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path: root/doc/rfc/rfc.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/rfc/rfc.vim')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/rfc/rfc.vim b/doc/rfc/rfc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56d2085c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/rfc/rfc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+if !exists('g:rfc_path')
+	let g:rfc_path = expand('<sfile>:h:h:h:h') . '/rfc'
+function! s:RFC(number)
+	let number = (empty(a:number) ? '-index' : str2nr(a:number, 10))
+	let path = expand(g:rfc_path . '/rfc' . number . '.txt.gz')
+	if filereadable(path)
+		execute 'silent' 'noswapfile' 'view' path
+	else
+		echohl ErrorMsg | echo 'No such RFC' a:number | echohl None
+	endif
+function! s:BufRead()
+	setlocal readonly
+	setlocal keywordprg=:RFC
+	setlocal iskeyword=a-z,A-Z,48-57,.,[,],-,_
+	nmap <buffer> <silent> gO :call search('^Table of Contents', 'bcs')<CR>
+command! -bar -nargs=? RFC call s:RFC(<q-args>)
+augroup RFC
+	autocmd!
+	autocmd BufRead rfc*.txt.gz call s:BufRead()
+augroup END
020-08-23Update litterbox version rangeJune McEnroe 2020-08-19Set a database busy timeoutJune McEnroe 2020-07-29Add Linux supportJune McEnroe Static linking on Linux (even with musl-gcc) is just too much of a pain. People more dedicated than I am can figure it out themselves. Or how to properly sandbox this without a chroot. 2020-07-29Remove unused prevEventJune McEnroe 2020-07-23Rewrite configure scriptJune McEnroe 2020-07-21Add OpenBSD instructionsJune McEnroe 2020-07-21Use a .pc file to configureJune McEnroe 2020-07-19Filter networks with only private contexts from recents as wellJune McEnroe 2020-07-18Specify litterbox version in readmeJune McEnroe 2020-07-18Reverse order of X macro parameters for pages and keysJune McEnroe 2020-07-18Remove kcgi 0.11 compatibilityJune McEnroe 2020-07-17Filter networks with only private contextsJune McEnroe 2020-07-17Add export optionJune McEnroe Adding the export query parameter to any page downloads a .html with the default stylesheet embedded, and all navigation, forms and internal links removed, for being able to share some part of a private instance of litterbox. 2020-07-17Add margin to inputsJune McEnroe Seems that only Safari provides any margins on form elements by default. 2020-07-16Don't write null terminator in stylesheet responseJune McEnroe 2020-07-16Remove sudo from make installJune McEnroe