    }
+    if (LINES > CELL_ROWS) {
+        mvhline(CELL_ROWS, 0, 0, CELL_COLS);
+    }
+    if (COLS > CELL_COLS) {
+        mvvline(0, CELL_COLS, 0, CELL_ROWS);
+    }
+    }
+static void initColors(void) {
+    if (!has_colors()) {
+        endwin();
+        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, your terminal doesn't support colors!\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "I only need 16, I promise.\n");
+        exit(EX_CONFIG);
+    }
+    start_color();
+    for (int fg = COLOR_RED; fg < COLOR_BRIGHT; ++fg) {
+        init_pair(fg, fg, COLOR_BLACK);
+    }
+int main() {
+    client = socket(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+    if (client < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "socket");
+    struct sockaddr_un addr = {
+        .sun_family = AF_LOCAL,
+        .sun_path = "torus.sock",
+    };
+    int error = connect(client, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
+    if (error) err(EX_IOERR, "torus.sock");
+    initscr();
+    cbreak();
+    noecho();
+    keypad(stdscr, true);
+    set_escdelay(100);
+    initColors();
+    drawBorder();
+    struct pollfd fds[2] = {
+        { .fd = STDIN_FILENO, .events = POLLIN },
+        { .fd = client, .events = POLLIN },
+    };
+    for (;;) {
+        int nfds = poll(fds, 2, -1);
+        if (nfds < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue;
+        if (nfds < 0) err(EX_IOERR, "poll");
+        if (fds[0].revents) readInput();
+        if (fds[1].revents) readMessage();
+    }