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path: root/Makefile
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Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 265781e..12ae05a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -45,14 +45,15 @@ install: ${BINS} ${MANS} ${RCS}
 	install -d ${PREFIX}/bin ${MANDIR}/man1 ${ETCDIR}/rc.d
 	install ${BINS} ${PREFIX}/bin
 	install -m 644 ${MANS} ${MANDIR}/man1
-	install ${RCS} ${ETCDIR}/rc.d
-	install -d ${DIRS}
+	if [ -n '${RCS}' ]; then install -d ${ETCDIR}/rc.d; fi
+	if [ -n '${RCS}' ]; then install ${RCS} ${ETCDIR}/rc.d; fi
+	if [ -n '${DIRS}' ]; then install -d ${DIRS}; fi
 	rm -f ${BINS:%=${PREFIX}/bin/%}
 	rm -f ${MANS:%=${MANDIR}/man1/%}
-	rm -f ${RCS:%=${ETCDIR}/%}
-	rmdir ${DIRS}
+	if [ -n '${RCS}' ]; then rm -f ${RCS:%=${ETCDIR}/%}; fi
+	if [ -n '${DIRS}' ]; then rmdir ${DIRS}; fi
 	printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name=dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth" \
13f612f54ae1e5be8519d72a9372a0&follow=1'>Remove clientRemove call from clientCastJune McEnroe 2017-09-01Add client readOnly modeJune McEnroe 2017-08-31Clean up merge toolJune McEnroe 2017-08-31Choose B for tiles with equal modify timesJune McEnroe 2017-08-31Add quick data file merge toolJune McEnroe 2017-08-30Use only foreground color for selecting spawnJune McEnroe 2017-08-29Add four additional spawnsJune McEnroe 2017-08-28Add respawningJune McEnroe 2017-08-26Move license above includesJune McEnroe 2017-08-26Snapshot metadataJune McEnroe 2017-08-26Add meta.c to READMEJune McEnroe 2017-08-26Use MakefileJune McEnroe