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LITTERBOX(1) General Commands Manual LITTERBOX(1)

litterboxIRC logger

litterbox [-Qqv] [-N network] [-U url] [-c cert] [-d path] [-h host] [-j join] [-k priv] [-l limit] [-n nick] [-p port] [-t trust] [-u user] [-w pass] [config ...]

litterbox -i | -m [-d path]

litterbox -b path [-d path]

The litterbox daemon logs IRC (over TLS) activity to a database which may be queried with scoop(1). Messages, notices, joins, parts, quits, kicks, nick changes, topic changes, bans and unbans are recorded in the database. The contents of messages are indexed for full-text search.

The litterbox daemon may be connected to the pounce(1) IRC bouncer alongside regular clients to provide central logging and a simple search query interface with -q.

The database must be initialized with -i. If the database format has changed, it will be migrated automatically when litterbox starts, or can be migrated explicitly with -m. Live backups of the database can be made with -b. Instances of litterbox connected to different IRC networks will share the same database.

Options can be loaded from files listed on the command line. Files are searched for in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/litterbox unless the path starts with ‘/’, ‘./’ or ‘../’. Each option is placed on a line, and lines beginning with ‘#’ are ignored. The options are listed below following their corresponding flags.

The arguments are as follows:

name | name
Set the network name to be used if the server does not send . The default is the server hostname.
Enable the public search query interface. This allows anyone to perform searches in private messages to litterbox. Search results are limited to channels on the current network.

Searches use the full-text search index. The searchable columns are channel, nick, user, target, message.

url | url
Set the base URL of a scooper(1) instance used to construct links to full search results in response to the search query interface enabled by -Q or -q.
Perform a live database backup to path and exit. This operation requires SQLite version 3.27.0 or newer.
path | path
Load the TLS client certificate from path and authenticate with SASL EXTERNAL, also known as CertFP. The path is searched for in the same manner as configuration files. If the private key is in a separate file, it is loaded with -k.
path | path
Set the path to the database file. See FILES for the default paths.
host | host
Connect to host.
Initialize the database and exit.
chan | chan
Join the comma-separated list of channels chan.
path | path
Load the TLS client private key from path. The path is searched for in the same manner as configuration files.
limit | limit
Limit the number of results in the search query interface enabled by -Q or -q. The default limit is 10.
Migrate the database to the latest format and exit.
nick | nick
Set the nickname to nick. The default nickname is “litterbox”.
port | port
Connect to port. The default port is 6697.
Enable the private search query interface. When connected to pounce(1), this allows the user to private message their own nickname with search queries. Search results are limited to the current network.

Searches use the full-text search index. The searchable columns are channel, query, nick, user, target, message.

path | path
Trust the self-signed certificate loaded from path and disable server name verification. The path is searched for in the same manner as configuration files.
user | user
Set the username to user. The default username is the same as the nickname.
Write sent and received IRC messages as well as SQL INSERT statements to standard error.
pass | pass
Log in with the server password pass.

Configuration files are searched for first in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, usually ~/.config, followed by the colon-separated list of paths $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.
The database file is searched for first in $XDG_DATA_HOME, usually ~/.local/share, followed by the colon-separated list of paths $XDG_DATA_DIRS.
The most likely default path of the database file.

Configuration on the command line:

litterbox -Q -h irc.example.org -j '#example'

Configuration in a file:

host = irc.example.org
join = #example

scoop(1), unscoop(1)

Full-text Query Syntax

The litterbox daemon implements the and vendor-specific IRCv3 capabilities offered by pounce(1).

June McEnroe <june@causal.agency>

Send mail to <list+litterbox@causal.agency> or join #ascii.town on irc.tilde.chat.

April 3, 2021 OpenBSD 7.4