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path: root/ui.c
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authorJune McEnroe <>2020-02-11 02:44:04 -0500
committerJune McEnroe <>2020-02-11 02:45:39 -0500
commit15ff2a470eb4eb291d3a7271c08b130839828720 (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /ui.c
parentAdds insecure flag to skip certificate validation (diff)
Remove legacy code
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 615 deletions
diff --git a/ui.c b/ui.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf21d3..0000000
--- a/ui.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2018, 2019  C. McEnroe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <curses.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sysexits.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <wctype.h>
-#ifndef A_ITALIC
-#include "chat.h"
-#undef uiFmt
-#define CTRL(ch) ((ch) & 037)
-enum { Esc = L'\33', Del = L'\177' };
-static const int LogLines = 512;
-static int lastLine(void) {
-	return LINES - 1;
-static int lastCol(void) {
-	return COLS - 1;
-static int logHeight(void) {
-	return LINES - 2;
-struct Window {
-	struct Tag tag;
-	WINDOW *log;
-	bool hot;
-	bool mark;
-	int scroll;
-	uint unread;
-	struct Window *prev;
-	struct Window *next;
-static struct {
-	struct Window *active;
-	struct Window *other;
-	struct Window *head;
-	struct Window *tail;
-	struct Window *tag[TagsLen];
-} windows;
-static void windowAppend(struct Window *win) {
-	if (windows.tail) windows.tail->next = win;
-	win->prev = windows.tail;
-	win->next = NULL;
-	windows.tail = win;
-	if (!windows.head) windows.head = win;
-	windows.tag[win->] = win;
-static void windowInsert(struct Window *win, struct Window *next) {
-	win->prev = next->prev;
-	win->next = next;
-	if (win->prev) win->prev->next = win;
-	win->next->prev = win;
-	if (!win->prev) windows.head = win;
-	windows.tag[win->] = win;
-static void windowRemove(struct Window *win) {
-	windows.tag[win->] = NULL;
-	if (win->prev) win->prev->next = win->next;
-	if (win->next) win->next->prev = win->prev;
-	if (windows.head == win) windows.head = win->next;
-	if (windows.tail == win) windows.tail = win->prev;
-static struct Window *windowFor(struct Tag tag) {
-	struct Window *win = windows.tag[];
-	if (win) {
-		win->tag = tag;
-		return win;
-	}
-	win = calloc(1, sizeof(*win));
-	if (!win) err(EX_OSERR, "calloc");
-	win->tag = tag;
-	win->mark = true;
-	win->scroll = LogLines;
-	win->log = newpad(LogLines, COLS);
-	wsetscrreg(win->log, 0, LogLines - 1);
-	scrollok(win->log, true);
-	wmove(win->log, LogLines - 1, 0);
-	windowAppend(win);
-	return win;
-static void windowResize(struct Window *win) {
-	wresize(win->log, LogLines, COLS);
-	wmove(win->log, LogLines - 1, lastCol());
-static void windowMark(struct Window *win) {
-	win->mark = true;
-static void windowUnmark(struct Window *win) {
-	win->mark = false;
-	win->unread = 0;
-	win->hot = false;
-static void windowShow(struct Window *win) {
-	if ( windowMark(;
-	if (win) {
-		touchwin(win->log);
-		windowUnmark(win);
-	}
-	windows.other =;
- = win;
-static void windowClose(struct Window *win) {
-	if ( == win) windowShow(win->next ? win->next : win->prev);
-	if (windows.other == win) windows.other = NULL;
