summary refs log tree commit diff
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRecommend kitd to run litterbox on OpenBSDJune McEnroe17 months
1.9litterbox-1.9.tar.gz  June McEnroe2 years
1.8litterbox-1.8.tar.gz  June McEnroe4 years
1.7litterbox-1.7.tar.gz  June McEnroe4 years
1.6litterbox-1.6.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.5litterbox-1.5.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.4p1litterbox-1.4p1.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.4litterbox-1.4.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.3litterbox-1.3.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.2p1litterbox-1.2p1.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.2litterbox-1.2.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-05-22Perform all migrations in one transaction 1.3June McEnroe
2020-05-21Clean up unscoop manual pageJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Fix search expression appendJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Fix dbPrepare errx callJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Add only the necessary expressions to scoop's queryJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Explicitly set stdout line buffered when pagingJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Do not sort results in scoop by defaultJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Expand and clarify documentationJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Execute PAGER with the SHELLJune McEnroe
2020-05-21Automatically perform database migrations in litterboxJune McEnroe