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2 files changed, 26 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/home/.config/nvim/init.vim b/home/.config/nvim/init.vim
index b814666b..9245ccf4 100644
--- a/home/.config/nvim/init.vim
+++ b/home/.config/nvim/init.vim
@@ -35,11 +35,3 @@ nmap <leader>a m':0/^#include <<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>O#include <
 nmap <leader>l :0read ~/src/etc/agpl.c<CR>''
 nmap <leader>L :0read ~/src/etc/gpl.c<CR>''
 nmap <leader>d :0delete<CR>:0read !date +'.Dd \%B \%e, \%Y'<CR>
-command! -bar -nargs=? RFC
-	\ if !empty(<q-args>) |
-	\ silent noswapfile view ~/src/rfc/rfc<args>.txt.gz |
-	\ else | RFC -index | endif
-autocmd BufRead rfc*.txt.gz
-	\ setlocal keywordprg=:RFC iskeyword=a-z,A-Z,48-57,.,-,[,] |
-	\ nmap <buffer> <silent> gO :call search('^Table of Contents', 'bcs')<CR>
diff --git a/home/.config/nvim/plugin/rfc.vim b/home/.config/nvim/plugin/rfc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0aac655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/.config/nvim/plugin/rfc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+if !exists('g:rfc_path')
+	let g:rfc_path = '~/src/rfc'
+function! s:RFC(number)
+	let number = (empty(a:number) ? '-index' : a:number)
+	let path = expand(g:rfc_path . '/rfc' . number . '.txt.gz')
+	if filereadable(path)
+		execute 'silent' 'noswapfile' 'view' path
+	else
+		echohl ErrorMsg | echo 'No such RFC' number | echohl None
+	endif
+function! s:BufRead()
+	setlocal readonly
+	setlocal keywordprg=:RFC
+	setlocal iskeyword=a-z,A-Z,48-57,.,[,],-,_
+	nmap <buffer> <silent> gO :call search('^Table of Contents', 'bcs')<CR>
+command! -bar -nargs=? RFC call s:RFC(<q-args>)
+augroup RFC
+	autocmd!
+	autocmd BufRead rfc*.txt.gz call s:BufRead()
+augroup END
highlight'> 2019-05-27Break nicks with ZWNJJune McEnroe This should prevent bad wrapping. 2019-05-26Add DawnJune McEnroe 2019-05-20Declare vasprintf(3) for GNUJune McEnroe who the fuck is scraeming "#define _GNU_SOURCE" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never #define _GNU_SOURCE 2019-05-20Fix comparison warning in ttpreJune McEnroe 2019-05-20Add AuthorityJune McEnroe 2019-05-19Specify precedence of unary versions of operatorsJune McEnroe 2019-05-18Add compound assignment operators to orderJune McEnroe 2019-05-15Support simple assignment in orderJune McEnroe 2019-05-15Implement sizeof in orderJune McEnroe 2019-05-15Add orderJune McEnroe 2019-05-12Add T suffix in bitJune McEnroe 2019-05-10Highlight yacc and lex files as CJune McEnroe Their %-prefixed directives should probably be highlighted Macro. 2019-05-10Use val instead of suboptargJune McEnroe suboptarg doesn't exist in GNU. Hopefully BSD getsubopt also sets val on failure? 2019-05-09Add Parable of the SowerJune McEnroe 2019-05-07Add bit without buildJune McEnroe Need to do some stuff in the Makefile for lex and yacc and generating HTML pages for it. 2019-05-04Fix MANDIR typoJune McEnroe 2019-05-04Move relay to binJune McEnroe