about summary refs log tree commit diff homepage
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterSupport reading gzipped data in mergeJune McEnroe3 years
cgiAdd play to index.htmlJune McEnroe6 years
backportRe-create help pageJune McEnroe6 years
v2Call cap_enter in client and serverJune McEnroe6 years
daemonOnly use pidfile(3) on FreeBSDJune McEnroe6 years
ansiDump HELP_DATA with client -hJune McEnroe7 years
v1Fix color pairs once and for allJune McEnroe7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-11-29Call cap_enter in client and server v2June McEnroe
2018-11-29Fix make cleanJune McEnroe
2018-11-29Use png.h and config.mkJune McEnroe
2018-10-20Fix Makefile indentationJune McEnroe
2018-10-20Add install targetJune McEnroe
2018-10-20Add rc.torusJune McEnroe
2018-10-20Only use pidfile(3) on FreeBSD daemonJune McEnroe
2018-10-14Add server daemonizationJune McEnroe
2018-10-12Replace torus.7 with torus.1June McEnroe
2018-10-12Add -s flag to clientJune McEnroe