-	windowRemove(win);
-	delwin(win->log);
-	free(win);
-static void windowScroll(struct Window *win, int lines) {
-	if (lines < 0) {
-		if (win->scroll == logHeight()) return;
-		if (win->scroll == LogLines) windowMark(win);
-		win->scroll = MAX(win->scroll + lines, logHeight());
-	} else {
-		if (win->scroll == LogLines) return;
-		win->scroll = MIN(win->scroll + lines, LogLines);
-		if (win->scroll == LogLines) windowUnmark(win);
-	}
-static void colorInit(void) {
-	start_color();
-	use_default_colors();
-	if (COLORS < 16) {
-		for (short pair = 0; pair < 0100; ++pair) {
-			if (pair < 010) {
-				init_pair(1 + pair, pair, -1);
-			} else {
-				init_pair(1 + pair, pair & 007, (pair & 070) >> 3);
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		for (short pair = 0; pair < 0x100; ++pair) {
-			if (pair < 0x10) {
-				init_pair(1 + pair, pair, -1);
-			} else {
-				init_pair(1 + pair, pair & 0x0F, (pair & 0xF0) >> 4);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-static attr_t colorAttr(short color) {
-	if (color < 0) return A_NORMAL;
-	if (COLORS < 16 && (color & 0x08)) return A_BOLD;
-	return A_NORMAL;
-static short colorPair(short color) {
-	if (color < 0) return 0;
-	if (COLORS < 16) return 1 + ((color & 0x70) >> 1 | (color & 0x07));
-	return 1 + color;
-static struct {
-	bool hide;
-	WINDOW *status;
-	WINDOW *input;
-} ui;
-void uiInit(void) {
-	initscr();
-	cbreak();
-	noecho();
-	termInit();
-	termNoFlow();
-	def_prog_mode();
-	colorInit();
-	ui.status = newwin(1, COLS, 0, 0);
-	ui.input = newpad(1, 512);
-	keypad(ui.input, true);
-	nodelay(ui.input, true);
-	uiShow();
-static void uiResize(void) {
-	wresize(ui.status, 1, COLS);
-	for (struct Window *win = windows.head; win; win = win->next) {
-		windowResize(win);
-	}
-void uiShow(void) {
-	ui.hide = false;
-	termMode(TermFocus, true);
-	uiDraw();
-void uiHide(void) {
-	ui.hide = true;
-	termMode(TermFocus, false);
-	endwin();
-void uiExit(int status) {
-	uiHide();
-	printf(
-		"This program is AGPLv3 Free Software!\n"
-		"Code is available from <" SOURCE_URL ">.\n"
-	);
-	exit(status);
-static int _;
-void uiDraw(void) {
-	if (ui.hide) return;
-	wnoutrefresh(ui.status);
-	if ( {
-		pnoutrefresh(
->scroll - logHeight(), 0,
-			1, 0,
-			lastLine() - 1, lastCol()
-		);
-	}
-	int x;
-	getyx(ui.input, _, x);
-	pnoutrefresh(
-		ui.input,
-		0, MAX(0, x - lastCol() + 3),
-		lastLine(), 0,
-		lastLine(), lastCol()
-	);
-	doupdate();
-static const short Colors[] = {
-	[IRCWhite]      = 8 + COLOR_WHITE,
-	[IRCBlack]      = 0 + COLOR_BLACK,
-	[IRCBlue]       = 0 + COLOR_BLUE,
-	[IRCGreen]      = 0 + COLOR_GREEN,
-	[IRCRed]        = 8 + COLOR_RED,
-	[IRCBrown]      = 0 + COLOR_RED,
-	[IRCMagenta]    = 0 + COLOR_MAGENTA,
-	[IRCOrange]     = 0 + COLOR_YELLOW,
-	[IRCYellow]     = 8 + COLOR_YELLOW,
-	[IRCLightGreen] = 8 + COLOR_GREEN,
-	[IRCCyan]       = 0 + COLOR_CYAN,
-	[IRCLightCyan]  = 8 + COLOR_CYAN,
-	[IRCLightBlue]  = 8 + COLOR_BLUE,
-	[IRCPink]       = 8 + COLOR_MAGENTA,
-	[IRCGray]       = 8 + COLOR_BLACK,
-	[IRCLightGray]  = 0 + COLOR_WHITE,
-static void addFormat(WINDOW *win, const struct Format *format) {
-	attr_t attr = A_NORMAL;
-	if (format->bold)      attr |= A_BOLD;
-	if (format->italic)    attr |= A_ITALIC;
