summary refs log tree commit diff
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRecommend kitd to run litterbox on OpenBSDJune McEnroe17 months
1.9litterbox-1.9.tar.gz  June McEnroe2 years
1.8litterbox-1.8.tar.gz  June McEnroe4 years
1.7litterbox-1.7.tar.gz  June McEnroe4 years
1.6litterbox-1.6.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.5litterbox-1.5.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.4p1litterbox-1.4p1.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.4litterbox-1.4.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.3litterbox-1.3.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.2p1litterbox-1.2p1.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
1.2litterbox-1.2.tar.gz  June McEnroe5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-08-10Mention LibreTLS in README 1.5June McEnroe
2020-08-01Check return value of asprintfJune McEnroe
2020-07-24Don't bother with --sysconfdirJune McEnroe
2020-07-24Use asprintf to concatenate queryJune McEnroe
2020-07-24Fix select #defineJune McEnroe
2020-07-24Rewrite configure script for all platforms, add OpenBSDJune McEnroe
2020-07-21Add scooper to READMEJune McEnroe
2020-07-19Add -U scooper-url option to make scooper linksJune McEnroe
2020-07-11Replace time index with (context, time) index 1.4p1June McEnroe
2020-07-08Delay creating eventsTime index when migration from v2 1.4June McEnroe