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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/.bin/jrp.c b/.bin/jrp.c
index 92c935df..0904e705 100755
--- a/.bin/jrp.c
+++ b/.bin/jrp.c
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ static const dop DOP_XOR  = 0xc7314858; // pop rax; xor rdi, rax
 static const qop QOP_PROL = 0x5ffc8948e5894855; // push rbp; mov rbp, rsp; mov rsp, rdi; pop rdi
 static const qop QOP_EPIL = 0x5dec8948e0894857; // push rdi; mov rax, rsp; mov rsp, rbp; pop rbp
-static const qop QOP_RET  = 0x90666690666666c3; // ret
-static const qop QOP_CRT  = 0xb848906666e58748; // xchg rsp, rbp; mov rax, strict qword 0
+static const qop QOP_RET  = 0x90666666906666c3; // ret
+static const qop QOP_CRT  = 0xb848906690e58748; // xchg rsp, rbp; mov rax, strict qword 0
 static const qop QOP_CALL = 0x90665fe58748d0ff; // call rax; xchg rsp, rbp; pop rdi
-static const qop QOP_PUSH = 0xbf48909066666657; // push rdi; mov rdi, strict qword 0
+static const qop QOP_PUSH = 0xbf48906690666657; // push rdi; mov rdi, strict qword 0
 static const qop QOP_SUB  = 0x9066665f243c2948; // sub [rsp], rdi; pop rdi
 static const qop QOP_MUL  = 0x906666f8af0f4858; // pop rax; imul rdi, rax
 static const qop QOP_DIV  = 0x9066fff748994858; // pop rax; cqo; idiv rdi
ight'> Git upstream bans strcpy() with commit: automatically ban strcpy() c8af66ab8ad7cd78557f0f9f5ef6a52fd46ee6dd Signed-off-by: Christian Hesse <> 2018-09-11parsing: ban sprintf()Christian Hesse Git upstream bans sprintf() with commit: banned.h: mark sprintf() as banned cc8fdaee1eeaf05d8dd55ff11f111b815f673c58 Signed-off-by: Christian Hesse <> 2018-09-11parsing: ban strncpy()Christian Hesse Git upstream bans strncpy() with commit: banned.h: mark strncpy() as banned e488b7aba743d23b830d239dcc33d9ca0745a9ad Signed-off-by: Christian Hesse <> 2018-08-28filters: generate anchor links from markdownChristian Hesse This makes the markdown filter generate anchor links for headings. Signed-off-by: Christian Hesse <> Tested-by: jean-christophe manciot <> 2018-08-03Bump version.Jason A. Donenfeld Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <> 2018-08-03clone: fix directory traversalJason A. Donenfeld This was introduced in the initial version of this code, way back when in 2008. $ curl root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh ... Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <> Reported-by: Jann Horn <> 2018-08-03config: record repo.snapshot-prefix in the per-repo configKonstantin Ryabitsev