-	if (format->underline) attr |= A_UNDERLINE;
-	if (format->reverse)   attr |= A_REVERSE;
-	short color = -1;
-	if (format->fg != IRCDefault) color = Colors[format->fg];
-	if (format->bg != IRCDefault) color |= Colors[format->bg] << 4;
-	wattr_set(win, attr | colorAttr(color), colorPair(color), NULL);
-	waddnwstr(win, format->str, format->len);
-static int printWidth(const wchar_t *str, size_t len) {
-	int width = 0;
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-		if (iswprint(str[i])) width += wcwidth(str[i]);
-	}
-	return width;
-static int addWrap(WINDOW *win, const wchar_t *str) {
-	int lines = 0;
-	struct Format format = { .str = str };
-	formatReset(&format);
-	while (formatParse(&format, NULL)) {
-		size_t word = 1 + wcscspn(&format.str[1], L" ");
-		if (word < format.len) format.len = word;
-		int x, xMax;
-		getyx(win, _, x);
-		getmaxyx(win, _, xMax);
-		if (xMax - x - 1 < printWidth(format.str, word)) {
-			if (format.str[0] == L' ') {
-				format.str++;
-				format.len--;
-			}
-			waddch(win, '\n');
-			lines++;
-		}
-		addFormat(win, &format);
-	}
-	return lines;
-static void title(const struct Window *win) {
-	int unread;
-	char *str;
-	int len = asprintf(&str, "%s%n (%u)", win->, &unread, win->unread);
-	if (len < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "asprintf");
-	if (!win->unread) str[unread] = '\0';
-	termTitle(str);
-	free(str);
-static void uiStatus(void) {
-	wmove(ui.status, 0, 0);
-	int num = 0;
-	for (const struct Window *win = windows.head; win; win = win->next, ++num) {
-		if (!win->unread && != win) continue;
-		if ( == win) title(win);
-		int unread;
-		wchar_t *str;
-		int len = aswprintf(
-			&str, L"%c\3%d %d %s %n(\3%02d%u\3%d) ",
-			( == win ? IRCReverse : IRCReset), colorFor(win->tag),
-			num, win->,
-			&unread, (win->hot ? IRCWhite : colorFor(win->tag)), win->unread,
-			colorFor(win->tag)
-		);
-		if (len < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "aswprintf");
-		if (!win->unread) str[unread] = L'\0';
-		addWrap(ui.status, str);
-		free(str);
-	}
-	wclrtoeol(ui.status);
-static void uiShowWindow(struct Window *win) {
-	windowShow(win);
-	uiStatus();
-	uiPrompt(false);
-void uiShowTag(struct Tag tag) {
-	uiShowWindow(windowFor(tag));
-static void uiShowAuto(void) {
-	struct Window *unread = NULL;
-	struct Window *hot;
-	for (hot = windows.head; hot; hot = hot->next) {
-		if (hot->hot) break;
-		if (!unread && hot->unread) unread = hot;
-	}
-	if (!hot && !unread) return;
-	uiShowWindow(hot ? hot : unread);
-void uiShowNum(int num, bool relative) {
-	struct Window *win = (relative ? : windows.head);
-	if (num < 0) {
-		for (; win; win = win->prev) if (!num++) break;
-	} else {
-		for (; win; win = win->next) if (!num--) break;
-	}
-	if (win) uiShowWindow(win);
-void uiMoveTag(struct Tag tag, int num, bool relative) {
-	struct Window *win = windowFor(tag);
-	windowRemove(win);
-	struct Window *ins = (relative ? win : windows.head);
-	if (num < 0) {
-		for (; ins; ins = ins->prev) if (!num++) break;
-	} else {
-		if (relative) ins = ins->next;
-		for (; ins; ins = ins->next) if (!num--) break;
-	}
-	ins ? windowInsert(win, ins) : windowAppend(win);
-	uiStatus();
-void uiCloseTag(struct Tag tag) {
-	windowClose(windowFor(tag));
-	uiStatus();
-	uiPrompt(false);
-static void notify(struct Tag tag, const wchar_t *str) {
-	beep();
-	if (!self.notify) return;
-	size_t len = 0;
-	char buf[256];
-	struct Format format = { .str = str };
-	formatReset(&format);
-	while (formatParse(&format, NULL)) {
-		int n = snprintf(
-			&buf[len], sizeof(buf) - len,
-			"%.*ls", (int)format.len, format.str
-		);
-		if (n < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "snprintf");
-		len += n;
-		if (len >= sizeof(buf)) break;
-	}
-	eventPipe((const char *[]) { "notify-send",, buf, NULL });
-void uiLog(struct Tag tag, enum UIHeat heat, const wchar_t *str) {
-	struct Window *win = windowFor(tag);
-	int lines = 1;
-	waddch(win->log, '\n');
-	if (win->mark && heat > UICold) {
-		if (!win->unread++) {
-			lines++;
-			waddch(win->log, '\n');
-		}
-		if (heat > UIWarm) {
-			win->hot = true;
-			notify(tag, str);
-		}
-		uiStatus();
-	}
-	lines += addWrap(win->log, str);
-	if (win->scroll != LogLines) win->scroll -= lines;
-void uiFmt(struct Tag tag, enum UIHeat heat, const wchar_t *format, ...) {
-	wchar_t *str;
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap, format);
-	vaswprintf(&str, format, ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	if (!str) err(EX_OSERR, "vaswprintf");
-	uiLog(tag, heat, str);
-	free(str);
-static void keyCode(wchar_t code) {
-	if (code == KEY_RESIZE) uiResize();
-	struct Window *win =;
-	if (!win) return;
-	switch (code) {
-		break; case KEY_UP:        windowScroll(win, -1);
-		break; case KEY_DOWN:      windowScroll(win, +1);
-		break; case KEY_PPAGE:     windowScroll(win, -(logHeight() - 1));
-		break; case KEY_NPAGE:     windowScroll(win, +(logHeight() - 1));
-		break; case KEY_LEFT:      edit(win->tag, EditLeft, 0);
-		break; case KEY_RIGHT:     edit(win->tag, EditRight, 0);
-		break; case KEY_HOME:      edit(win->tag, EditHome, 0);
-		break; case KEY_END:       edit(win->tag, EditEnd, 0);
-		break; case KEY_DC:        edit(win->tag, EditDelete, 0);
-		break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: edit(win->tag, EditBackspace, 0);
-		break; case KEY_ENTER:     edit(win->tag, EditEnter, 0);
-		break; default: return;
-	}
-	uiStatus();
-static void keyMeta(wchar_t ch) {
-	struct Window *win =;
-	if (ch >= L'0' && ch <= L'9') uiShowNum(ch - L'0', false);
-	if (ch == L'a') uiShowAuto();
-	if (ch == L'/' && windows.other) uiShowWindow(windows.other);
-	if (!win) return;
-	switch (ch) {
-		break; case L'b':  edit(win->tag, EditBackWord, 0);
-		break; case L'f':  edit(win->tag, EditForeWord, 0);
-		break; case L'\b': edit(win->tag, EditKillBackWord, 0);
-		break; case L'd':  edit(win->tag, EditKillForeWord, 0);
-		break; case L'l':  uiHide(); logList(win->tag);
-		break; case L'm':  uiLog(win->tag, UICold, L"");
-	}
-static void keyChar(wchar_t ch) {
-	struct Window *win =;
-	if (ch == CTRL(L'L')) clearok(curscr, true);
-	if (!win) return;
-	switch (ch) {
-		break; case CTRL(L'N'): uiShowNum(+1, true);
-		break; case CTRL(L'P'): uiShowNum(-1, true);
-		break; case CTRL(L'A'): edit(win->tag, EditHome, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'B'): edit(win->tag, EditLeft, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'D'): edit(win->tag, EditDelete, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'E'): edit(win->tag, EditEnd, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'F'): edit(win->tag, EditRight, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'K'): edit(win->tag, EditKillEnd, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'U'): edit(win->tag, EditKill, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'W'): edit(win->tag, EditKillBackWord, 0);
-		break; case CTRL(L'C'): edit(win->tag, EditInsert, IRCColor);
-		break; case CTRL(L'O'): edit(win->tag, EditInsert, IRCBold);
-		break; case CTRL(L'R'): edit(win->tag, EditInsert, IRCColor);
-		break; case CTRL(L'S'): edit(win->tag, EditInsert, IRCReset);
-		break; case CTRL(L'T'): edit(win->tag, EditInsert, IRCItalic);
-		break; case CTRL(L'V'): edit(win->tag, EditInsert, IRCReverse);
-		break; case CTRL(L'_'): edit(win->tag, EditInsert, IRCUnderline);
-		break; case L'\b': edit(win->tag, EditBackspace, 0);
-		break; case L'\t': edit(win->tag, EditComplete, 0);
-		break; case L'\n': edit(win->tag, EditEnter, 0);
-		break; default: if (iswprint(ch)) edit(win->tag, EditInsert, ch);
-	}
-void uiRead(void) {
-	if (ui.hide) uiShow();
-	static bool meta;
-	int ret;
-	wint_t ch;
-	enum TermEvent event;
-	while (ERR != (ret = wget_wch(ui.input, &ch))) {
-		if (ret == KEY_CODE_YES) {
-			keyCode(ch);
-		} else if (ch < 0200 && (event = termEvent((char)ch))) {
-			struct Window *win =;
-			switch (event) {
-				break; case TermFocusIn:  if (win) windowUnmark(win);
-				break; case TermFocusOut: if (win) windowMark(win);
-				break; default: {}
-			}
-			uiStatus();
-		} else if (ch == Esc) {
-			meta = true;
-			continue;
-		} else if (meta) {
-			keyMeta(ch == Del ? '\b' : ch);
-		} else {
-			keyChar(ch == Del ? '\b' : ch);
-		}
-		meta = false;
-	}
-	uiPrompt(false);
-static bool isAction(struct Tag tag, const wchar_t *input) {
-	if ( == || == return false;
-	return !wcsncasecmp(input, L"/me ", 4);
-static bool isCommand(struct Tag tag, const wchar_t *input) {
-	if ( == || == return true;
-	if (input[0] != L'/') return false;
-	const wchar_t *space = wcschr(&input[1], L' ');
-	const wchar_t *extra = wcschr(&input[1], L'/');
-	return !extra || (space && extra > space);
-void uiPrompt(bool nickChanged) {
-	static wchar_t *promptMesg;
-	static wchar_t *promptAction;
-	if (nickChanged || !promptMesg || !promptAction) {
-		free(promptMesg);
-		free(promptAction);
-		enum IRCColor color = colorGen(self.user);
-		int len = aswprintf(&promptMesg, L"\3%d<%s>\3 ", color, self.nick);
-		if (len < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "aswprintf");
-		len = aswprintf(&promptAction, L"\3%d* %s\3 ", color, self.nick);
-		if (len < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "aswprintf");
-	}
-	const wchar_t *input = editHead();
-	wmove(ui.input, 0, 0);
-	if ( {
-		if (isAction(>tag, input) && editTail() >= &input[4]) {
-			input = &input[4];
-			addWrap(ui.input, promptAction);
-		} else if (!isCommand(>tag, input)) {
-			addWrap(ui.input, promptMesg);
-		}
-	}
-	int x = 0;
-	struct Format format = { .str = input };
-	formatReset(&format);
-	while (formatParse(&format, editTail())) {
-		if (format.split) getyx(ui.input, _, x);
-		addFormat(ui.input, &format);
-	}
-	wclrtoeol(ui.input);
-	wmove(ui.input, 0, x);